You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1610 lines
48 KiB

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100008: ChestOriginEffector
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100012: Head
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100018: headProxy_geo
100020: HeadTop_End
100022: Hips
100024: Hips 1
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100028: Jaw
100030: JawEND
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100036: l_ballProxy_geo
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100112: LeftHandIndex13
100114: LeftHandIndex17
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100118: LeftHandIndex3
100120: LeftHandIndex4
100122: LeftHandIndex5
100124: LeftHandIndex6
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100132: LeftHandMiddle17
100134: LeftHandMiddle2
100136: LeftHandMiddle3
100138: LeftHandMiddle4
100140: LeftHandMiddle5
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100148: LeftHandPinky13
100150: LeftHandPinky17
100152: LeftHandPinky2
100154: LeftHandPinky3
100156: LeftHandPinky4
100158: LeftHandPinky5
100160: LeftHandPinky6
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100168: LeftHandRing17
100170: LeftHandRing2
100172: LeftHandRing3
100174: LeftHandRing4
100176: LeftHandRing5
100178: LeftHandRing6
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100186: LeftHandThumb17
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100190: LeftHandThumb3
100192: LeftHandThumb4
100194: LeftHandThumb5
100196: LeftHandThumb6
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100368: RightHandRing2
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
transformModified: 1
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
transformModified: 1
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scale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
transformModified: 1
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