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using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Realtime;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PlayerSlot : MonoBehaviour {
public bool IsEmpty { get; private set; } = true;
private bool isReady;
public bool IsReady {
get => isReady;
set {
isReady = value;
private Player player;
public Player Player {
get => player;
set {
player = value;
if (value != null) {
IsEmpty = false;
playerNameText.text = value.NickName;
} else {
IsEmpty = true;
IsReady = false;
private void ApplyProperties() {
if (TryGetColor(out int index)) {
Material material = ColorManager.GetUiBy(Player.ActorNumber);
playerImage.material = material;
readyCheckmarkHolderImage.material = material;
readyCheckmarkImage.material = material;
if (TryGetReady(out bool ready))
IsReady = ready;
private bool TryGetColor(out int index) {
bool success = Player.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("ColorIndex", out object objIndex);
if (success)
index = (int)objIndex;
index = 0;
return success;
private bool TryGetReady(out bool ready) {
bool success = Player.CustomProperties.TryGetValue("IsReady", out object objReady);
if (success)
ready = (bool)objReady;
ready = false;
return success;
public void OnPropertiesUpdate(Hashtable props) {
public void TrySetReady(bool ready) {
if (Player != PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer)
Player.SetCustomProperties(new Hashtable() {["IsReady"] = ready});
public GameObject activePlayer;
public Text playerNameText;
public Image readyCheckmarkImage;
public Image readyCheckmarkHolderImage;
public Image playerImage;