main v1.0
Benjamin Kraft 2 years ago
commit d6e7323ec2
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 18
  4. 369
  5. 63
  6. 5
  7. BIN

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"display_name": "Fibonacci",
"info_text": "Standing picture of the Fibonacci sequence",
"visible": false,
"tags": ["Maths"]

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
var TOP = 1;
var RIGHT = 2
var BOTTOM = 3;
var LEFT = 4;
var TOP_RIGHT = 5;
var BOTTOM_LEFT = 7;
var TOP_LEFT = 8;
var wWidth = window.innerWidth;
var wHeight = window.innerHeight;
var oldWHeight;
var oldWWidth;
function updateVars(){
oldWWidth = wWidth;
oldWHeight = wHeight;
wWidth = window.innerWidth;
wHeight = window.innerHeight;
function collisionDetection(obj0, obj1){
var sp = strokePadding;
if (sp == null) sp = 0;
if (obj0.isEllipse && obj1.isRectangle){
var b = obj0;
var r = obj1;
for (var i = 0; i < TWO_PI; i += PI / 32){
/* Check every borderpoint of the ball beginning
at the top in clock direction up to top again */
// Ball Center X
var bcx = b.x;
// Ball Center Y
var bcy = b.y;
// Ball Border X
var bbx = b.x + sin(i) * b.r;
// Ball Border Y inverted because Y = 0 is the TOP of the screen
var bby = b.y - cos(i) * b.r;
// Rectangle Width
var rW = r.width + 2 * sp;
// Rectangle Height
var rH = r.height + 2 * sp;
// Rectangle Border X
var rX = r.x - sp;
// Rectangle Border Y
var rY = r.y - sp;
// Objects touch
if (bbx > rX && bbx < rX + rW
&& bby > rY && bby < rY + rH){
//Top/Bottom touch
if (bcx > rX && bcx < rX + rW){
//Top touch
if (b.v.y > 0) return {isTouching: true, location: TOP};
//Bottom touch
if (b.v.y < 0) return {isTouching: true, location: BOTTOM};
//Left/Right touch
if (bcy > rY && bcy < rY + rH){
//Left touch
if (b.v.x > 0) return {isTouching: true, location: LEFT};
//Right touch
if (b.v.x < 0) return {isTouching: true, location: RIGHT};
// BOTTOM Left/Right
if (i > 0 && i <= PI / 2) return {isTouching: true, location: BOTTOM_LEFT};
//LEFT Bottom/Top
if (i > PI / 2 && i <= PI) return {isTouching: true, location: TOP_LEFT};
//TOP Left/Right
if (i > PI && i <= PI + PI / 2) return {isTouching: true, location: TOP_RIGHT};
//RIGHT Bottom/Top
if (i > PI + PI / 2 && i <= TWO_PI) return {isTouching: true, location: BOTTOM_RIGHT};
if (obj0.isEllipse && obj1.isEllipse){
//Ball 1
var b1 = obj0;
//Ball 2
var b2 = obj1;
//Balls are close to each other
if (b1.x + b1.r > b2.x - b2.r
&& b1.x - b1.r < b2.x + b2.r
&& b1.y + b1.r > b2.y - b2.r
&& b1.y - b1.r < b2.y + b2.r){
var distance = sqrt(pow(b1.x - b2.x, 2) + pow(b1.y - b2.y, 2));
if (distance < b1.r + b2.r) return {isTouching: true};
return {isTouching: false, location: 0};
function performCollision(obj0, obj1, collision){
if (obj0.isEllipse){
var ball = obj0;
//Ball collides with frameborder
if (obj1.isFrameborder){
switch (collision.location){
case BOTTOM:
ball.v.y *= -1;
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
ball.v.x *= -1;
if (testMode && collision.location == TOP) ball.v.y *= -1;
//Ball collides with any brick
if (obj1.isBrick){
switch (collision.location){
case TOP:
case BOTTOM:
ball.v.y *= -1;
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
ball.v.x *= -1;
case TOP_LEFT:
var cornerX = obj1.x;
var cornerY = obj1.y;
var cornerX = obj1.x + obj1.width;
var cornerY = obj1.y;
var cornerX = obj1.x;
var cornerY = obj1.y + obj1.height;
var cornerX = obj1.x + obj1.width;
var cornerY = obj1.y + obj1.height;
var nx = ball.x - cornerX;
var ny = ball.y - cornerY;
var length = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
nx /= length;
ny /= length;
var projection = ball.v.x * nx + ball.v.y * ny;
ball.v.x = ball.v.x - 2 * projection * nx;
ball.v.y = ball.v.y - 2 * projection * ny;
//Ball collides with paddleboard
if (obj1.isPaddle){
switch (collision.location){
case TOP:
case TOP_LEFT:
ball.v.x = ball.calcVelocityX(obj1, ball.v.x);
ball.v.y = -ball.calcVelocityY();
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
ball.v.x *= -1;
var cornerX = obj1.x;
var cornerY = obj1.y + obj1.height;
var cornerX = obj1.x + obj1.width;
var cornerY = obj1.y + obj1.height;
var nx = ball.x - cornerX;
var ny = ball.y - cornerY;
var length = sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny);
nx /= length;
ny /= length;
var projection = ball.v.x * nx + ball.v.y * ny;
ball.v.x = ball.v.x - 2 * projection * nx;
ball.v.y = ball.v.y - 2 * projection * ny;
//Ball collides with other ball
if (obj1.isEllipse){
//Ball 1
var b1 = obj0;
//Ball 2
var b2 = obj1;
//Set mass equal to radius of each ball
b1.mass = b1.r;
b2.mass = b2.r;
//Colliding angle of ball 1 to ball 2 using arc tan of both x and y differences
var collisionAngle = atan2((b2.y - b1.y), (b2.x - b1.x));
//Converting directions of velocity vector of balls into angles
var d1 = atan2(b1.v.y, b1.v.x);
var d2 = atan2(b2.v.y, b2.v.x);
//Ignoring mass effects new velocites are simply magnitude multiplied with value of angle differences
var newXspeed1 = b1.v.mag * cos(d1 - collisionAngle);
var newYspeed1 = b1.v.mag * sin(d1 - collisionAngle);
var newXspeed2 = b2.v.mag * cos(d2 - collisionAngle);
var newYspeed2 = b2.v.mag * sin(d2 - collisionAngle);
//According to the principle of linear momentum, kinetic energy stays the same after collision, so velocities are now related to masses
var finalXspeed1 = ((b1.mass - b2.mass) * newXspeed1 + b2.mass * 2 * newXspeed2) / (b1.mass + b2.mass);
var finalYspeed1 = newYspeed1;
var finalXspeed2 = (b1.mass * 2 * newXspeed1 + (b2.mass - b1.mass) * newXspeed2) / (b1.mass + b2.mass);
var finalYspeed2 = newYspeed2;
//Values of collisionAngle
var cosAngle = cos(collisionAngle);
var sinAngle = sin(collisionAngle);
//To also keep velocites relative to pure collisionAngle, subtract sin*x from cos*x and add sin*y to cos*y because coordSystem has y = 0 on the top
var u1x = cosAngle * finalXspeed1 - sinAngle * finalYspeed1;
var u1y = sinAngle * finalXspeed1 + cosAngle * finalYspeed1;
var u2x = cosAngle * finalXspeed2 - sinAngle * finalYspeed2;
var u2y = sinAngle * finalXspeed2 + cosAngle * finalYspeed2;
//Set new velocities to both balls
b1.v.x = u1x;
b1.v.y = u1y;
b2.v.x = u2x;
b2.v.y = u2y;
//Update magnitude
b1.v.mag = sqrt(pow(b1.v.x, 2) + pow(b1.v.y, 2));
b2.v.mag = sqrt(pow(b2.v.x, 2) + pow(b2.v.y, 2));
//Move balls one vx/vy forward to avoid double inverting collision detection
b1.x += b1.v.x;
b1.y += b1.v.y;
b2.x += b2.v.x;
b2.y += b2.v.y;
function toTimeString(time, hoursWanted){
var time = floor(time / 10);
var hs = String(floor(time % 100));
var fs = String(floor((time / 100) % 60));
if (hoursWanted){
var min = String(floor(((time / 100) / 60) % 60));
var hr = String(floor(((time / 100) / 60) / 60));
if (hs.length < 2) hs = "0" + hs;
if (fs.length < 2) fs = "0" + fs;
if (min.length < 2) min = "0" + min;
if (hr.length < 2) hr = "0" + hr;
var timeString = hr + ":" + min + ":" + fs + ":" + hs;
} else {
var min = String(floor(((time / 100) / 60) % 60));
if (hs.length < 2) hs = "0" + hs;
if (fs.length < 2) fs = "0" + fs;
if (min.length < 2) min = "0" + min;
var timeString = min + ":" + fs + ":" + hs;
return timeString;
function setCookie(name, value, years){
var expires = "";
if (years){
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (years * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";
function getCookie(name){
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++){
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return null;
function deleteCookies(){
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) setCookie(arguments[i], "", -1);
function deleteAllCookies(){
var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) deleteCookies(cookies[i].split("=")[0]);
Array.prototype.shuffle = function(){
let currentIndex = this.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
while (0 != currentIndex) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temporaryValue = this[currentIndex];
this[currentIndex] = this[randomIndex];
this[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
let center;
function setup(){
createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
center = createVector(window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2);
function draw(){
background(40, 40, 42);
for (let i = 6; i < Infinity; i++){
let quadrant = (i + 1) % 4 + 1;
let f = fibo(i);
let x = 0, y = 0, startAngle, endAngle, a, b;
if (quadrant == 1){
for (let j = i - 3; j > 0; j -= 4) x -= fibo(j);
for (let k = i; k > 0; k -= 4) y -= fibo(k);
startAngle = -HALF_PI;
endAngle = TWO_PI;
a = 0;
b = 1;
if (quadrant == 2){
for (let j = i; j > 0; j -= 4) x -= fibo(j);
for (let k = i - 1; k > 0; k -= 4) y -= fibo(k);
startAngle = PI;
endAngle = -HALF_PI;
a = 1;
b = 1;
if (quadrant == 3){
for (let j = i - 1; j > 0; j -= 4) x -= fibo(j);
for (let k = i - 4; k > 0; k -= 4) y += fibo(k);
startAngle = HALF_PI;
endAngle = PI;
a = 1;
b = 0;
if (quadrant == 4){
for (let j = i - 4; j > 0; j -= 4) x += fibo(j);
for (let k = i - 3; k > 0; k -= 4) y -= fibo(k);
startAngle = 0;
endAngle = HALF_PI;
a = 0;
b = 0;
rect(center.x + x, center.y + y, f, f);
arc(center.x + x + a * f, center.y + y + b * f, f * 2, f * 2, startAngle, endAngle);
if (fibo(i) > width) break;
function fibo(i){
if (i == 1 || i == 2) return 1;
return fibo(i - 1) + fibo(i - 2);

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
a:link, a:hover, a:active, a:visited{color: #000;}
body{margin: 0; padding: 0;}
canvas{margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; display: block;}

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 58 KiB
