Interactive Mandelbrot viewer with Qt and OpenGL.
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#version 330 core
out vec4 pixColor;
uniform int iterationCount;
in vec2 complexPos;
vec3 hsvToRgb(in float h, in float s, in float v){
float c = v * s;
float x = c * (1 - abs(mod(h / 60, 2) - 1));
float m = v - c;
vec3 rgbT;
if (0 <= h && h < 60)
rgbT = vec3(c, x, 0);
if (60 <= h && h < 120)
rgbT = vec3(x, c, 0);
if (120 <= h && h < 180)
rgbT = vec3(0, c, x);
if (180 <= h && h < 240)
rgbT = vec3(0, x, c);
if (240 <= h && h < 300)
rgbT = vec3(x, 0, c);
if (300 <= h && h < 360)
rgbT = vec3(c, 0, x);
vec3 rgb = rgbT + m;
return rgb;
vec3 getColor(in float modifier){
float hue = modifier * 360;
float sat = 1;
float value = modifier == 0 ? 0 : 1;
return hsvToRgb(hue, sat, value);
vec2 square(in vec2 c){
return vec2(c.x * c.x - c.y * c.y, 2 * c.x * c.y);
vec2 m(in vec2 c){
return square(c) + complexPos;
float mandelbrot(in vec2 c){
vec2 z = vec2(0, 0);
float steps = 0;
int escapeSquared = pow(1 << 8, 2);
while (steps < iterationCount && pow(z.x, 2) + pow(z.y, 2) < escapeSquared){
z = m(z);
if (steps == iterationCount)
return 0.;
float log_zn = log(z.x * z.x + z.y * z.y) / 2;
float nu = log(log_zn / log(2)) / log(2);
steps += 1 - nu;
return steps / iterationCount;
void main(){
float modifier = mandelbrot(complexPos);
pixColor = vec4(getColor(modifier), 1);