3 changed files with 122 additions and 3 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,105 @@ |
#include "Day11.h" |
#include "Day11.h" |
Result Day11::Task1() { |
Result Day11::Task1() { |
return Day::Task1(); |
auto monkeys = parseMonkeys(); |
Simulate(monkeys, 20, 3, UINT64_MAX); |
MyInt result = GetLevelOfMonkeyBusiness(monkeys); |
return to_string(result); |
} |
} |
Result Day11::Task2() { |
Result Day11::Task2() { |
return Day::Task2(); |
auto monkeys = parseMonkeys(); |
} |
Simulate(monkeys, 10000, 1, GetMaxValue(monkeys)); |
MyInt result = GetLevelOfMonkeyBusiness(monkeys); |
return to_string(result); |
} |
void Day11::Simulate(vector<Monkey> &monkeys, MyInt rounds, MyInt div, MyInt mod) { |
for (int round = 0; round < rounds; round++){ |
for (Monkey &monkey : monkeys){ |
while (!monkey.itemStack.empty()){ |
MyInt worry = monkey.itemStack.front(); |
monkey.itemStack.pop_front(); |
monkey.inspections++; |
worry = monkey.operation(worry) / div % mod; |
size_t next = (worry % monkey.testDivisor == 0) ? monkey.nextMonkeys.first : monkey.nextMonkeys.second; |
monkeys[next].itemStack.push_back(worry); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
MyInt Day11::GetMaxValue(const vector<Monkey> &monkeys) { |
// Divisors are all prime, so I can modulo the result everytime with the primes product
MyInt maxValue = 1; |
for (const Monkey &monkey : monkeys) |
maxValue *= monkey.testDivisor; |
return maxValue; |
} |
MyInt Day11::GetLevelOfMonkeyBusiness(const vector<Monkey> &monkeys) { |
MyInt max1 = 0, max2 = 0; |
for (const Monkey &monkey : monkeys){ |
if (monkey.inspections > max1){ |
max2 = max1; |
max1 = monkey.inspections; |
} else if (monkey.inspections > max2){ |
max2 = monkey.inspections; |
} |
} |
return max1 * max2; |
} |
vector<Day11::Monkey> Day11::parseMonkeys() { |
vector<Monkey> monkeys; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i += 7){ |
Monkey m; |
// itemStack
string listStr = input[i + 1].substr(18); |
for (int sIdx = 0; sIdx < listStr.size(); sIdx += 4) |
m.itemStack.push_back(stoi(listStr.substr(sIdx, 2))); |
// operation
string opStr = input[i + 2].substr(19); |
size_t opIndex = opStr.find('+'); |
if (opIndex == string::npos) |
opIndex = opStr.find('*'); |
string lhsStr = opStr.substr(0, opIndex - 1); |
string rhsStr = opStr.substr(opIndex + 2); |
char opChar = opStr[opIndex]; |
m.operation = [lhsStr, rhsStr, opChar](MyInt old) -> MyInt { |
MyInt lhs, rhs; |
if (lhsStr == "old") lhs = old; |
else lhs = stoi(lhsStr); |
if (rhsStr == "old") rhs = old; |
else rhs = stoi(rhsStr); |
if (opChar == '+') |
return lhs + rhs; |
else |
return lhs * rhs; |
}; |
// testDivisor;
m.testDivisor = stoi(input[i + 3].substr(21)); |
// nextMonkeys;
m.nextMonkeys.first = stoi(input[i + 4].substr(29)); |
m.nextMonkeys.second = stoi(input[i + 5].substr(30)); |
monkeys.push_back(m); |
} |
return monkeys; |
} |
Reference in new issue