import {Room} from "./room" import {Client} from "./client" import {log} from "./logger" import fs = require("fs"); import SocketIO = require(""); export class ConnectionManager { static Instance: ConnectionManager; io: SocketIO.Server; rooms: Room[]; constructor(io: SocketIO.Server) { ConnectionManager.Instance = this; = io; this.rooms = []; let drawSettings = { project: { name: 'global-draw', playerCounts: null }, always: true, spectators: true }; let drawRoom = this.createRoom(drawSettings, ''); = 'global-draw-room'; drawRoom.startGame(); this.rooms.push(drawRoom); } static RoomListByGame(game: string): Room[] { return this.Instance.rooms.filter(l => l.gameName === game) } static ClientListByClientId(clientId: string): Client[] { let room = Room.getByClientId(clientId, this.Instance.rooms); return room.clients } newSocket(socket: SocketIO.Socket): void { let client = new Client(socket, this); log('connection', client) } roomListUpdate(): void {'room-list', serializeObject(this.rooms)) } createRoom(settings: Settings.Global | any, name: string): Room { let roomId = Room.generateCode(10); // @ts-ignore let room = new Room(name, roomId, settings,; this.rooms.push(room); this.roomListUpdate(); return room } deleteRoom(room: Room): void { this.rooms.splice(this.rooms.indexOf(room), 1); this.roomListUpdate(); log('lobby-deleted', null, room) } //Starts the game of a room with given id startGame(client: Client, _roomId: string): void { let lobby = Room.getByClientId(, this.rooms); if (!lobby) return; if (!lobby.hasStarted) { lobby.startGame(); log('game-started', client, lobby) }'room-list', serializeObject(this.rooms)) } //Stops the game of a lobby with given id stopGame(client: Client, lobbyId: string): void { let lobby = Room.getByRoomId(lobbyId, this.rooms); if (!lobby) return; lobby.stopGame(client); log('game-stopped', client, lobby) } //Saves user feedback to a file saveFeedbackToFile(client: Client, content: string): void { let date = new Date(; let path = "feedback/" + + '.txt'; let saveToFile = (content: string) => { fs.writeFile(path, content, (err: any) => { if (err) log('save-error', client, null, err.message); else log('feedback', client, null, path) }); }; if (fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) log('load-error', client, null, err.message); else { log('load-success', client, null); let newContent = data + '\n\n\n\n' + date + '\n\n' + content; saveToFile(newContent) } }) } else { saveToFile(date + '\n' + content) } } //Removes a disconnected client from all references disconnected(client: Client): void { let room = Room.getByClientId(, this.rooms); if (room) client.leaveRoom(; log('disconnection', client) } } export function serializeObject(object: any): any { function serialize(obj: any) { if (!obj) return obj; if (obj.serialized) return obj.serialized; else if (obj instanceof Array) { let content = []; obj.forEach(o => { content.push(serialize(o)) }); return content } return obj } return serialize(object) }