import math with open("input") as file: rawWeights = [[int(num) for num in line] for line in] Node = tuple[int, int] # this is a performance killer -> O(n) def popMinNode(openList: dict[Node, int]) -> Node: node, _ = min(openList.items(), key=lambda elem: elem[1]) openList.pop(node) return node def getNeighbours(node: Node, size): x, y = node return set(filter( lambda n: 0 <= n[0] < size and 0 <= n[1] < size, { (x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1) } )) # Dijkstra without priority queue -> super slow... def findPath(weights): size = len(weights) target = (size, size) openList, closedList = {(0, 0): 0}, set() dists = {(x, y): math.inf for x in range(size) for y in range(size)} pres = {(x, y): None for x in range(size) for y in range(size)} dists[(0, 0)] = 0 while len(openList) > 0: currentNode = popMinNode(openList) if currentNode == target: # path found break closedList.add(currentNode) for successor in getNeighbours(currentNode, size).difference(closedList): x, y = successor d = dists[currentNode] + weights[y][x] if successor in openList.keys() and d >= dists[successor]: continue pres[successor] = currentNode dists[successor] = d openList[successor] = d node = (size - 1, size - 1) risk = 0 while node != (0, 0): x, y = node risk += weights[y][x] node = pres[node] print(risk) def expandWeights(weights): size = len(weights) parts = [[[val for val in row] for row in weights]] for i in range(8): part = parts[i] added = [[val + 1 if val < 9 else 1 for val in row] for row in part] parts.append(added) newWeights = [] for y in range(5): row = parts[y] for x in range(4): addRight = parts[y + x + 1] for i in range(size): row[i] += addRight[i] newWeights.extend(row) return newWeights findPath(rawWeights) findPath(expandWeights(rawWeights))