import numpy as np def readFish(): with open("input") as file: return np.array(","), dtype=np.uint8) def getCount(fish, daysLeft, usedList, usedMap): if daysLeft <= fish: return 1 if usedList[fish][daysLeft]: return usedMap[(fish, daysLeft)] count = 1 for d in range(0, daysLeft - fish, 7): count += getCount(9, daysLeft - fish - d, usedList, usedMap) usedList[fish][daysLeft] = True usedMap[(fish, daysLeft)] = count return count def solve(days): # need to save/read known results for performance usedMap = {} usedList = np.zeros((10, days + 1), bool) fish = readFish() count = 0 for f in fish: count += getCount(f, days, usedList, usedMap) # numpy version too slow for part 2 # for i in range(days): # decrease = fish > 0 # zeros = fish == 0 # fish[decrease] -= 1 # fish[zeros] = 6 # fish = np.concatenate((fish, zeros[zeros].astype(np.uint8) * 8)) # print(i, len(fish)) return count print(solve(80)) print(solve(256))