import numpy as np with open("input") as file: lines = splitIndex = lines.index("") dotList = np.array([lines[i].split(",") for i in range(splitIndex)], dtype=int) col, row = dotList.T maxX = np.max(col) maxY = np.max(row) dotGrid = np.zeros((maxY + 1, maxX + 1), bool) dotGrid[row, col] = True foldInstructions = [lines[i].split(" ")[2].split("=") for i in range(splitIndex + 1, len(lines))] def fold(grid, instructions: list): for axis, amount in instructions: amount = int(amount) if axis == "x": part1 = grid[:, :amount] part2 = grid[:, amount + 1:] part2Flipped = np.fliplr(part2) else: part1 = grid[:amount] part2 = grid[amount + 1:] part2Flipped = np.flipud(part2) grid = part1 + part2Flipped print(np.count_nonzero(grid)) fold(dotGrid, foldInstructions) # Found part 2 by accident with PyCharms Array View