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190 lines
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190 lines
3.8 KiB
#version 450
layout (local_size_x = 32) in;
struct Vertex {
vec3 position;
vec3 color;
vec2 uv;
vec3 normal;
vec3 velocity;
vec3 prevPosition;
float w;
struct Edge {
uint a;
uint b;
float restLength;
float compliance;
struct Tetrahedron {
uint a;
uint b;
uint c;
uint d;
float restVolume;
float compliance;
layout (std430, set = 0, binding = 0) buffer VertexBuffer {
Vertex vertices[];
layout (std430, set = 0, binding = 2) buffer EdgeBuffer {
Edge edges[];
layout (std430, set = 0, binding = 4) buffer TetrahedronBuffer {
Tetrahedron tetrahedra[];
layout (std140, set = 0, binding = 5) uniform Sizes {
uint vertexCount;
uint faceCount;
layout (std140, set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Properties {
vec3 gravity;
float dt;
uint k;
struct Partition {
uint offset;
uint size;
layout (push_constant, std430) uniform PushConstants {
uint state;
Partition edgePartition;
Partition tetrahedronPartition;
void preSolve(uint vID){
vertices[vID].prevPosition = vertices[vID].position;
if (vertices[vID].w == 0){
vertices[vID].velocity += dt / k * gravity;
vertices[vID].position += dt / k * vertices[vID].velocity;
float dist = vertices[vID].position.y + 5;
if (dist < 0){
vec3 normal = vec3(0, 1, 0);
vertices[vID].position -= dist * normal;
// contact friction
float mStatic = 1;
float mKinetic = 1;
vec3 a = vertices[vID].position - vertices[vID].prevPosition;
vec3 D = a - dot(a, normal) / dot(normal, normal) * normal;
vec3 add = -D;
if (length(D) >= mStatic * -dist){
add *= min(mKinetic * -dist / length(D), 1);
vertices[vID].position += add;
void solveEdge(uint eID){
Edge edge = edges[eID];
Vertex v1 = vertices[edge.a];
Vertex v2 = vertices[edge.b];
vec3 diff = v1.position - v2.position;
float currentLength = length(diff);
float alpha = edge.compliance / (dt / k) / (dt / k);
float s = -(currentLength - edge.restLength) / (v1.w + v2.w + alpha);
vec3 g1 = normalize(diff);
vec3 g2 = -g1;
vec3 delta1 = s * v1.w * g1;
vec3 delta2 = s * v2.w * g2;
vertices[edge.a].position += delta1;
vertices[edge.b].position += delta2;
void solveTetrahedron(uint tetID){
Tetrahedron tetrahedron = tetrahedra[tetID];
Vertex va = vertices[tetrahedron.a];
Vertex vb = vertices[tetrahedron.b];
Vertex vc = vertices[tetrahedron.c];
Vertex vd = vertices[tetrahedron.d];
vec3 a = va.position;
vec3 b = vb.position;
vec3 c = vc.position;
vec3 d = vd.position;
float volumeError = dot(d - a, cross(b - a, c - a)) / 6 - tetrahedron.restVolume;
vec3 ga = cross(d - b, c - b) / 6;
vec3 gb = cross(c - a, d - a) / 6;
vec3 gc = cross(d - a, b - a) / 6;
vec3 gd = cross(b - a, c - a) / 6;
float w =
va.w * dot(ga, ga) +
vb.w * dot(gb, gb) +
vc.w * dot(gc, gc) +
vd.w * dot(gd, gd);
if (w == 0) return;
float alpha = tetrahedron.compliance / (dt / k) / (dt / k);
float s = -volumeError / (w + alpha);
vec3 addA = s * ga * va.w;
vec3 addB = s * gb * vb.w;
vec3 addC = s * gc * vc.w;
vec3 addD = s * gd * vd.w;
vertices[tetrahedron.a].position += addA;
vertices[tetrahedron.b].position += addB;
vertices[tetrahedron.c].position += addC;
vertices[tetrahedron.d].position += addD;
void postSolve(uint vID){
if (vertices[vID].w == 0){
vertices[vID].velocity = (vertices[vID].position - vertices[vID].prevPosition) / (dt / k);
void main() {
uint id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
switch (state){
case 0:
if (id < vertexCount){
case 1:
if (id < edgePartition.size){
solveEdge(id + edgePartition.offset);
} else if (id - edgePartition.size < tetrahedronPartition.size){
solveTetrahedron(id - edgePartition.size + tetrahedronPartition.offset);
case 2:
if (id < vertexCount){
} |