@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
.idea |
*.js |
*.js.map |
node_modules |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
"display_name": "Pong remastered online", |
"info_text": "My new version of the game Pong, also playable against friends on the internet", |
"visible": true, |
"tags": ["Game", "Multiplayer"] |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 303 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 959 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 318 B |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
declare module Serialized{ |
interface GameObject{ |
id: string |
} |
interface Game extends GameObject{ |
players: Player[] |
balls: Ball[] |
boosts: Boost[] |
wormholes: Wormhole[] |
newBalls: NewBall[] |
} |
interface Lobby extends GameObject{ |
game: string |
clientCounts: number[] |
clients: Client[] |
} |
interface Client extends GameObject{ |
name: string |
game: string |
} |
interface Ball extends GameObject{ |
pos: Vector |
vel: Vector |
color: Color |
radius: number |
runningUp: boolean |
nextStep: Vector |
} |
interface Player extends GameObject{ |
pos: Vector |
dim: Vector |
vel: Vector |
margin: number |
moveMargin: number |
color: Color |
points: number |
lobby: Lobby |
input: Player.Input |
boosts: ActiveBoost[] |
frameRate: number |
vision: boolean |
} |
interface Item extends GameObject{ |
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
color: Color |
time: TimeProcess |
currentRadius: number |
} |
interface Wormhole extends Item{ |
} |
interface Boost extends Item{ |
type: string |
bool: string |
} |
interface NewBall extends Item{ |
} |
interface ActiveBoost extends GameObject{ |
type: string |
bool: string |
positive: boolean |
time: TimeProcess |
color: Color |
} |
interface Vector{ |
x: number |
y: number |
} |
interface Color{ |
stroke: string |
fill: string |
} |
interface TimeProcess{ |
max: number |
now: number |
finished: boolean |
} |
module Player{ |
interface Input{ |
up: boolean |
down: boolean |
left: boolean |
right: boolean |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ |
declare module Settings{ |
interface Global{ |
project: Project |
frameWork: FrameWork |
game: Game |
} |
interface Project{ |
name: string |
author: string |
playerCounts: number[] |
online: Online |
} |
interface Online{ |
iceServers: ICEServer[] |
} |
interface ICEServer{ |
url: string |
username: string |
credential: string |
} |
interface FrameWork{ |
frameRate: number |
updateRate: number |
width: number |
height: number |
} |
interface Game{ |
ball: Ball |
player: Player |
item: { |
wormhole: Wormhole |
boost: Boost |
newBall: NewBall |
} |
} |
interface Ball{ |
radius: number |
velocity: Ball.Velocity |
acceleration: Ball.Acceleration |
runUp: Ball.RunUp |
color: Color |
safeRadius: number |
} |
interface Player{ |
length: number |
depth: number |
margin: number |
points: number |
absVel: number |
color: Color |
thisStroke: string |
moveMargin: number |
blinkTime: number |
} |
interface Item{ |
radius: number |
spawnTime: number |
color: Color |
duration: number |
fadeTime: number |
} |
interface Boost extends Item{ |
types: string[] |
effect: { |
[effect: string]: Effect |
} |
} |
interface Wormhole extends Item{ |
power: number |
minRadius: number |
maxRadius: number |
} |
interface NewBall extends Item{ |
} |
interface Color{ |
stroke: string |
fill: string |
} |
interface Effect{ |
duration: number |
positive: { |
[key: string]: number |
} |
negative: { |
[key: string]: number |
} |
standard : { |
[key: string]: number |
} |
} |
interface Vector{ |
x: number |
y: number |
} |
interface TimeProcess{ |
max: number |
now: number |
} |
module Ball{ |
interface RunUp{ |
min: number |
max: number |
} |
interface Velocity{ |
start: number |
min: number |
runUpMax: number |
resetMultiplier: number |
} |
interface Acceleration{
permanent: number |
max: number |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
enum Direction{ |
Top, |
Right, |
Bottom, |
Left, |
Forward, |
Back, |
Center |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ |
function myKeyPressed() { |
if ($('input').is(':focus')){ |
if (p.keyCode === 13 && $('#chat-input > input').is(':focus')){ |
onlineManager.sendMessage() |
} |
return true |
} |
if (game instanceof OnlineGame){ |
switch (p.keyCode){ |
case 38: |
case 87: |
game.input.up = true |
break |
case 40: |
case 83: |
game.input.down = true |
break |
case 65: |
case 37: |
game.input.left = true |
break |
case 68: |
case 39: |
game.input.right = true |
break |
} |
game.sendInput() |
} |
switch (p.keyCode){ |
case 37: |
case 38: |
case 39: |
case 40: |
case 65: |
case 68: |
case 83: |
case 87: |
return false |
} |
} |
function myKeyReleased() { |
if ($('input').is(':focus')) return true |
if (game instanceof OnlineGame){ |
switch (p.keyCode){ |
case 38: |
case 87: |
game.input.up = false |
break |
case 40: |
case 83: |
game.input.down = false |
break |
case 65: |
case 37: |
game.input.left = false |
break |
case 68: |
case 39: |
game.input.right = false |
break |
} |
game.sendInput() |
switch (p.keyCode){ |
case 32: |
game.togglePlay(true, false) |
return false |
case 37: |
case 38: |
case 39: |
case 40: |
case 65: |
case 68: |
case 83: |
case 87: |
return false |
} |
} |
window.onresize = () => { |
adjustDOMSizes() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ |
class Game{ |
//Absolute Main class for everything that is happening in pong
//Contains everything that appears in the gameplay
//Update method applies frame updates to every entity and/or process
settings: Settings.Game |
players: Player[] |
balls: Ball[] |
boosts: Boost[] |
wormholes: Wormhole[] |
newBalls: NewBall[] |
finished: boolean |
paused: boolean |
constructor(settings: Settings.Game){ |
this.settings = settings |
} |
init(lobby?: Lobby): void{ |
this.players = this.createPlayers(['0', '1']) |
this.balls = this.createBalls('0') |
this.boosts = [] |
this.wormholes = [] |
this.newBalls = [] |
this.play() |
} |
createPlayer(side: Direction, id: string, otherCount: number): Player{ |
return new Player(side, id, this.settings.player, otherCount) |
} |
createPlayers(ids: string[]): Player[]{ |
switch (ids.length){ |
case 2: |
return [ |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Left, ids[0], 2), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Right, ids[1], 2) |
] |
case 3: |
return [ |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Left, ids[0], 3), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Right, ids[1], 3), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Top, ids[2], 3) |
] |
case 4: |
return [ |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Left, ids[0], 4), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Right, ids[1], 4), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Top, ids[2], 4), |
this.createPlayer(Direction.Bottom, ids[3], 4) |
] |
} |
} |
createBall(id: string): Ball{ |
return new Ball(this.settings.ball, id) |
} |
createBalls(...ids: string[]): Ball[]{ |
let balls = [] |
for (let id of ids) |
balls.push(this.createBall(id)) |
return balls |
} |
finish(): void{ |
this.pause() |
this.finished = true |
} |
restart(): void{ |
this.finished = false |
this.init() |
} |
play(): void{ |
if (this.finished) this.restart() |
this.paused = false |
$('#toggle-play').addClass('paused') |
} |
pause(): void{ |
if (this.finished) return |
this.paused = true |
$('#toggle-play').removeClass('paused') |
} |
togglePlay(fromClient?: boolean, fromInitiator?: boolean): void{ |
$('#toggle-play').blur() |
if (this.paused){ |
this.play() |
} else { |
this.pause() |
} |
} |
update(online?: boolean): void{ |
if (this.paused) return |
for (let p of this.players) p.update(online) |
for (let b of this.balls) b.update(this.balls, this.players, this.boosts, this.wormholes, this.newBalls) |
for (let b of this.boosts) b.update() |
for (let b of this.wormholes) b.update() |
for (let n of this.newBalls) n.update() |
this.tryCreateItem(Boost, this.settings.item.boost, this.boosts) |
this.tryCreateItem(Wormhole, this.settings.item.wormhole, this.wormholes) |
this.tryCreateItem(NewBall, this.settings.item.newBall, this.newBalls) |
for (let p of this.players) if (p.hasLost) this.finish() |
} |
tryCreateItem(Type: typeof Item, settings: Settings.Item, items: Item[]){ |
if (ranBool(p.int(p.frameRate()) * settings.spawnTime)){ |
items.push(Item.fromNew(this.players, settings, Type)) |
} |
} |
display(): void{ |
this.deadZone() |
for (let p of this.players) p.show() |
for (let b of this.balls) b.show() |
for (let b of this.boosts) b.show() |
for (let w of this.wormholes) w.show() |
for (let n of this.newBalls) n.show() |
} |
deadZone(): void{ |
p.noFill() |
p.stroke(255, 0, 0) |
p.strokeWeight(3) |
for (let pl of this.players){ |
p.beginShape() |
if (pl.isLeft || pl.isRight){ |
for (let y = pl.boxTopSide; y < pl.boxBottomSide; y++){ |
let x = p.map(p.noise(p.random(p.frameCount)), 0, 1, -pl.width / 2, pl.width / 2) + pl.centerX |
p.vertex(x, y) |
} |
} |
if (pl.isTop || pl.isBottom){ |
for (let x = pl.boxLeftSide; x < pl.boxRightSide; x++){ |
let y = p.map(p.noise(p.random(p.frameCount)), 0, 1, -pl.height / 2, pl.height / 2) + pl.centerY |
p.vertex(x, y) |
} |
} |
p.endShape() |
} |
} |
} |
class OnlineGame extends Game{ |
//Main class for a game that is played via WebRTC Connection
id: string |
lobby: Lobby |
socket: any |
p2p: any |
input: Serialized.Player.Input |
initiator: boolean |
packetManager: { |
count: number |
lastTime: number |
deltaTime: number |
time: number |
} |
constructor(socket: any, p2p: any, settings: Settings.Game){ |
super(settings) |
this.socket = socket |
this.p2p = p2p |
this.packetManager = { |
count: 0, |
lastTime: Date.now(), |
deltaTime: 0, |
time: 0 |
} |
} |
set data(data: Serialized.Game){ |
let pm = this.packetManager |
pm.count++ |
pm.deltaTime = Date.now() - pm.lastTime |
pm.lastTime = Date.now() |
pm.time += pm.deltaTime |
if (pm.time > 5000){ |
console.log(pm.count + ' Data packs received from leading Peer, last one: ', data) |
pm.count = 0 |
pm.time = 0 |
} |
//Function to apply new values to objects which can disappear or appear
function applyValues(Type: typeof GameObject | typeof Player | typeof Ball | typeof Item, |
objects1: Serialized.GameObject[], objects2: GameObject[], |
settings: any): void{ |
for (let o1 of objects1){ |
let found = false |
for (let o2 of objects2){ |
if (o1.id === o2.id){ |
o2.applyValues(o1) |
found = true |
} |
} |
if (!found){ |
let newObject |
switch (Type){ |
case Boost: |
case Wormhole: |
newObject = Item.fromSerialized(o1, settings, Type) |
break |
case Ball: |
newObject = Ball.fromSerialized(o1, settings) |
break |
case NewBall: |
newObject = Item.fromSerialized(o1, settings, Type) |
break |
} |
objects2.push(newObject) |
} |
} |
for (let o2 of objects2){ |
let found = false |
for (let o1 of objects1){ |
if (o1.id === o2.id) found = true |
} |
if (!found){ |
let index = objects2.indexOf(o2) |
objects2.splice(index, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
applyValues(Player, data.players, this.players, this.settings.player) |
applyValues(Ball, data.balls, this.balls, this.settings.ball) |
applyValues(Boost, data.boosts, this.boosts, this.settings.item.boost) |
applyValues(Wormhole, data.wormholes, this.wormholes, this.settings.item.wormhole) |
applyValues(NewBall, data.newBalls, this.newBalls, this.settings.item.newBall) |
} |
init(lobby: Lobby): void{ |
this.input = {up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false} |
this.lobby = lobby |
this.id = this.lobby.id |
//The initiator runs the actual game
//and sends the game to other peers
this.initiator = (this.socket.id === this.lobby.leader.id) |
let ids = [] |
for (let p of this.lobby.clients) ids.push(p.id) |
this.players = this.createPlayers(ids) |
this.balls = this.createBalls(this.lobby.leader.id) |
this.boosts = [] |
this.wormholes = [] |
this.newBalls = [] |
} |
createPlayer(side: Direction, id: string, otherCount: number): Player{ |
return new Player(side, id, this.settings.player, otherCount, this.lobby) |
} |
setPlayerInput(player: any): void{ |
for (let p of this.players){ |
if (p.id === player.id){ |
p.input = player.input |
} |
} |
} |
sendInput(): void{ |
let player = { |
id: this.getThisPlayer().id, |
input: this.input, |
lobby: this.getThisPlayer().lobby |
} |
if (this.initiator){ |
this.setPlayerInput(player) |
} else { |
this.p2p.emit('player-input', player) |
} |
} |
getThisPlayer(): Player{ |
for (let p of this.players){ |
if (p.id === this.socket.id) |
return p |
} |
} |
togglePlay(fromClient: boolean, fromInitiator: boolean): void{ |
if (this.initiator){ |
super.togglePlay() |
this.emitAction('togglePlay') |
} else { |
if (fromInitiator){ |
super.togglePlay() |
} else { |
if (fromClient){ |
this.emitAction('togglePlay') |
} |
} |
} |
} |
update(): void{ |
if (this.initiator){ |
super.update(true) |
this.p2p.emit('game-data', this.serialized()) |
} |
} |
emitAction(action: string){ |
this.p2p.emit('game-action', { |
action: action,
lobby: this.lobby.serialized(), |
fromInitiator: this.initiator |
}) |
} |
finish(): void{ |
super.finish() |
if (this.initiator) |
this.emitAction('finish') |
} |
restart(){ |
this.finished = false |
this.init(this.lobby) |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Game{ |
let players: Serialized.Player[] = [],
balls: Serialized.Ball[] = [], |
boosts: Serialized.Boost[] = [], |
wormholes: Serialized.Wormhole[] = [], |
newBalls: Serialized.NewBall[] = [] |
for (let b of this.balls) balls.push(b.serialized()) |
for (let p of this.players) players.push(p.serialized()) |
for (let b of this.boosts) boosts.push(b.serialized()) |
for (let w of this.wormholes) wormholes.push(w.serialized()) |
for (let n of this.newBalls) newBalls.push(n.serialized()) |
return { |
players: players, |
balls: balls, |
boosts: boosts, |
wormholes: wormholes, |
newBalls: newBalls, |
id: this.id |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,536 @@ |
class GameObject{ |
id: string |
constructor(id: string){ |
this.id = id |
} |
applyValues(state: Serialized.GameObject | {[key: string]: number}): void{ |
let recurse = (objIn: any, objOut: any): void => { |
for (let p in objIn){ |
if (typeof objIn[p] == 'object' && objIn[p] != null){ |
if (!objOut[p]) objOut[p] = {}; |
recurse(objIn[p], objOut[p]) |
} else objOut[p] = objIn[p] |
} |
} |
recurse(state, this) |
} |
} |
class Ball extends GameObject{ |
//Main class for the moving ball object and the gameboard
settings: Settings.Ball |
color: Settings.Color |
runUp: RunUp |
runningUp: boolean |
timeAfterRunUp: number |
lastPlayerHit: Player |
collides: boolean |
//Position and dimensions
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
vel: Vector |
acc: Vector |
maxAcc: number |
permaAcc: number |
nextStep: Vector |
constructor(settings: Settings.Ball, id: string){ |
super(id) |
this.settings = settings |
this.initSetup(true) |
} |
get canCollide(): boolean{ |
return this.dist(p.width / 2, p.height / 2) > this.settings.safeRadius |
} |
get future(): Ball{ |
let future = this.copy() |
future.move() |
return future |
} |
get nextPosition(): Vector{ |
let future = this.pos.copy() |
future.add(this.vel) |
return future |
} |
get downSide(): number{return this.pos.y + this.radius} |
get upSide(): number{return this.pos.y - this.radius} |
get leftSide(): number{return this.pos.x - this.radius} |
get rightSide(): number{return this.pos.x + this.radius} |
get centerX(): number{return this.pos.x} |
get centerY(): number{return this.pos.y} |
get size(): number{return this.radius * 2} |
static fromSerialized(ball: Serialized.GameObject, settings: Settings.Ball): Ball{ |
let b = new Ball(settings, ball.id) |
b.applyValues(ball) |
return b |
} |
initSetup(hardReset: boolean): void{ |
let s = this.settings |
this.setup(s.radius, s.velocity, s.acceleration, s.runUp, s.color, hardReset) |
} |
setup(r: number, v: Settings.Ball.Velocity, a: Settings.Ball.Acceleration, s: Settings.Ball.RunUp, c: Settings.Color, hardReset: boolean): void{ |
this.pos = new Vector(p.width / 2, p.height / 2) |
this.acc = new Vector(0, 0) |
this.maxAcc = a.max |
this.permaAcc = a.permanent |
if (hardReset) this.vel = new Vector(0, v.start) |
else if (this.vel.mag() * v.resetMultiplier > v.min) this.vel.mult(v.resetMultiplier) |
this.radius = r |
this.color = c |
this.runUp = new RunUp(s, v) |
this.runningUp = true |
} |
reset(hardReset: boolean): void{ |
this.initSetup(hardReset) |
} |
update(balls: Ball[], players: Player[], |
boosts: Boost[], wormholes: Wormhole[], newBalls: NewBall[]): void{ |
if (this.runningUp){ |
this.runUp.update(this) |
} else { |
let items = (boosts as Item[]).concat(newBalls) |
this.collision(balls, players, items) |
this.checkWormholes(wormholes) |
this.move() |
} |
} |
move(){ |
this.acc.limit(this.maxAcc) |
this.vel.addMag(this.permaAcc) |
this.vel.add(this.acc) |
if (this.nextStep){ |
this.pos.add(this.nextStep) |
this.nextStep = null |
} else { |
this.pos.add(this.vel) |
} |
this.acc.mult(0) |
} |
applyForce(force: Vector){ |
this.acc.add(force.div(this.radius)) |
} |
checkWormholes(wormholes: Wormhole[]){ |
for (let w of wormholes){ |
w.attractBall(this) |
} |
} |
collision(balls: Ball[], players: Player[], items: Item[]): void{ |
this.collides = false |
if (this.itemCollision(items)) return |
if (this.playerCollision(players)) return |
if (this.deadZoneCollision(players)) return |
if (this.wallCollision()) return |
if (this.ballCollision(balls)) return |
} |
itemCollision(items: Item[]): boolean{ |
let item = this.touchesItems(items) |
if (item){ |
//Add new Item interactions with ball collision here
if (item instanceof Boost && this.lastPlayerHit) this.lastPlayerHit.applyBoost(item as Boost) |
if (item instanceof NewBall) game.balls.push(new Ball(this.settings, randomToken())) |
item.destroy() |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
playerCollision(players: Player[]): boolean{ |
let player = this.touchesPlayers(players) |
if (player){ |
this.turnXY(player) |
this.lastPlayerHit = player |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
deadZoneCollision(players: Player[]): boolean{ |
for (let p of players){ |
if (this.willBeInDeadZone(p) || this.isInDeadZone(p)){ |
if (this.isInDeadZone(p)){ |
p.lost(this) |
return true |
} else { |
this.moveIntoDeadZone(p) |
} |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
wallCollision(): boolean{ |
if (this.willTouchWall() || this.touchesWall()){ |
if (this.touchesWall()) { |
this.turnY() |
return true |
} else { |
this.moveOnWall() |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
ballCollision(balls: Ball[]): boolean{ |
if (!this.canCollide) return false |
for (let b of balls){ |
if (b.id === this.id || b.collides) continue |
if (this.willTouchBall(b) || this.touchesBall(b)){ |
b.collides = true |
if (this.touchesBall(b)){ |
this.performBallCollision(b) |
return true |
} |
this.moveOnBall(b) |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
touchesItems(items: Item[]): Item{ |
for (let i of items){ |
if (this.willTouchItem(i)){ |
if (this.touchesItem(i)){ |
return i |
} |
} |
} |
return null |
} |
touchesPlayers(players: Player[]): Player{ |
for (let p of players){ |
if (this.willTouchPlayer(p) || this.touchesPlayer(p)){ |
if (this.touchesPlayer(p)){ |
return p |
} else { |
this.moveOnPlayer(p) |
} |
} |
} |
return null |
} |
willTouchWall(): boolean{ |
return this.future.touchesWall() |
} |
touchesWall(): boolean{ |
return this.downSide >= p.height || this.upSide <= 0 |
} |
posTouchesWall(pos: Vector): boolean{ |
let copy = this.copy() |
copy.pos.x = pos.x |
copy.pos.y = pos.y |
return copy.downSide >= p.height || copy.upSide <= 0 |
} |
moveOnWall(): void{ |
let pos = this.pos.copy() |
let dir = new Vector(0, 0) |
let vel = Vector.fromAngle(this.vel.heading()).mult(0.5) |
while (!this.posTouchesWall(pos)){ |
pos.add(vel) |
dir.add(vel) |
if (dir.mag() > this.vel.mag()) |
break //error
} |
if (!this.nextStep) this.nextStep = dir |
} |
willTouchItem(item: Item): boolean{ |
let now = this.copy() |
let then = this.future |
let dist = Vector.sub(then.pos, now.pos).mag() |
let nowDist = 0 |
while(nowDist <= dist){ |
if (now.touchesItem(item)){ |
return true |
} |
now.pos.addMag(1) |
nowDist++ |
} |
return false |
} |
touchesItem(item: Item): boolean{ |
let dist = this.dist(item.pos.x, item.pos.y) |
return dist <= this.radius + item.radius |
} |
willTouchPlayer(player: Player): boolean{ |
return this.future.touchesPlayer(player.future) |
} |
touchesPlayer(player: Player): boolean{ |
if (player.isLeft || player.isRight){ |
for (let y = player.upSide; y <= player.downSide; y++){ |
let touch = this.touchesPos(player.toGameSide, y) |
if (touch) return true |
} |
} |
if (player.isTop || player.isBottom){ |
for (let x = player.leftSide; x <= player.rightSide; x++){ |
let touch = this.touchesPos(x, player.toGameSide) |
if (touch) return true |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
posTouchesPlayer(pos: Vector, player: Player): boolean{ |
if (player.isLeft || player.isRight){ |
for (let y = player.upSide; y <= player.downSide; y++){ |
if (p.dist(pos.x, pos.y, player.toGameSide, y) - this.radius <= 0.2) return true |
} |
} |
if (player.isTop || player.isBottom){ |
for (let x = player.leftSide; x <= player.rightSide; x++){ |
if (p.dist(pos.x, pos.y, x, player.toGameSide) - this.radius <= 0.2) return true |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
moveOnPlayer(player: Player): void{ |
let pos = this.pos.copy() |
let dir = new Vector(0, 0) |
let vel = Vector.fromAngle(this.vel.heading()).mult(0.5) |
while (!this.posTouchesPlayer(pos, player)){ |
pos.add(vel) |
dir.add(vel) |
if (dir.mag() > this.vel.mag()) |
break //error
} |
this.nextStep = dir |
} |
isInDeadZone(player: Player): boolean{ |
if ((this.centerX < player.leftSide && player.isLeft || |
this.centerX > player.rightSide && player.isRight) |
&& this.centerY > player.boxTopSide |
&& this.centerY < player.boxBottomSide){ |
return true |
} |
if ((this.centerY < player.upSide && player.isTop || |
this.centerY > player.downSide && player.isBottom) |
&& this.centerX > player.boxLeftSide |
&& this.centerX < player.boxRightSide){ |
return true |
} |
} |
posIsInDeadZone(pos: Vector, player: Player): boolean{ |
let copy = this.copy() |
copy.pos = pos.copy() |
if ((copy.centerX < player.leftSide && player.isLeft || |
copy.centerX > player.rightSide && player.isRight) |
&& copy.centerY > player.boxTopSide |
&& copy.centerY < player.boxBottomSide){ |
return true |
} |
if ((copy.centerY < player.upSide && player.isTop || |
copy.centerY > player.downSide && player.isBottom) |
&& copy.centerX > player.boxLeftSide |
&& copy.centerX < player.boxRightSide){ |
return true |
} |
} |
willBeInDeadZone(player: Player): boolean{ |
return this.posIsInDeadZone(this.future.pos.copy(), player) |
} |
moveIntoDeadZone(player: Player): void{ |
let pos = this.pos.copy() |
let dir = new Vector(0, 0) |
let vel = Vector.fromAngle(this.vel.heading()).mult(0.5) |
while (!this.posIsInDeadZone(pos, player)){ |
pos.add(vel) |
dir.add(vel) |
if (dir.mag() > this.vel.mag()) |
break //error
} |
this.nextStep = dir |
} |
touchesBall(ball: Ball): boolean{ |
return this.dist(ball.centerX, ball.centerY) <= this.radius + ball.radius |
} |
willTouchBall(ball: Ball): boolean{ |
return this.future.touchesBall(ball.future) |
} |
moveOnBall(ball: Ball): void{ |
let pos = this.pos.copy() |
let dir = new Vector(0, 0) |
let vel = Vector.fromAngle(this.vel.heading()).mult(0.5) |
while (!this.posTouchesBall(pos, ball)){ |
pos.add(vel) |
dir.add(vel) |
if (dir.mag() > this.vel.mag()) |
break //error
} |
this.nextStep = dir |
} |
posTouchesBall(pos: Vector, ball: Ball): boolean{ |
let b = this.copy() |
b.pos = pos.copy() |
return b.touchesBall(ball) |
} |
performBallCollision(ball: Ball): void{ |
Collision.ellipseToEllipse(this, ball) |
} |
touchesPos(x: number, y: number): boolean{ |
let d = this.dist(x, y) |
return d <= this.radius + 0.2 |
} |
dist(x: number, y: number): number{ |
return p.dist(x, y, this.centerX, this.centerY) |
} |
turnY(): void{ |
this.vel.y *= -1 |
} |
turnX(): void{ |
this.vel.x *= -1 |
} |
turnXY(player: Player): void{ |
if (player.isLeft || player.isRight){ |
this.turnX() |
// Number between -0.5 (ball on the top) and 0.5 (ball on the bottom of player)
let divider = (this.centerY - (player.upSide - this.radius)) / (player.height + this.radius * 2) - 0.5 |
this.vel.rotate((player.isLeft ? 1 : -1) * divider) |
} |
if (player.isTop || player.isBottom){ |
this.turnY() |
// Number between -0.5 (ball on the left) and 0.5 (ball on the right of player)
let divider = (this.centerX - (player.leftSide - this.radius)) / (player.width + this.radius * 2) - 0.5 |
this.vel.rotate((player.isBottom ? 1 : -1) * divider) |
} |
} |
copy(): Ball{ |
let ball = new Ball(this.settings, this.id) |
ball.pos = this.pos.copy() |
ball.vel = this.vel.copy() |
ball.nextStep = this.nextStep |
ball.radius = this.radius |
return ball |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Ball{ |
return { |
pos: this.pos.serialized(), |
vel: this.vel.serialized(), |
color: this.color, |
radius: this.radius, |
runningUp: this.runningUp, |
nextStep: this.nextStep, |
id: this.id |
} |
} |
show(): void{ |
p.push() |
p.fill(this.color.fill) |
p.stroke(this.color.stroke) |
p.translate(this.centerX, this.centerY) |
p.strokeWeight(3) |
p.ellipse(0, 0, this.size, this.size) |
if (this.runningUp){ |
p.stroke(0, 255, 0) |
p.fill(0, 100, 0) |
p.rotate(this.vel.heading()) |
let mag = this.vel.mag() * 15 |
p.strokeWeight(mag / 50) |
p.line(0, 0, mag, 0) |
p.triangle(mag, -mag / 8, mag, mag / 8, mag + mag / 4, 0) |
} |
p.pop() |
} |
} |
class RunUp{ |
time: TimeProcess |
rVel = 0 |
mVel = 0 |
rAcc = 0 |
mAcc = 0 |
minVel: number |
maxVel: number |
constructor(s: Settings.Ball.RunUp, v: Settings.Ball.Velocity){ |
this.time = new TimeProcess(Math.random() * (s.max - s.min) + s.min) |
this.minVel = v.min |
this.maxVel = v.runUpMax |
} |
update(b: Ball): void{ |
this.time.update() |
this.mAcc = (Math.random() - 0.5) / 50 |
this.rAcc = (Math.random() - 0.5) / 50 |
if (Math.abs(this.mVel) < 0.5) |
this.mVel += this.mAcc |
if (Math.abs(this.rVel) < 0.1) |
this.rVel += this.rAcc |
if (b.vel.mag() < this.maxVel && b.vel.mag() > this.minVel) |
b.vel.addMag(this.mVel) |
b.vel.rotate(this.rVel) |
b.runningUp = !this.time.finished |
if (!b.runningUp){ |
b.lastPlayerHit = null |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
let debug = false, |
viewPort = {x: 0, y: 0}, |
localFont: any, |
localSettings: Settings.Global; |
let state = 'menu', |
game: Game | OnlineGame, |
onlineManager: OnlineManager, |
loader: Loader, |
icons : { |
speed: { |
positive |
negative |
} |
border: { |
positive |
negative |
} |
} |
const p = new p5((p: p5) => { |
p.preload = (): void => { |
localSettings = <Settings.Global>p.loadJSON('data/settings/settings.json', {}, "json", (json) => { |
console.log('Local settings loaded: ', json) |
}, (error) => { |
console.log('Local settings failed: ', error) |
}) |
localFont = p.loadFont('data/styles/font.ttf', (json) => { |
console.log('Local font loaded: ', json) |
}, error => { |
console.log('Local font failed: ', error) |
}) |
p.loadJSON('data/settings/libraries.json', json => { |
loadScripts(json) |
console.log('BenjoCraeft library scripts loaded: ', json) |
}) |
icons = {speed: {positive: null, negative: null}, border: {positive: null, negative: null}} |
icons.speed.positive = p.loadImage('data/images/speed_icon_positive.png') |
icons.speed.negative = p.loadImage('data/images/speed_icon_negative.png') |
icons.border.positive = p.loadImage('data/images/border_icon_positive.png') |
icons.border.negative = p.loadImage('data/images/border_icon_negative.png') |
} |
p.setup = (): void => { |
canvasSetup(localSettings.frameWork, localFont) |
interfaceSetup() |
} |
p.draw = (): void => { |
p.background(90, 90, 120) |
//p.image(img, 0, 0, p.width, p.height)
if (game){ |
game.update() |
game.display() |
} |
if (loader){ |
loader.update() |
loader.display() |
} |
if (debug) debugInformation() |
} |
}); |
p.keyPressed = myKeyPressed; |
p.keyReleased = myKeyReleased; |
declare let debugInformation: () => void |
declare let ranBool: (chance: number) => boolean |
declare let Collision: { |
ellipseToEllipse: (e1: Ball, e2: Ball) => void |
} |
function canvasSetup(settings: Settings.FrameWork, font): void{ |
p.frameRate(settings.frameRate) |
let canvas = p.createCanvas(settings.width, settings.height) |
canvas.parent('canvasHolder') |
adjustDOMSizes() |
p.textFont(font) |
} |
function startOfflineGame(): void{ |
$('#setup-controls').hide() |
$('#game-controls').show() |
game = new Game(localSettings.game) |
game.init() |
console.log('Offline Game started:', game) |
} |
function adjustDOMSizes(){ |
let w = window.innerWidth |
let h = window.innerHeight |
$('canvas, #canvasHolder').css({ |
width: h * 0.95,
height: h * 0.95 |
}) |
$('#interface, #chat').css({ |
width: (w - h * 0.95 - 4) / 2 - 4 - 10, |
height: h * 0.95, |
'margin-top': h * 0.025 - 2, |
'margin-left': 5 |
}) |
$('#chat').css({ |
'margin-right': 5 |
}) |
} |
function interfaceSetup(): void{ |
function handleRadioInput(): void{ |
let type = $('#game-type input[type=radio]:checked').val() |
$('#game-properties > *').hide() |
if (type === 'offline'){ |
$('.start').show() |
state = 'offline-start' |
} else if (type === 'online'){ |
$('.player-name').show() |
state = 'player-name' |
} |
$('#game-properties').show() |
} |
$('#lobby, #chat').hide() |
$('#game-type input[type=radio]').change(handleRadioInput) |
handleRadioInput() |
} |
function continueForm(dom: any): void{ |
$(dom).blur() |
switch(state){ |
case 'offline-start': |
startOfflineGame() |
break; |
case 'player-name': |
let input = getValidInput(state) |
if (input){ |
onlineManager = new OnlineManager(input, localSettings) |
$('.player-name').hide() |
$('.player-actions').show() |
state = 'player-actions' |
} |
break |
} |
} |
function randomToken(): string{ |
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 1e16).toString(16).substring(1) |
} |
function loadScripts(libs: string[]){ |
for (let script in libs){ |
if (libs[script]){ |
let url = '/lib/benjocraeft/' + script + '.js' |
$.getScript(url, () => { |
console.log('Successfully loaded script: ', url) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ |
class Item extends GameObject{ |
//Superior class for everything apperaring on the gameboard
//after a period of time, for a period of time
settings: Settings.Item |
color: Serialized.Color |
time: TimeProcess |
fadeTime: number |
//Position and dimensions
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
currentRadius: number |
constructor(settings: Settings.Item){ |
super(randomToken()) |
this.radius = settings.radius |
this.fadeTime = settings.fadeTime |
this.currentRadius = 1 |
this.color = { |
stroke: settings.color.stroke, |
fill: settings.color.fill |
} |
this.time = new TimeProcess(settings.duration) |
} |
get centerX(): number{return this.pos.x} |
get centerY(): number{return this.pos.y} |
get size(): number{return this.currentRadius * 2} |
static fromSerialized(item: Serialized.GameObject, settings: Settings.Item, Type: typeof Item): Item{ |
let i = new Type(settings) |
i.pos = new Vector(0, 0) |
i.applyValues(item) |
return i |
} |
static fromNew(players: Player[], settings: Settings.Item, Type: typeof Item): Item{ |
let i = new Type(settings) |
i.pos = i.getStartPosition(players) |
return i |
} |
getStartPosition(players: Player[]): Vector{ |
let left: number, |
right: number, |
top = this.radius, |
bottom = p.height - this.radius |
for (let p of players){ |
if (p.isLeft) left = p.rightSide + this.radius |
if (p.isRight) right = p.leftSide - this.radius |
if (p.isTop) top = p.downSide + this.radius |
if (p.isBottom) bottom = p.upSide - this.radius |
} |
let x = p.random(left, right), |
y = p.random(top, bottom) |
return new Vector(x, y) |
} |
update(): void{ |
this.time.update() |
if (this.time.finished) this.destroy() |
if (this.time.timeLeft() < this.fadeTime){ |
this.currentRadius = p.pow(this.time.timeLeft() / this.fadeTime, 2) * this.radius |
} else if (this.time.now < this.fadeTime){ |
this.currentRadius = p.pow(this.time.now / this.fadeTime, 2) * this.radius |
} |
} |
destroy(): void{} |
serialized(): Serialized.Item{ |
return { |
id: this.id, |
radius: this.radius, |
pos: this.pos.serialized(), |
color: this.color, |
time: this.time, |
currentRadius: this.currentRadius |
} |
} |
} |
class TimeProcess{ |
//Numbers in Milliseconds
max: number |
now: number |
finished: boolean |
constructor(max){ |
this.max = max |
this.now = 0 |
this.finished = false |
} |
update(): void{ |
this.now += 1000 / p.frameRate() |
if (this.now >= this.max) this.finished = true |
} |
progress(): number{ |
return this.now / this.max |
} |
timeLeft(): number{ |
return this.max - this.now |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.TimeProcess{ |
return { |
max: this.max, |
now: this.now, |
finished: this.finished |
} |
} |
} |
class Boost extends Item{ |
//Class for the boost objects appearing on the game board
//Inherits following properties from Item:
/* |
id: string |
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
color: Serialized.Color |
settings: Settings.Item |
time: TimeProcess |
*/ |
type: string |
positive: boolean |
bool: string |
effect: Settings.Effect |
constructor(settings: Settings.Boost){ |
super(settings) |
this.type = p.random(settings.types) |
this.positive = ranBool(2) |
this.bool = this.positive ? "positive" : "negative" |
this.effect = settings.effect[this.type] |
this.color = { |
stroke: settings.color[this.bool].stroke, |
fill: settings.color[this.bool].fill |
} |
} |
destroy(): void{ |
let index = game.boosts.indexOf(this) |
game.boosts.splice(index, 1) |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Boost{ |
let item = super.serialized() as Serialized.Boost |
item.type = this.type |
item.bool = this.bool |
return item |
} |
show(): void{ |
let angle = p.TWO_PI * (1 - this.time.now / this.time.max), |
size = this.size |
p.push() |
p.translate(this.centerX, this.centerY) |
p.image(icons[this.type][this.bool], -size / 2, -size / 2, size, size) |
p.pop() |
} |
} |
class ActiveBoost{ |
time: TimeProcess |
type: string |
positive: boolean |
bool: string |
player: Player |
color: Settings.Color |
effect: {[key: string]: number} |
reset: {[key: string]: number} |
id: string |
constructor(player: Player, boost: Boost){ |
this.id = randomToken() |
this.time = new TimeProcess(boost.effect.duration) |
this.type = boost.type |
this.color = { |
stroke: boost.color.stroke, |
fill: boost.color.fill |
} |
this.positive = boost.positive |
this.bool = boost.bool |
this.player = player |
if (boost.positive) this.effect = boost.effect.positive |
if (!boost.positive) this.effect = boost.effect.negative |
this.reset = boost.effect.standard |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.ActiveBoost{ |
return { |
time: this.time.serialized(), |
type: this.type, |
bool: this.bool, |
positive: this.positive, |
color: this.color, |
id: this.id |
} |
} |
update(): void{ |
this.player.applyValues(this.effect) |
this.time.update() |
if (this.time.finished){ |
this.player.applyValues(this.reset) |
for (let b of this.player.boosts){ |
if (b.id === this.id){ |
let index = this.player.boosts.indexOf(b) |
this.player.boosts.splice(index, 1) |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
class Loader{ |
dim: p5.Vector; |
c: any; |
radius: number; |
center: p5.Vector; |
angle: number; |
constructor(dom: any){ |
this.dim = p.createVector($(dom).width(), $(dom).height()); |
this.c = p.createGraphics(this.dim.x, this.dim.y, 'p2d'); |
this.c.parent(dom); |
this.radius = p.min([this.dim.x, this.dim.y]) * 0.4; |
this.center = p.createVector(this.dim.x / 2, this.dim.y / 2); |
$(dom).find('canvas').show(); |
this.angle = 0; |
$(dom).show(); |
} |
update(): void{ |
this.angle += p.PI / 10; |
} |
display(): void{ |
let c = this.c; |
c.clear(); |
c.noFill(); |
c.stroke(0); |
c.strokeWeight(5); |
c.arc(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.radius * 2, this.radius * 2, this.angle, this.angle + p.PI + p.HALF_PI); |
} |
destroy(): void{ |
this.c.remove() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
class Lobby implements Serialized.Lobby{ |
id: string |
clients: Serialized.Client[] |
clientCounts: number[] |
game: string |
constructor(lobby: Serialized.Lobby){ |
this.id = lobby.id |
this.clients = lobby.clients |
this.clientCounts = lobby.clientCounts |
this.game = lobby.game |
} |
get leader(): Serialized.Client{ |
return this.clients[0] |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Lobby{ |
return { |
id: this.id, |
game: this.game, |
clientCounts: this.clientCounts, |
clients: this.clients |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
class NewBall extends Item{ |
//Class for the new ball objects appearing on the game board
//Inherits following properties from Item:
/* |
id: string |
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
color: Serialized.Color |
settings: Settings.Item |
time: TimeProcess |
*/ |
constructor(settings: Settings.NewBall){ |
super(settings) |
} |
destroy(): void{ |
let index = game.newBalls.indexOf(this) |
game.newBalls.splice(index, 1) |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.NewBall{ |
let newBall = super.serialized() as Serialized.NewBall |
return newBall |
} |
show(): void{ |
p.push() |
p.translate(this.centerX, this.centerY) |
p.fill(this.color.fill) |
p.stroke(this.color.stroke) |
p.ellipse(0, 0, this.size, this.size) |
p.pop() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ |
declare let P2P: any |
declare let io: any |
class OnlineManager{ |
socket: any |
settings: Settings.Global |
lobby: Lobby |
p2p: any |
constructor(name: string, settings: Settings.Global){ |
this.connectToServer(settings.project, name, () => { |
this.connectToPeers(settings.project) |
this.setSocketEvents() |
this.settings = settings |
}); |
} |
connectToServer(project: Settings.Project, name: string, cb): void{ |
let urlQueries = '?game=' + project.name + '&name=' + name; |
$.get('data/settings/get_port.php', port => { |
let url = 'https://' + location.hostname + ':' + port + urlQueries |
this.socket = io.connect(url) |
this.socket.on('connect', () => |
console.log('Connected to ', url)); |
cb(); |
}); |
} |
connectToPeers(project: Settings.Project){ |
let iceServers = project.online.iceServers |
let opts = {peerOpts: {trickle: false, config: {iceServers: iceServers}}} |
this.p2p = new P2P(this.socket, opts) |
this.p2p.usePeerConnection = true |
this.p2p.useSockets = false |
console.log('Created WebRTC Connection:', this.p2p) |
} |
setSocketEvents(): void{ |
this.socket.on('connected', () =>
onlineAnswerFrontend()) |
this.socket.on('member-joined', (lobby: Serialized.Lobby) =>
this.setLobby(new Lobby(lobby))) |
this.socket.on('member-left', (lobby: Serialized.Lobby) =>
this.setLobby(new Lobby(lobby))) |
this.socket.on('join-failed', (error: string) =>
this.joinFailed(error)) |
this.socket.on('start-game', () =>
this.startOnlineGame()) |
} |
setPeerEvents(){ |
//Game actions like togglePlay
this.p2p.on('game-action', (req: any) => { |
if (req.lobby.id !== this.lobby.id) return |
game[req.action](false, req.fromInitiator) |
}) |
//For every non-leader, whole game sent by leader
this.p2p.on('game-data', (data: Serialized.Game) => { |
if (data.id !== this.lobby.id) return |
(game as OnlineGame).data = data |
}) |
//For leader, inputs sent by others
this.p2p.on('player-input', (player: Serialized.Player) => { |
if (player.lobby.id !== this.lobby.id) return |
(game as OnlineGame).setPlayerInput(player) |
}) |
this.p2p.on('chat-msg', (req: any) => { |
if (req.lobby.id !== this.lobby.id) return |
this.addChatMessage(req.msg) |
}) |
this.p2p.on('peer-error', (data: any) =>
console.log('Peer-Error: ', data)) |
} |
setLobby(lobby: Lobby): void{ |
if (!this.lobby) this.setPeerEvents() |
this.lobby = lobby |
onlineAnswerFrontend() |
$('.error-label').html('') |
$('#setup-controls').hide() |
$('#lobby-members').html('') |
this.setLobbyMembers() |
this.setLeaderAbilites() |
this.checkPlayerCount() |
$('#lobby > span:eq(1)').html(this.lobby.id) |
$('#lobby, #chat').show() |
console.log('Set lobby with id: ', this.lobby.id) |
} |
setLobbyMembers(): void{ |
for (let c of this.lobby.clients){ |
let dom = $('<div></div>') |
dom.attr('class', 'lobby-member border-node') |
if (c.id === this.socket.id){ |
dom.attr('id', 'this-player') |
} |
if (this.lobby.leader.id === c.id){ |
dom.attr('id', 'lobby-leader') |
} |
dom.html(c.name) |
$('#lobby-members').append(dom) |
} |
console.log('Set lobby members: ', this.lobby.clients) |
} |
setLeaderAbilites(): void{ |
if (this.socket.id === this.lobby.leader.id){ |
$('#start-lobby').show() |
console.log('Leader: ', true) |
} else { |
$('#start-lobby').hide() |
console.log('Leader: ', false) |
} |
} |
checkPlayerCount(): void{ |
let wrongCount = true |
let lo = this.lobby |
let pc = lo.clientCounts |
for (let c of pc){ |
if (c === lo.clients.length) wrongCount = false |
} |
if (wrongCount){ |
let error = 'Only as ' |
for (let c of pc){ |
let comma = pc.indexOf(c) === pc.length - 1 ? '' : ', ' |
error += c + comma |
} |
$('#lobby .error-label').html(error) |
$('#start-lobby').prop('disabled', true) |
} else { |
$('#lobby .error-label').html('') |
$('#start-lobby').prop('disabled', false) |
} |
} |
createLobby(dom: any): void{ |
onlineRequestFrontend(dom) |
this.socket.emit('create-lobby', this.settings) |
console.log('Server request: create lobby') |
} |
joinLobby(dom: any): void{ |
let input = getValidInput('join') |
if (input){ |
onlineRequestFrontend(dom) |
this.socket.emit('join-lobby', input) |
console.log('Server request: join lobby: ', input) |
} |
} |
joinFailed(error: string): void{ |
onlineAnswerFrontend() |
$('.error-label').html(error) |
console.log('Joining lobby failed. Reason: ', error) |
} |
startLobby(dom: any): void{ |
onlineRequestFrontend(dom) |
this.socket.emit('start-game', this.lobby.id, this.settings) |
console.log('Server request: start lobby: ', this.lobby.id) |
} |
startOnlineGame(): void{ |
onlineAnswerFrontend() |
$('#lobby').hide() |
$('#game-controls').show() |
game = new OnlineGame(this.socket, this.p2p, this.settings.game) |
game.init(this.lobby) |
console.log('Online Game started:', game) |
} |
addChatMessage(msg: any): void{ |
let chat = $('#chat-content'),
name: string, |
message = $('<div></div>') |
if (chat.find('.message').last().attr('name') === "0"){ |
name = "1" |
} else name = "0" |
message.addClass('message') |
message.attr('name', name) |
let writer = $('<span></span>'), |
content = $('<span></span>') |
writer.html('[' + msg.writer + ']: ') |
content.html(msg.content) |
message.append(writer, content) |
chat.append(message) |
message.get(0).scrollIntoView(false) |
} |
sendMessage(): void{ |
let content = $($('#chat-input > input')[0]).val(), |
name: string |
if (content === '')
return |
$($('#chat-input > input')[0]).val('') |
for (let c of this.lobby.clients){ |
if (c.id === this.socket.id) |
name = c.name |
} |
let msg = {writer: name, content: content} |
this.addChatMessage(msg) |
this.p2p.emit('chat-msg', { |
lobby: this.lobby.serialized(), |
msg: { |
writer: name,
content: content |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
function onlineRequestFrontend(dom: any): void{ |
$(dom).blur() |
$('.setup').prop('disabled', true) |
if (loader) loader.destroy() |
loader = new Loader($('#loader').get(0)) |
} |
function onlineAnswerFrontend(): void{ |
$('.setup').prop('disabled', false) |
if (loader) loader.destroy() |
} |
function getValidInput(type: string): string{ |
$('.error-label').html('') |
if (type === 'player-name'){ |
let val = $('#player-name > input').val() |
if (val === ''){ |
$('#player-name > .error-label').html('Please enter a name!') |
} else return val as string |
} |
if (type === 'join'){ |
let val = $('#lobby-code > input').val() |
if (val === ''){ |
$('#lobby-code > .error-label').html('Please enter your code!') |
} else return val as string |
} |
return null |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ |
class Player extends GameObject{ |
//Main class for the Players involved in the game
//including real life input and the paddleboard
settings: Settings.Player |
//Online players
lobby: Lobby |
color: Settings.Color |
thisStroke: string |
otherCount: number |
//Position and dimensions
pos: Vector |
side: Direction |
dim: Vector |
margin: number |
vel: Vector |
absVel: number |
acc: Vector |
moveMargin: number |
points: number |
hasLost: boolean |
//Boosts / Modifications
boosts: ActiveBoost[] |
frameRate: number |
vision: boolean |
blinkProcess: TimeProcess |
constructor(side: Direction, id: string, settings: Settings.Player, otherCount: number, lobby?: Lobby){ |
super(id) |
this.settings = settings |
this.lobby = lobby |
this.otherCount = otherCount |
this.side = side |
this.setup(settings) |
} |
_input: Serialized.Player.Input |
get input(): Serialized.Player.Input{ |
let input = {up: null, down: null, right: null, left: null}; |
if (this.isRight){ |
if (p.keyIsDown(38)) input.up = true; |
if (p.keyIsDown(40)) input.down = true; |
} |
if (this.isLeft){ |
if (p.keyIsDown(87)) input.up = true; |
if (p.keyIsDown(83)) input.down = true; |
} |
if (this.isTop){ |
if (p.keyIsDown(65)) input.left = true; |
if (p.keyIsDown(68)) input.right = true; |
} |
if (this.isBottom){ |
if (p.keyIsDown(37)) input.left = true; |
if (p.keyIsDown(39)) input.right = true; |
} |
return input; |
} |
set input(input: Serialized.Player.Input){ |
this._input = input |
} |
get startPosition(): Vector{ |
let s = this.settings |
let side = this.side, |
d = s.depth, |
l = s.length, |
m = s.margin, |
cw = p.width, |
ch = p.height |
let x = (side === Direction.Left) ? m : |
(side === Direction.Right) ? (cw - m - d) : |
(side === Direction.Top || side === Direction.Bottom) ? (this.boxLeftSide + this.boxWidth / 2 - l / 2) : null |
let y = (side === Direction.Left || side === Direction.Right) ? (this.boxTopSide + this.boxHeight / 2 - l / 2) : |
(side === Direction.Top) ? m : |
(side === Direction.Bottom) ? (ch - m - d) : null |
if (x == null || y == null){ |
console.error('Something went wrong with computing the players positions. Side:', side) |
} |
return new Vector(x, y) |
} |
get startDimension(): Vector{ |
let s = this.settings |
let d = s.depth, |
l = s.length, |
side = this.side |
let x = (side === Direction.Left || side === Direction.Right) ? d : |
(side === Direction.Top || side === Direction.Bottom) ? l : null |
let y = (side === Direction.Left || side === Direction.Right) ? l : |
(side === Direction.Top || side === Direction.Bottom) ? d : null |
if (x == null || y == null){ |
console.error('Something went wrong with computing the players dimensions. Side:', side) |
} |
return new Vector(x, y) |
} |
get future(): Player{ |
let future = new Player(this.side, this.id, this.settings, this.otherCount) |
future.pos = this.pos.copy() |
future.vel = this.vel.copy() |
future.move() |
return future |
} |
get moveTopSide(): number{return this.boxTopSide + this.moveMargin} |
get moveBottomSide(): number{return this.boxBottomSide - this.moveMargin} |
get moveLeftSide(): number{return this.boxLeftSide + this.moveMargin} |
get moveRightSide(): number{return this.boxRightSide - this.moveMargin} |
get boxTopSide(): number{return (this.isTop ? 0 : (this.isBottom ? (p.height - this.margin) : (this.otherCount === 2 ? 0 : this.margin)))} |
get boxBottomSide(): number {return (this.isTop ? this.margin : ((this.isBottom || this.otherCount != 4) ? p.height : p.height - this.margin))} |
get boxLeftSide(): number {return this.isLeft ? 0 : (this.isRight ? p.width - this.margin : this.margin)} |
get boxRightSide(): number {return this.isLeft ? this.margin : (this.isRight ? p.width : p.width - this.margin)} |
get boxCenterX(): number {return (this.boxLeftSide + this.boxRightSide) / 2} |
get boxCenterY(): number {return (this.boxTopSide + this.boxBottomSide) / 2} |
get boxWidth(): number {return (this.isLeft || this.isRight) ? this.margin : p.width - 2 * this.margin} |
get boxHeight(): number {return ((this.isTop || this.isBottom) ? this.margin : (this.otherCount === 2) ? p.height : (this.otherCount === 3) ? p.height - this.margin : p.height - 2 * this.margin)} |
get isLeft(): boolean {return this.side === Direction.Left} |
get isRight(): boolean {return this.side === Direction.Right} |
get isTop(): boolean {return this.side === Direction.Top} |
get isBottom(): boolean {return this.side === Direction.Bottom} |
get leftSide(): number {return this.pos.x} |
get rightSide(): number {return this.pos.x + this.dim.x} |
get downSide(): number {return this.pos.y + this.dim.y} |
get upSide(): number {return this.pos.y} |
get toGameSide(): number {return this.isLeft ? this.rightSide : (this.isRight ? this.leftSide : (this.isTop ? this.downSide : (this.isBottom ? this.upSide : null)))} |
get centerX(): number {return this.leftSide + this.width / 2} |
get centerY(): number {return this.upSide + this.height / 2} |
get width(): number {return this.dim.x} |
get height(): number {return this.dim.y} |
setup(settings: Settings.Player): void{ |
this._input = {up: false, down: false, left: false, right: false} |
this.color = { |
stroke: settings.color.stroke, |
fill: settings.color.fill |
} |
this.thisStroke = settings.thisStroke |
this.margin = settings.margin |
this.pos = this.startPosition |
this.dim = this.startDimension |
this.vel = new Vector(0, 0) |
this.absVel = settings.absVel |
this.moveMargin = settings.moveMargin |
this.points = settings.points |
this.hasLost = false |
this.boosts = [] |
this.vision = false |
this.frameRate = 60 |
} |
applyValues(state: Serialized.GameObject | {[key: string]: number}): void{ |
let recurse = (objIn: any, objOut: any): void => { |
if (Array.isArray(objIn)){ |
for (let o1 of objOut){ |
let found = false |
for (let o2 of objIn){ |
if (o2 === o1){ |
found = true |
break |
} |
} |
if (!found){ |
objOut.splice(objOut.indexOf(o1), 1) |
} |
} |
} |
for (let p in objIn){ |
if (typeof objIn[p] == 'object' && objIn[p] != null){ |
if (!objOut[p]) objOut[p] = {}; |
recurse(objIn[p], objOut[p]) |
} else objOut[p] = objIn[p] |
} |
} |
recurse(state, this) |
} |
applyBoost(boost: Boost): void{ |
for (let b of this.boosts){ |
let index = this.boosts.indexOf(b) |
if (b.type === boost.type){ |
this.boosts.splice(index, 1) |
} |
} |
this.boosts.push(new ActiveBoost(this, boost)) |
} |
reset(): void{ |
this.setup(this.settings); |
} |
checkInputs(online: boolean): void{ |
let input: Serialized.Player.Input |
this.vel.mult(0) |
if (online) |
input = this._input |
else |
input = this.input |
if (this.isLeft || this.isRight){ |
if (input.up && this.upSide > this.boxTopSide + this.moveMargin) |
this.vel.y -= this.absVel |
if (input.down && this.downSide < this.boxBottomSide - this.moveMargin) |
this.vel.y += this.absVel |
} |
if (this.isTop || this.isBottom){ |
if (input.left && this.leftSide > this.boxLeftSide + this.moveMargin) |
this.vel.x -= this.absVel |
if (input.right && this.rightSide < this.boxRightSide - this.moveMargin) |
this.vel.x += this.absVel |
} |
} |
update(online: boolean): void{ |
this.checkInputs(online) |
this.updateBoosts() |
this.move() |
this.updateBlink() |
} |
updateBoosts(): void{ |
for (let b of this.boosts){ |
b.update() |
} |
} |
move(): void{ |
this.pos.add(this.vel) |
} |
equals(other: Player): boolean{ |
return this === other |
} |
lost(ball: Ball): void{ |
this.points-- |
this.blink({ |
stroke: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', |
fill: 'rgb(100, 0, 0)' |
}) |
ball.reset(false) |
if (!this.points) this.hasLost = true |
} |
blink(color: Settings.Color): void{ |
this.color = color |
this.blinkProcess = new TimeProcess(this.settings.blinkTime) |
} |
updateBlink(): void{ |
if (this.blinkProcess){ |
this.blinkProcess.update() |
if (this.blinkProcess.finished){ |
this.color = { |
stroke: this.settings.color.stroke, |
fill: this.settings.color.fill |
} |
this.blinkProcess = null |
} |
} |
} |
copy(): Player{ |
let copy = new Player(this.side, this.id, this.settings, this.otherCount) |
copy.pos = this.pos.copy() |
copy.vel = this.vel.copy() |
return copy |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Player{ |
let boosts: Serialized.ActiveBoost[] = [] |
for (let b of this.boosts) boosts.push(b.serialized()) |
return { |
id: this.id, |
pos: this.pos.serialized(), |
vel: this.vel.serialized(), |
dim: this.dim.serialized(), |
margin: this.margin, |
moveMargin: this.moveMargin, |
color: this.color, |
points: this.points, |
lobby: this.lobby.serialized(), |
input: this.input, |
boosts: boosts, |
frameRate: this.frameRate, |
vision: this.vision |
} |
} |
show(): void{ |
let stroke = this.color.stroke |
if (game instanceof OnlineGame){ |
if (game.getThisPlayer().id === this.id) stroke = this.thisStroke |
p.fill(this.color.fill) |
p.stroke(stroke) |
p.strokeWeight(2) |
p.rect(this.leftSide, this.upSide, this.width, this.height, p.min([this.width, this.height]) * 0.5) |
p.fill(0, 255, 0) |
p.stroke(0) |
p.strokeWeight(5) |
if (this.isLeft || this.isRight){ |
p.line(this.leftSide, this.moveTopSide, this.rightSide, this.moveTopSide) |
p.line(this.leftSide, this.moveBottomSide, this.rightSide, this.moveBottomSide) |
} |
if (this.isTop || this.isBottom){ |
p.line(this.moveLeftSide, this.upSide, this.moveLeftSide, this.downSide) |
p.line(this.moveRightSide, this.upSide, this.moveRightSide, this.downSide) |
} |
p.textAlign('center', 'center') |
p.textSize(20) |
p.fill(0) |
p.strokeWeight(3) |
p.stroke(255, 0, 0) |
p.text(p.str(this.points), this.boxCenterX, this.boxCenterY) |
//TODO: Boost display for top and bottom players and add boost images
let positiveCount = 0, |
negativeCount = 0
for (let b of this.boosts){ |
let positive = b.positive |
if (positive) positiveCount++ |
else negativeCount++ |
let boxX, |
boxY, |
boxSize = this.margin * 0.8, |
imgSize = boxSize * 0.7, |
imgX = (boxSize - imgSize) / 2, |
imgY = boxSize * 0.05, |
barW = boxSize * 0.9, |
barH = boxSize * 0.15, |
barX = (boxSize - barW) / 2, |
barY = boxSize - barH - boxSize * 0.05, |
processW = barW * (1 - b.time.now / b.time.max), |
margin = boxSize * 0.1 |
if (this.isLeft || this.isRight){ |
boxX = this.boxLeftSide + (this.margin - boxSize) / 2 |
boxY = this.boxCenterY - boxSize / 2 + (boxSize + margin) * (positive ? -positiveCount : negativeCount) |
} |
if (this.isTop || this.isBottom){ |
boxX = this.boxCenterX - boxSize / 2 + (boxSize + margin) * (positive ? -positiveCount : negativeCount) |
boxY = this.boxTopSide + (this.margin - boxSize) / 2 |
} |
//Box content
p.push() |
p.translate(boxX, boxY) |
p.noFill() |
p.stroke(0) |
p.strokeWeight(1) |
p.rect(barX, barY, barW, barH, barH / 5) |
p.fill(b.color.fill) |
p.rect(barX, barY, processW, barH, barH / 5)
p.image(icons[b.type][b.bool], imgX, imgY, imgSize, imgSize) |
p.pop() |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
class Vector extends p5.Vector { |
x: number |
y: number |
constructor(x: number, y: number){ |
super(x, y); |
} |
addMag(length: number): Vector{ |
this.setMag(this.mag() + length) |
return this |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Vector{ |
return { |
x: this.x,
y: this.y |
}; |
} |
copy(): Vector{ |
return new Vector(this.x, this.y) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ |
class Wormhole extends Item{ |
//Class for the wormhole objects appearing on the game board
//Inherits following properties from Item:
/* |
id: string |
pos: Vector |
radius: number |
color: Serialized.Color |
settings: Settings.Item |
time: TimeProcess |
*/ |
power: number |
constructor(settings: Settings.Wormhole){ |
super(settings) |
this.power = settings.power |
this.fadeTime = settings.fadeTime |
this.radius = p.random(settings.minRadius, settings.maxRadius) |
} |
serialized(): Serialized.Wormhole{ |
let item = super.serialized() as Serialized.Wormhole |
return item |
} |
destroy(): void{ |
let index = game.wormholes.indexOf(this) |
game.wormholes.splice(index, 1) |
} |
attractBall(ball: Ball): void{ |
let distance = ball.dist(this.centerX, this.centerY) |
let force = (this.power * ball.radius * this.currentRadius) / p.pow(distance, 2) |
let forceVector = Vector.sub(this.pos, ball.pos).setMag(force) as Vector |
ball.applyForce(forceVector) |
} |
show(): void{ |
let alpha = 0 |
p.push() |
p.noFill() |
p.strokeWeight(2) |
for (let r = this.currentRadius; r > 0; --r){ |
let color = p.color(this.color.fill) |
color.setAlpha(p.constrain(alpha, 0, 1) * 255) |
p.stroke(color) |
p.ellipse(this.centerX, this.centerY, r * 2, r * 2) |
alpha += 1 / this.currentRadius; |
} |
p.pop() |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
<?php |
echo parse_ini_file("../../../server/.env")["HTTPS_PORT"]; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"collision": true, |
"colorPicker": false, |
"cookie": true, |
"loader": false, |
"prototypes": true, |
"technical": true |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
{ |
"project": { |
"name": "pong", |
"author": "BenjoCraeft", |
"playerCounts": [2, 3, 4], |
"online": { |
"iceServers": [ |
{"urls": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}, |
{ |
"urls": "turn:numb.viagenie.ca", |
"credential": "muazkh", |
"username": "webrtc@live.com" |
} |
] |
} |
}, |
"frameWork": { |
"frameRate": 60, |
"updateRate": 60, |
"width": 1000, |
"height": 1000 |
}, |
"game": { |
"ball": { |
"radius": 10, |
"velocity": { |
"start": 7, |
"min": 5, |
"runUpMax": 9, |
"resetMultiplier": 0.8 |
}, |
"acceleration": { |
"permanent": 0.007, |
"max": 1 |
}, |
"runUp": { |
"min": 1000, |
"max": 3000 |
}, |
"color": { |
"stroke": "rgb(0, 0, 220)", |
"fill": "rgb(50, 50, 255)" |
}, |
"safeRadius": 75 |
}, |
"player": { |
"length": 200, |
"depth": 12, |
"margin": 80, |
"points": 20, |
"absVel": 6, |
"color": { |
"stroke": "rgb(0, 0, 0)", |
"fill": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" |
}, |
"thisStroke": "rgb(255, 255, 0)", |
"moveMargin": 50, |
"blinkTime": 200 |
}, |
"item": { |
"boost": { |
"radius": 30, |
"types": [ |
"speed", |
"border" |
], |
"color": { |
"positive": { |
"stroke": "rgb(0, 255, 0)", |
"fill": "rgb(0, 100, 0)" |
}, |
"negative": { |
"stroke": "rgb(255, 0, 0)", |
"fill": "rgb(100, 0, 0)" |
} |
}, |
"spawnTime": 4, |
"duration": 20000, |
"fadeTime": 500, |
"effect": { |
"speed": { |
"duration": 15000, |
"positive": { |
"absVel": 9 |
}, |
"negative": { |
"absVel": 3 |
}, |
"standard": { |
"absVel": 6 |
} |
}, |
"border": { |
"duration": 10000, |
"positive": { |
"moveMargin": 0 |
}, |
"negative": { |
"moveMargin": 100 |
}, |
"standard": { |
"moveMargin": 50 |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
"wormhole": { |
"minRadius": 80, |
"maxRadius": 120, |
"fadeTime": 1000, |
"power": 100, |
"color": { |
"fill": "rgb(0, 0, 0)", |
"stroke": "rgb(0, 0, 0)" |
}, |
"spawnTime": 20, |
"duration": 5000 |
}, |
"newBall": { |
"radius": 40, |
"fadeTime": 1500, |
"spawnTime": 15, |
"duration": 15000, |
"color": { |
"fill": "rgb(0, 0, 50)", |
"stroke": "rgb(0, 0, 255)" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
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color: #000; |
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margin-right: 10%; |
margin-left: 3%; |
background-color: #F00; |
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background-color: #0F0; |
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<script src="https://cdn.socket.io/4.4.1/socket.io.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="data/lib/socket.io-p2p.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.6.0/p5.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<script src="data/scripts/js/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script> |
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
<link href="data/styles/color_picker.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
<link href="data/styles/range_input.css" rel="stylesheet"> |
<link href="data/images/favicon.ico" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"> |
<title>Pong remastered online</title> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id="p5_loading"></div> |
<div id="content"> |
<div class="border-node" id="interface"> |
<div id="game-controls"> |
<button class="paused" id="toggle-play" onclick="game.togglePlay(true, false);"></button> |
</div> |
<div id="setup-controls"> |
<fieldset class="border-node" id="game-type"> |
<legend>Type</legend> |
<form> |
<input id="offline" name="game-type" type="radio" value="offline"> |
<label for="offline">Offline</label><br> |
<input id="online" name="game-type" type="radio" value="online"> |
<label for="online">Online</label> |
</form> |
</fieldset> |
<div id="game-properties" style="display: none;"> |
<fieldset class="player-name border-node" id="player-name"> |
<legend>Your name</legend> |
<input class="border-node" type="text"><br> |
<span class="error-label"></span> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset class="player-actions border-node" id="lobby-code"> |
<legend>Lobby code</legend> |
<input class="border-node" type="text"><br> |
<span class="error-label"></span> |
</fieldset> |
<div class="player-actions"> |
<button class="setup border-node" onclick="onlineManager.createLobby(this);">Create Lobby</button> |
<span>Or</span> |
<button class="setup border-node" onclick="onlineManager.joinLobby(this);">Join Lobby</button> |
</div> |
<button class="player-name start setup border-node" onclick="continueForm(this)">OK</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="initialize-lobby" id="lobby"> |
<div class="border-node" id="lobby-members"></div> |
<button class="setup border-node" id="start-lobby" onclick="onlineManager.startLobby(this);">Start</button> |
<span>Code: </span> |
<span></span> |
<br> |
<span class="error-label"></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="border-node" id="canvasHolder"></div> |
<div class="border-node" id="chat"> |
<div id="chat-content"></div> |
<div id="chat-input"> |
<input type="text"> |
<button onclick="onlineManager.sendMessage()">Send</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="loader"></div> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html> |
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ |
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height: 50px; |
margin-top: 10px; |
display: inline-block; |
vertical-align: middle; |
} |
/** |
* While playing |
*/ |
#game-controls{ |
position: relative; |
display: none; |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
text-align: center; |
} |
#toggle-play{ |
position: absolute; |
top: 50%; |
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border-style: double; |
border-width: 0px 0px 0px 100px; |
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#toggle-play:hover{ |
border-color: transparent transparent transparent #111; |
} |
/** |
* Interface with all it's controls |
*/ |
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float: left; |
background-color: var(--interface-background); |
width: calc(50% - var(--width) / 2 - 2 * 10px - 4px); |
height: calc(var(--height) - 10px); |
} |
/** |
* Setup controls for creating games |
*/ |
#setup-controls{ |
display: flex; |
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flex-wrap: wrap; |
justify-content: flex-start; |
align-items: center; |
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color: var(--error-label-font); |
font-size: 13px; |
font-weight: 100; |
} |
.border-node{ |
border: 2px solid #000; |
border-radius: 10px; |
} |
input, select{ |
background-color: var(--input-background); |
max-width: 200px; |
} |
select{ |
padding: 0px 20px 0px 0px; |
font-size: 16px; |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
height: 34px; |
-webkit-appearance: none; |
-moz-appearance: none; |
appearance: none; |
background: url(data/images/arrow.png) 100% / 50% no-repeat var(--input-background); |
} |
.setup{ |
margin: 10px; |
background-color: var(--button-background); |
} |
.setup:hover, select:hover, input[type=text]:focus{ |
filter: brightness(80%); |
} |
.setup:disabled:hover{ |
filter: brightness(40%); |
cursor: default; |
} |
.setup:disabled{ |
filter: brightness(40%); |
} |
/** |
* Lobby |
*/ |
#lobby-members{ |
background-color: var(--fieldset-background); |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
justify-content: center; |
} |
.lobby-member{ |
margin: 4px; |
padding: 5px; |
background-color: var(--fieldset-background); |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
.lobby-member:hover{ |
filter: brightness(70%); |
} |
#lobby-leader{ |
background-color: var(--lobby-leader-background); |
} |
#lobby > span{ |
margin: 5px; |
} |
/** |
* Chat |
*/ |
#chat{ |
float: right; |
background-color: var(--interface-background); |
width: calc(50vw - var(--width) / 2 - 2 * 10px - 4px); |
height: calc(var(--height) - 10px); |
} |
#chat-content{ |
border-radius: inherit; |
height: calc(100% - 32px); |
background-color: var(--fieldset-background); |
width: 100%; |
overflow-y: auto; |
} |
#chat-input{ |
width: 100%; |
} |
#chat-input > input[type="text"]{ |
max-width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
width: calc(100% - 100px - 10px); |
border-radius: 10px; |
border: 1px solid #000; |
} |
#chat-input > button{ |
width: 100px; |
background-color: var(--button-background); |
border-radius: 10px; |
border: 1px solid #000; |
} |
.message > span{ |
word-wrap: break-word; |
font-size: 12px; |
padding: 5px; |
} |
.message[name="0"]{ |
background-color: var(--chat-first-background) |
} |
.message[name="1"]{ |
background-color: var(--chat-second-background) |
} |
.message > span:first-child{ |
color: var(--chat-writer-color) |
} |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 128 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
{ |
"compilerOptions": { |
"target": "es6", |
"module": "amd", |
"sourceMap": true, |
"alwaysStrict": true, |
"outFile": "./data/scripts/js/main.js" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
SSL_PATH=/home/benjamin/code/web/ssl/benjamin-kraft.local |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:26:22][undefined] ---> {Server is listening on port 3103} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:06][pong] ---> {"beb(6Ya9ADw...)" connected} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:17][pong] ---> {"beb2(4XZozzj...)" connected} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:20][pong] ---> {"beb2(4XZozzj...)" created new lobby: "2DVLL2WEXI"} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:25][undefined] ---> {"beb(6Ya9ADw...)" tried to join non-existent lobby " 2DVLL2WEXI "} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:31][pong] ---> {"beb(6Ya9ADw...)" joined the lobby "2DVLL2WEXI"} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:31:36][pong] ---> {"beb2(4XZozzj...)" started the game: "2DVLL2WEXI"} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:33:13][pong] ---> {"beb(6Ya9ADw...)" left the lobby "2DVLL2WEXI"} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:33:13][pong] ---> {"beb(6Ya9ADw...)" disconnected} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:33:18][pong] ---> {"beb2(4XZozzj...)" left the lobby "2DVLL2WEXI"} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:33:18][pong] ---> {Lobby "2DVLL2WEXI" was deleted} |
[Mon Mar 27 2023 17:33:18][pong] ---> {"beb2(4XZozzj...)" disconnected} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
{ |
"name": "pong-server", |
"version": "2.0", |
"private": true, |
"scripts": { |
"start": "node out/index.js" |
}, |
"dependencies": { |
"dotenv": "^16.0.3", |
"https": "^1.0.0", |
"socket.io": "^4.4.1", |
"socket.io-p2p-server": "^1.2.0", |
"typescript": "^5.0.2" |
}, |
"devDependencies": { |
"@types/node": "^18.15.3" |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
import {Room} from "./room.js" |
import {ConnectionManager, serializeObject} from "./manager.js" |
import {log} from "./logger.js"; |
import * as SocketIO from "socket.io"; |
export class Client { |
socket: SocketIO.Socket; |
name: string; |
game: string; |
id: string; |
isReady: boolean; |
isPlayer: boolean; |
isSpectator: boolean; |
constructor(socket: SocketIO.Socket, manager: ConnectionManager) { |
this.socket = socket; |
// @ts-ignore
this.name = socket.handshake.query.name; |
// @ts-ignore
this.game = socket.handshake.query.game; |
this.id = socket.id; |
this.setEvents(manager) |
} |
get serialized(): Serialized.Client { |
return { |
id: this.id, |
name: this.name, |
game: this.game, |
isReady: this.isReady, |
isPlayer: this.isPlayer, |
isSpectator: this.isSpectator |
}; |
} |
setEvents(mng: ConnectionManager): void { |
let s = this.socket; |
s.on('room-list', () => this.sendRoomList()); |
s.on('client-list', () => this.sendClientList()); |
s.on('set-ready', ready => this.setReady(ready)); |
s.on('game-settings', settings => this.setGameSettings(settings)); |
s.on('create-lobby', (settings, name) => this.createRoom(settings, name)); |
s.on('join-lobby', roomId => this.joinRoom(roomId)); |
s.on('leave-lobby', roomId => this.leaveRoom(roomId)); |
s.on('join-spectators', () => this.joinSpectators()); |
s.on('join-players', () => this.joinPlayers()); |
s.on('start-game', lobbyId => mng.startGame(this, lobbyId)); |
s.on('stop-game', lobbyId => mng.stopGame(this, lobbyId)); |
s.on('feedback', content => mng.saveFeedbackToFile(this, content)); |
s.on('disconnect', () => mng.disconnected(this)); |
this.send('connected') |
} |
sendRoomList(): void { |
let rooms = ConnectionManager.RoomListByGame(this.game); |
this.send('room-list', rooms) |
} |
sendClientList(): void { |
let clients = ConnectionManager.ClientListByClientId(this.id); |
this.send('client-list', clients) |
} |
setReady(ready: boolean): void { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(this.id, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (room) { |
this.isReady = ready; |
room.toAll('client-list', room.clients) |
} |
} |
setGameSettings(settings: any): void { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(this.id, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (room) { |
room.gameSettings = settings; |
room.toAll('game-settings', settings) |
} |
} |
createRoom(settings: Settings.Global, name: string): void { |
let room = ConnectionManager.Instance.createRoom(settings, name); |
room.add(this); |
this.send('created-lobby', room); |
log('lobby-created', this, room) |
} |
joinRoom(roomId: string): Room { |
let room = Room.getByRoomId(roomId, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (!room) { |
this.send('join-failed', 'Room does not exist!'); |
log('join-non-existent', this, new Room('not-existent', roomId)) |
} else if (room.hasStarted && !room.settings.spectators) { |
this.send('join-failed', 'Game has started yet!'); |
log('join-started', this, room) |
} else { |
room.add(this); |
log('member-joined', this, room) |
} |
return room |
} |
leaveRoom(_roomId: string): void { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(this.id, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (!room) |
return; |
this.leave(room.id); |
if (room.runningGame) |
room.runningGame.removeClient(this); |
room.clients.splice(room.clients.indexOf(this), 1); |
room.toAll('member-left', this.id, this.name); |
room.toAll('client-list', room.clients); |
this.send('left-lobby'); |
log('member-left', this, room); |
if (room.isEmpty && !room.settings.always) { |
ConnectionManager.Instance.deleteRoom(room) |
} |
} |
joinSpectators() { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(this.id, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (!room) |
return; |
this.isSpectator = true; |
this.isPlayer = false; |
room.toAll('client-list', room.clients) |
} |
joinPlayers() { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(this.id, ConnectionManager.Instance.rooms); |
if (!room) |
return; |
if (room.hasStarted) |
return; |
this.isSpectator = false; |
this.isPlayer = true; |
room.toAll('client-list', room.clients) |
} |
send(event: string, ...args: any[]): void { |
this.socket.emit(event, ...serializeObject(args)) |
} |
join(roomId: string): void { |
this.socket.join(roomId) |
} |
leave(roomId: string): void { |
this.socket.leave(roomId) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
declare namespace Serialized { |
interface Lobby { |
id: string |
name: string |
game: string |
clientCounts: number[] |
clients: Client[] |
hasStarted: boolean |
} |
interface Client { |
id: string |
name: string |
game: string |
isReady: boolean |
isPlayer: boolean |
isSpectator: boolean |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
declare module Settings { |
interface Global { |
project: Project |
frameWork: FrameWork |
game: any |
always: boolean |
spectators: boolean |
} |
interface Project { |
name: string |
author: string |
playerCounts: number[] |
} |
interface FrameWork { |
frameRate: number |
updateRate: number |
width: number |
height: number |
} |
interface Game { |
ball: Ball |
player: Player |
cw: number |
ch: number |
} |
interface Ball { |
radius: number |
velocity: number |
acceleration: number |
runUp: Ball.RunUp |
color: Color |
cw: number |
ch: number |
} |
interface Player { |
width: number |
height: number |
margin: number |
points: number |
normal: State |
weakened: State |
enhanced: State |
cw: number |
ch: number |
} |
interface Color { |
stroke: string |
fill: string |
} |
interface State { |
vel: Vector |
color: Color |
moveMargin: number |
} |
interface Vector { |
x: number |
y: number |
} |
module Ball { |
interface RunUp { |
min: number |
max: number |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
import {Room} from "./room.js" |
import {Client} from "./client.js" |
export class ServerGame { |
room: Room; |
settings: Settings.Global; |
game: any; |
constructor(room: Room, settings: Settings.Global) { |
this.settings = settings; |
this.room = room; |
this.room.clients.forEach(c => this.addClient(c)) |
} |
addClient(client: Client): void { |
this.setEvents(client) |
} |
removeClient(client: Client): void { |
this.removeEvents(client) |
} |
gameAction(action: string, ...args: any[]): void { |
} |
setEvents(client: Client): void { |
let socket = client.socket; |
socket.on('game-action', (action, ...args) => this.gameAction(action, ...args)) |
} |
removeEvents(client: Client): void { |
let socket = client.socket; |
socket.removeAllListeners('game-action') |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
import {Pong} from "./pong"; |
import {StartServer} from "./start"; |
StartServer({ |
useP2P: true, |
gameClass: Pong |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
import {Room} from "./room.js" |
import {Client} from "./client.js" |
import * as fs from "fs"; |
import * as util from "util"; |
let logFolder = "./logs"; |
if (!fs.existsSync(logFolder)) { |
fs.mkdirSync(logFolder); |
} |
let logFile = fs.createWriteStream(logFolder + '/' + new Date().getTime() + '.log', {flags: 'a'}); |
let logStdout = process.stdout; |
console.log = function () { |
logFile.write(util.format.apply(null, arguments) + '\n'); |
logStdout.write(util.format.apply(null, arguments) + '\n'); |
}; |
console.error = console.log; |
process.on('uncaughtException', err => { |
console.error('Uncaught error: ', err); |
process.exit(1); |
}); |
process.stdin.pipe(logFile); |
export function log(type: string, client: Client, lobby?: Room, msg?: string) { |
let now = new Date(Date.now()).toString(), message, name, game; |
let date = '[' + now.substring(0, now.indexOf('GMT') - 1) + ']'; |
if (client) { |
game = '[' + client.game + ']'; |
let short = client.id.substring(0, Math.round(client.id.length / 3)); |
name = '"' + client.name + '(' + short + '...)"'; |
} else { |
if (type === 'lobby-deleted') { |
game = '[' + lobby.gameName + ']'; |
} else { |
game = '[undefined]'; |
} |
name = 'UNKNOWN'; |
} |
if (lobby) { |
game = '[' + lobby.gameName + ']'; |
} |
switch (type) { |
case 'join-non-existent': |
message = name + ' tried to join non-existent lobby "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'join-started': |
message = name + ' tried to join the started game "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'lobby-created': |
message = name + ' created new lobby: "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'game-started': |
message = name + ' started the game: "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'game-stopped': |
message = name + ' stopped the game: "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'member-joined': |
message = name + ' joined the lobby "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'member-left': |
message = name + ' left the lobby "' + lobby.id + '"'; |
break; |
case 'lobby-deleted': |
message = 'Lobby "' + lobby.id + '" was deleted'; |
break; |
case 'save-success': |
message = msg; |
break; |
case 'save-error': |
message = 'Failed to save contents to file: ' + msg; |
break; |
case 'load-success': |
message = 'Successfully loaded and parsed file contents'; |
break; |
case 'load-error': |
message = 'Failed to load file: ' + msg; |
break; |
case 'parse-error': |
message = 'Failed to parse contents: ' + msg; |
break; |
case 'feedback': |
message = 'Saved feedback to file: ' + msg; |
break; |
case 'connection': |
message = name + ' connected'; |
break; |
case 'disconnection': |
message = name + ' disconnected'; |
break; |
case 'startup': |
message = msg; |
break; |
} |
console.log(date + game + ' ---> {' + message + '}'); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ |
import {Room} from "./room.js" |
import {Client} from "./client.js" |
import {log} from "./logger.js" |
import * as fs from "fs"; |
import * as SocketIO from "socket.io" |
export class ConnectionManager { |
static Instance: ConnectionManager; |
io: SocketIO.Server; |
rooms: Room[]; |
constructor(io: SocketIO.Server) { |
ConnectionManager.Instance = this; |
this.io = io; |
this.rooms = []; |
/*let drawSettings = { |
project: { |
name: 'global-draw', |
playerCounts: null |
}, |
always: true, |
spectators: true |
}; |
let drawRoom = this.createRoom(drawSettings, ''); |
drawRoom.id = 'global-draw-room'; |
drawRoom.startGame(); |
this.rooms.push(drawRoom);*/ |
} |
static RoomListByGame(game: string): Room[] { |
return this.Instance.rooms.filter(l => l.gameName === game) |
} |
static ClientListByClientId(clientId: string): Client[] { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(clientId, this.Instance.rooms); |
return room.clients |
} |
newSocket(socket: SocketIO.Socket): void { |
let client = new Client(socket, this); |
log('connection', client) |
} |
roomListUpdate(): void { |
this.io.sockets.emit('room-list', serializeObject(this.rooms)) |
} |
createRoom(settings: Settings.Global | any, name: string): Room { |
let roomId = Room.generateCode(10); |
let room = new Room(name, roomId, settings, this.io); |
this.rooms.push(room); |
this.roomListUpdate(); |
return room |
} |
deleteRoom(room: Room): void { |
this.rooms.splice(this.rooms.indexOf(room), 1); |
this.roomListUpdate(); |
log('lobby-deleted', null, room) |
} |
//Starts the game of a room with given id
startGame(client: Client, _roomId: string): void { |
let lobby = Room.getByClientId(client.id, this.rooms); |
if (!lobby) return; |
if (!lobby.hasStarted) { |
lobby.startGame(); |
log('game-started', client, lobby) |
} |
this.io.sockets.emit('room-list', serializeObject(this.rooms)) |
} |
//Stops the game of a lobby with given id
stopGame(client: Client, lobbyId: string): void { |
let lobby = Room.getByRoomId(lobbyId, this.rooms); |
if (!lobby) return; |
lobby.stopGame(client); |
log('game-stopped', client, lobby) |
} |
//Saves user feedback to a file
saveFeedbackToFile(client: Client, content: string): void { |
let date = new Date(Date.now()).toString(); |
let path = "feedback/" + client.game + '.txt'; |
let saveToFile = (content: string) => { |
fs.writeFile(path, content, (err: any) => { |
if (err) |
log('save-error', client, null, err.message); |
else |
log('feedback', client, null, path) |
}); |
}; |
if (fs.existsSync(path)) { |
fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => { |
if (err) |
log('load-error', client, null, err.message); |
else { |
log('load-success', client, null); |
let newContent = data + '\n\n\n\n' + date + '\n\n' + content; |
saveToFile(newContent) |
} |
}) |
} else { |
saveToFile(date + '\n' + content) |
} |
} |
//Removes a disconnected client from all references
disconnected(client: Client): void { |
let room = Room.getByClientId(client.id, this.rooms); |
if (room) |
client.leaveRoom(room.id); |
log('disconnection', client) |
} |
} |
export function serializeObject(object: any): any { |
function serialize(obj: any) { |
if (!obj) |
return obj; |
if (obj.serialized) |
return obj.serialized; |
else if (obj instanceof Array) { |
let content = []; |
obj.forEach(o => { |
content.push(serialize(o)) |
}); |
return content |
} |
return obj |
} |
return serialize(object) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
import {ServerGame} from "./game_standard" |
import {Room} from "./room"; |
export class Pong extends ServerGame { |
constructor(lobby: Room, settings: Settings.Global) { |
super(lobby, settings) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
import {Client} from "./client.js" |
import {ServerGame} from "./game_standard.js" |
import {serializeObject} from "./manager.js"; |
import {Server} from "socket.io"; |
export class Room { |
id: string; |
gameName: string; |
clientCounts: number[]; |
io: Server; |
clients: Client[]; |
runningGame: ServerGame; |
settings: Settings.Global; |
gameSettings: any; |
name: string; |
static GameClass: typeof ServerGame |
constructor(name: string, id: string, settings?: Settings.Global, io?: Server) { |
this.id = id; |
this.name = name; |
if (!io || !settings) return; |
this.settings = settings; |
this.gameName = settings.project.name; |
this.clientCounts = settings.project.playerCounts; |
this.io = io; |
this.clients = []; |
this.gameSettings = {} |
} |
get leader(): Client { |
return this.players[0] |
} |
get players(): Client[] { |
return this.clients.filter(c => c.isPlayer) |
} |
get spectators(): Client[] { |
return this.clients.filter(c => c.isSpectator) |
} |
get serialized(): Serialized.Lobby { |
return { |
id: this.id, |
name: this.name, |
game: this.gameName, |
clientCounts: this.clientCounts, |
clients: serializeObject(this.clients), |
hasStarted: this.hasStarted |
}; |
} |
get isEmpty(): boolean { |
return !(this.clients.length) |
} |
get hasStarted(): boolean { |
return this.runningGame != null |
} |
static getByRoomId(id: string, lobbies: Room[]): Room { |
for (let l of lobbies) { |
if (l.id === id) |
return l |
} |
return null; |
} |
static getByClientId(id: string, lobbies: Room[]): Room { |
for (let l of lobbies) { |
for (let c of l.clients) { |
if (c.id === id) |
return l |
} |
} |
return null; |
} |
static generateCode(elements: number): string { |
let code = ''; |
let possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; |
while (elements--) { |
code += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)) |
} |
return code |
} |
startGame(): void { |
let seed = Math.random() * 10000; |
this.toAll('start-game', seed); |
this.runGame() |
} |
stopGame(client: Client): void { |
this.toAll('stop-game', client); |
this.runningGame = null |
} |
add(client: Client): void { |
this.clients.push(client); |
let isPlayer = !this.hasStarted && this.hasValidPlayerCount(); |
client.isPlayer = isPlayer; |
client.isSpectator = !isPlayer; |
client.isReady = false; |
client.join(this.id); |
this.toAll('member-joined', client.id, client.name); |
this.toAll('client-list', this.clients); |
this.toAll('game-settings', this.gameSettings); |
if (this.hasStarted) |
this.runningGame.addClient(client) |
} |
hasValidPlayerCount(): boolean { |
let valid = false; |
this.clientCounts.forEach(c => { |
if (c === this.clients.length) |
valid = true |
}); |
return valid |
} |
runGame(): void { |
this.runningGame = new Room.GameClass(this, this.settings); |
} |
toAll(event: string, ...args: any[]): void { |
this.io.to(this.id).emit(event, serializeObject(this), ...serializeObject(args)) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
import {ConnectionManager} from "./manager.js"; |
import {log} from "./logger.js"; |
import {Server} from 'socket.io'; |
import {Room} from "./room.js"; |
import * as https from "https"; |
import * as fs from "fs"; |
export function StartServer(settings: any){ |
require("dotenv").config(); |
const httpsPort = parseInt(process.env.HTTPS_PORT); |
let cert = fs.readFileSync(`${process.env.SSL_PATH}/cert.pem`); |
let key = fs.readFileSync(`${process.env.SSL_PATH}/key.pem`); |
let httpsServer = https.createServer({key: key, cert: cert}); |
let sIO = new Server(httpsServer, { |
cors: { |
origin: ["https://play.benjamin-kraft.local", "https://play.benjamin-kraft.eu"] |
} |
}); |
if (settings.useP2P){ |
const p2p = require('socket.io-p2p-server').Server; |
sIO.use(p2p); |
} |
httpsServer.listen(httpsPort); |
Room.GameClass = settings.gameClass; |
let connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(sIO); |
// On new connection
sIO.on('connection', socket => connectionManager.newSocket(socket)); |
log('startup', null, null, 'Server is listening on port ' + httpsPort); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
{ |
"compilerOptions": { |
"module": "CommonJS", |
"outDir": "./out", |
"sourceMap": true, |
"alwaysStrict": true |
}, |
"include": [ |
"./src" |
] |
} |