using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using BasicServer.Game; namespace BasicServer.Management { public class Room { public class ClientProperties { public bool IsLeader; public bool IsReady; public int ColorId; } public string Id { get; } public string Name { get; } public string Password { get; } public int MaxPlayers { get; } public int CurrentPlayers => Clients.Count; public bool IsFull => CurrentPlayers == MaxPlayers; public bool IsLocked { get; set; } public GameManager Game { get; private set; } public void StartGame() { Game = new GameManager(this); } public readonly Dictionary ClientPropertiesMap = new(); public Client Leader { get { return CurrentPlayers == 0 ? null : Server.Clients[ClientPropertiesMap.Single(pair => pair.Value.IsLeader).Key]; } set { foreach (var clientId in ClientPropertiesMap.Keys) { ClientPropertiesMap[clientId].IsLeader = false; } ClientPropertiesMap[value.Id].IsLeader = true; } } private readonly List _clientIds = new(); public List Clients { get { var list = new List(); foreach (int clientId in _clientIds) { list.Add(Server.Clients[clientId]); } return list; } } public void SetReady(Client client, bool isReady) { ClientPropertiesMap[client.Id].IsReady = isReady; } public void SetColor(Client client, int colorId) { if (ClientPropertiesMap.Values.Any(properties => properties.ColorId.Equals(colorId))) return; ClientPropertiesMap[client.Id].ColorId = colorId; } public Room(string id, Client leader, string name, string password, int maxPlayers) { Id = id; AddClient(leader); Leader = leader; Name = name; Password = password; MaxPlayers = maxPlayers; IsLocked = false; } public void AddClient(Client client) { _clientIds.Add(client.Id); client.Room = this; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (ClientPropertiesMap.Values.Any(prop => prop.ColorId.Equals(i))) continue; ClientPropertiesMap.Add(client.Id, new ClientProperties { IsReady = false, ColorId = i, IsLeader = false }); break; } } public bool RemoveClient(Client leftClient) { var leader = Leader; _clientIds.Remove(leftClient.Id); leftClient.Room = null; ClientPropertiesMap.Remove(leftClient.Id); if (CurrentPlayers == 0) { return false; } if (!leftClient.Equals(leader)) return true; Leader = Clients.First(); Console.WriteLine($"{Leader} is the new leader of room {this}"); return true; } public void KickClient(Client kickClient) { _clientIds.Remove(kickClient.Id); kickClient.Room = null; ClientPropertiesMap.Remove(kickClient.Id); } public override string ToString() { return $"{{\"{Name}\" | \"{Id.Substring(0, 10)}...\" | ({CurrentPlayers}/{MaxPlayers})}}"; } } }