namespace Photon.Pun { using Photon.Realtime; /// /// Empty Base class for all PhotonView callbacks. /// public interface IPhotonViewCallback { } /// /// This interface defines a callback which fires prior to the PhotonNetwork destroying the PhotonView and Gameobject. /// public interface IOnPhotonViewPreNetDestroy : IPhotonViewCallback { /// /// This method is called before Destroy() is initiated for a networked object. /// /// void OnPreNetDestroy(PhotonView rootView); } /// /// This interface defines a callback for changes to the PhotonView's owner. /// public interface IOnPhotonViewOwnerChange : IPhotonViewCallback { /// /// This method will be called when the PhotonView's owner changes. /// /// /// void OnOwnerChange(Player newOwner, Player previousOwner); } /// /// This interface defines a callback for changes to the PhotonView's controller. /// public interface IOnPhotonViewControllerChange : IPhotonViewCallback { /// /// This method will be called when the PhotonView's controller changes. /// /// /// void OnControllerChange(Player newController, Player previousController); } }