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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using GameServer.Arch;
4 years ago
using GameServer.Management;
using GameServer.PacketTypes;
namespace GameServer {
internal static class Server {
public delegate void PacketHandler(int fromClient, Packet packet);
public static readonly Dictionary<int, Client> Clients = new();
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Room> Rooms = new();
public static Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, PacketHandler>> PacketHandlers;
public static int MaxPlayers { get; private set; }
public static int Port { get; private set; }
public static void Start(int maxPlayers, int port){
MaxPlayers = maxPlayers;
Port = port;
Console.WriteLine("Starting server...");
Console.WriteLine($"Server started on port {Port}.");
private static void InitializeServerData(){
for (var i = 1; i <= MaxPlayers; i++) {
Clients.Add(i, new Client(i));
PacketHandlers = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, PacketHandler>> {
{(int)PacketType.Default, new Dictionary<int, PacketHandler> {
{(int)ClientDefaultPacket.DWelcomeReceived, ServerHandle.WelcomeReceived},
{(int)PacketType.Room, new Dictionary<int, PacketHandler> {
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RList, RoomHandle.RoomList},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RCreate, RoomHandle.RoomCreate},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RJoin, RoomHandle.RoomJoin},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RLeave, RoomHandle.RoomLeave},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RKick, RoomHandle.RoomKick},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RLeader, RoomHandle.RoomLeader},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RReady, RoomHandle.RoomReady},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RColor, RoomHandle.RoomColor},
{(int)ClientRoomPacket.RStart, RoomHandle.RoomStart},
Console.WriteLine("Initialized packets.");
public static void CreateRoom(int leaderId, string name, string password, int maxPlayers) {
var leader = Clients[leaderId];
if (leader.Room != null) {
RoomSend.CreateFailed(leaderId, "Failed to create room!");
Console.WriteLine($"{leader} tried to create a room while already being in one!");
string id;
do {
id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
} while (Rooms.ContainsKey(id));
var room = new Room(id, leader, name, password, maxPlayers);
Rooms.Add(id, room);
RoomSend.Created(leaderId, room);
Console.WriteLine($"{leader} created a room {room}.");
public static void JoinRoom(Client client, Room room, string password) {
if (room.IsFull) {
RoomSend.JoinFailed(client.Id, room, "Room is full!");
Console.WriteLine($"{client} tried to join full room {room}.");
} else if (!room.Password.Equals(password)) {
RoomSend.JoinFailed(client.Id, room,"Wrong password!");
Console.WriteLine($"{client} entered wrong password for room {room}.");
} else {
RoomSend.Joined(client.Id, room);
Console.WriteLine($"{client} joined the room {room}.");
public static void LeaveRoom(Client client) {
Room room = client.Room;
bool isEmpty = !room.RemoveClient(client);
Console.WriteLine($"{client} has left room {room}");
if (isEmpty) {
Console.WriteLine($"Room {room} was deleted because every client left.");
RoomSend.Left(client.Id, room);
public static void KickFromRoom(Client fromClient, Client kickClient) {
Room room = kickClient.Room;
if (!fromClient.Equals(room.Leader)) {
RoomSend.KickFailed(fromClient.Id, "Only the room lead can kick others!");
Console.WriteLine($"{fromClient} tried to kick {kickClient} while not being the leader!");
Console.WriteLine($"{kickClient} was kicked from room {room}");
RoomSend.Left(kickClient.Id, room);
public static void StartRoom(Room room) {
room.IsLocked = true;
Console.WriteLine($"Room {room} started the game.");