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declare class p5 {
// Properties from p5
readonly P2D: 'p2d'
// src/color/creating_reading.js
readonly WEBGL: 'webgl'
* HALF_PI is a mathematical constant with the value
* 1.57079632679489661923. It is half the ratio of
* the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It
* is useful in combination with the trigonometric
* functions sin() and cos().
readonly HALF_PI: number
* PI is a mathematical constant with the value
* 3.14159265358979323846. It is the ratio of the
* circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is
* useful in combination with the trigonometric
* functions sin() and cos().
readonly PI: number
* QUARTER_PI is a mathematical constant with the
* value 0.7853982. It is one quarter the ratio of
* the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It
* is useful in combination with the trigonometric
* functions sin() and cos().
readonly QUARTER_PI: number
* TAU is an alias for TWO_PI, a mathematical
* constant with the value 6.28318530717958647693. It
* is twice the ratio of the circumference of a
* circle to its diameter. It is useful in
* combination with the trigonometric functions sin()
* and cos().
readonly TAU: number
* TWO_PI is a mathematical constant with the value
* 6.28318530717958647693. It is twice the ratio of
* the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It
* is useful in combination with the trigonometric
* functions sin() and cos().
readonly TWO_PI: number
* Constant to be used with angleMode() function, to
* set the mode which p5.js interprates and
* calculates angles (either DEGREES or RADIANS).
readonly DEGREES: 'degrees'
* Constant to be used with angleMode() function, to
* set the mode which p5.js interprates and
* calculates angles (either RADIANS or DEGREES).
readonly RADIANS: 'radians'
readonly CORNER: 'corner'
readonly CORNERS: 'corners'
readonly RADIUS: 'radius'
readonly RIGHT: 'right'
readonly LEFT: 'left'
readonly CENTER: 'center'
// src/color/setting.js
readonly TOP: 'top'
readonly BOTTOM: 'bottom'
readonly BASELINE: 'alphabetic'
readonly POINTS: 0x0000
readonly LINES: 0x0001
readonly LINE_STRIP: 0x0003
readonly LINE_LOOP: 0x0002
readonly TRIANGLES: 0x0004
readonly TRIANGLE_FAN: 0x0006
readonly TRIANGLE_STRIP: 0x0005
readonly QUADS: 'quads'
readonly QUAD_STRIP: 'quad_strip'
readonly CLOSE: 'close'
readonly OPEN: 'open'
readonly CHORD: 'chord'
readonly PIE: 'pie'
readonly PROJECT: 'square'
readonly SQUARE: 'butt'
readonly ROUND: 'round'
// src/core/2d_primitives.js
readonly BEVEL: 'bevel'
readonly MITER: 'miter'
readonly RGB: 'rgb'
readonly HSB: 'hsb'
readonly HSL: 'hsl'
readonly BLEND: 'source-over'
readonly ADD: 'lighter'
readonly DARKEST: 'darkest'
readonly LIGHTEST: 'lighten'
readonly DIFFERENCE: 'difference'
readonly EXCLUSION: 'exclusion'
// src/core/attributes.js
readonly MULTIPLY: 'multiply'
readonly SCREEN: 'screen'
readonly REPLACE: 'copy'
readonly OVERLAY: 'overlay'
readonly HARD_LIGHT: 'hard-light'
readonly SOFT_LIGHT: 'soft-light'
readonly DODGE: 'color-dodge'
// src/core/constants.js
readonly BURN: 'color-burn'
readonly THRESHOLD: 'threshold'
readonly GRAY: 'gray'
readonly OPAQUE: 'opaque'
readonly INVERT: 'invert'
readonly POSTERIZE: 'posterize'
readonly DILATE: 'dilate'
readonly ERODE: 'erode'
readonly BLUR: 'blur'
readonly NORMAL: 'normal'
readonly ITALIC: 'italic'
readonly BOLD: 'bold'
readonly LANDSCAPE: 'landscape'
readonly PORTRAIT: 'portrait'
* The system variable frameCount contains the number
* of frames that have been displayed since the
* program started. Inside setup() the value is 0,
* after the first iteration of draw it is 1, etc.
frameCount: number
* Confirms if the window a p5.js program is in is
* "focused," meaning that the sketch will accept
* mouse or keyboard input. This variable is "true"
* if the window is focused and "false" if not.
focused: boolean
* System variable that stores the width of the
* entire screen display. This is used to run a
* full-screen program on any display size.
displayWidth: number
* System variable that stores the height of the
* entire screen display. This is used to run a
* full-screen program on any display size.
displayHeight: number
* System variable that stores the width of the inner
* window, it maps to window.innerWidth.
windowWidth: number
* System variable that stores the height of the
* inner window, it maps to window.innerHeight.
windowHeight: number
* System variable that stores the width of the
* drawing canvas. This value is set by the first
* parameter of the createCanvas() function. For
* example, the function call createCanvas(320, 240)
* sets the width variable to the value 320. The
* value of width defaults to 100 if createCanvas()
* is not used in a program.
width: number
* System variable that stores the height of the
* drawing canvas. This value is set by the second
* parameter of the createCanvas() function. For
* example, the function call createCanvas(320, 240)
* sets the height variable to the value 240. The
* value of height defaults to 100 if createCanvas()
* is not used in a program.
height: number
* The system variable deviceOrientation always
* contains the orientation of the device. The value
* of this variable will either be set 'landscape' or
* 'portrait'. If no data is available it will be set
* to 'undefined'. either LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT.
deviceOrientation: any
* The system variable accelerationX always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the x axis.
* Value is represented as meters per second squared.
accelerationX: number
* The system variable accelerationY always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the y axis.
* Value is represented as meters per second squared.
accelerationY: number
* The system variable accelerationZ always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the z axis.
* Value is represented as meters per second squared.
accelerationZ: number
* The system variable pAccelerationX always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the x axis in
* the frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as meters per second squared.
pAccelerationX: number
* The system variable pAccelerationY always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the y axis in
* the frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as meters per second squared.
pAccelerationY: number
* The system variable pAccelerationZ always contains
* the acceleration of the device along the z axis in
* the frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as meters per second squared.
pAccelerationZ: number
* The system variable rotationX always contains the
* rotation of the device along the x axis. Value is
* represented as 0 to +/-180 degrees. Note: The
* order the rotations are called is important, ie.
* if used together, it must be called in the order
* Z-X-Y or there might be unexpected behaviour.
rotationX: number
* The system variable rotationY always contains the
* rotation of the device along the y axis. Value is
* represented as 0 to +/-90 degrees. Note: The
* order the rotations are called is important, ie.
* if used together, it must be called in the order
* Z-X-Y or there might be unexpected behaviour.
rotationY: number
* The system variable rotationZ always contains the
* rotation of the device along the z axis. Value is
* represented as 0 to 359 degrees. Unlike rotationX
* and rotationY, this variable is available for
* devices with a built-in compass only.
* Note: The order the rotations are called is
* important, ie. if used together, it must be called
* in the order Z-X-Y or there might be unexpected
* behaviour.
rotationZ: number
* The system variable pRotationX always contains the
* rotation of the device along the x axis in the
* frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as 0 to +/-180 degrees. pRotationX
* can also be used with rotationX to determine the
* rotate direction of the device along the X-axis.
pRotationX: number
* The system variable pRotationY always contains the
* rotation of the device along the y axis in the
* frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as 0 to +/-90 degrees. pRotationY can
* also be used with rotationY to determine the
* rotate direction of the device along the Y-axis.
pRotationY: number
* The system variable pRotationZ always contains the
* rotation of the device along the z axis in the
* frame previous to the current frame. Value is
* represented as 0 to 359 degrees. pRotationZ can
* also be used with rotationZ to determine the
* rotate direction of the device along the Z-axis.
pRotationZ: number
turnAxis: string
* The boolean system variable keyIsPressed is true
* if any key is pressed and false if no keys are
* pressed.
keyIsPressed: boolean
* The system variable key always contains the value
* of the most recent key on the keyboard that was
* typed. To get the proper capitalization, it is
* best to use it within keyTyped(). For non-ASCII
* keys, use the keyCode variable.
key: string
* The variable keyCode is used to detect special
* can also check for custom keys by looking up the
* keyCode of any key on a site like this:
keyCode: number
* The system variable mouseX always contains the
* current horizontal position of the mouse, relative
* to (0, 0) of the canvas. If touch is used instead
* of mouse input, mouseX will hold the x value of
* the most recent touch point.
mouseX: number
* The system variable mouseY always contains the
* current vertical position of the mouse, relative
* to (0, 0) of the canvas. If touch is used instead
* of mouse input, mouseY will hold the y value of
* the most recent touch point.
mouseY: number
* The system variable pmouseX always contains the
* horizontal position of the mouse or finger in the
* frame previous to the current frame, relative to
* (0, 0) of the canvas.
pmouseX: number
* The system variable pmouseY always contains the
* vertical position of the mouse or finger in the
* frame previous to the current frame, relative to
* (0, 0) of the canvas.
pmouseY: number
* The system variable winMouseX always contains the
* current horizontal position of the mouse, relative
* to (0, 0) of the window.
winMouseX: number
* The system variable winMouseY always contains the
* current vertical position of the mouse, relative
* to (0, 0) of the window.
winMouseY: number
* The system variable pwinMouseX always contains the
* horizontal position of the mouse in the frame
* previous to the current frame, relative to (0, 0)
* of the window.
pwinMouseX: number
* The system variable pwinMouseY always contains the
* vertical position of the mouse in the frame
* previous to the current frame, relative to (0, 0)
* of the window.
pwinMouseY: number
* Processing automatically tracks if the mouse
* button is pressed and which button is pressed. The
* value of the system variable mouseButton is either
* LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER depending on which button
* was pressed last. Warning: different browsers may
* track mouseButton differently.
mouseButton: any
* The boolean system variable mouseIsPressed is true
* if the mouse is pressed and false if not.
mouseIsPressed: boolean
* The system variable touches[] contains an array of
* the positions of all current touch points,
* relative to (0, 0) of the canvas, and IDs
* identifying a unique touch as it moves. Each
* element in the array is an object with x, y, and
* id properties. The touches[] array is not
* supported on Safari and IE on touch-based desktops
* (laptops).
touches: object[]
* Uint8ClampedArray containing the values for all
* the pixels in the display window. These values are
* numbers. This array is the size (include an
* appropriate factor for pixelDensity) of the
* display window x4, representing the R, G, B, A
* values in order for each pixel, moving from left
* to right across each row, then down each column.
* Retina and other high density displays will have
* more pixels[] (by a factor of pixelDensity^2). For
* example, if the image is 100x100 pixels, there
* will be 40,000. On a retina display, there will be
* 160,000. The first four values (indices 0-3) in
* the array will be the R, G, B, A values of the
* pixel at (0, 0). The second four values (indices
* 4-7) will contain the R, G, B, A values of the
* pixel at (1, 0). More generally, to set values for
* a pixel at (x, y):
* var d = pixelDensity(); for (var i = 0; i < d;
* i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { // loop over
* idx = 4 * ((y * d + j) * width * d + (x * d + i));
* pixels[idx] = r; pixels[idx+1] = g; pixels[idx+2]
* = b; pixels[idx+3] = a; } }
* While the above method is complex, it is flexible
* enough to work with any pixelDensity. Note that
* set() will automatically take care of setting all
* the appropriate values in pixels[] for a given (x,
* y) at any pixelDensity, but the performance may
* not be as fast when lots of modifications are made
* to the pixel array.
* Before accessing this array, the data must loaded
* with the loadPixels() function. After the array
* data has been modified, the updatePixels()
* function must be run to update the changes.
* Note that this is not a standard javascript array.
* This means that standard javascript functions such
* as slice() or arrayCopy() do not work.
pixels: number[]
* p5.soundOut is the p5.sound master output. It
* sends output to the destination of this window's
* web audio context. It contains Web Audio API nodes
* including a dyanmicsCompressor (.limiter), and
* Gain Nodes for .input and .output.
soundOut: object
* This is the p5 instance constructor. A p5 instance
* holds all the properties and methods related to a
* p5 sketch. It expects an incoming sketch closure
* and it can also take an optional node parameter
* for attaching the generated p5 canvas to a node.
* The sketch closure takes the newly created p5
* instance as its sole argument and may optionally
* set preload(), setup(), and/or draw() properties
* on it for running a sketch.
* A p5 sketch can run in "global" or "instance"
* mode: "global" - all properties and methods are
* attached to the window "instance" - all properties
* and methods are bound to this p5 object
* @param sketch a closure that can set optional
* preload(), setup(), and/or draw() properties on
* the given p5 instance
* @param [node] element to attach canvas to, if a
* boolean is passed in use it as sync
* @param [sync] start synchronously (optional)
* @return a p5 instance
constructor(sketch: Function, node?: HTMLElement|boolean, sync?: boolean)
* Extracts the alpha value from a color or pixel
* array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the alpha value
alpha(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Extracts the blue value from a color or pixel
* array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the blue value
blue(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Extracts the HSB brightness value from a color or
* pixel array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the brightness value
brightness(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Creates colors for storing in variables of the
* color datatype. The parameters are interpreted as
* RGB or HSB values depending on the current
* colorMode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0
* to 255 and, therefore, the function call
* color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow
* color. Note that if only one value is provided to
* color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale
* value. Add a second value, and it will be used for
* alpha transparency. When three values are
* specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or
* HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha
* transparency.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* @param gray number specifying value between white
* and black.
* @param [alpha] alpha value relative to current
* color range (default is 0-255)
* @return resulting color
color(gray: number, alpha?: number): p5.Color
* Creates colors for storing in variables of the
* color datatype. The parameters are interpreted as
* RGB or HSB values depending on the current
* colorMode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0
* to 255 and, therefore, the function call
* color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow
* color. Note that if only one value is provided to
* color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale
* value. Add a second value, and it will be used for
* alpha transparency. When three values are
* specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or
* HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha
* transparency.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* @param v1 red or hue value relative to the current
* color range
* @param v2 green or saturation value relative to
* the current color range
* @param v3 blue or brightness value relative to the
* current color range
* @param [alpha] alpha value relative to current
* color range (default is 0-255)
color(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, alpha?: number): p5.Color
* Creates colors for storing in variables of the
* color datatype. The parameters are interpreted as
* RGB or HSB values depending on the current
* colorMode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0
* to 255 and, therefore, the function call
* color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow
* color. Note that if only one value is provided to
* color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale
* value. Add a second value, and it will be used for
* alpha transparency. When three values are
* specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or
* HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha
* transparency.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* @param value a color string
* @param [alpha] alpha value relative to current
* color range (default is 0-255)
color(value: string, alpha?: number): p5.Color
* Creates colors for storing in variables of the
* color datatype. The parameters are interpreted as
* RGB or HSB values depending on the current
* colorMode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0
* to 255 and, therefore, the function call
* color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow
* color. Note that if only one value is provided to
* color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale
* value. Add a second value, and it will be used for
* alpha transparency. When three values are
* specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or
* HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha
* transparency.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
color(values: number[]): p5.Color
* Creates colors for storing in variables of the
* color datatype. The parameters are interpreted as
* RGB or HSB values depending on the current
* colorMode(). The default mode is RGB values from 0
* to 255 and, therefore, the function call
* color(255, 204, 0) will return a bright yellow
* color. Note that if only one value is provided to
* color(), it will be interpreted as a grayscale
* value. Add a second value, and it will be used for
* alpha transparency. When three values are
* specified, they are interpreted as either RGB or
* HSB values. Adding a fourth value applies alpha
* transparency.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
color(color: p5.Color): p5.Color
* Extracts the green value from a color or pixel
* array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the green value
green(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Extracts the hue value from a color or pixel
* array. Hue exists in both HSB and HSL. This
* function will return the HSB-normalized hue when
* supplied with an HSB color object (or when
* supplied with a pixel array while the color mode
* is HSB), but will default to the HSL-normalized
* hue otherwise. (The values will only be different
* if the maximum hue setting for each system is
* different.)
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the hue
hue(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Blends two colors to find a third color somewhere
* between them. The amt parameter is the amount to
* interpolate between the two values where 0.0 equal
* to the first color, 0.1 is very near the first
* color, 0.5 is halfway in between, etc. An amount
* below 0 will be treated as 0. Likewise, amounts
* above 1 will be capped at 1. This is different
* from the behavior of lerp(), but necessary because
* otherwise numbers outside the range will produce
* strange and unexpected colors. The way that
* colours are interpolated depends on the current
* color mode.
* @param c1 interpolate from this color
* @param c2 interpolate to this color
* @param amt number between 0 and 1
* @return interpolated color
lerpColor(c1: p5.Color, c2: p5.Color, amt: number): p5.Color
* Extracts the HSL lightness value from a color or
* pixel array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the lightness
lightness(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* Extracts the red value from a color or pixel
* array.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the red value
red(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
// src/core/core.js
* Extracts the saturation value from a color or
* pixel array. Saturation is scaled differently in
* HSB and HSL. This function will return the HSB
* saturation when supplied with an HSB color object
* (or when supplied with a pixel array while the
* color mode is HSB), but will default to the HSL
* saturation otherwise.
* @param color p5.Color object, color components, or
* CSS color
* @return the saturation value
saturation(color: p5.Color|number[]|string): number
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param color any value created by the color()
* function
* @chainable
background(color: p5.Color): p5
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param colorstring color string, possible formats
* include: integer rgb() or rgba(), percentage rgb()
* or rgba(), 3-digit hex, 6-digit hex
* @param [a] opacity of the background relative to
* current color range (default is 0-255)
* @chainable
background(colorstring: string, a?: number): p5
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param gray specifies a value between white and
* black
* @param [a] opacity of the background relative to
* current color range (default is 0-255)
* @chainable
background(gray: number, a?: number): p5
// src/core/curves.js
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param v1 red or hue value (depending on the
* current color mode)
* @param v2 green or saturation value (depending on
* the current color mode)
* @param v3 blue or brightness value (depending on
* the current color mode)
* @param [a] opacity of the background relative to
* current color range (default is 0-255)
* @chainable
background(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, a?: number): p5
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
* @chainable
background(values: number[]): p5
* The background() function sets the color used for
* the background of the p5.js canvas. The default
* background is light gray. This function is
* typically used within draw() to clear the display
* window at the beginning of each frame, but it can
* be used inside setup() to set the background on
* the first frame of animation or if the background
* need only be set once. The color is either
* specified in terms of the RGB, HSB, or HSL color
* depending on the current colorMode. (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255.
* If a single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA
* and Hex CSS color strings and all named color
* strings are supported. In this case, an alpha
* number value as a second argument is not
* supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5.Color object can also be provided to set the
* background color.
* A p5.Image can also be provided to set the
* background iamge.
* @param image image created with loadImage() or
* createImage(), to set as background (must be same
* size as the sketch window)
* @param [a] opacity of the background relative to
* current color range (default is 0-255)
* @chainable
background(image: p5.Image, a?: number): p5
* Clears the pixels within a buffer. This function
* only works on p5.Canvas objects created with the
* createCanvas() function; it won't work with the
* main display window. Unlike the main graphics
* context, pixels in additional graphics areas
* created with createGraphics() can be entirely or
* partially transparent. This function clears
* everything to make all of the pixels 100%
* transparent.
* @chainable
clear(): p5
* colorMode() changes the way p5.js interprets color
* data. By default, the parameters for fill(),
* stroke(), background(), and color() are defined by
* values between 0 and 255 using the RGB color
* model. This is equivalent to setting
* colorMode(RGB, 255). Setting colorMode(HSB) lets
* you use the HSB system instead. By default, this
* is colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1). You can also
* use HSL. Note: existing color objects remember
* the mode that they were created in, so you can
* change modes as you like without affecting their
* appearance.
* @param mode either RGB, HSB or HSL, corresponding
* to Red/Green/Blue and Hue/Saturation/Brightness
* (or Lightness)
* @param [max] range for all values
* @chainable
colorMode(mode: COLOR_MODE, max?: number): p5
* colorMode() changes the way p5.js interprets color
* data. By default, the parameters for fill(),
* stroke(), background(), and color() are defined by
* values between 0 and 255 using the RGB color
* model. This is equivalent to setting
* colorMode(RGB, 255). Setting colorMode(HSB) lets
* you use the HSB system instead. By default, this
* is colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1). You can also
* use HSL. Note: existing color objects remember
* the mode that they were created in, so you can
* change modes as you like without affecting their
* appearance.
* @param mode either RGB, HSB or HSL, corresponding
* to Red/Green/Blue and Hue/Saturation/Brightness
* (or Lightness)
* @param max1 range for the red or hue depending on
* the current color mode
* @param max2 range for the green or saturation
* depending on the current color mode
* @param max3 range for the blue or
* brightness/lighntess depending on the current
* color mode
* @param [maxA] range for the alpha
* @chainable
colorMode(mode: any, max1: number, max2: number, max3: number, maxA?: number): p5
* Sets the color used to fill shapes. For example,
* if you run fill(204, 102, 0), all subsequent
* shapes will be filled with orange. This color is
* either specified in terms of the RGB or HSB color
* depending on the current colorMode(). (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255. If a single string argument is
* provided, RGB, RGBA and Hex CSS color strings and
* all named color strings are supported. In this
* case, an alpha number value as a second argument
* is not supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* fill color.
* @param v1 red or hue value relative to the current
* color range
* @param v2 green or saturation value relative to
* the current color range
* @param v3 blue or brightness value relative to the
* current color range
* @chainable
fill(v1: number, v2?: number, v3?: number, alpha?: number): p5
* Sets the color used to fill shapes. For example,
* if you run fill(204, 102, 0), all subsequent
* shapes will be filled with orange. This color is
* either specified in terms of the RGB or HSB color
* depending on the current colorMode(). (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255. If a single string argument is
* provided, RGB, RGBA and Hex CSS color strings and
* all named color strings are supported. In this
* case, an alpha number value as a second argument
* is not supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* fill color.
* @param value a color string
* @chainable
fill(value: string, alpha?: number): p5
* Sets the color used to fill shapes. For example,
* if you run fill(204, 102, 0), all subsequent
* shapes will be filled with orange. This color is
* either specified in terms of the RGB or HSB color
* depending on the current colorMode(). (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255. If a single string argument is
* provided, RGB, RGBA and Hex CSS color strings and
* all named color strings are supported. In this
* case, an alpha number value as a second argument
* is not supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* fill color.
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
* @chainable
fill(values: number[]): p5
* Sets the color used to fill shapes. For example,
* if you run fill(204, 102, 0), all subsequent
* shapes will be filled with orange. This color is
* either specified in terms of the RGB or HSB color
* depending on the current colorMode(). (The default
* color space is RGB, with each value in the range
* from 0 to 255). The alpha range by default is also
* 0 to 255. If a single string argument is
* provided, RGB, RGBA and Hex CSS color strings and
* all named color strings are supported. In this
* case, an alpha number value as a second argument
* is not supported, the RGBA form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* fill color.
* @param color the fill color
* @chainable
fill(color: p5.Color): p5
* Disables filling geometry. If both noStroke() and
* noFill() are called, nothing will be drawn to the
* screen.
* @chainable
noFill(): p5
// src/core/environment.js
* Disables drawing the stroke (outline). If both
* noStroke() and noFill() are called, nothing will
* be drawn to the screen.
* @chainable
noStroke(): p5
* Sets the color used to draw lines and borders
* around shapes. This color is either specified in
* terms of the RGB or HSB color depending on the
* current colorMode() (the default color space is
* RGB, with each value in the range from 0 to 255).
* The alpha range by default is also 0 to 255. If a
* single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA and
* Hex CSS color strings and all named color strings
* are supported. In this case, an alpha number value
* as a second argument is not supported, the RGBA
* form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* stroke color.
* @param v1 red or hue value relative to the current
* color range
* @param v2 green or saturation value relative to
* the current color range
* @param v3 blue or brightness value relative to the
* current color range
* @chainable
stroke(v1: number, v2?: number, v3?: number, alpha?: number): p5
* Sets the color used to draw lines and borders
* around shapes. This color is either specified in
* terms of the RGB or HSB color depending on the
* current colorMode() (the default color space is
* RGB, with each value in the range from 0 to 255).
* The alpha range by default is also 0 to 255. If a
* single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA and
* Hex CSS color strings and all named color strings
* are supported. In this case, an alpha number value
* as a second argument is not supported, the RGBA
* form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* stroke color.
* @param value a color string
* @chainable
stroke(value: string, alpha?: number): p5
* Sets the color used to draw lines and borders
* around shapes. This color is either specified in
* terms of the RGB or HSB color depending on the
* current colorMode() (the default color space is
* RGB, with each value in the range from 0 to 255).
* The alpha range by default is also 0 to 255. If a
* single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA and
* Hex CSS color strings and all named color strings
* are supported. In this case, an alpha number value
* as a second argument is not supported, the RGBA
* form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* stroke color.
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
* @chainable
stroke(values: number[]): p5
* Sets the color used to draw lines and borders
* around shapes. This color is either specified in
* terms of the RGB or HSB color depending on the
* current colorMode() (the default color space is
* RGB, with each value in the range from 0 to 255).
* The alpha range by default is also 0 to 255. If a
* single string argument is provided, RGB, RGBA and
* Hex CSS color strings and all named color strings
* are supported. In this case, an alpha number value
* as a second argument is not supported, the RGBA
* form should be used.
* A p5 Color object can also be provided to set the
* stroke color.
* @param color the stroke color
* @chainable
stroke(color: p5.Color): p5
* Draw an arc to the screen. If called with only x,
* y, w, h, start, and stop, the arc will be drawn
* and filled as an open pie segment. If a mode
* parameter is provided, the arc will be filled like
* an open semi-circle (OPEN) , a closed semi-circle
* (CHORD), or as a closed pie segment (PIE). The
* origin may be changed with the ellipseMode()
* function. Note that drawing a full circle (ex: 0
* to TWO_PI) will appear blank because 0 and TWO_PI
* are the same position on the unit circle. The best
* way to handle this is by using the ellipse()
* function instead to create a closed ellipse, and
* to use the arc() function only to draw parts of an
* ellipse.
* @param x x-coordinate of the arc's ellipse
* @param y y-coordinate of the arc's ellipse
* @param w width of the arc's ellipse by default
* @param h height of the arc's ellipse by default
* @param start angle to start the arc, specified in
* radians
* @param stop angle to stop the arc, specified in
* radians
* @param [mode] optional parameter to determine the
* way of drawing the arc. either CHORD, PIE or OPEN
* @chainable
arc(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, start: number, stop: number, mode?: ARC_MODE): p5
* Draws an ellipse (oval) to the screen. An ellipse
* with equal width and height is a circle. By
* default, the first two parameters set the
* location, and the third and fourth parameters set
* the shape's width and height. If no height is
* specified, the value of width is used for both the
* width and height. If a negative height or width is
* specified, the absolute value is taken. The origin
* may be changed with the ellipseMode() function.
* @param x x-coordinate of the ellipse.
* @param y y-coordinate of the ellipse.
* @param w width of the ellipse.
* @param [h] height of the ellipse.
* @chainable
ellipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h?: number): p5
* Draws an ellipse (oval) to the screen. An ellipse
* with equal width and height is a circle. By
* default, the first two parameters set the
* location, and the third and fourth parameters set
* the shape's width and height. If no height is
* specified, the value of width is used for both the
* width and height. If a negative height or width is
* specified, the absolute value is taken. The origin
* may be changed with the ellipseMode() function.
* @param x x-coordinate of the ellipse.
* @param y y-coordinate of the ellipse.
* @param w width of the ellipse.
* @param h height of the ellipse.
* @param detail number of radial sectors to draw
ellipse(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, detail: number): void
* Draws a line (a direct path between two points) to
* the screen. The version of line() with four
* parameters draws the line in 2D. To color a line,
* use the stroke() function. A line cannot be
* filled, therefore the fill() function will not
* affect the color of a line. 2D lines are drawn
* with a width of one pixel by default, but this can
* be changed with the strokeWeight() function.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 the x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 the y-coordinate of the second point
* @chainable
line(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): p5
* Draws a line (a direct path between two points) to
* the screen. The version of line() with four
* parameters draws the line in 2D. To color a line,
* use the stroke() function. A line cannot be
* filled, therefore the fill() function will not
* affect the color of a line. 2D lines are drawn
* with a width of one pixel by default, but this can
* be changed with the strokeWeight() function.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the first point
* @param z1 the z-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 the x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 the y-coordinate of the second point
* @param z2 the z-coordinate of the second point
* @chainable
line(x1: number, y1: number, z1: number, x2: number, y2: number, z2: number): p5
* Draws a point, a coordinate in space at the
* dimension of one pixel. The first parameter is the
* horizontal value for the point, the second value
* is the vertical value for the point. The color of
* the point is determined by the current stroke.
* @param x the x-coordinate
* @param y the y-coordinate
* @param [z] the z-coordinate (for WEBGL mode)
* @chainable
point(x: number, y: number, z?: number): p5
* Draw a quad. A quad is a quadrilateral, a four
* sided polygon. It is similar to a rectangle, but
* the angles between its edges are not constrained
* to ninety degrees. The first pair of parameters
* (x1,y1) sets the first vertex and the subsequent
* pairs should proceed clockwise or
* counter-clockwise around the defined shape.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 the x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 the y-coordinate of the second point
* @param x3 the x-coordinate of the third point
* @param y3 the y-coordinate of the third point
* @param x4 the x-coordinate of the fourth point
* @param y4 the y-coordinate of the fourth point
* @chainable
quad(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, x4: number, y4: number): p5
* Draw a quad. A quad is a quadrilateral, a four
* sided polygon. It is similar to a rectangle, but
* the angles between its edges are not constrained
* to ninety degrees. The first pair of parameters
* (x1,y1) sets the first vertex and the subsequent
* pairs should proceed clockwise or
* counter-clockwise around the defined shape.
* @param x1 the x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 the y-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 the x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 the y-coordinate of the second point
* @param x3 the x-coordinate of the third point
* @param y3 the y-coordinate of the third point
* @param x4 the x-coordinate of the fourth point
* @param y4 the y-coordinate of the fourth point
* @chainable
quad(x1: number, y1: number, z1: number, x2: number, y2: number, z2: number, x3: number, y3: number, z3: number, x4: number, y4: number, z4: number): p5
* Draws a rectangle to the screen. A rectangle is a
* four-sided shape with every angle at ninety
* degrees. By default, the first two parameters set
* the location of the upper-left corner, the third
* sets the width, and the fourth sets the height.
* The way these parameters are interpreted, however,
* may be changed with the rectMode() function. The
* fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, if
* specified, determine corner radius for the
* top-right, top-left, lower-right and lower-left
* corners, respectively. An omitted corner radius
* parameter is set to the value of the previously
* specified radius value in the parameter list.
* @param x x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param y y-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param w width of the rectangle.
* @param h height of the rectangle.
* @param [tl] optional radius of top-left corner.
* @param [tr] optional radius of top-right corner.
* @param [br] optional radius of bottom-right
* corner.
* @param [bl] optional radius of bottom-left corner.
* @chainable
rect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, tl?: number, tr?: number, br?: number, bl?: number): p5
* Draws a rectangle to the screen. A rectangle is a
* four-sided shape with every angle at ninety
* degrees. By default, the first two parameters set
* the location of the upper-left corner, the third
* sets the width, and the fourth sets the height.
* The way these parameters are interpreted, however,
* may be changed with the rectMode() function. The
* fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth parameters, if
* specified, determine corner radius for the
* top-right, top-left, lower-right and lower-left
* corners, respectively. An omitted corner radius
* parameter is set to the value of the previously
* specified radius value in the parameter list.
* @param x x-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param y y-coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param w width of the rectangle.
* @param h height of the rectangle.
* @param [detailX] number of segments in the
* x-direction
* @param [detailY] number of segments in the
* y-direction
* @chainable
rect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
* A triangle is a plane created by connecting three
* points. The first two arguments specify the first
* point, the middle two arguments specify the second
* point, and the last two arguments specify the
* third point.
* @param x1 x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 y-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 y-coordinate of the second point
* @param x3 x-coordinate of the third point
* @param y3 y-coordinate of the third point
* @chainable
triangle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number): p5
* Modifies the location from which ellipses are
* drawn by changing the way in which parameters
* given to ellipse() are interpreted. The default
* mode is ellipseMode(CENTER), which interprets the
* first two parameters of ellipse() as the shape's
* center point, while the third and fourth
* parameters are its width and height.
* ellipseMode(RADIUS) also uses the first two
* parameters of ellipse() as the shape's center
* point, but uses the third and fourth parameters to
* specify half of the shapes's width and height.
* ellipseMode(CORNER) interprets the first two
* parameters of ellipse() as the upper-left corner
* of the shape, while the third and fourth
* parameters are its width and height.
* ellipseMode(CORNERS) interprets the first two
* parameters of ellipse() as the location of one
* corner of the ellipse's bounding box, and the
* third and fourth parameters as the location of the
* opposite corner.
* The parameter must be written in ALL CAPS because
* Javascript is a case-sensitive language.
* @param mode either CENTER, RADIUS, CORNER, or
* @chainable
ellipseMode(mode: ELLIPSE_MODE): p5
* Draws all geometry with jagged (aliased) edges.
* Note that smooth() is active by default, so it is
* necessary to call noSmooth() to disable smoothing
* of geometry, images, and fonts.
* @chainable
noSmooth(): p5
* Modifies the location from which rectangles are
* drawn by changing the way in which parameters
* given to rect() are interpreted. The default mode
* is rectMode(CORNER), which interprets the first
* two parameters of rect() as the upper-left corner
* of the shape, while the third and fourth
* parameters are its width and height.
* rectMode(CORNERS) interprets the first two
* parameters of rect() as the location of one
* corner, and the third and fourth parameters as the
* location of the opposite corner.
* rectMode(CENTER) interprets the first two
* parameters of rect() as the shape's center point,
* while the third and fourth parameters are its
* width and height.
* rectMode(RADIUS) also uses the first two
* parameters of rect() as the shape's center point,
* but uses the third and fourth parameters to
* specify half of the shapes's width and height.
* The parameter must be written in ALL CAPS because
* Javascript is a case-sensitive language.
* @param mode either CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, or
* @chainable
rectMode(mode: RECT_MODE): p5
* Draws all geometry with smooth (anti-aliased)
* edges. smooth() will also improve image quality of
* resized images. Note that smooth() is active by
* default; noSmooth() can be used to disable
* smoothing of geometry, images, and fonts.
* @chainable
smooth(): p5
// src/core/rendering.js
* Sets the style for rendering line endings. These
* ends are either squared, extended, or rounded,
* each of which specified with the corresponding
* parameters: SQUARE, PROJECT, and ROUND. The
* default cap is ROUND.
* @param cap either SQUARE, PROJECT, or ROUND
* @chainable
strokeCap(cap: STROKE_CAP): p5
* Sets the style of the joints which connect line
* segments. These joints are either mitered,
* beveled, or rounded and specified with the
* corresponding parameters MITER, BEVEL, and ROUND.
* The default joint is MITER.
* @param join either MITER, BEVEL, ROUND
* @chainable
strokeJoin(join: STROKE_JOIN): p5
* Sets the width of the stroke used for lines,
* points, and the border around shapes. All widths
* are set in units of pixels.
* @param weight the weight (in pixels) of the stroke
* @chainable
strokeWeight(weight: number): p5
* Called directly before setup(), the preload()
* function is used to handle asynchronous loading of
* external files. If a preload function is defined,
* setup() will wait until any load calls within have
* finished. Nothing besides load calls should be
* inside preload (loadImage, loadJSON, loadFont,
* loadStrings, etc).
* By default the text "loading..." will be
* displayed. To make your own loading page, include
* an HTML element with id "p5_loading" in your page.
* More information here.
preload(): void
* The setup() function is called once when the
* program starts. It's used to define initial
* environment properties such as screen size and
* background color and to load media such as images
* and fonts as the program starts. There can only be
* one setup() function for each program and it
* shouldn't be called again after its initial
* execution.
* Note: Variables declared within setup() are not
* accessible within other functions, including
* draw().
setup(): void
// src/core/structure.js
* Called directly after setup(), the draw() function
* continuously executes the lines of code contained
* inside its block until the program is stopped or
* noLoop() is called. Note if noLoop() is called in
* setup(), draw() will still be executed once before
* stopping. draw() is called automatically and
* should never be called explicitly. It should
* always be controlled with noLoop(), redraw() and
* loop(). After noLoop() stops the code in draw()
* from executing, redraw() causes the code inside
* draw() to execute once, and loop() will cause the
* code inside draw() to resume executing
* continuously.
* The number of times draw() executes in each second
* may be controlled with the frameRate() function.
* There can only be one draw() function for each
* sketch, and draw() must exist if you want the code
* to run continuously, or to process events such as
* mousePressed(). Sometimes, you might have an empty
* call to draw() in your program, as shown in the
* above example.
* It is important to note that the drawing
* coordinate system will be reset at the beginning
* of each draw() call. If any transformations are
* performed within draw() (ex: scale, rotate,
* translate), their effects will be undone at the
* beginning of draw(), so transformations will not
* accumulate over time. On the other hand, styling
* applied (ex: fill, stroke, etc) will remain in
* effect.
draw(): void
* Removes the entire p5 sketch. This will remove the
* canvas and any elements created by p5.js. It will
* also stop the draw loop and unbind any properties
* or methods from the window global scope. It will
* leave a variable p5 in case you wanted to create a
* new p5 sketch. If you like, you can set p5 = null
* to erase it. While all functions and variables and
* objects created by the p5 library will be removed,
* any other global variables created by your code
* will remain.
remove(): void
* Draws a cubic Bezier curve on the screen. These
* curves are defined by a series of anchor and
* control points. The first two parameters specify
* the first anchor point and the last two parameters
* specify the other anchor point, which become the
* first and last points on the curve. The middle
* parameters specify the two control points which
* define the shape of the curve. Approximately
* speaking, control points "pull" the curve towards
* them.Bezier curves were developed by French
* automotive engineer Pierre Bezier, and are
* commonly used in computer graphics to define
* gently sloping curves. See also curve().
* @param x1 x-coordinate for the first anchor point
* @param y1 y-coordinate for the first anchor point
* @param x2 x-coordinate for the first control point
* @param y2 y-coordinate for the first control point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param x4 x-coordinate for the second anchor point
* @param y4 y-coordinate for the second anchor point
* @chainable
bezier(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, x4: number, y4: number): p5
* Draws a cubic Bezier curve on the screen. These
* curves are defined by a series of anchor and
* control points. The first two parameters specify
* the first anchor point and the last two parameters
* specify the other anchor point, which become the
* first and last points on the curve. The middle
* parameters specify the two control points which
* define the shape of the curve. Approximately
* speaking, control points "pull" the curve towards
* them.Bezier curves were developed by French
* automotive engineer Pierre Bezier, and are
* commonly used in computer graphics to define
* gently sloping curves. See also curve().
* @param x1 x-coordinate for the first anchor point
* @param y1 y-coordinate for the first anchor point
* @param z1 z-coordinate for the first anchor point
* @param x2 x-coordinate for the first control point
* @param y2 y-coordinate for the first control point
* @param z2 z-coordinate for the first control point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param z3 z-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param x4 x-coordinate for the second anchor point
* @param y4 y-coordinate for the second anchor point
* @param z4 z-coordinate for the second anchor point
* @chainable
bezier(x1: number, y1: number, z1: number, x2: number, y2: number, z2: number, x3: number, y3: number, z3: number, x4: number, y4: number, z4: number): p5
* Sets the resolution at which Beziers display. The
* default value is 20.
* @param detail resolution of the curves
* @chainable
bezierDetail(detail: number): p5
// src/core/transform.js
* Evaluates the Bezier at position t for points a,
* b, c, d. The parameters a and d are the first and
* last points on the curve, and b and c are the
* control points. The final parameter t varies
* between 0 and 1. This can be done once with the x
* coordinates and a second time with the y
* coordinates to get the location of a bezier curve
* at t.
* @param a coordinate of first point on the curve
* @param b coordinate of first control point
* @param c coordinate of second control point
* @param d coordinate of second point on the curve
* @param t value between 0 and 1
* @return the value of the Bezier at position t
bezierPoint(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, t: number): number
* Evaluates the tangent to the Bezier at position t
* for points a, b, c, d. The parameters a and d are
* the first and last points on the curve, and b and
* c are the control points. The final parameter t
* varies between 0 and 1.
* @param a coordinate of first point on the curve
* @param b coordinate of first control point
* @param c coordinate of second control point
* @param d coordinate of second point on the curve
* @param t value between 0 and 1
* @return the tangent at position t
bezierTangent(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, t: number): number
* Draws a curved line on the screen between two
* points, given as the middle four parameters. The
* first two parameters are a control point, as if
* the curve came from this point even though it's
* not drawn. The last two parameters similarly
* describe the other control point. Longer curves
* can be created by putting a series of curve()
* functions together or using curveVertex(). An
* additional function called curveTightness()
* provides control for the visual quality of the
* curve. The curve() function is an implementation
* of Catmull-Rom splines.
* @param x1 x-coordinate for the beginning control
* point
* @param y1 y-coordinate for the beginning control
* point
* @param x2 x-coordinate for the first point
* @param y2 y-coordinate for the first point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the second point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the second point
* @param x4 x-coordinate for the ending control
* point
* @param y4 y-coordinate for the ending control
* point
* @chainable
curve(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, x4: number, y4: number): p5
* Draws a curved line on the screen between two
* points, given as the middle four parameters. The
* first two parameters are a control point, as if
* the curve came from this point even though it's
* not drawn. The last two parameters similarly
* describe the other control point. Longer curves
* can be created by putting a series of curve()
* functions together or using curveVertex(). An
* additional function called curveTightness()
* provides control for the visual quality of the
* curve. The curve() function is an implementation
* of Catmull-Rom splines.
* @param x1 x-coordinate for the beginning control
* point
* @param y1 y-coordinate for the beginning control
* point
* @param z1 z-coordinate for the beginning control
* point
* @param x2 x-coordinate for the first point
* @param y2 y-coordinate for the first point
* @param z2 z-coordinate for the first point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the second point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the second point
* @param z3 z-coordinate for the second point
* @param x4 x-coordinate for the ending control
* point
* @param y4 y-coordinate for the ending control
* point
* @param z4 z-coordinate for the ending control
* point
* @chainable
curve(x1: number, y1: number, z1: number, x2: number, y2: number, z2: number, x3: number, y3: number, z3: number, x4: number, y4: number, z4: number): p5
* Sets the resolution at which curves display. The
* default value is 20.
* @param resolution of the curves
* @chainable
curveDetail(resolution: number): p5
* Modifies the quality of forms created with curve()
* and curveVertex(). The parameter tightness
* determines how the curve fits to the vertex
* points. The value 0.0 is the default value for
* tightness (this value defines the curves to be
* Catmull-Rom splines) and the value 1.0 connects
* all the points with straight lines. Values within
* the range -5.0 and 5.0 will deform the curves but
* will leave them recognizable and as values
* increase in magnitude, they will continue to
* deform.
* @param amount of deformation from the original
* vertices
* @chainable
curveTightness(amount: number): p5
* Evaluates the curve at position t for points a, b,
* c, d. The parameter t varies between 0 and 1, a
* and d are points on the curve, and b and c are the
* control points. This can be done once with the x
* coordinates and a second time with the y
* coordinates to get the location of a curve at t.
* @param a coordinate of first point on the curve
* @param b coordinate of first control point
* @param c coordinate of second control point
* @param d coordinate of second point on the curve
* @param t value between 0 and 1
* @return bezier value at position t
curvePoint(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, t: number): number
* Evaluates the tangent to the curve at position t
* for points a, b, c, d. The parameter t varies
* between 0 and 1, a and d are points on the curve,
* and b and c are the control points.
* @param a coordinate of first point on the curve
* @param b coordinate of first control point
* @param c coordinate of second control point
* @param d coordinate of second point on the curve
* @param t value between 0 and 1
* @return the tangent at position t
curveTangent(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, t: number): number
* The print() function writes to the console area of
* your browser. This function is often helpful for
* looking at the data a program is producing. This
* function creates a new line of text for each call
* to the function. Individual elements can be
* separated with quotes ("") and joined with the
* addition operator (+).
* @param contents any combination of Number, String,
* Object, Boolean, Array to print
print(contents: any): void
* Sets the cursor to a predefined symbol or an
* image, or makes it visible if already hidden. If
* you are trying to set an image as the cursor, the
* recommended size is 16x16 or 32x32 pixels. It is
* not possible to load an image as the cursor if you
* are exporting your program for the Web, and not
* all MODES work with all browsers. The values for
* parameters x and y must be less than the
* dimensions of the image.
* @param type either ARROW, CROSS, HAND, MOVE, TEXT,
* or WAIT, or path for image
* @param [x] the horizontal active spot of the
* cursor
* @param [y] the vertical active spot of the cursor
cursor(type: string|any, x?: number, y?: number): void
* Specifies the number of frames to be displayed
* every second. For example, the function call
* frameRate(30) will attempt to refresh 30 times a
* second. If the processor is not fast enough to
* maintain the specified rate, the frame rate will
* not be achieved. Setting the frame rate within
* setup() is recommended. The default rate is 60
* frames per second. This is the same as
* setFrameRate(val). Calling frameRate() with no
* arguments returns the current framerate. The draw
* function must run at least once before it will
* return a value. This is the same as
* getFrameRate().
* Calling frameRate() with arguments that are not of
* the type numbers or are non positive also returns
* current framerate.
* @param fps number of frames to be displayed every
* second
* @chainable
frameRate(fps: number): p5
* Specifies the number of frames to be displayed
* every second. For example, the function call
* frameRate(30) will attempt to refresh 30 times a
* second. If the processor is not fast enough to
* maintain the specified rate, the frame rate will
* not be achieved. Setting the frame rate within
* setup() is recommended. The default rate is 60
* frames per second. This is the same as
* setFrameRate(val). Calling frameRate() with no
* arguments returns the current framerate. The draw
* function must run at least once before it will
* return a value. This is the same as
* getFrameRate().
* Calling frameRate() with arguments that are not of
* the type numbers or are non positive also returns
* current framerate.
* @return current frameRate
frameRate(): number
// src/core/vertex.js
* Hides the cursor from view.
noCursor(): void
* The windowResized() function is called once every
* time the browser window is resized. This is a good
* place to resize the canvas or do any other
* adjustments to accommodate the new window size.
windowResized(): void
* If argument is given, sets the sketch to
* fullscreen or not based on the value of the
* argument. If no argument is given, returns the
* current fullscreen state. Note that due to browser
* restrictions this can only be called on user
* input, for example, on mouse press like the
* example below.
* @param [val] whether the sketch should be in
* fullscreen mode or not
* @return current fullscreen state
fullscreen(val?: boolean): boolean
* Sets the pixel scaling for high pixel density
* displays. By default pixel density is set to match
* display density, call pixelDensity(1) to turn this
* off. Calling pixelDensity() with no arguments
* returns the current pixel density of the sketch.
* @param [val] whether or how much the sketch should
* scale
* @return current pixel density of the sketch
pixelDensity(val?: number): number
* Returns the pixel density of the current display
* the sketch is running on.
* @return current pixel density of the display
displayDensity(): number
* Gets the current URL.
* @return url
getURL(): string
* Gets the current URL path as an array.
* @return path components
getURLPath(): string[]
* Gets the current URL params as an Object.
* @return URL params
getURLParams(): object
* Creates a canvas element in the document, and sets
* the dimensions of it in pixels. This method should
* be called only once at the start of setup. Calling
* createCanvas more than once in a sketch will
* result in very unpredictable behavior. If you want
* more than one drawing canvas you could use
* createGraphics (hidden by default but it can be
* shown). The system variables width and height are
* set by the parameters passed to this function. If
* createCanvas() is not used, the window will be
* given a default size of 100x100 pixels.
* For more ways to position the canvas, see the
* positioning the canvas wiki page.
* @param w width of the canvas
* @param h height of the canvas
* @param [renderer] either P2D or WEBGL
* @return canvas generated
createCanvas(w: number, h: number, renderer?: RENDERER): p5.Renderer
// src/data/p5.TypedDict.js
* Resizes the canvas to given width and height. The
* canvas will be cleared and draw will be called
* immediately, allowing the sketch to re-render
* itself in the resized canvas.
* @param w width of the canvas
* @param h height of the canvas
* @param [noRedraw] don't redraw the canvas
* immediately
resizeCanvas(w: number, h: number, noRedraw?: boolean): void
* Removes the default canvas for a p5 sketch that
* doesn't require a canvas
noCanvas(): void
// src/events/acceleration.js
* Creates and returns a new p5.Renderer object. Use
* this class if you need to draw into an off-screen
* graphics buffer. The two parameters define the
* width and height in pixels.
* @param w width of the offscreen graphics buffer
* @param h height of the offscreen graphics buffer
* @param [renderer] either P2D or WEBGL undefined
* defaults to p2d
* @return offscreen graphics buffer
createGraphics(w: number, h: number, renderer?: RENDERER): p5.Graphics
* Blends the pixels in the display window according
* to the defined mode. There is a choice of the
* following modes to blend the source pixels (A)
* with the ones of pixels already in the display
* window (B): - BLEND - linear interpolation of
* colours: C = A*factor + B. This is the default
* blending mode.
* - ADD - sum of A and B
* - DARKEST - only the darkest colour succeeds: C =
* min(A*factor, B).
* - LIGHTEST - only the lightest colour succeeds: C
* = max(A*factor, B).
* - DIFFERENCE - subtract colors from underlying
* image.
* - EXCLUSION - similar to DIFFERENCE, but less
* extreme.
* - MULTIPLY - multiply the colors, result will
* always be darker.
* - SCREEN - opposite multiply, uses inverse values
* of the colors.
* - REPLACE - the pixels entirely replace the others
* and don't utilize alpha (transparency) values.
* - OVERLAY - mix of MULTIPLY and SCREEN .
* Multiplies dark values, and screens light values.
* - HARD_LIGHT - SCREEN when greater than 50% gray,
* MULTIPLY when lower.
* - SOFT_LIGHT - mix of DARKEST and LIGHTEST. Works
* like OVERLAY, but not as harsh.
* - DODGE - lightens light tones and increases
* contrast, ignores darks.
* - BURN - darker areas are applied, increasing
* contrast, ignores lights.
* @param mode blend mode to set for canvas. either
blendMode(mode: BLEND_MODE): void
* Stops p5.js from continuously executing the code
* within draw(). If loop() is called, the code in
* draw() begins to run continuously again. If using
* noLoop() in setup(), it should be the last line
* inside the block. When noLoop() is used, it's not
* possible to manipulate or access the screen inside
* event handling functions such as mousePressed() or
* keyPressed(). Instead, use those functions to call
* redraw() or loop(), which will run draw(), which
* can update the screen properly. This means that
* when noLoop() has been called, no drawing can
* happen, and functions like saveFrame() or
* loadPixels() may not be used.
* Note that if the sketch is resized, redraw() will
* be called to update the sketch, even after
* noLoop() has been specified. Otherwise, the sketch
* would enter an odd state until loop() was called.
noLoop(): void
* By default, p5.js loops through draw()
* continuously, executing the code within it.
* However, the draw() loop may be stopped by calling
* noLoop(). In that case, the draw() loop can be
* resumed with loop().
loop(): void
* The push() function saves the current drawing
* style settings and transformations, while pop()
* restores these settings. Note that these functions
* are always used together. They allow you to change
* the style and transformation settings and later
* return to what you had. When a new state is
* started with push(), it builds on the current
* style and transform information. The push() and
* pop() functions can be embedded to provide more
* control. (See the second example for a
* demonstration.) push() stores information related
* to the current transformation state and style
* settings controlled by the following functions:
* fill(), stroke(), tint(), strokeWeight(),
* strokeCap(), strokeJoin(), imageMode(),
* rectMode(), ellipseMode(), colorMode(),
* textAlign(), textFont(), textMode(), textSize(),
* textLeading().
push(): void
* The push() function saves the current drawing
* style settings and transformations, while pop()
* restores these settings. Note that these functions
* are always used together. They allow you to change
* the style and transformation settings and later
* return to what you had. When a new state is
* started with push(), it builds on the current
* style and transform information. The push() and
* pop() functions can be embedded to provide more
* control. (See the second example for a
* demonstration.) push() stores information related
* to the current transformation state and style
* settings controlled by the following functions:
* fill(), stroke(), tint(), strokeWeight(),
* strokeCap(), strokeJoin(), imageMode(),
* rectMode(), ellipseMode(), colorMode(),
* textAlign(), textFont(), textMode(), textSize(),
* textLeading().
pop(): void
* Executes the code within draw() one time. This
* functions allows the program to update the display
* window only when necessary, for example when an
* event registered by mousePressed() or keyPressed()
* occurs. In structuring a program, it only makes
* sense to call redraw() within events such as
* mousePressed(). This is because redraw() does not
* run draw() immediately (it only sets a flag that
* indicates an update is needed).
* The redraw() function does not work properly when
* called inside draw(). To enable/disable
* animations, use loop() and noLoop().
* In addition you can set the number of redraws per
* method call. Just add an integer as single
* parameter for the number of redraws.
* @param [n] Redraw for n-times. The default value
* is 1.
redraw(n?: number): void
* Multiplies the current matrix by the one specified
* through the parameters. This is a powerful
* operation that can perform the equivalent of
* translate, scale, shear and rotate all at once.
* You can learn more about transformation matrices
* on Wikipedia. The naming of the arguments here
* follows the naming of the WHATWG specification
* and corresponds to a transformation matrix of the
* form:
* @param a numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @param b numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @param c numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @param d numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @param e numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @param f numbers which define the 2x3 matrix to be
* multiplied
* @chainable
applyMatrix(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number): p5
* Replaces the current matrix with the identity
* matrix.
* @chainable
resetMatrix(): p5
* Rotates a shape the amount specified by the angle
* parameter. This function accounts for angleMode,
* so angles can be entered in either RADIANS or
* DEGREES. Objects are always rotated around their
* relative position to the origin and positive
* numbers rotate objects in a clockwise direction.
* Transformations apply to everything that happens
* after and subsequent calls to the function
* accumulates the effect. For example, calling
* rotate(HALF_PI) and then rotate(HALF_PI) is the
* same as rotate(PI). All tranformations are reset
* when draw() begins again.
* Technically, rotate() multiplies the current
* transformation matrix by a rotation matrix. This
* function can be further controlled by the push()
* and pop().
* @param angle the angle of rotation, specified in
* radians or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @param [axis] (in 3d) the axis to rotate around
* @chainable
rotate(angle: number, axis?: p5.Vector|number[]): p5
* Rotates around X axis.
* @param angle the angle of rotation, specified in
* radians or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @chainable
rotateX(angle: number): p5
* Rotates around Y axis.
* @param angle the angle of rotation, specified in
* radians or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @chainable
rotateY(angle: number): p5
* Rotates around Z axis. Webgl mode only.
* @param angle the angle of rotation, specified in
* radians or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @chainable
rotateZ(angle: number): p5
* Increases or decreases the size of a shape by
* expanding and contracting vertices. Objects always
* scale from their relative origin to the coordinate
* system. Scale values are specified as decimal
* percentages. For example, the function call
* scale(2.0) increases the dimension of a shape by
* 200%. Transformations apply to everything that
* happens after and subsequent calls to the function
* multiply the effect. For example, calling
* scale(2.0) and then scale(1.5) is the same as
* scale(3.0). If scale() is called within draw(),
* the transformation is reset when the loop begins
* again.
* Using this function with the z parameter is only
* available in WEBGL mode. This function can be
* further controlled with push() and pop().
* @param s percent to scale the object, or
* percentage to scale the object in the x-axis if
* multiple arguments are given
* @param [y] percent to scale the object in the
* y-axis
* @param [z] percent to scale the object in the
* z-axis (webgl only)
* @chainable
scale(s: number|p5.Vector|number[], y?: number, z?: number): p5
* Increases or decreases the size of a shape by
* expanding and contracting vertices. Objects always
* scale from their relative origin to the coordinate
* system. Scale values are specified as decimal
* percentages. For example, the function call
* scale(2.0) increases the dimension of a shape by
* 200%. Transformations apply to everything that
* happens after and subsequent calls to the function
* multiply the effect. For example, calling
* scale(2.0) and then scale(1.5) is the same as
* scale(3.0). If scale() is called within draw(),
* the transformation is reset when the loop begins
* again.
* Using this function with the z parameter is only
* available in WEBGL mode. This function can be
* further controlled with push() and pop().
* @param scales per-axis percents to scale the
* object
* @chainable
scale(scales: p5.Vector|number[]): p5
* Shears a shape around the x-axis the amount
* specified by the angle parameter. Angles should be
* specified in the current angleMode. Objects are
* always sheared around their relative position to
* the origin and positive numbers shear objects in a
* clockwise direction. Transformations apply to
* everything that happens after and subsequent calls
* to the function accumulates the effect. For
* example, calling shearX(PI/2) and then
* shearX(PI/2) is the same as shearX(PI). If
* shearX() is called within the draw(), the
* transformation is reset when the loop begins
* again.
* Technically, shearX() multiplies the current
* transformation matrix by a rotation matrix. This
* function can be further controlled by the push()
* and pop() functions.
* @param angle angle of shear specified in radians
* or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @chainable
shearX(angle: number): p5
* Shears a shape around the y-axis the amount
* specified by the angle parameter. Angles should be
* specified in the current angleMode. Objects are
* always sheared around their relative position to
* the origin and positive numbers shear objects in a
* clockwise direction. Transformations apply to
* everything that happens after and subsequent calls
* to the function accumulates the effect. For
* example, calling shearY(PI/2) and then
* shearY(PI/2) is the same as shearY(PI). If
* shearY() is called within the draw(), the
* transformation is reset when the loop begins
* again.
* Technically, shearY() multiplies the current
* transformation matrix by a rotation matrix. This
* function can be further controlled by the push()
* and pop() functions.
* @param angle angle of shear specified in radians
* or degrees, depending on current angleMode
* @chainable
shearY(angle: number): p5
* Specifies an amount to displace objects within the
* display window. The x parameter specifies
* left/right translation, the y parameter specifies
* up/down translation. Transformations are
* cumulative and apply to everything that happens
* after and subsequent calls to the function
* accumulates the effect. For example, calling
* translate(50, 0) and then translate(20, 0) is the
* same as translate(70, 0). If translate() is called
* within draw(), the transformation is reset when
* the loop begins again. This function can be
* further controlled by using push() and pop().
* @param x left/right translation
* @param y up/down translation
* @param [z] forward/backward translation (webgl
* only)
* @chainable
translate(x: number, y: number, z?: number): p5
* Specifies an amount to displace objects within the
* display window. The x parameter specifies
* left/right translation, the y parameter specifies
* up/down translation. Transformations are
* cumulative and apply to everything that happens
* after and subsequent calls to the function
* accumulates the effect. For example, calling
* translate(50, 0) and then translate(20, 0) is the
* same as translate(70, 0). If translate() is called
* within draw(), the transformation is reset when
* the loop begins again. This function can be
* further controlled by using push() and pop().
* @param vector the vector to translate by
* @chainable
translate(vector: p5.Vector): p5
// src/events/keyboard.js
* Use the beginContour() and endContour() functions
* to create negative shapes within shapes such as
* the center of the letter 'O'. beginContour()
* begins recording vertices for the shape and
* endContour() stops recording. The vertices that
* define a negative shape must "wind" in the
* opposite direction from the exterior shape. First
* draw vertices for the exterior clockwise order,
* then for internal shapes, draw vertices shape in
* counter-clockwise. These functions can only be
* used within a beginShape()/endShape() pair and
* transformations such as translate(), rotate(), and
* scale() do not work within a
* beginContour()/endContour() pair. It is also not
* possible to use other shapes, such as ellipse() or
* rect() within.
* @chainable
beginContour(): p5
* Using the beginShape() and endShape() functions
* allow creating more complex forms. beginShape()
* begins recording vertices for a shape and
* endShape() stops recording. The value of the kind
* parameter tells it which types of shapes to create
* from the provided vertices. With no mode
* specified, the shape can be any irregular polygon.
* The parameters available for beginShape() are
* calling the beginShape() function, a series of
* vertex() commands must follow. To stop drawing the
* shape, call endShape(). Each shape will be
* outlined with the current stroke color and filled
* with the fill color.
* Transformations such as translate(), rotate(), and
* scale() do not work within beginShape(). It is
* also not possible to use other shapes, such as
* ellipse() or rect() within beginShape().
* @param [kind] either POINTS, LINES, TRIANGLES,
* @chainable
beginShape(kind?: BEGIN_KIND): p5
* Specifies vertex coordinates for Bezier curves.
* Each call to bezierVertex() defines the position
* of two control points and one anchor point of a
* Bezier curve, adding a new segment to a line or
* shape. The first time bezierVertex() is used
* within a beginShape() call, it must be prefaced
* with a call to vertex() to set the first anchor
* point. This function must be used between
* beginShape() and endShape() and only when there is
* no MODE parameter specified to beginShape().
* @param x2 x-coordinate for the first control point
* @param y2 y-coordinate for the first control point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the second control
* point
* @param x4 x-coordinate for the anchor point
* @param y4 y-coordinate for the anchor point
* @chainable
bezierVertex(x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, x4: number, y4: number): p5
* Specifies vertex coordinates for curves. This
* function may only be used between beginShape() and
* endShape() and only when there is no MODE
* parameter specified to beginShape(). The first
* and last points in a series of curveVertex() lines
* will be used to guide the beginning and end of a
* the curve. A minimum of four points is required to
* draw a tiny curve between the second and third
* points. Adding a fifth point with curveVertex()
* will draw the curve between the second, third, and
* fourth points. The curveVertex() function is an
* implementation of Catmull-Rom splines.
* @param x x-coordinate of the vertex
* @param y y-coordinate of the vertex
* @chainable
curveVertex(x: number, y: number): p5
* Use the beginContour() and endContour() functions
* to create negative shapes within shapes such as
* the center of the letter 'O'. beginContour()
* begins recording vertices for the shape and
* endContour() stops recording. The vertices that
* define a negative shape must "wind" in the
* opposite direction from the exterior shape. First
* draw vertices for the exterior clockwise order,
* then for internal shapes, draw vertices shape in
* counter-clockwise. These functions can only be
* used within a beginShape()/endShape() pair and
* transformations such as translate(), rotate(), and
* scale() do not work within a
* beginContour()/endContour() pair. It is also not
* possible to use other shapes, such as ellipse() or
* rect() within.
* @chainable
endContour(): p5
* The endShape() function is the companion to
* beginShape() and may only be called after
* beginShape(). When endshape() is called, all of
* image data defined since the previous call to
* beginShape() is written into the image buffer. The
* constant CLOSE as the value for the MODE parameter
* to close the shape (to connect the beginning and
* the end).
* @param [mode] use CLOSE to close the shape
* @chainable
endShape(mode?: END_MODE): p5
* Specifies vertex coordinates for quadratic Bezier
* curves. Each call to quadraticVertex() defines the
* position of one control points and one anchor
* point of a Bezier curve, adding a new segment to a
* line or shape. The first time quadraticVertex() is
* used within a beginShape() call, it must be
* prefaced with a call to vertex() to set the first
* anchor point. This function must be used between
* beginShape() and endShape() and only when there is
* no MODE parameter specified to beginShape().
* @param cx x-coordinate for the control point
* @param cy y-coordinate for the control point
* @param x3 x-coordinate for the anchor point
* @param y3 y-coordinate for the anchor point
* @chainable
quadraticVertex(cx: number, cy: number, x3: number, y3: number): p5
// src/events/mouse.js
* All shapes are constructed by connecting a series
* of vertices. vertex() is used to specify the
* vertex coordinates for points, lines, triangles,
* quads, and polygons. It is used exclusively within
* the beginShape() and endShape() functions.
* @param x x-coordinate of the vertex
* @param y y-coordinate of the vertex
* @chainable
vertex(x: number, y: number): p5
* All shapes are constructed by connecting a series
* of vertices. vertex() is used to specify the
* vertex coordinates for points, lines, triangles,
* quads, and polygons. It is used exclusively within
* the beginShape() and endShape() functions.
* @param x x-coordinate of the vertex
* @param y y-coordinate of the vertex
* @param [z] z-coordinate of the vertex
* @param [u] the vertex's texture u-coordinate
* @param [v] the vertex's texture v-coordinate
vertex(x: number, y: number, z?: number, u?: number, v?: number): void
* Creates a new instance of p5.StringDict using the
* key, value pair or object you provide.
* @param key or object
createStringDict(key: string|object, value: string): p5.StringDict
* Creates a new instance of p5.NumberDict using the
* key, value pair or object you provide.
* @param key or object
createNumberDict(key: number|object, value: number): p5.NumberDict
* The setMoveThreshold() function is used to set the
* movement threshold for the deviceMoved() function.
* The default threshold is set to 0.5.
* @param value The threshold value
setMoveThreshold(value: number): void
* The setShakeThreshold() function is used to set
* the movement threshold for the deviceShaken()
* function. The default threshold is set to 30.
* @param value The threshold value
setShakeThreshold(value: number): void
* The deviceMoved() function is called when the
* device is moved by more than the threshold value
* along X, Y or Z axis. The default threshold is set
* to 0.5.
deviceMoved(): void
* The deviceTurned() function is called when the
* device rotates by more than 90 degrees
* continuously. The axis that triggers the
* deviceTurned() method is stored in the turnAxis
* variable. The deviceTurned() method can be locked
* to trigger on any axis: X, Y or Z by comparing the
* turnAxis variable to 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'.
deviceTurned(): void
* The deviceShaken() function is called when the
* device total acceleration changes of accelerationX
* and accelerationY values is more than the
* threshold value. The default threshold is set to
* 30.
deviceShaken(): void
* The keyPressed() function is called once every
* time a key is pressed. The keyCode for the key
* that was pressed is stored in the keyCode
* variable. For non-ASCII keys, use the keyCode
* variable. You can check if the keyCode equals
* For ASCII keys that was pressed is stored in the
* key variable. However, it does not distinguish
* between uppercase and lowercase. For this reason,
* it is recommended to use keyTyped() to read the
* key variable, in which the case of the variable
* will be distinguished.
* Because of how operating systems handle key
* repeats, holding down a key may cause multiple
* calls to keyTyped() (and keyReleased() as well).
* The rate of repeat is set by the operating system
* and how each computer is configured.
* Browsers may have different default behaviors
* attached to various key events. To prevent any
* default behavior for this event, add "return
* false" to the end of the method.
keyPressed(): void
* The keyReleased() function is called once every
* time a key is released. See key and keyCode for
* more information. Browsers may have different
* default behaviors attached to various key events.
* To prevent any default behavior for this event,
* add "return false" to the end of the method.
keyReleased(): void
* The keyTyped() function is called once every time
* a key is pressed, but action keys such as Ctrl,
* Shift, and Alt are ignored. The most recent key
* pressed will be stored in the key variable.
* Because of how operating systems handle key
* repeats, holding down a key will cause multiple
* calls to keyTyped() (and keyReleased() as well).
* The rate of repeat is set by the operating system
* and how each computer is configured.
* Browsers may have different default behaviors
* attached to various key events. To prevent any
* default behavior for this event, add "return
* false" to the end of the method.
keyTyped(): void
* The keyIsDown() function checks if the key is
* currently down, i.e. pressed. It can be used if
* you have an object that moves, and you want
* several keys to be able to affect its behaviour
* simultaneously, such as moving a sprite
* diagonally. You can put in any number representing
* the keyCode of the key, or use any of the variable
* keyCode names listed here.
* @param code The key to check for.
* @return whether key is down or not
keyIsDown(code: number): boolean
* The mouseMoved() function is called every time the
* mouse moves and a mouse button is not pressed.
* Browsers may have different default behaviors
* attached to various mouse events. To prevent any
* default behavior for this event, add "return
* false" to the end of the method.
mouseMoved(): void
* The mouseDragged() function is called once every
* time the mouse moves and a mouse button is
* pressed. If no mouseDragged() function is defined,
* the touchMoved() function will be called instead
* if it is defined. Browsers may have different
* default behaviors attached to various mouse
* events. To prevent any default behavior for this
* event, add "return false" to the end of the
* method.
mouseDragged(): void
* The mousePressed() function is called once after
* every time a mouse button is pressed. The
* mouseButton variable (see the related reference
* entry) can be used to determine which button has
* been pressed. If no mousePressed() function is
* defined, the touchStarted() function will be
* called instead if it is defined. Browsers may have
* different default behaviors attached to various
* mouse events. To prevent any default behavior for
* this event, add "return false" to the end of the
* method.
mousePressed(): void
* The mouseReleased() function is called every time
* a mouse button is released. If no mouseReleased()
* function is defined, the touchEnded() function
* will be called instead if it is defined. Browsers
* may have different default behaviors attached to
* various mouse events. To prevent any default
* behavior for this event, add "return false" to the
* end of the method.
mouseReleased(event?: MouseEvent): void
// src/events/touch.js
* The mouseClicked() function is called once after a
* mouse button has been pressed and then released.
* Browsers handle clicks differently, so this
* function is only guaranteed to be run when the
* left mouse button is clicked. To handle other
* mouse buttons being pressed or released, see
* mousePressed() or mouseReleased().
* Browsers may have different default behaviors
* attached to various mouse events. To prevent any
* default behavior for this event, add "return
* false" to the end of the method.
mouseClicked(): void
* The doubleClicked() function is executed every
* time a event listener has detected a dblclick
* event which is a part of the DOM L3 specification.
* The doubleClicked event is fired when a pointing
* device button (usually a mouse's primary button)
* is clicked twice on a single element. For more
* info on the dblclick event refer to mozilla's
* documentation here:
doubleClicked(): void
* The function mouseWheel() is executed every time a
* vertical mouse wheel event is detected either
* triggered by an actual mouse wheel or by a
* touchpad. The property returns the
* amount the mouse wheel have scrolled. The values
* can be positive or negative depending on the
* scroll direction (on OS X with "natural" scrolling
* enabled, the signs are inverted).
* Browsers may have different default behaviors
* attached to various mouse events. To prevent any
* default behavior for this event, add "return
* false" to the end of the method.
* Due to the current support of the "wheel" event on
* Safari, the function may only work as expected if
* "return false" is included while using Safari.
mouseWheel(): void
* The touchStarted() function is called once after
* every time a touch is registered. If no
* touchStarted() function is defined, the
* mousePressed() function will be called instead if
* it is defined. Browsers may have different default
* behaviors attached to various touch events. To
* prevent any default behavior for this event, add
* "return false" to the end of the method.
touchStarted(): void
// src/image/image.js
* The touchMoved() function is called every time a
* touch move is registered. If no touchMoved()
* function is defined, the mouseDragged() function
* will be called instead if it is defined. Browsers
* may have different default behaviors attached to
* various touch events. To prevent any default
* behavior for this event, add "return false" to the
* end of the method.
touchMoved(): void
* The touchEnded() function is called every time a
* touch ends. If no touchEnded() function is
* defined, the mouseReleased() function will be
* called instead if it is defined. Browsers may have
* different default behaviors attached to various
* touch events. To prevent any default behavior for
* this event, add "return false" to the end of the
* method.
touchEnded(): void
* Creates a new p5.Image (the datatype for storing
* images). This provides a fresh buffer of pixels to
* play with. Set the size of the buffer with the
* width and height parameters. .pixels gives access
* to an array containing the values for all the
* pixels in the display window. These values are
* numbers. This array is the size (including an
* appropriate factor for the pixelDensity) of the
* display window x4, representing the R, G, B, A
* values in order for each pixel, moving from left
* to right across each row, then down each column.
* See .pixels for more info. It may also be simpler
* to use set() or get().
* Before accessing the pixels of an image, the data
* must loaded with the loadPixels() function. After
* the array data has been modified, the
* updatePixels() function must be run to update the
* changes.
* @param width width in pixels
* @param height height in pixels
* @return the p5.Image object
createImage(width: number, height: number): p5.Image
* Save the current canvas as an image. In Safari,
* this will open the image in the window and the
* user must provide their own filename on save-as.
* Other browsers will either save the file
* immediately, or prompt the user with a dialogue
* window.
* @param selectedCanvas a variable representing a
* specific html5 canvas (optional)
* @param [extension] 'jpg' or 'png'
saveCanvas(selectedCanvas: p5.Element|HTMLCanvasElement, filename?: string, extension?: string): void
// src/image/loading_displaying.js
* Save the current canvas as an image. In Safari,
* this will open the image in the window and the
* user must provide their own filename on save-as.
* Other browsers will either save the file
* immediately, or prompt the user with a dialogue
* window.
* @param [extension] 'jpg' or 'png'
saveCanvas(filename?: string, extension?: string): void
* Capture a sequence of frames that can be used to
* create a movie. Accepts a callback. For example,
* you may wish to send the frames to a server where
* they can be stored or converted into a movie. If
* no callback is provided, the browser will pop up
* save dialogues in an attempt to download all of
* the images that have just been created. With the
* callback provided the image data isn't saved by
* default but instead passed as an argument to the
* callback function as an array of objects, with the
* size of array equal to the total number of frames.
* Note that saveFrames() will only save the first 15
* frames of an animation. To export longer
* animations, you might look into a library like
* ccapture.js.
* @param extension 'jpg' or 'png'
* @param duration Duration in seconds to save the
* frames for.
* @param framerate Framerate to save the frames in.
* @param [callback] A callback function that will be
* executed to handle the image data. This function
* should accept an array as argument. The array will
* contain the specified number of frames of objects.
* Each object has three properties: imageData - an
* image/octet-stream, filename and extension.
saveFrames(filename: string, extension: string, duration: number, framerate: number, callback?: (p1: any[]) => any): void
* Loads an image from a path and creates a p5.Image
* from it. The image may not be immediately
* available for rendering If you want to ensure that
* the image is ready before doing anything with it,
* place the loadImage() call in preload(). You may
* also supply a callback function to handle the
* image when it's ready.
* The path to the image should be relative to the
* HTML file that links in your sketch. Loading an
* image from a URL or other remote location may be
* blocked due to your browser's built-in security.
* @param path Path of the image to be loaded
* @param [successCallback] Function to be called
* once the image is loaded. Will be passed the
* p5.Image.
* @param [failureCallback] called with event error
* if the image fails to load.
* @return the p5.Image object
loadImage(path: string, successCallback?: (p1: p5.Image) => any, failureCallback?: (p1: Event) => any): p5.Image
* Draw an image to the p5.js canvas. This function
* can be used with different numbers of parameters.
* The simplest use requires only three parameters:
* img, x, and y—where (x, y) is the position of the
* image. Two more parameters can optionally be added
* to specify the width and height of the image.
* This function can also be used with all eight
* Number parameters. To differentiate between all
* these parameters, p5.js uses the language of
* "destination rectangle" (which corresponds to
* "dx", "dy", etc.) and "source image" (which
* corresponds to "sx", "sy", etc.) below. Specifying
* the "source image" dimensions can be useful when
* you want to display a subsection of the source
* image instead of the whole thing. Here's a diagram
* to explain further:
* @param img the image to display
* @param x the x-coordinate of the top-left corner
* of the image
* @param y the y-coordinate of the top-left corner
* of the image
* @param [width] the width to draw the image
* @param [height] the height to draw the image
image(img: p5.Image|p5.Element|p5.Graphics, x: number, y: number, width?: number, height?: number): void
* Draw an image to the p5.js canvas. This function
* can be used with different numbers of parameters.
* The simplest use requires only three parameters:
* img, x, and y—where (x, y) is the position of the
* image. Two more parameters can optionally be added
* to specify the width and height of the image.
* This function can also be used with all eight
* Number parameters. To differentiate between all
* these parameters, p5.js uses the language of
* "destination rectangle" (which corresponds to
* "dx", "dy", etc.) and "source image" (which
* corresponds to "sx", "sy", etc.) below. Specifying
* the "source image" dimensions can be useful when
* you want to display a subsection of the source
* image instead of the whole thing. Here's a diagram
* to explain further:
* @param img the image to display
* @param dx the x-coordinate of the destination
* rectangle in which to draw the source image
* @param dy the y-coordinate of the destination
* rectangle in which to draw the source image
* @param dWidth the width of the destination
* rectangle
* @param dHeight the height of the destination
* rectangle
* @param sx the x-coordinate of the subsection of
* the source image to draw into the destination
* rectangle
* @param sy the y-coordinate of the subsection of
* the source image to draw into the destination
* rectangle
* @param [sWidth] the width of the subsection of the
* source image to draw into the destination
* rectangle
* @param [sHeight] the height of the subsection of
* the source image to draw into the destination
* rectangle
image(img: p5.Image|p5.Element, dx: number, dy: number, dWidth: number, dHeight: number, sx: number, sy: number, sWidth?: number, sHeight?: number): void
* Sets the fill value for displaying images. Images
* can be tinted to specified colors or made
* transparent by including an alpha value. To apply
* transparency to an image without affecting its
* color, use white as the tint color and specify an
* alpha value. For instance, tint(255, 128) will
* make an image 50% transparent (assuming the
* default alpha range of 0-255, which can be changed
* with colorMode()).
* The value for the gray parameter must be less than
* or equal to the current maximum value as specified
* by colorMode(). The default maximum value is 255.
* @param v1 red or hue value relative to the current
* color range
* @param v2 green or saturation value relative to
* the current color range
* @param v3 blue or brightness value relative to the
* current color range
tint(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, alpha?: number): void
* Sets the fill value for displaying images. Images
* can be tinted to specified colors or made
* transparent by including an alpha value. To apply
* transparency to an image without affecting its
* color, use white as the tint color and specify an
* alpha value. For instance, tint(255, 128) will
* make an image 50% transparent (assuming the
* default alpha range of 0-255, which can be changed
* with colorMode()).
* The value for the gray parameter must be less than
* or equal to the current maximum value as specified
* by colorMode(). The default maximum value is 255.
* @param value a color string
tint(value: string, alpha?: number): void
* Sets the fill value for displaying images. Images
* can be tinted to specified colors or made
* transparent by including an alpha value. To apply
* transparency to an image without affecting its
* color, use white as the tint color and specify an
* alpha value. For instance, tint(255, 128) will
* make an image 50% transparent (assuming the
* default alpha range of 0-255, which can be changed
* with colorMode()).
* The value for the gray parameter must be less than
* or equal to the current maximum value as specified
* by colorMode(). The default maximum value is 255.
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
tint(values: number[]): void
* Sets the fill value for displaying images. Images
* can be tinted to specified colors or made
* transparent by including an alpha value. To apply
* transparency to an image without affecting its
* color, use white as the tint color and specify an
* alpha value. For instance, tint(255, 128) will
* make an image 50% transparent (assuming the
* default alpha range of 0-255, which can be changed
* with colorMode()).
* The value for the gray parameter must be less than
* or equal to the current maximum value as specified
* by colorMode(). The default maximum value is 255.
* @param color the tint color
tint(color: p5.Color): void
// src/image/pixels.js
* Removes the current fill value for displaying
* images and reverts to displaying images with their
* original hues.
noTint(): void
* Set image mode. Modifies the location from which
* images are drawn by changing the way in which
* parameters given to image() are interpreted. The
* default mode is imageMode(CORNER), which
* interprets the second and third parameters of
* image() as the upper-left corner of the image. If
* two additional parameters are specified, they are
* used to set the image's width and height.
* imageMode(CORNERS) interprets the second and third
* parameters of image() as the location of one
* corner, and the fourth and fifth parameters as the
* opposite corner.
* imageMode(CENTER) interprets the second and third
* parameters of image() as the image's center point.
* If two additional parameters are specified, they
* are used to set the image's width and height.
* @param mode either CORNER, CORNERS, or CENTER
imageMode(mode: IMAGE_MODE): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another, using a specified blend mode to do the
* operation.
* @param srcImage source image
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
* @param blendMode the blend mode. either BLEND,
blend(srcImage: p5.Image, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number, blendMode: BLEND_MODE): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another, using a specified blend mode to do the
* operation.
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
* @param blendMode the blend mode. either BLEND,
blend(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number, blendMode: any): void
* Copies a region of the canvas to another region of
* the canvas and copies a region of pixels from an
* image used as the srcImg parameter into the canvas
* srcImage is specified this is used as the source.
* If the source and destination regions aren't the
* same size, it will automatically resize source
* pixels to fit the specified target region.
* @param srcImage source image
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
copy(srcImage: p5.Image|p5.Element, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number): void
* Copies a region of the canvas to another region of
* the canvas and copies a region of pixels from an
* image used as the srcImg parameter into the canvas
* srcImage is specified this is used as the source.
* If the source and destination regions aren't the
* same size, it will automatically resize source
* pixels to fit the specified target region.
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
copy(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number): void
* Applies a filter to the canvas.
* The presets options are:
* THRESHOLD Converts the image to black and white
* pixels depending if they are above or below the
* threshold defined by the level parameter. The
* parameter must be between 0.0 (black) and 1.0
* (white). If no level is specified, 0.5 is used.
* GRAY Converts any colors in the image to grayscale
* equivalents. No parameter is used.
* OPAQUE Sets the alpha channel to entirely opaque.
* No parameter is used.
* INVERT Sets each pixel to its inverse value. No
* parameter is used.
* POSTERIZE Limits each channel of the image to the
* number of colors specified as the parameter. The
* parameter can be set to values between 2 and 255,
* but results are most noticeable in the lower
* ranges.
* BLUR Executes a Gaussian blur with the level
* parameter specifying the extent of the blurring.
* If no parameter is used, the blur is equivalent to
* Gaussian blur of radius 1. Larger values increase
* the blur.
* ERODE Reduces the light areas. No parameter is
* used.
* DILATE Increases the light areas. No parameter is
* used.
* @param filterType either THRESHOLD, GRAY, OPAQUE,
* See Filters.js for docs on each available filter
* @param [filterParam] an optional parameter unique
* to each filter, see above
filter(filterType: FILTER_TYPE, filterParam?: number): void
* Returns an array of [R,G,B,A] values for any pixel
* or grabs a section of an image. If no parameters
* are specified, the entire image is returned. Use
* the x and y parameters to get the value of one
* pixel. Get a section of the display window by
* specifying additional w and h parameters. When
* getting an image, the x and y parameters define
* the coordinates for the upper-left corner of the
* image, regardless of the current imageMode(). If
* the pixel requested is outside of the image
* window, [0,0,0,255] is returned. To get the
* numbers scaled according to the current color
* ranges and taking into account colorMode, use
* getColor instead of get.
* Getting the color of a single pixel with get(x, y)
* is easy, but not as fast as grabbing the data
* directly from pixels[]. The equivalent statement
* to get(x, y) using pixels[] with pixel density d
* is var x, y, d; // set these to the coordinates
* var off = (y width + x) d * 4; var components =
* [ pixels[off], pixels[off + 1], pixels[off + 2],
* pixels[off + 3] ]; print(components);
* See the reference for pixels[] for more
* information.
* @param [x] x-coordinate of the pixel
* @param [y] y-coordinate of the pixel
* @param [w] width
* @param [h] height
* @return values of pixel at x,y in array format [R,
* G, B, A] or p5.Image
get(x?: number, y?: number, w?: number, h?: number): p5.Image|number[]
* Loads the pixel data for the display window into
* the pixels[] array. This function must always be
* called before reading from or writing to pixels[].
* Note that only changes made with set() or direct
* manipulation of pixels[] will occur.
loadPixels(): void
* Changes the color of any pixel, or writes an image
* directly to the display window. The x and y
* parameters specify the pixel to change and the c
* parameter specifies the color value. This can be a
* p5.Color object, or [R, G, B, A] pixel array. It
* can also be a single grayscale value. When setting
* an image, the x and y parameters define the
* coordinates for the upper-left corner of the
* image, regardless of the current imageMode().
* After using set(), you must call updatePixels()
* for your changes to appear. This should be called
* once all pixels have been set, and must be called
* before calling .get() or drawing the image.
* Setting the color of a single pixel with set(x, y)
* is easy, but not as fast as putting the data
* directly into pixels[]. Setting the pixels[]
* values directly may be complicated when working
* with a retina display, but will perform better
* when lots of pixels need to be set directly on
* every loop.
* See the reference for pixels[] for more
* information.
* @param x x-coordinate of the pixel
* @param y y-coordinate of the pixel
* @param c insert a grayscale value | a pixel array
* | a p5.Color object | a p5.Image to copy
set(x: number, y: number, c: number|number[]|object): void
// src/io/files.js
* Updates the display window with the data in the
* pixels[] array. Use in conjunction with
* loadPixels(). If you're only reading pixels from
* the array, there's no need to call updatePixels()
* — updating is only necessary to apply changes.
* updatePixels() should be called anytime the pixels
* array is manipulated or set() is called, and only
* changes made with set() or direct changes to
* pixels[] will occur.
* @param [x] x-coordinate of the upper-left corner
* of region to update
* @param [y] y-coordinate of the upper-left corner
* of region to update
* @param [w] width of region to update
* @param [h] height of region to update
updatePixels(x?: number, y?: number, w?: number, h?: number): void
* Loads a JSON file from a file or a URL, and
* returns an Object. Note that even if the JSON file
* contains an Array, an Object will be returned with
* index numbers as keys. This method is
* asynchronous, meaning it may not finish before the
* next line in your sketch is executed. JSONP is
* supported via a polyfill and you can pass in as
* the second argument an object with definitions of
* the json callback following the syntax specified
* here.
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param [jsonpOptions] options object for jsonp
* related settings
* @param [datatype] "json" or "jsonp"
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadJSON() completes, data is passed in as first
* argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
* @return JSON data
loadJSON(path: string, jsonpOptions?: object, datatype?: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): object|any[]
* Reads the contents of a file and creates a String
* array of its individual lines. If the name of the
* file is used as the parameter, as in the above
* example, the file must be located in the sketch
* directory/folder. Alternatively, the file maybe
* be loaded from anywhere on the local computer
* using an absolute path (something that starts with
* / on Unix and Linux, or a drive letter on
* Windows), or the filename parameter can be a URL
* for a file found on a network.
* This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not
* finish before the next line in your sketch is
* executed.
* @param filename name of the file or url to load
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadStrings() completes, Array is passed in as
* first argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
* @return Array of Strings
loadStrings(filename: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): string[]
* Reads the contents of a file or URL and creates a
* p5.Table object with its values. If a file is
* specified, it must be located in the sketch's
* "data" folder. The filename parameter can also be
* a URL to a file found online. By default, the file
* is assumed to be comma-separated (in CSV format).
* Table only looks for a header row if the 'header'
* option is included. Possible options include:
* - csv - parse the table as comma-separated values
* - tsv - parse the table as tab-separated values
* - header - this table has a header (title) row
* When passing in multiple options, pass them in as
* separate parameters, seperated by commas. For
* example:
* loadTable('my_csv_file.csv', 'csv', 'header');
* All files loaded and saved use UTF-8 encoding.
* This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not
* finish before the next line in your sketch is
* executed. Calling loadTable() inside preload()
* guarantees to complete the operation before
* setup() and draw() are called.
* Outside of preload(), you may supply a callback
* function to handle the object:
* @param filename name of the file or URL to load
* @param options "header" "csv" "tsv"
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadTable() completes. On success, the Table
* object is passed in as the first argument.
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
* @return Table object containing data
loadTable(filename: string, options: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): object
* Reads the contents of a file or URL and creates a
* p5.Table object with its values. If a file is
* specified, it must be located in the sketch's
* "data" folder. The filename parameter can also be
* a URL to a file found online. By default, the file
* is assumed to be comma-separated (in CSV format).
* Table only looks for a header row if the 'header'
* option is included. Possible options include:
* - csv - parse the table as comma-separated values
* - tsv - parse the table as tab-separated values
* - header - this table has a header (title) row
* When passing in multiple options, pass them in as
* separate parameters, seperated by commas. For
* example:
* loadTable('my_csv_file.csv', 'csv', 'header');
* All files loaded and saved use UTF-8 encoding.
* This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not
* finish before the next line in your sketch is
* executed. Calling loadTable() inside preload()
* guarantees to complete the operation before
* setup() and draw() are called.
* Outside of preload(), you may supply a callback
* function to handle the object:
* @param filename name of the file or URL to load
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadTable() completes. On success, the Table
* object is passed in as the first argument.
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
loadTable(filename: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): object
* Reads the contents of a file and creates an XML
* object with its values. If the name of the file is
* used as the parameter, as in the above example,
* the file must be located in the sketch
* directory/folder. Alternatively, the file maybe be
* loaded from anywhere on the local computer using
* an absolute path (something that starts with / on
* Unix and Linux, or a drive letter on Windows), or
* the filename parameter can be a URL for a file
* found on a network.
* This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not
* finish before the next line in your sketch is
* executed. Calling loadXML() inside preload()
* guarantees to complete the operation before
* setup() and draw() are called.
* Outside of preload(), you may supply a callback
* function to handle the object.
* @param filename name of the file or URL to load
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadXML() completes, XML object is passed in as
* first argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
* @return XML object containing data
loadXML(filename: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): object
* Method for executing an HTTP GET request. If data
* type is not specified, p5 will try to guess based
* on the URL, defaulting to text. This is equivalent
* to calling httpDo(path, 'GET').
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param [datatype] "json", "jsonp", "xml", or
* "text"
* @param [data] param data passed sent with request
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* httpGet() completes, data is passed in as first
* argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
httpGet(path: string, datatype?: string, data?: object, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): Promise<p5>
* Method for executing an HTTP POST request. If data
* type is not specified, p5 will try to guess based
* on the URL, defaulting to text. This is equivalent
* to calling httpDo(path, 'POST').
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param [datatype] "json", "jsonp", "xml", or
* "text". If omitted, httpPost() will guess.
* @param [data] param data passed sent with request
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* httpPost() completes, data is passed in as first
* argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
httpPost(path: string, datatype?: string, data?: object, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): void
* Method for executing an HTTP request. If data type
* is not specified, p5 will try to guess based on
* the URL, defaulting to text. For more advanced
* use, you may also pass in the path as the first
* argument and a object as the second argument, the
* signature follows the one specified in the Fetch
* API specification.
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param [method] either "GET", "POST", or "PUT",
* defaults to "GET"
* @param [datatype] "json", "jsonp", "xml", or
* "text"
* @param [data] param data passed sent with request
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* httpGet() completes, data is passed in as first
* argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
httpDo(path: string, method?: string, datatype?: string, data?: object, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): void
* Method for executing an HTTP request. If data type
* is not specified, p5 will try to guess based on
* the URL, defaulting to text. For more advanced
* use, you may also pass in the path as the first
* argument and a object as the second argument, the
* signature follows the one specified in the Fetch
* API specification.
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param options Request object options as
* documented in the "fetch" API reference
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* httpGet() completes, data is passed in as first
* argument
* @param [errorCallback] function to be executed if
* there is an error, response is passed in as first
* argument
httpDo(path: string, options: object, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): void
createWriter(name: string, extension?: string): p5.PrintWriter
* Save an image, text, json, csv, wav, or html.
* Prompts download to the client's computer. Note
* that it is not recommended to call save() within
* draw if it's looping, as the save() function will
* open a new save dialog every frame. The default
* behavior is to save the canvas as an image. You
* can optionally specify a filename. For example:
* save(); save('myCanvas.jpg'); // save a specific
* canvas with a filename
* Alternately, the first parameter can be a pointer
* to a canvas p5.Element, an Array of Strings, an
* Array of JSON, a JSON object, a p5.Table, a
* p5.Image, or a p5.SoundFile (requires p5.sound).
* The second parameter is a filename (including
* extension). The third parameter is for options
* specific to this type of object. This method will
* save a file that fits the given paramaters. For
* example:
* // Saves canvas as an image save('myCanvas.jpg');
* // Saves pImage as a png image var img =
* createImage(10, 10); save(img, 'my.png'); // Saves
* canvas as an image var cnv = createCanvas(100,
* 100); save(cnv, 'myCanvas.jpg'); // Saves
* p5.Renderer object as an image var gb =
* createGraphics(100, 100); save(gb,
* 'myGraphics.jpg'); var myTable = new p5.Table();
* // Saves table as html file save(myTable,
* 'myTable.html'); // Comma Separated Values
* save(myTable, 'myTable.csv'); // Tab Separated
* Values save(myTable, 'myTable.tsv'); var myJSON =
* { a: 1, b: true }; // Saves pretty JSON
* save(myJSON, 'my.json'); // Optimizes JSON
* filesize save(myJSON, 'my.json', true); // Saves
* array of strings to a text file with line breaks
* after each item var arrayOfStrings = ['a', 'b'];
* save(arrayOfStrings, 'my.txt');
* @param [objectOrFilename] If filename is provided,
* will save canvas as an image with either png or
* jpg extension depending on the filename. If object
* is provided, will save depending on the object and
* filename (see examples above).
* @param [filename] If an object is provided as the
* first parameter, then the second parameter
* indicates the filename, and should include an
* appropriate file extension (see examples above).
* @param [options] Additional options depend on
* filetype. For example, when saving JSON, true
* indicates that the output will be optimized for
* filesize, rather than readability.
save(objectOrFilename?: object|string, filename?: string, options?: boolean|string): void
* Writes the contents of an Array or a JSON object
* to a .json file. The file saving process and
* location of the saved file will vary between web
* browsers.
* @param [optimize] If true, removes line breaks and
* spaces from the output file to optimize filesize
* (but not readability).
saveJSON(json: any[]|object, filename: string, optimize?: boolean): void
* Writes an array of Strings to a text file, one
* line per String. The file saving process and
* location of the saved file will vary between web
* browsers.
* @param list string array to be written
* @param filename filename for output
* @param [extension] the filename's extension
saveStrings(list: string[], filename: string, extension?: string): void
// src/math/calculation.js
* Writes the contents of a Table object to a file.
* Defaults to a text file with
* comma-separated-values ('csv') but can also use
* tab separation ('tsv'), or generate an HTML table
* ('html'). The file saving process and location of
* the saved file will vary between web browsers.
* @param Table the Table object to save to a file
* @param filename the filename to which the Table
* should be saved
* @param [options] can be one of "tsv", "csv", or
* "html"
saveTable(Table: p5.Table, filename: string, options?: string): void
* Calculates the absolute value (magnitude) of a
* number. Maps to Math.abs(). The absolute value of
* a number is always positive.
* @param n number to compute
* @return absolute value of given number
abs(n: number): number
* Calculates the closest int value that is greater
* than or equal to the value of the parameter. Maps
* to Math.ceil(). For example, ceil(9.03) returns
* the value 10.
* @param n number to round up
* @return rounded up number
ceil(n: number): number
* Constrains a value between a minimum and maximum
* value.
* @param n number to constrain
* @param low minimum limit
* @param high maximum limit
* @return constrained number
constrain(n: number, low: number, high: number): number
* Calculates the distance between two points.
* @param x1 x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 y-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 y-coordinate of the second point
* @return distance between the two points
dist(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): number
* Calculates the distance between two points.
* @param x1 x-coordinate of the first point
* @param y1 y-coordinate of the first point
* @param z1 z-coordinate of the first point
* @param x2 x-coordinate of the second point
* @param y2 y-coordinate of the second point
* @param z2 z-coordinate of the second point
* @return distance between the two points
dist(x1: number, y1: number, z1: number, x2: number, y2: number, z2: number): number
* Returns Euler's number e (2.71828...) raised to
* the power of the n parameter. Maps to Math.exp().
* @param n exponent to raise
* @return e^n
exp(n: number): number
* Calculates the closest int value that is less than
* or equal to the value of the parameter. Maps to
* Math.floor().
* @param n number to round down
* @return rounded down number
floor(n: number): number
* Calculates a number between two numbers at a
* specific increment. The amt parameter is the
* amount to interpolate between the two values where
* 0.0 equal to the first point, 0.1 is very near the
* first point, 0.5 is half-way in between, etc. The
* lerp function is convenient for creating motion
* along a straight path and for drawing dotted
* lines.
* @param start first value
* @param stop second value
* @param amt number between 0.0 and 1.0
* @return lerped value
lerp(start: number, stop: number, amt: number): number
* Calculates the natural logarithm (the base-e
* logarithm) of a number. This function expects the
* n parameter to be a value greater than 0.0. Maps
* to Math.log().
* @param n number greater than 0
* @return natural logarithm of n
log(n: number): number
* Calculates the magnitude (or length) of a vector.
* A vector is a direction in space commonly used in
* computer graphics and linear algebra. Because it
* has no "start" position, the magnitude of a vector
* can be thought of as the distance from the
* coordinate 0,0 to its x,y value. Therefore, mag()
* is a shortcut for writing dist(0, 0, x, y).
* @param a first value
* @param b second value
* @return magnitude of vector from (0,0) to (a,b)
mag(a: number, b: number): number
* Re-maps a number from one range to another. In
* the first example above, the number 25 is
* converted from a value in the range of 0 to 100
* into a value that ranges from the left edge of the
* window (0) to the right edge (width).
* @param value the incoming value to be converted
* @param start1 lower bound of the value's current
* range
* @param stop1 upper bound of the value's current
* range
* @param start2 lower bound of the value's target
* range
* @param stop2 upper bound of the value's target
* range
* @param [withinBounds] constrain the value to the
* newly mapped range
* @return remapped number
map(value: number, start1: number, stop1: number, start2: number, stop2: number, withinBounds?: boolean): number
* Determines the largest value in a sequence of
* numbers, and then returns that value. max()
* accepts any number of Number parameters, or an
* Array of any length.
* @param n0 Number to compare
* @param n1 Number to compare
* @return maximum Number
max(n0: number, n1: number): number
* Determines the largest value in a sequence of
* numbers, and then returns that value. max()
* accepts any number of Number parameters, or an
* Array of any length.
* @param nums Numbers to compare
max(nums: number[]): number
* Determines the smallest value in a sequence of
* numbers, and then returns that value. min()
* accepts any number of Number parameters, or an
* Array of any length.
* @param n0 Number to compare
* @param n1 Number to compare
* @return minimum Number
min(n0: number, n1: number): number
* Determines the smallest value in a sequence of
* numbers, and then returns that value. min()
* accepts any number of Number parameters, or an
* Array of any length.
* @param nums Numbers to compare
min(nums: number[]): number
* Normalizes a number from another range into a
* value between 0 and 1. Identical to map(value,
* low, high, 0, 1). Numbers outside of the range are
* not clamped to 0 and 1, because out-of-range
* values are often intentional and useful. (See the
* second example above.)
* @param value incoming value to be normalized
* @param start lower bound of the value's current
* range
* @param stop upper bound of the value's current
* range
* @return normalized number
norm(value: number, start: number, stop: number): number
* Facilitates exponential expressions. The pow()
* function is an efficient way of multiplying
* numbers by themselves (or their reciprocals) in
* large quantities. For example, pow(3, 5) is
* equivalent to the expression 33333 and pow(3, -5)
* is equivalent to 1 / 33333. Maps to Math.pow().
* @param n base of the exponential expression
* @param e power by which to raise the base
* @return n^e
pow(n: number, e: number): number
* Calculates the integer closest to the n parameter.
* For example, round(133.8) returns the value 134.
* Maps to Math.round().
* @param n number to round
* @return rounded number
round(n: number): number
* Squares a number (multiplies a number by itself).
* The result is always a positive number, as
* multiplying two negative numbers always yields a
* positive result. For example, -1 * -1 = 1.
* @param n number to square
* @return squared number
sq(n: number): number
// src/math/math.js
* Calculates the square root of a number. The square
* root of a number is always positive, even though
* there may be a valid negative root. The square
* root s of number a is such that s*s = a. It is the
* opposite of squaring. Maps to Math.sqrt().
* @param n non-negative number to square root
* @return square root of number
sqrt(n: number): number
// src/math/noise.js
* Creates a new p5.Vector (the datatype for storing
* vectors). This provides a two or three dimensional
* vector, specifically a Euclidean (also known as
* geometric) vector. A vector is an entity that has
* both magnitude and direction.
* @param [x] x component of the vector
* @param [y] y component of the vector
* @param [z] z component of the vector
createVector(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): p5.Vector
* Returns the Perlin noise value at specified
* coordinates. Perlin noise is a random sequence
* generator producing a more natural ordered,
* harmonic succession of numbers compared to the
* standard random() function. It was invented by Ken
* Perlin in the 1980s and been used since in
* graphical applications to produce procedural
* textures, natural motion, shapes, terrains etc.
* The main difference to the random() function is
* that Perlin noise is defined in an infinite
* n-dimensional space where each pair of coordinates
* corresponds to a fixed semi-random value (fixed
* only for the lifespan of the program; see the
* noiseSeed() function). p5.js can compute 1D, 2D
* and 3D noise, depending on the number of
* coordinates given. The resulting value will always
* be between 0.0 and 1.0. The noise value can be
* animated by moving through the noise space as
* demonstrated in the example above. The 2nd and 3rd
* dimension can also be interpreted as time.
* The actual noise is structured similar to an audio
* signal, in respect to the function's use of
* frequencies. Similar to the concept of harmonics
* in physics, perlin noise is computed over several
* octaves which are added together for the final
* result.
* Another way to adjust the character of the
* resulting sequence is the scale of the input
* coordinates. As the function works within an
* infinite space the value of the coordinates
* doesn't matter as such, only the distance between
* successive coordinates does (eg. when using
* noise() within a loop). As a general rule the
* smaller the difference between coordinates, the
* smoother the resulting noise sequence will be.
* Steps of 0.005-0.03 work best for most
* applications, but this will differ depending on
* use.
* @param x x-coordinate in noise space
* @param [y] y-coordinate in noise space
* @param [z] z-coordinate in noise space
* @return Perlin noise value (between 0 and 1) at
* specified coordinates
noise(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): number
* Adjusts the character and level of detail produced
* by the Perlin noise function. Similar to harmonics
* in physics, noise is computed over several
* octaves. Lower octaves contribute more to the
* output signal and as such define the overall
* intensity of the noise, whereas higher octaves
* create finer grained details in the noise
* sequence. By default, noise is computed over 4
* octaves with each octave contributing exactly half
* than its predecessor, starting at 50% strength for
* the 1st octave. This falloff amount can be changed
* by adding an additional function parameter. Eg. a
* falloff factor of 0.75 means each octave will now
* have 75% impact (25% less) of the previous lower
* octave. Any value between 0.0 and 1.0 is valid,
* however note that values greater than 0.5 might
* result in greater than 1.0 values returned by
* noise().
* By changing these parameters, the signal created
* by the noise() function can be adapted to fit very
* specific needs and characteristics.
* @param lod number of octaves to be used by the
* noise
* @param falloff falloff factor for each octave
noiseDetail(lod: number, falloff: number): void
// src/math/random.js
* Sets the seed value for noise(). By default,
* noise() produces different results each time the
* program is run. Set the value parameter to a
* constant to return the same pseudo-random numbers
* each time the software is run.
* @param seed the seed value
noiseSeed(seed: number): void
* Sets the seed value for random(). By default,
* random() produces different results each time the
* program is run. Set the seed parameter to a
* constant to return the same pseudo-random numbers
* each time the software is run.
* @param seed the seed value
randomSeed(seed: number): void
* Return a random floating-point number. Takes
* either 0, 1 or 2 arguments.
* If no argument is given, returns a random number
* from 0 up to (but not including) 1.
* If one argument is given and it is a number,
* returns a random number from 0 up to (but not
* including) the number.
* If one argument is given and it is an array,
* returns a random element from that array.
* If two arguments are given, returns a random
* number from the first argument up to (but not
* including) the second argument.
* @param [min] the lower bound (inclusive)
* @param [max] the upper bound (exclusive)
* @return the random number
random(min?: number, max?: number): number
* Return a random floating-point number. Takes
* either 0, 1 or 2 arguments.
* If no argument is given, returns a random number
* from 0 up to (but not including) 1.
* If one argument is given and it is a number,
* returns a random number from 0 up to (but not
* including) the number.
* If one argument is given and it is an array,
* returns a random element from that array.
* If two arguments are given, returns a random
* number from the first argument up to (but not
* including) the second argument.
* @param choices the array to choose from
* @return the random element from the array
random(choices: any[]): any
// src/math/trigonometry.js
* Returns a random number fitting a Gaussian, or
* normal, distribution. There is theoretically no
* minimum or maximum value that randomGaussian()
* might return. Rather, there is just a very low
* probability that values far from the mean will be
* returned; and a higher probability that numbers
* near the mean will be returned. Takes either 0, 1
* or 2 arguments.
* If no args, returns a mean of 0 and standard
* deviation of 1.
* If one arg, that arg is the mean (standard
* deviation is 1).
* If two args, first is mean, second is standard
* deviation.
* @param mean the mean
* @param sd the standard deviation
* @return the random number
randomGaussian(mean: number, sd: number): number
* The inverse of cos(), returns the arc cosine of a
* value. This function expects the values in the
* range of -1 to 1 and values are returned in the
* range 0 to PI (3.1415927).
* @param value the value whose arc cosine is to be
* returned
* @return the arc cosine of the given value
acos(value: number): number
* The inverse of sin(), returns the arc sine of a
* value. This function expects the values in the
* range of -1 to 1 and values are returned in the
* range -PI/2 to PI/2.
* @param value the value whose arc sine is to be
* returned
* @return the arc sine of the given value
asin(value: number): number
* The inverse of tan(), returns the arc tangent of a
* value. This function expects the values in the
* range of -Infinity to Infinity (exclusive) and
* values are returned in the range -PI/2 to PI/2.
* @param value the value whose arc tangent is to be
* returned
* @return the arc tangent of the given value
atan(value: number): number
* Calculates the angle (in radians) from a specified
* point to the coordinate origin as measured from
* the positive x-axis. Values are returned as a
* float in the range from PI to -PI. The atan2()
* function is most often used for orienting geometry
* to the position of the cursor. Note: The
* y-coordinate of the point is the first parameter,
* and the x-coordinate is the second parameter, due
* the the structure of calculating the tangent.
* @param y y-coordinate of the point
* @param x x-coordinate of the point
* @return the arc tangent of the given point
atan2(y: number, x: number): number
* Calculates the cosine of an angle. This function
* takes into account the current angleMode. Values
* are returned in the range -1 to 1.
* @param angle the angle
* @return the cosine of the angle
cos(angle: number): number
* Calculates the sine of an angle. This function
* takes into account the current angleMode. Values
* are returned in the range -1 to 1.
* @param angle the angle
* @return the sine of the angle
sin(angle: number): number
* Calculates the tangent of an angle. This function
* takes into account the current angleMode. Values
* are returned in the range -1 to 1.
* @param angle the angle
* @return the tangent of the angle
tan(angle: number): number
* Converts a radian measurement to its corresponding
* value in degrees. Radians and degrees are two ways
* of measuring the same thing. There are 360 degrees
* in a circle and 2*PI radians in a circle. For
* example, 90° = PI/2 = 1.5707964. This function
* does not take into account the current angleMode.
* @param radians the radians value to convert to
* degrees
* @return the converted angle
degrees(radians: number): number
* Converts a degree measurement to its corresponding
* value in radians. Radians and degrees are two ways
* of measuring the same thing. There are 360 degrees
* in a circle and 2*PI radians in a circle. For
* example, 90° = PI/2 = 1.5707964. This function
* does not take into account the current angleMode.
* @param degrees the degree value to convert to
* radians
* @return the converted angle
radians(degrees: number): number
// src/typography/attributes.js
* Sets the current mode of p5 to given mode. Default
* mode is RADIANS.
* @param mode either RADIANS or DEGREES
angleMode(mode: ANGLE_MODE): void
* Sets the current alignment for drawing text.
* Accepts two arguments: horizAlign (LEFT, CENTER,
* or RIGHT) and vertAlign (TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER, or
* BASELINE). The horizAlign parameter is in
* reference to the x value of the text() function,
* while the vertAlign parameter is in reference to
* the y value.
* So if you write textAlign(LEFT), you are aligning
* the left edge of your text to the x value you give
* in text(). If you write textAlign(RIGHT, TOP), you
* are aligning the right edge of your text to the x
* value and the top of edge of the text to the y
* value.
* @param horizAlign horizontal alignment, either
* @param [vertAlign] vertical alignment, either TOP,
* @chainable
textAlign(horizAlign: HORIZ_ALIGN, vertAlign?: VERT_ALIGN): p5
* Sets the current alignment for drawing text.
* Accepts two arguments: horizAlign (LEFT, CENTER,
* or RIGHT) and vertAlign (TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER, or
* BASELINE). The horizAlign parameter is in
* reference to the x value of the text() function,
* while the vertAlign parameter is in reference to
* the y value.
* So if you write textAlign(LEFT), you are aligning
* the left edge of your text to the x value you give
* in text(). If you write textAlign(RIGHT, TOP), you
* are aligning the right edge of your text to the x
* value and the top of edge of the text to the y
* value.
textAlign(): object
* Sets/gets the spacing, in pixels, between lines of
* text. This setting will be used in all subsequent
* calls to the text() function.
* @param leading the size in pixels for spacing
* between lines
* @chainable
textLeading(leading: number): p5
* Sets/gets the spacing, in pixels, between lines of
* text. This setting will be used in all subsequent
* calls to the text() function.
textLeading(): number
* Sets/gets the current font size. This size will be
* used in all subsequent calls to the text()
* function. Font size is measured in pixels.
* @param theSize the size of the letters in units of
* pixels
* @chainable
textSize(theSize: number): p5
* Sets/gets the current font size. This size will be
* used in all subsequent calls to the text()
* function. Font size is measured in pixels.
textSize(): number
* Sets/gets the style of the text for system fonts
* to NORMAL, ITALIC, or BOLD. Note: this may be is
* overridden by CSS styling. For non-system fonts
* (opentype, truetype, etc.) please load styled
* fonts instead.
* @param theStyle styling for text, either NORMAL,
* @chainable
textStyle(theStyle: THE_STYLE): p5
* Sets/gets the style of the text for system fonts
* to NORMAL, ITALIC, or BOLD. Note: this may be is
* overridden by CSS styling. For non-system fonts
* (opentype, truetype, etc.) please load styled
* fonts instead.
textStyle(): string
* Calculates and returns the width of any character
* or text string.
* @param theText the String of characters to measure
textWidth(theText: string): number
* Returns the ascent of the current font at its
* current size. The ascent represents the distance,
* in pixels, of the tallest character above the
* baseline.
textAscent(): number
// src/typography/loading_displaying.js
* Returns the descent of the current font at its
* current size. The descent represents the distance,
* in pixels, of the character with the longest
* descender below the baseline.
textDescent(): number
* Loads an opentype font file (.otf, .ttf) from a
* file or a URL, and returns a PFont Object. This
* method is asynchronous, meaning it may not finish
* before the next line in your sketch is executed.
* The path to the font should be relative to the
* HTML file that links in your sketch. Loading an
* from a URL or other remote location may be blocked
* due to your browser's built-in security.
* @param path name of the file or url to load
* @param [callback] function to be executed after
* loadFont() completes
* @param [onError] function to be executed if an
* error occurs
* @return p5.Font object
loadFont(path: string, callback?: Function, onError?: Function): p5
* Draws text to the screen. Displays the information
* specified in the first parameter on the screen in
* the position specified by the additional
* parameters. A default font will be used unless a
* font is set with the textFont() function and a
* default size will be used unless a font is set
* with textSize(). Change the color of the text with
* the fill() function. Change the outline of the
* text with the stroke() and strokeWeight()
* functions. The text displays in relation to the
* textAlign() function, which gives the option to
* draw to the left, right, and center of the
* coordinates.
* The x2 and y2 parameters define a rectangular area
* to display within and may only be used with string
* data. When these parameters are specified, they
* are interpreted based on the current rectMode()
* setting. Text that does not fit completely within
* the rectangle specified will not be drawn to the
* screen.
* @param str the alphanumeric symbols to be
* displayed
* @param x x-coordinate of text
* @param y y-coordinate of text
* @param [x2] by default, the width of the text box,
* see rectMode() for more info
* @param [y2] by default, the height of the text
* box, see rectMode() for more info
* @chainable
text(str: string|object|any[], x: number, y: number, x2?: number, y2?: number): p5
* Sets the current font that will be drawn with the
* text() function.
* @return the current font
textFont(): object
// src/utilities/array_functions.js
* Sets the current font that will be drawn with the
* text() function.
* @param font a font loaded via loadFont(), or a
* String representing a web safe font (a font that
* is generally available across all systems)
* @param [size] the font size to use
* @chainable
textFont(font: object|string, size?: number): p5
* Adds a value to the end of an array. Extends the
* length of the array by one. Maps to Array.push().
* @param array Array to append
* @param value to be added to the Array
append(array: any[], value: any): void
* Copies an array (or part of an array) to another
* array. The src array is copied to the dst array,
* beginning at the position specified by srcPosition
* and into the position specified by dstPosition.
* The number of elements to copy is determined by
* length. Note that copying values overwrites
* existing values in the destination array. To
* append values instead of overwriting them, use
* concat(). The simplified version with only two
* arguments, arrayCopy(src, dst), copies an entire
* array to another of the same size. It is
* equivalent to arrayCopy(src, 0, dst, 0,
* src.length).
* Using this function is far more efficient for
* copying array data than iterating through a for()
* loop and copying each element individually.
* @param src the source Array
* @param srcPosition starting position in the source
* Array
* @param dst the destination Array
* @param dstPosition starting position in the
* destination Array
* @param length number of Array elements to be
* copied
arrayCopy(src: any[], srcPosition: number, dst: any[], dstPosition: number, length: number): void
* Copies an array (or part of an array) to another
* array. The src array is copied to the dst array,
* beginning at the position specified by srcPosition
* and into the position specified by dstPosition.
* The number of elements to copy is determined by
* length. Note that copying values overwrites
* existing values in the destination array. To
* append values instead of overwriting them, use
* concat(). The simplified version with only two
* arguments, arrayCopy(src, dst), copies an entire
* array to another of the same size. It is
* equivalent to arrayCopy(src, 0, dst, 0,
* src.length).
* Using this function is far more efficient for
* copying array data than iterating through a for()
* loop and copying each element individually.
* @param src the source Array
* @param dst the destination Array
* @param [length] number of Array elements to be
* copied
arrayCopy(src: any[], dst: any[], length?: number): void
* Concatenates two arrays, maps to Array.concat().
* Does not modify the input arrays.
* @param a first Array to concatenate
* @param b second Array to concatenate
* @return concatenated array
concat(a: any[], b: any[]): any[]
* Reverses the order of an array, maps to
* Array.reverse()
* @param list Array to reverse
reverse(list: any[]): void
* Decreases an array by one element and returns the
* shortened array, maps to Array.pop().
* @param list Array to shorten
* @return shortened Array
shorten(list: any[]): any[]
* Randomizes the order of the elements of an array.
* Implements Fisher-Yates Shuffle Algorithm.
* @param array Array to shuffle
* @param [bool] modify passed array
* @return shuffled Array
shuffle(array: any[], bool?: boolean): any[]
* Sorts an array of numbers from smallest to
* largest, or puts an array of words in alphabetical
* order. The original array is not modified; a
* re-ordered array is returned. The count parameter
* states the number of elements to sort. For
* example, if there are 12 elements in an array and
* count is set to 5, only the first 5 elements in
* the array will be sorted.
* @param list Array to sort
* @param [count] number of elements to sort,
* starting from 0
sort(list: any[], count?: number): void
* Inserts a value or an array of values into an
* existing array. The first parameter specifies the
* initial array to be modified, and the second
* parameter defines the data to be inserted. The
* third parameter is an index value which specifies
* the array position from which to insert data.
* (Remember that array index numbering starts at
* zero, so the first position is 0, the second
* position is 1, and so on.)
* @param list Array to splice into
* @param value value to be spliced in
* @param position in the array from which to insert
* data
splice(list: any[], value: any, position: number): void
// src/utilities/conversion.js
* Extracts an array of elements from an existing
* array. The list parameter defines the array from
* which the elements will be copied, and the start
* and count parameters specify which elements to
* extract. If no count is given, elements will be
* extracted from the start to the end of the array.
* When specifying the start, remember that the first
* array element is 0. This function does not change
* the source array.
* @param list Array to extract from
* @param start position to begin
* @param [count] number of values to extract
* @return Array of extracted elements
subset(list: any[], start: number, count?: number): any[]
* Converts a string to its floating point
* representation. The contents of a string must
* resemble a number, or NaN (not a number) will be
* returned. For example, float("1234.56") evaluates
* to 1234.56, but float("giraffe") will return NaN.
* When an array of values is passed in, then an
* array of floats of the same length is returned.
* @param str float string to parse
* @return floating point representation of string
float(str: string): number
* Converts a boolean, string, or float to its
* integer representation. When an array of values is
* passed in, then an int array of the same length is
* returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return integer representation of value
int(n: string|boolean|number): number
* Converts a boolean, string, or float to its
* integer representation. When an array of values is
* passed in, then an int array of the same length is
* returned.
* @param ns values to parse
* @return integer representation of values
int(ns: any[]): number[]
* Converts a boolean, string or number to its string
* representation. When an array of values is passed
* in, then an array of strings of the same length is
* returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return string representation of value
str(n: string|boolean|number|any[]): string
* Converts a number or string to its boolean
* representation. For a number, any non-zero value
* (positive or negative) evaluates to true, while
* zero evaluates to false. For a string, the value
* "true" evaluates to true, while any other value
* evaluates to false. When an array of number or
* string values is passed in, then a array of
* booleans of the same length is returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return boolean representation of value
boolean(n: string|boolean|number|any[]): boolean
* Converts a number, string representation of a
* number, or boolean to its byte representation. A
* byte can be only a whole number between -128 and
* 127, so when a value outside of this range is
* converted, it wraps around to the corresponding
* byte representation. When an array of number,
* string or boolean values is passed in, then an
* array of bytes the same length is returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return byte representation of value
byte(n: string|boolean|number): number
* Converts a number, string representation of a
* number, or boolean to its byte representation. A
* byte can be only a whole number between -128 and
* 127, so when a value outside of this range is
* converted, it wraps around to the corresponding
* byte representation. When an array of number,
* string or boolean values is passed in, then an
* array of bytes the same length is returned.
* @param ns values to parse
* @return array of byte representation of values
byte(ns: any[]): number[]
* Converts a number or string to its corresponding
* single-character string representation. If a
* string parameter is provided, it is first parsed
* as an integer and then translated into a
* single-character string. When an array of number
* or string values is passed in, then an array of
* single-character strings of the same length is
* returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return string representation of value
char(n: string|number): string
* Converts a number or string to its corresponding
* single-character string representation. If a
* string parameter is provided, it is first parsed
* as an integer and then translated into a
* single-character string. When an array of number
* or string values is passed in, then an array of
* single-character strings of the same length is
* returned.
* @param ns values to parse
* @return array of string representation of values
char(ns: any[]): string[]
* Converts a single-character string to its
* corresponding integer representation. When an
* array of single-character string values is passed
* in, then an array of integers of the same length
* is returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return integer representation of value
unchar(n: string): number
* Converts a single-character string to its
* corresponding integer representation. When an
* array of single-character string values is passed
* in, then an array of integers of the same length
* is returned.
* @param ns values to parse
* @return integer representation of values
unchar(ns: any[]): number[]
* Converts a number to a string in its equivalent
* hexadecimal notation. If a second parameter is
* passed, it is used to set the number of characters
* to generate in the hexadecimal notation. When an
* array is passed in, an array of strings in
* hexadecimal notation of the same length is
* returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return hexadecimal string representation of value
hex(n: number, digits?: number): string
* Converts a number to a string in its equivalent
* hexadecimal notation. If a second parameter is
* passed, it is used to set the number of characters
* to generate in the hexadecimal notation. When an
* array is passed in, an array of strings in
* hexadecimal notation of the same length is
* returned.
* @param ns array of values to parse
* @return hexadecimal string representation of
* values
hex(ns: number[], digits?: number): string[]
* Converts a string representation of a hexadecimal
* number to its equivalent integer value. When an
* array of strings in hexadecimal notation is passed
* in, an array of integers of the same length is
* returned.
* @param n value to parse
* @return integer representation of hexadecimal
* value
unhex(n: string): number
// src/utilities/string_functions.js
* Converts a string representation of a hexadecimal
* number to its equivalent integer value. When an
* array of strings in hexadecimal notation is passed
* in, an array of integers of the same length is
* returned.
* @param ns values to parse
* @return integer representations of hexadecimal
* value
unhex(ns: any[]): number[]
* Combines an array of Strings into one String, each
* separated by the character(s) used for the
* separator parameter. To join arrays of ints or
* floats, it's necessary to first convert them to
* Strings using nf() or nfs().
* @param list array of Strings to be joined
* @param separator String to be placed between each
* item
* @return joined String
join(list: any[], separator: string): string
* This function is used to apply a regular
* expression to a piece of text, and return matching
* groups (elements found inside parentheses) as a
* String array. If there are no matches, a null
* value will be returned. If no groups are specified
* in the regular expression, but the sequence
* matches, an array of length 1 (with the matched
* text as the first element of the array) will be
* returned. To use the function, first check to see
* if the result is null. If the result is null, then
* the sequence did not match at all. If the sequence
* did match, an array is returned.
* If there are groups (specified by sets of
* parentheses) in the regular expression, then the
* contents of each will be returned in the array.
* Element [0] of a regular expression match returns
* the entire matching string, and the match groups
* start at element [1] (the first group is [1], the
* second [2], and so on).
* @param str the String to be searched
* @param regexp the regexp to be used for matching
* @return Array of Strings found
match(str: string, regexp: string): string[]
* This function is used to apply a regular
* expression to a piece of text, and return a list
* of matching groups (elements found inside
* parentheses) as a two-dimensional String array. If
* there are no matches, a null value will be
* returned. If no groups are specified in the
* regular expression, but the sequence matches, a
* two dimensional array is still returned, but the
* second dimension is only of length one. To use
* the function, first check to see if the result is
* null. If the result is null, then the sequence did
* not match at all. If the sequence did match, a 2D
* array is returned.
* If there are groups (specified by sets of
* parentheses) in the regular expression, then the
* contents of each will be returned in the array.
* Assuming a loop with counter variable i, element
* [i][0] of a regular expression match returns the
* entire matching string, and the match groups start
* at element [i][1] (the first group is [i][1], the
* second [i][2], and so on).
* @param str the String to be searched
* @param regexp the regexp to be used for matching
* @return 2d Array of Strings found
matchAll(str: string, regexp: string): string[]
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for the digits, left, and right
* parameters should always be positive integers.
* @param num the Number to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted String
nf(num: number|string, left?: number|string, right?: number|string): string
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for the digits, left, and right
* parameters should always be positive integers.
* @param nums the Numbers to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted Strings
nf(nums: any[], left?: number|string, right?: number|string): string[]
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings and placing appropriate commas to mark
* units of 1000. There are two versions: one for
* formatting ints, and one for formatting an array
* of ints. The value for the right parameter should
* always be a positive integer.
* @param num the Number to format
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted String
nfc(num: number|string, right?: number|string): string
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings and placing appropriate commas to mark
* units of 1000. There are two versions: one for
* formatting ints, and one for formatting an array
* of ints. The value for the right parameter should
* always be a positive integer.
* @param nums the Numbers to format
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted Strings
nfc(nums: any[], right?: number|string): string[]
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. Similar to nf() but puts a "+" in front
* of positive numbers and a "-" in front of negative
* numbers. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for left, and right parameters should
* always be positive integers.
* @param num the Number to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted String
nfp(num: number, left?: number, right?: number): string
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. Similar to nf() but puts a "+" in front
* of positive numbers and a "-" in front of negative
* numbers. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for left, and right parameters should
* always be positive integers.
* @param nums the Numbers to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted Strings
nfp(nums: number[], left?: number, right?: number): string[]
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. Similar to nf() but puts a " " (space) in
* front of positive numbers and a "-" in front of
* negative numbers. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for the digits, left, and right
* parameters should always be positive integers.
* @param num the Number to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted String
nfs(num: number, left?: number, right?: number): string
* Utility function for formatting numbers into
* strings. Similar to nf() but puts a " " (space) in
* front of positive numbers and a "-" in front of
* negative numbers. There are two versions: one for
* formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
* The values for the digits, left, and right
* parameters should always be positive integers.
* @param nums the Numbers to format
* @param [left] number of digits to the left of the
* decimal point
* @param [right] number of digits to the right of
* the decimal point
* @return formatted Strings
nfs(nums: any[], left?: number, right?: number): string[]
* The split() function maps to String.split(), it
* breaks a String into pieces using a character or
* string as the delimiter. The delim parameter
* specifies the character or characters that mark
* the boundaries between each piece. A String[]
* array is returned that contains each of the
* pieces. The splitTokens() function works in a
* similar fashion, except that it splits using a
* range of characters instead of a specific
* character or sequence.
* @param value the String to be split
* @param delim the String used to separate the data
* @return Array of Strings
split(value: string, delim: string): string[]
* The splitTokens() function splits a String at one
* or many character delimiters or "tokens." The
* delim parameter specifies the character or
* characters to be used as a boundary. If no delim
* characters are specified, any whitespace character
* is used to split. Whitespace characters include
* tab (\t), line feed (\n), carriage return (\r),
* form feed (\f), and space.
* @param value the String to be split
* @param [delim] list of individual Strings that
* will be used as separators
* @return Array of Strings
splitTokens(value: string, delim?: string): string[]
* Removes whitespace characters from the beginning
* and end of a String. In addition to standard
* whitespace characters such as space, carriage
* return, and tab, this function also removes the
* Unicode "nbsp" character.
* @param str a String to be trimmed
* @return a trimmed String
trim(str: string): string
// src/utilities/time_date.js
* Removes whitespace characters from the beginning
* and end of a String. In addition to standard
* whitespace characters such as space, carriage
* return, and tab, this function also removes the
* Unicode "nbsp" character.
* @param strs an Array of Strings to be trimmed
* @return an Array of trimmed Strings
trim(strs: any[]): string[]
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The day() function returns the current
* day as a value from 1 - 31.
* @return the current day
day(): number
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The hour() function returns the current
* hour as a value from 0 - 23.
* @return the current hour
hour(): number
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The minute() function returns the
* current minute as a value from 0 - 59.
* @return the current minute
minute(): number
* Returns the number of milliseconds (thousandths of
* a second) since starting the program. This
* information is often used for timing events and
* animation sequences.
* @return the number of milliseconds since starting
* the program
millis(): number
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The month() function returns the current
* month as a value from 1 - 12.
* @return the current month
month(): number
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The second() function returns the
* current second as a value from 0 - 59.
* @return the current second
second(): number
// src/webgl/camera.js
* p5.js communicates with the clock on your
* computer. The year() function returns the current
* year as an integer (2014, 2015, 2016, etc).
* @return the current year
year(): number
* Sets camera position for a 3D sketch. The function
* behaves similarly gluLookAt, except that it
* replaces the existing modelview matrix instead of
* applying any transformations calculated here on
* top of the existing model view. When called with
* no arguments, this function sets a default camera
* equivalent to calling camera(0, 0, (height/2.0) /
* tan(PI*30.0 / 180.0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
* @param [x] camera position value on x axis
* @param [y] camera position value on y axis
* @param [z] camera position value on z axis
* @param [centerX] x coordinate representing center
* of the sketch
* @param [centerY] y coordinate representing center
* of the sketch
* @param [centerZ] z coordinate representing center
* of the sketch
* @param [upX] x component of direction 'up' from
* camera
* @param [upY] y component of direction 'up' from
* camera
* @param [upZ] z component of direction 'up' from
* camera
* @chainable
camera(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, centerX?: number, centerY?: number, centerZ?: number, upX?: number, upY?: number, upZ?: number): p5
* Sets perspective camera. When called with no
* arguments, the defaults provided are equivalent to
* perspective(PI/3.0, width/height, cameraZ/10.0,
* cameraZ10.0) where cameraZ is ((height/2.0) /
* tan(PI60.0/360.0));
* @param [fovy] camera frustum vertical field of
* view, from bottom to top of view, in angleMode
* units
* @param [aspect] camera frustum aspect ratio
* @param [near] frustum near plane length
* @param [far] frustum far plane length
* @chainable
perspective(fovy?: number, aspect?: number, near?: number, far?: number): p5
// src/webgl/interaction.js
* Setup ortho camera
* @param [left] camera frustum left plane
* @param [right] camera frustum right plane
* @param [bottom] camera frustum bottom plane
* @param [top] camera frustum top plane
* @param [near] camera frustum near plane
* @param [far] camera frustum far plane
* @chainable
ortho(left?: number, right?: number, bottom?: number, top?: number, near?: number, far?: number): p5
// src/webgl/light.js
orbitControl(): p5
* Creates an ambient light with a color
* @param v1 red or hue value relative to the current
* color range
* @param v2 green or saturation value relative to
* the current color range
* @param v3 blue or brightness value relative to the
* current color range
* @chainable
ambientLight(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, alpha?: number): p5
* Creates an ambient light with a color
* @param value a color string
* @chainable
ambientLight(value: string, alpha?: number): p5
* Creates an ambient light with a color
* @param values an array containing the
* red,green,blue & and alpha components of the color
* @chainable
ambientLight(values: number[]): p5
* Creates an ambient light with a color
* @param color the ambient light color
* @chainable
ambientLight(color: p5.Color): p5
* Creates a directional light with a color and a
* direction
* @param v1 red or hue value (depending on the
* current color mode),
* @param v2 green or saturation value
* @param v3 blue or brightness value
* @param position the direction of the light
* @chainable
directionalLight(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, position: p5.Vector): p5
* Creates a directional light with a color and a
* direction
* @param color color Array, CSS color string, or
* p5.Color value
* @param x x axis direction
* @param y y axis direction
* @param z z axis direction
* @chainable
directionalLight(color: number[]|string|p5.Color, x: number, y: number, z: number): p5
* Creates a directional light with a color and a
* direction
* @param color color Array, CSS color string, or
* p5.Color value
* @param position the direction of the light
* @chainable
directionalLight(color: number[]|string|p5.Color, position: p5.Vector): p5
* Creates a directional light with a color and a
* direction
* @param v1 red or hue value (depending on the
* current color mode),
* @param v2 green or saturation value
* @param v3 blue or brightness value
* @param x x axis direction
* @param y y axis direction
* @param z z axis direction
* @chainable
directionalLight(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, x: number, y: number, z: number): p5
* Creates a point light with a color and a light
* position
* @param v1 red or hue value (depending on the
* current color mode),
* @param v2 green or saturation value
* @param v3 blue or brightness value
* @param x x axis position
* @param y y axis position
* @param z z axis position
* @chainable
pointLight(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, x: number, y: number, z: number): p5
* Creates a point light with a color and a light
* position
* @param v1 red or hue value (depending on the
* current color mode),
* @param v2 green or saturation value
* @param v3 blue or brightness value
* @param position the position of the light
* @chainable
pointLight(v1: number, v2: number, v3: number, position: p5.Vector): p5
* Creates a point light with a color and a light
* position
* @param color color Array, CSS color string, or
* p5.Color value
* @param x x axis position
* @param y y axis position
* @param z z axis position
* @chainable
pointLight(color: number[]|string|p5.Color, x: number, y: number, z: number): p5
// src/webgl/loading.js
* Creates a point light with a color and a light
* position
* @param color color Array, CSS color string, or
* p5.Color value
* @param position the position of the light
* @chainable
pointLight(color: number[]|string|p5.Color, position: p5.Vector): p5
* Load a 3d model from an OBJ file. One of the
* limitations of the OBJ format is that it doesn't
* have a built-in sense of scale. This means that
* models exported from different programs might be
* very different sizes. If your model isn't
* displaying, try calling loadModel() with the
* normalized parameter set to true. This will resize
* the model to a scale appropriate for p5. You can
* also make additional changes to the final size of
* your model with the scale() function.
* @param path Path of the model to be loaded
* @param normalize If true, scale the model to a
* standardized size when loading
* @param [successCallback] Function to be called
* once the model is loaded. Will be passed the 3D
* model object.
* @param [failureCallback] called with event error
* if the image fails to load.
* @return the p5.Geometry object
loadModel(path: string, normalize: boolean, successCallback?: (p1: p5.Geometry) => any, failureCallback?: (p1: Event) => any): p5.Geometry
* Load a 3d model from an OBJ file. One of the
* limitations of the OBJ format is that it doesn't
* have a built-in sense of scale. This means that
* models exported from different programs might be
* very different sizes. If your model isn't
* displaying, try calling loadModel() with the
* normalized parameter set to true. This will resize
* the model to a scale appropriate for p5. You can
* also make additional changes to the final size of
* your model with the scale() function.
* @param path Path of the model to be loaded
* @param [successCallback] Function to be called
* once the model is loaded. Will be passed the 3D
* model object.
* @param [failureCallback] called with event error
* if the image fails to load.
* @return the p5.Geometry object
loadModel(path: string, successCallback?: (p1: p5.Geometry) => any, failureCallback?: (p1: Event) => any): p5.Geometry
// src/webgl/material.js
* Render a 3d model to the screen.
* @param model Loaded 3d model to be rendered
model(model: p5.Geometry): void
* Loads a custom shader from the provided vertex and
* fragment shader paths. The shader files are loaded
* asynchronously in the background, so this method
* should be used in preload(). For now, there are
* three main types of shaders. p5 will automatically
* supply appropriate vertices, normals, colors, and
* lighting attributes if the parameters defined in
* the shader match the names.
* @param [vertFilename] path to file containing
* vertex shader source code
* @param [fragFilename] path to file containing
* fragment shader source code
* @return a shader object created from the provided
* vertex and fragment shader files.
loadShader(vertFilename?: string, fragFilename?: string): p5.Shader
createShader(vertSrc: string, fragSrc: string): p5.Shader
* The shader() function lets the user provide a
* custom shader to fill in shapes in WEBGL mode.
* Users can create their own shaders by loading
* vertex and fragment shaders with loadShader().
* @param [s] the desired p5.Shader to use for
* rendering shapes.
* @chainable
shader(s?: p5.Shader): p5
* Normal material for geometry. You can view all
* possible materials in this example.
* @chainable
normalMaterial(): p5
* Texture for geometry. You can view other possible
* materials in this example.
* @param tex 2-dimensional graphics to render as
* texture
* @chainable
texture(tex: p5.Image|p5.MediaElement|p5.Graphics): p5
* Ambient material for geometry with a given color.
* You can view all possible materials in this
* example.
* @param v1 gray value, red or hue value (depending
* on the current color mode),
* @param [v2] green or saturation value
* @param [v3] blue or brightness value
* @param [a] opacity
* @chainable
ambientMaterial(v1: number, v2?: number, v3?: number, a?: number): p5
* Ambient material for geometry with a given color.
* You can view all possible materials in this
* example.
* @param color color, color Array, or CSS color
* string
* @chainable
ambientMaterial(color: number[]|string|p5.Color): p5
* Specular material for geometry with a given color.
* You can view all possible materials in this
* example.
* @param v1 gray value, red or hue value (depending
* on the current color mode),
* @param [v2] green or saturation value
* @param [v3] blue or brightness value
* @param [a] opacity
* @chainable
specularMaterial(v1: number, v2?: number, v3?: number, a?: number): p5
// src/webgl/p5.RendererGL.js
* Specular material for geometry with a given color.
* You can view all possible materials in this
* example.
* @param color color Array, or CSS color string
* @chainable
specularMaterial(color: number[]|string|p5.Color): p5
* Set attributes for the WebGL Drawing context. This
* is a way of adjusting ways that the WebGL renderer
* works to fine-tune the display and performance.
* This should be put in setup(). The available
* attributes are: alpha - indicates if the canvas
* contains an alpha buffer
* default is true
* depth - indicates whether the drawing buffer has a
* depth buffer of at least 16 bits - default is true
* stencil - indicates whether the drawing buffer has
* a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits
* antialias - indicates whether or not to perform
* anti-aliasing
* default is false
* premultipliedAlpha - indicates that the page
* compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains
* colors with pre-multiplied alpha
* default is false
* preserveDrawingBuffer - if true the buffers will
* not be cleared and and will preserve their values
* until cleared or overwritten by author (note that
* p5 clears automatically on draw loop)
* default is true
* perPixelLighting - if true, per-pixel lighting
* will be used in the lighting shader.
* default is false
* @param key Name of attribute
* @param value New value of named attribute
setAttributes(key: string, value: boolean): void
// src/webgl/primitives.js
* Set attributes for the WebGL Drawing context. This
* is a way of adjusting ways that the WebGL renderer
* works to fine-tune the display and performance.
* This should be put in setup(). The available
* attributes are: alpha - indicates if the canvas
* contains an alpha buffer
* default is true
* depth - indicates whether the drawing buffer has a
* depth buffer of at least 16 bits - default is true
* stencil - indicates whether the drawing buffer has
* a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits
* antialias - indicates whether or not to perform
* anti-aliasing
* default is false
* premultipliedAlpha - indicates that the page
* compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains
* colors with pre-multiplied alpha
* default is false
* preserveDrawingBuffer - if true the buffers will
* not be cleared and and will preserve their values
* until cleared or overwritten by author (note that
* p5 clears automatically on draw loop)
* default is true
* perPixelLighting - if true, per-pixel lighting
* will be used in the lighting shader.
* default is false
* @param obj object with key-value pairs
setAttributes(obj: object): void
* Draw a plane with given a width and height
* @param [width] width of the plane
* @param [height] height of the plane
* @param [detailX] Optional number of triangle
* subdivisions in x-dimension
* @param [detailY] Optional number of triangle
* subdivisions in y-dimension
* @chainable
plane(width?: number, height?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
* Draw a box with given width, height and depth
* @param [width] width of the box
* @param [Height] height of the box
* @param [depth] depth of the box
* @param [detailX] Optional number of triangle
* subdivisions in x-dimension
* @param [detailY] Optional number of triangle
* subdivisions in y-dimension
* @chainable
box(width?: number, Height?: number, depth?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
* Draw a sphere with given radius
* @param [radius] radius of circle
* @param [detailX] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 24
* @param [detailY] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 16
* @chainable
sphere(radius?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
* Draw a cylinder with given radius and height
* @param [radius] radius of the surface
* @param [height] height of the cylinder
* @param [detailX] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 24
* @param [detailY] number of segments in
* y-dimension, the more segments the smoother
* geometry default is 1
* @param [bottomCap] whether to draw the bottom of
* the cylinder
* @param [topCap] whether to draw the top of the
* cylinder
* @chainable
cylinder(radius?: number, height?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number, bottomCap?: boolean, topCap?: boolean): p5
* Draw a cone with given radius and height
* @param [radius] radius of the bottom surface
* @param [height] height of the cone
* @param [detailX] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 24
* @param [detailY] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 1
* @param [cap] whether to draw the base of the cone
* @chainable
cone(radius?: number, height?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number, cap?: boolean): p5
* Draw an ellipsoid with given radius
* @param [radiusx] xradius of circle
* @param [radiusy] yradius of circle
* @param [radiusz] zradius of circle
* @param [detailX] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 24.
* Avoid detail number above 150, it may crash the
* browser.
* @param [detailY] number of segments, the more
* segments the smoother geometry default is 16.
* Avoid detail number above 150, it may crash the
* browser.
* @chainable
ellipsoid(radiusx?: number, radiusy?: number, radiusz?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
// lib/addons/p5.sound.js
* Draw a torus with given radius and tube radius
* @param [radius] radius of the whole ring
* @param [tubeRadius] radius of the tube
* @param [detailX] number of segments in
* x-dimension, the more segments the smoother
* geometry default is 24
* @param [detailY] number of segments in
* y-dimension, the more segments the smoother
* geometry default is 16
* @chainable
torus(radius?: number, tubeRadius?: number, detailX?: number, detailY?: number): p5
* Returns a number representing the sample rate, in
* samples per second, of all sound objects in this
* audio context. It is determined by the sampling
* rate of your operating system's sound card, and it
* is not currently possile to change. It is often
* 44100, or twice the range of human hearing.
* @return samplerate samples per second
sampleRate(): number
* Returns the closest MIDI note value for a given
* frequency.
* @param frequency A freqeuncy, for example, the "A"
* above Middle C is 440Hz
* @return MIDI note value
freqToMidi(frequency: number): number
* Returns the frequency value of a MIDI note value.
* General MIDI treats notes as integers where middle
* C is 60, C# is 61, D is 62 etc. Useful for
* generating musical frequencies with oscillators.
* @param midiNote The number of a MIDI note
* @return Frequency value of the given MIDI note
midiToFreq(midiNote: number): number
// Properties from p5.dom
// lib/addons/p5.dom.js
* List the SoundFile formats that you will include.
* LoadSound will search your directory for these
* extensions, and will pick a format that is
* compatable with the client's web browser. Here is
* a free online file converter.
* @param [formats] i.e. 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg'
soundFormats(formats?: string): void
* Searches the page for an element with the given
* ID, class, or tag name (using the '#' or '.'
* prefixes to specify an ID or class respectively,
* and none for a tag) and returns it as a
* p5.Element. If a class or tag name is given with
* more than 1 element, only the first element will
* be returned. The DOM node itself can be accessed
* with .elt. Returns null if none found. You can
* also specify a container to search within.
* @param name id, class, or tag name of element to
* search for
* @param [container] id, p5.Element, or HTML element
* to search within
* @return p5.Element containing node found
select(name: string, container?: string): object|p5.Element|null
* Searches the page for elements with the given
* class or tag name (using the '.' prefix to specify
* a class and no prefix for a tag) and returns them
* as p5.Elements in an array. The DOM node itself
* can be accessed with .elt. Returns an empty array
* if none found. You can also specify a container to
* search within.
* @param name class or tag name of elements to
* search for
* @param [container] id, p5.Element, or HTML element
* to search within
* @return Array of p5.Elements containing nodes
* found
selectAll(name: string, container?: string): any[]
* Removes all elements created by p5, except any
* canvas / graphics elements created by createCanvas
* or createGraphics. Event handlers are removed, and
* element is removed from the DOM.
removeElements(): void
* Creates a <div></div> element in the DOM with
* given inner HTML. Appends to the container node if
* one is specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param [html] inner HTML for element created
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createDiv(html?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates a <p></p> element in the DOM with given
* inner HTML. Used for paragraph length text.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified,
* otherwise appends to body.
* @param [html] inner HTML for element created
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createP(html?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates a <span></span> element in the DOM with
* given inner HTML. Appends to the container node if
* one is specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param [html] inner HTML for element created
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createSpan(html?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates an <img> element in the DOM with given src
* and alternate text. Appends to the container node
* if one is specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param src src path or url for image
* @param [alt] alternate text to be used if image
* does not load
* @param [successCallback] callback to be called
* once image data is loaded
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createImg(src: string, alt?: string, successCallback?: Function): object|p5.Element
* Creates an <a></a> element in the DOM for
* including a hyperlink. Appends to the container
* node if one is specified, otherwise appends to
* body.
* @param href url of page to link to
* @param html inner html of link element to display
* @param [target] target where new link should open,
* could be _blank, _self, _parent, _top.
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createA(href: string, html: string, target?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates a slider <input></input> element in the
* DOM. Use .size() to set the display length of the
* slider. Appends to the container node if one is
* specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param min minimum value of the slider
* @param max maximum value of the slider
* @param [value] default value of the slider
* @param [step] step size for each tick of the
* slider (if step is set to 0, the slider will move
* continuously from the minimum to the maximum
* value)
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createSlider(min: number, max: number, value?: number, step?: number): object|p5.Element
* Creates a <button></button> element in the DOM.
* Use .size() to set the display size of the button.
* Use .mousePressed() to specify behavior on press.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified,
* otherwise appends to body.
* @param label label displayed on the button
* @param [value] value of the button
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createButton(label: string, value?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates a checkbox <input></input> element in the
* DOM. Calling .checked() on a checkbox returns if
* it is checked or not
* @param [label] label displayed after checkbox
* @param [value] value of the checkbox; checked is
* true, unchecked is false
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createCheckbox(label?: string, value?: boolean): object|p5.Element
* Creates a dropdown menu <select></select> element
* in the DOM. It also helps to assign select-box
* methods to p5.Element when selecting existing
* select box
* @param [multiple] true if dropdown should support
* multiple selections
createSelect(multiple?: boolean): p5.Element
* Creates a dropdown menu <select></select> element
* in the DOM. It also helps to assign select-box
* methods to p5.Element when selecting existing
* select box
* @param existing DOM select element
createSelect(existing: object): p5.Element
* Creates a radio button <input></input> element in
* the DOM. The .option() method can be used to set
* options for the radio after it is created. The
* .value() method will return the currently selected
* option.
* @param [divId] the id and name of the created div
* and input field respectively
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createRadio(divId?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates an <input></input> element in the DOM for
* text input. Use .size() to set the display length
* of the box. Appends to the container node if one
* is specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param [value] default value of the input box
* @param [type] type of text, ie text, password etc.
* Defaults to text
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createInput(value?: string, type?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates an <input></input> element in the DOM of
* type 'file'. This allows users to select local
* files for use in a sketch.
* @param [callback] callback function for when a
* file loaded
* @param [multiple] optional to allow multiple files
* selected
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created DOM
* element
createFileInput(callback?: Function, multiple?: string): object|p5.Element
* Creates an HTML5 <video> element in the DOM for
* simple playback of audio/video. Shown by default,
* can be hidden with .hide() and drawn into canvas
* using video(). Appends to the container node if
* one is specified, otherwise appends to body. The
* first parameter can be either a single string path
* to a video file, or an array of string paths to
* different formats of the same video. This is
* useful for ensuring that your video can play
* across different browsers, as each supports
* different formats. See this page for further
* information about supported formats.
* @param src path to a video file, or array of paths
* for supporting different browsers
* @param [callback] callback function to be called
* upon 'canplaythrough' event fire, that is, when
* the browser can play the media, and estimates that
* enough data has been loaded to play the media up
* to its end without having to stop for further
* buffering of content
* @return pointer to video p5.Element
createVideo(src: string|any[], callback?: object): p5.MediaElement|p5.Element
* Creates a hidden HTML5 <audio> element in the DOM
* for simple audio playback. Appends to the
* container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body. The first parameter can be either
* a single string path to a audio file, or an array
* of string paths to different formats of the same
* audio. This is useful for ensuring that your audio
* can play across different browsers, as each
* supports different formats. See this page for
* further information about supported formats.
* @param [src] path to an audio file, or array of
* paths for supporting different browsers
* @param [callback] callback function to be called
* upon 'canplaythrough' event fire, that is, when
* the browser can play the media, and estimates that
* enough data has been loaded to play the media up
* to its end without having to stop for further
* buffering of content
* @return pointer to audio p5.Element /**
createAudio(src?: string|string[], callback?: object): p5.MediaElement|p5.Element
* Creates a new <video> element that contains the
* audio/video feed from a webcam. This can be drawn
* onto the canvas using video(). More specific
* properties of the feed can be passing in a
* Constraints object. See the W3C spec for possible
* properties. Note that not all of these are
* supported by all browsers.
* Security note: A new browser security
* specification requires that getUserMedia, which is
* behind createCapture(), only works when you're
* running the code locally, or on HTTPS. Learn more
* here and here.
* @param type type of capture, either VIDEO or AUDIO
* if none specified, default both, or a Constraints
* object
* @param callback function to be called once stream
* has loaded
* @return capture video p5.Element
createCapture(type: string|any|object, callback: Function): object|p5.Element
// Properties from p5.sound
// lib/addons/p5.sound.js
* Creates element with given tag in the DOM with
* given content. Appends to the container node if
* one is specified, otherwise appends to body.
* @param tag tag for the new element
* @param [content] html content to be inserted into
* the element
* @return pointer to p5.Element holding created node
createElement(tag: string, content?: string): object|p5.Element
* Returns the Audio Context for this sketch. Useful
* for users who would like to dig deeper into the
* Web Audio API .
* @return AudioContext for this sketch
getAudioContext(): object
* Returns a number representing the master amplitude
* (volume) for sound in this sketch.
* @return Master amplitude (volume) for sound in
* this sketch. Should be between 0.0 (silence) and
* 1.0.
getMasterVolume(): number
* Scale the output of all sound in this sketch
* Scaled between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (full
* volume). 1.0 is the maximum amplitude of a digital
* sound, so multiplying by greater than 1.0 may
* cause digital distortion. To fade, provide a
* rampTime parameter. For more complex fades, see
* the Env class. Alternately, you can pass in a
* signal source such as an oscillator to modulate
* the amplitude with an audio signal. How This
* Works: When you load the p5.sound module, it
* creates a single instance of p5sound. All sound
* objects in this module output to p5sound before
* reaching your computer's output. So if you change
* the amplitude of p5sound, it impacts all of the
* sound in this module.
* If no value is provided, returns a Web Audio API
* Gain Node
* @param volume Volume (amplitude) between 0.0 and
* 1.0 or modulating signal/oscillator
* @param [rampTime] Fade for t seconds
* @param [timeFromNow] Schedule this event to happen
* at t seconds in the future
masterVolume(volume: number|object, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
declare namespace p5 {
// src/color/p5.Color.js
class Color {
* This function returns the color formatted as a
* string. This can be useful for debugging, or for
* using p5.js with other libraries.
* @param [format] How the color string will be
* formatted. Leaving this empty formats the string
* as rgba(r, g, b, a). '#rgb' '#rgba' '#rrggbb' and
* '#rrggbbaa' format as hexadecimal color codes.
* 'rgb' 'hsb' and 'hsl' return the color formatted
* in the specified color mode. 'rgba' 'hsba' and
* 'hsla' are the same as above but with alpha
* channels. 'rgb%' 'hsb%' 'hsl%' 'rgba%' 'hsba%' and
* 'hsla%' format as percentages.
* @return the formatted string
toString(format?: string): string
setRed(red: number): void
setGreen(green: number): void
setBlue(blue: number): void
setAlpha(alpha: number): void
// src/core/p5.Element.js
class Element{
* Underlying HTML element. All normal HTML methods
* can be called on this.
elt: any
* Attaches the element to the parent specified. A
* way of setting the container for the element.
* Accepts either a string ID, DOM node, or
* p5.Element. If no arguments given, parent node is
* returned. For more ways to position the canvas,
* see the positioning the canvas wiki page.
* @param parent the ID, DOM node, or p5.Element of
* desired parent element
* @chainable
parent(parent: string|p5.Element|object): p5.Element
* Attaches the element to the parent specified. A
* way of setting the container for the element.
* Accepts either a string ID, DOM node, or
* p5.Element. If no arguments given, parent node is
* returned. For more ways to position the canvas,
* see the positioning the canvas wiki page.
parent(): p5.Element
* Sets the ID of the element. If no ID argument is
* passed in, it instead returns the current ID of
* the element.
* @param id ID of the element
* @chainable
id(id: string): p5.Element
* Sets the ID of the element. If no ID argument is
* passed in, it instead returns the current ID of
* the element.
* @return the id of the element
id(): string
* Adds given class to the element. If no class
* argument is passed in, it instead returns a string
* containing the current class(es) of the element.
* @param class class to add
* @chainable
class(theClass: string): p5.Element
* Adds given class to the element. If no class
* argument is passed in, it instead returns a string
* containing the current class(es) of the element.
* @return the class of the element
class(): string
* The .mousePressed() function is called once after
* every time a mouse button is pressed over the
* element. This can be used to attach element
* specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when mouse is
* pressed over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
mousePressed(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .doubleClicked() function is called once after
* every time a mouse button is pressed twice over
* the element. This can be used to attach element
* and action specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when mouse is
* double clicked over the element. if false is
* passed instead, the previously firing function
* will no longer fire.
doubleClicked(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseWheel() function is called once after
* every time a mouse wheel is scrolled over the
* element. This can be used to attach element
* specific event listeners. The function accepts a
* callback function as argument which will be
* executed when the wheel event is triggered on the
* element, the callback function is passed one
* argument event. The event.deltaY property returns
* negative values if the mouse wheel is rotated up
* or away from the user and positive in the other
* direction. The event.deltaX does the same as
* event.deltaY except it reads the horizontal wheel
* scroll of the mouse wheel.
* On OS X with "natural" scrolling enabled, the
* event.deltaY values are reversed.
* @param fxn function to be fired when mouse is
* scrolled over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseWheel(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseReleased() function is called once after
* every time a mouse button is released over the
* element. This can be used to attach element
* specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when mouse is
* released over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseReleased(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseClicked() function is called once after
* a mouse button is pressed and released over the
* element. This can be used to attach element
* specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when mouse is
* clicked over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseClicked(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseMoved() function is called once every
* time a mouse moves over the element. This can be
* used to attach an element specific event listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a mouse moves
* over the element. if false is passed instead, the
* previously firing function will no longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseMoved(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseOver() function is called once after
* every time a mouse moves onto the element. This
* can be used to attach an element specific event
* listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a mouse moves
* onto the element. if false is passed instead, the
* previously firing function will no longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseOver(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .changed() function is called when the value
* of an element changes. This can be used to attach
* an element specific event listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when the value of
* an element changes. if false is passed instead,
* the previously firing function will no longer
* fire.
* @chainable
changed(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .input() function is called when any user
* input is detected with an element. The input event
* is often used to detect keystrokes in a input
* element, or changes on a slider element. This can
* be used to attach an element specific event
* listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when any user
* input is detected within the element. if false is
* passed instead, the previously firing function
* will no longer fire.
* @chainable
input(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .mouseOut() function is called once after
* every time a mouse moves off the element. This can
* be used to attach an element specific event
* listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a mouse moves
* off of an element. if false is passed instead, the
* previously firing function will no longer fire.
* @chainable
mouseOut(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .touchStarted() function is called once after
* every time a touch is registered. This can be used
* to attach element specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a touch
* starts over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
touchStarted(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .touchMoved() function is called once after
* every time a touch move is registered. This can be
* used to attach element specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a touch moves
* over the element. if false is passed instead, the
* previously firing function will no longer fire.
* @chainable
touchMoved(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .touchEnded() function is called once after
* every time a touch is registered. This can be used
* to attach element specific event listeners.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a touch ends
* over the element. if false is passed instead, the
* previously firing function will no longer fire.
* @chainable
touchEnded(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .dragOver() function is called once after
* every time a file is dragged over the element.
* This can be used to attach an element specific
* event listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a file is
* dragged over the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
dragOver(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .dragLeave() function is called once after
* every time a dragged file leaves the element area.
* This can be used to attach an element specific
* event listener.
* @param fxn function to be fired when a file is
* dragged off the element. if false is passed
* instead, the previously firing function will no
* longer fire.
* @chainable
dragLeave(fxn: Function|boolean): p5.Element
* The .drop() function is called for each file
* dropped on the element. It requires a callback
* that is passed a p5.File object. You can
* optionally pass two callbacks, the first one
* (required) is triggered for each file dropped when
* the file is loaded. The second (optional) is
* triggered just once when a file (or files) are
* dropped.
* @param callback callback triggered when files are
* dropped.
* @param [fxn] callback to receive loaded file.
* @chainable
drop(callback: Function, fxn?: Function): p5.Element
// lib/addons/p5.dom.js
* Adds specified class to the element.
* @param class name of class to add
addClass(theClass: string): object|p5.Element
* Removes specified class from the element.
* @param class name of class to remove
* @return * @example // In this example, a class is
* set when the div is created // and removed when
* mouse is pressed. This could link up // with a CSS
* style rule to toggle style properties. var div;
* function setup() { div = createDiv('div');
* div.addClass('myClass'); } function mousePressed()
* { div.removeClass('myClass'); }
removeClass(theClass: string): object|p5.Element
* Attaches the element as a child to the parent
* specified. Accepts either a string ID, DOM node,
* or p5.Element. If no argument is specified, an
* array of children DOM nodes is returned.
* @param [child] the ID, DOM node, or p5.Element to
* add to the current element
child(child?: string|object|p5.Element): p5.Element
* Centers a p5 Element either vertically,
* horizontally, or both, relative to its parent or
* according to the body if the Element has no
* parent. If no argument is passed the Element is
* aligned both vertically and horizontally.
* @param [align] passing 'vertical', 'horizontal'
* aligns element accordingly
* @return pointer to p5.Element
center(align?: string): object|p5.Element
* If an argument is given, sets the inner HTML of
* the element, replacing any existing html. If true
* is included as a second argument, html is appended
* instead of replacing existing html. If no
* arguments are given, returns the inner HTML of the
* element.
* @param [html] the HTML to be placed inside the
* element
* @param [append] whether to append HTML to existing
html(html?: string, append?: boolean): object|p5.Element|string
* Sets the position of the element relative to (0,
* 0) of the window. Essentially, sets
* position:absolute and left and top properties of
* style. If no arguments given returns the x and y
* position of the element in an object.
* @param [x] x-position relative to upper left of
* window
* @param [y] y-position relative to upper left of
* window
position(x?: number, y?: number): object|p5.Element
* Sets the given style (css) property (1st arg) of
* the element with the given value (2nd arg). If a
* single argument is given, .style() returns the
* value of the given property; however, if the
* single argument is given in css syntax
* ('text-align:center'), .style() sets the css
* appropriatly. .style() also handles 2d and 3d css
* transforms. If the 1st arg is 'rotate',
* 'translate', or 'position', the following
* arguments accept Numbers as values. ('translate',
* 10, 100, 50);
* @param property property to be set
* @param [value] value to assign to property (only
* String|Number for rotate/translate)
* @param [value2] position can take a 2nd value
* @param [value3] translate can take a 2nd & 3rd
* value
* @return value of property, if no value is
* specified or p5.Element
style(property: string, value?: string|number|p5.Color, value2?: string|number|p5.Color, value3?: string|number|p5.Color): string|object|p5.Element
* Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an
* existing attribute on the specified element. If no
* value is specified, returns the value of the given
* attribute, or null if attribute is not set.
* @param attr attribute to set
* @param [value] value to assign to attribute
* @return value of attribute, if no value is
* specified or p5.Element
attribute(attr: string, value?: string): string|object|p5.Element
* Removes an attribute on the specified element.
* @param attr attribute to remove
removeAttribute(attr: string): object|p5.Element
* Either returns the value of the element if no
* arguments given, or sets the value of the element.
* @return value of element if no value is specified
* or p5.Element
value(value?: string|number): string|object|p5.Element
* Shows the current element. Essentially, setting
* display:block for the style.
show(): object|p5.Element
* Hides the current element. Essentially, setting
* display:none for the style.
hide(): object|p5.Element
* Sets the width and height of the element. AUTO can
* be used to only adjust one dimension. If no
* arguments given returns the width and height of
* the element in an object.
* @param [w] width of the element, either AUTO, or a
* number
* @param [h] height of the element, either AUTO, or
* a number
size(w?: number|any, h?: number|any): object|p5.Element
* Removes the element and deregisters all listeners.
remove(): void
// src/core/p5.Graphics.js
class Graphics extends p5{
* Removes this graphics
remove(): void
// src/core/p5.Renderer.js
class Renderer extends p5.Element {
* Main graphics and rendering context, as well as
* the base API implementation for p5.js "core". To
* be used as the superclass for Renderer2D and
* Renderer3D classes, respecitvely.
* @param elt DOM node that is wrapped
* @param [pInst] pointer to p5 instance
* @param [isMainCanvas] whether we're using it as
* main canvas
constructor(elt: string, pInst?: p5, isMainCanvas?: boolean)
// src/data/p5.TypedDict.js
class TypedDict {
* Returns the number of key-value pairs currently in
* Dictionary object
* @return the number of key-value pairs in
* Dictionary object
size(): number
* Returns true if key exists in Dictionary otherwise
* returns false
* @param key that you want to access
* @return whether that key exists in Dictionary
hasKey(key: number|string): boolean
* Returns value stored at supplied key.
* @param key that you want to access
* @return the value stored at that key
get(key: number|string): number|string
* Changes the value of key if in it already exists
* in in the Dictionary otherwise makes a new
* key-value pair
set(key: number|string, value: number|string): void
* Creates a key-value pair in the Dictionary
create(key: number|string, value: number|string): void
* Creates a key-value pair in the Dictionary
* @param obj key/value pair
create(obj: object): void
* Empties Dictionary of all key-value pairs
clear(): void
* Removes a key-value pair in the Dictionary
* @param key for the pair to remove
remove(key: number|string): void
* Logs the list of items currently in the Dictionary
* to the console
print(): void
* Converts the Dictionary into a CSV file for local
* storage.
saveTable(): void
* Converts the Dictionary into a JSON file for local
* storage.
saveJSON(): void
class StringDict extends p5.TypedDict {
class NumberDict extends p5.TypedDict {
* Add to a value stored at a certain key The sum is
* stored in that location in the Dictionary.
* @param Key for value you wish to add to
* @param Amount to add to the value
add(Key: number, Amount: number): void
* Subtract from a value stored at a certain key The
* difference is stored in that location in the
* Dictionary.
* @param Key for value you wish to subtract from
* @param Amount to subtract from the value
sub(Key: number, Amount: number): void
* Multiply a value stored at a certain key The
* product is stored in that location in the
* Dictionary.
* @param Key for value you wish to multiply
* @param Amount to multiply the value by
mult(Key: number, Amount: number): void
* Divide a value stored at a certain key The
* quotient is stored in that location in the
* Dictionary.
* @param Key for value you wish to divide
* @param Amount to divide the value by
div(Key: number, Amount: number): void
* Return the lowest value.
minValue(): number
* Return the highest value.
maxValue(): number
* Return the lowest key.
minKey(): number
* Return the highest key.
maxKey(): number
// src/image/p5.Image.js
class Image {
* Image width.
width: number
* Image height.
height: number
* Array containing the values for all the pixels in
* the display window. These values are numbers. This
* array is the size (include an appropriate factor
* for pixelDensity) of the display window x4,
* representing the R, G, B, A values in order for
* each pixel, moving from left to right across each
* row, then down each column. Retina and other high
* denisty displays may have more pixels[] (by a
* factor of pixelDensity^2). For example, if the
* image is 100x100 pixels, there will be 40,000.
* With pixelDensity = 2, there will be 160,000. The
* first four values (indices 0-3) in the array will
* be the R, G, B, A values of the pixel at (0, 0).
* The second four values (indices 4-7) will contain
* the R, G, B, A values of the pixel at (1, 0). More
* generally, to set values for a pixel at (x, y):
* var d = pixelDensity(); for (var i = 0; i < d;
* i++) { for (var j = 0; j < d; j++) { // loop over
* idx = 4 * ((y * d + j) * width * d + (x * d + i));
* pixels[idx] = r; pixels[idx+1] = g; pixels[idx+2]
* = b; pixels[idx+3] = a; } }
* Before accessing this array, the data must loaded
* with the loadPixels() function. After the array
* data has been modified, the updatePixels()
* function must be run to update the changes.
pixels: number[]
* Loads the pixels data for this image into the
* [pixels] attribute.
loadPixels(): void
* Updates the backing canvas for this image with the
* contents of the [pixels] array.
* @param x x-offset of the target update area for
* the underlying canvas
* @param y y-offset of the target update area for
* the underlying canvas
* @param w height of the target update area for the
* underlying canvas
* @param h height of the target update area for the
* underlying canvas
updatePixels(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): void
* Updates the backing canvas for this image with the
* contents of the [pixels] array.
updatePixels(): void
* Get a region of pixels from an image. If no params
* are passed, those whole image is returned, if x
* and y are the only params passed a single pixel is
* extracted if all params are passed a rectangle
* region is extracted and a p5.Image is returned.
* Returns undefined if the region is outside the
* bounds of the image
* @param [x] x-coordinate of the pixel
* @param [y] y-coordinate of the pixel
* @param [w] width
* @param [h] height
* @return color of pixel at x,y in array format [R,
* G, B, A] or p5.Image
get(x?: number, y?: number, w?: number, h?: number): number[]|Color|p5.Image
* Set the color of a single pixel or write an image
* into this p5.Image. Note that for a large number
* of pixels this will be slower than directly
* manipulating the pixels array and then calling
* updatePixels().
* @param x x-coordinate of the pixel
* @param y y-coordinate of the pixel
* @param a grayscale value | pixel array | a
* p5.Color | image to copy
set(x: number, y: number, a: number|number[]|object): void
* Resize the image to a new width and height. To
* make the image scale proportionally, use 0 as the
* value for the wide or high parameter. For
* instance, to make the width of an image 150
* pixels, and change the height using the same
* proportion, use resize(150, 0).
* @param width the resized image width
* @param height the resized image height
resize(width: number, height: number): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another. If no srcImage is specified this is used
* as the source. If the source and destination
* regions aren't the same size, it will
* automatically resize source pixels to fit the
* specified target region.
* @param srcImage source image
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
copy(srcImage: p5.Image|p5.Element, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another. If no srcImage is specified this is used
* as the source. If the source and destination
* regions aren't the same size, it will
* automatically resize source pixels to fit the
* specified target region.
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
copy(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number): void
* Masks part of an image from displaying by loading
* another image and using it's alpha channel as an
* alpha channel for this image.
* @param srcImage source image
mask(srcImage: p5.Image): void
* Applies an image filter to a p5.Image
* @param filterType either THRESHOLD, GRAY, OPAQUE,
* See Filters.js for docs on each available filter
* @param [filterParam] an optional parameter unique
* to each filter, see above
filter(filterType: FILTER_TYPE, filterParam?: number): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another, using a specified blend mode to do the
* operation.
* @param srcImage source image
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
* @param blendMode the blend mode. either BLEND,
* Available blend modes are: normal | multiply |
* screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge
* | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light |
* difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color
* | luminosity
blend(srcImage: p5.Image, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number, blendMode: BLEND_MODE): void
* Copies a region of pixels from one image to
* another, using a specified blend mode to do the
* operation.
* @param sx X coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sy Y coordinate of the source's upper left
* corner
* @param sw source image width
* @param sh source image height
* @param dx X coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dy Y coordinate of the destination's upper
* left corner
* @param dw destination image width
* @param dh destination image height
* @param blendMode the blend mode. either BLEND,
* Available blend modes are: normal | multiply |
* screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge
* | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light |
* difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color
* | luminosity
blend(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number, blendMode: any): void
* Saves the image to a file and force the browser to
* download it. Accepts two strings for filename and
* file extension Supports png (default) and jpg.
* @param filename give your file a name
* @param extension 'png' or 'jpg'
save(filename: string, extension: string): void
// src/io/files.js
class PrintWriter {
* Writes data to the PrintWriter stream
* @param data all data to be written by the
* PrintWriter
write(data: any[]): void
* Writes data to the PrintWriter stream, and adds a
* new line at the end
* @param data all data to be printed by the
* PrintWriter
print(data: any[]): void
* Clears the data already written to the PrintWriter
* object
clear(): void
* Closes the PrintWriter
close(): void
// src/io/p5.Table.js
class Table {
columns: string[]
rows: p5.TableRow[]
* Table objects store data with multiple rows and
* columns, much like in a traditional spreads p5.Table object. B* default, an empty row y
* Tables can be generated from scratch, dynamically,
* or using data from an existing file.
* @param [rows] An array of p5.TableRow objects
constructor(rows?: p5.TableRow[])
* Use addRow() to add a new row of data to a
* created. Typically, you would store a reference to
* the new row in a TableRow object (see newRow in
* the example above), and then set individual values
* using set(). If a p5.TableRow object is included
* as a parameter, then that row is duplicated and
* added to the table.
* @param [row] row to be added to the table
addRow(row?: p5.TableRow): void
* Removes a row from the table object.
* @param id ID number of the row to remove
removeRow(id: number): void
* Returns a reference to the specified p5.TableRow.
* The reference can then be used to get and set
* values of the selected row.
* @param rowID ID number of the row to get
* @return p5.TableRow object
getRow(rowID: number): p5.TableRow
* Gets all rows from the table. Returns an array of
* p5.TableRows.
* @return Array of p5.TableRows
getRows(): p5.TableRow[]
* Finds the first row in the Table that contains the
* value provided, and returns a reference to that
* row. Even if multiple rows are possible matches,
* only the first matching row is returned. The
* column to search may be specified by either its ID
* or title.
* @param value The value to match
* @param column ID number or title of the column to
* search
findRow(value: string, column: number|string): p5.TableRow
* Finds the rows in the Table that contain the value
* provided, and returns references to those rows.
* Returns an Array, so for must be used to iterate
* through all the rows, as shown in the example
* above. The column to search may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param value The value to match
* @param column ID number or title of the column to
* search
* @return An Array of TableRow objects
findRows(value: string, column: number|string): p5.TableRow[]
* Finds the first row in the Table that matches the
* regular expression provided, and returns a
* reference to that row. Even if multiple rows are
* possible matches, only the first matching row is
* returned. The column to search may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param regexp The regular expression to match
* @param column The column ID (number) or title
* (string)
* @return TableRow object
matchRow(regexp: string, column: string|number): p5.TableRow
* Finds the rows in the Table that match the regular
* expression provided, and returns references to
* those rows. Returns an array, so for must be used
* to iterate through all the rows, as shown in the
* example. The column to search may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param regexp The regular expression to match
* @param [column] The column ID (number) or title
* (string)
* @return An Array of TableRow objects
matchRows(regexp: string, column?: string|number): p5.TableRow[]
* Retrieves all values in the specified column, and
* returns them as an array. The column may be
* specified by either its ID or title.
* @param column String or Number of the column to
* return
* @return Array of column values
getColumn(column: string|number): any[]
* Removes all rows from a Table. While all rows are
* removed, columns and column titles are maintained.
clearRows(): void
* Use addColumn() to add a new column to a Table
* object. Typically, you will want to specify a
* title, so the column may be easily referenced
* later by name. (If no title is specified, the new
* column's title will be null.)
* @param [title] title of the given column
addColumn(title?: string): void
* Returns the total number of columns in a Table.
* @return Number of columns in this table
getColumnCount(): number
* Returns the total number of rows in a Table.
* @return Number of rows in this table
getRowCount(): number
* Removes any of the specified characters (or
* "tokens"). If no column is specified, then the
* values in all columns and rows are processed. A
* specific column may be referenced by either its ID
* or title.
* @param chars String listing characters to be
* removed
* @param [column] Column ID (number) or name
* (string)
removeTokens(chars: string, column?: string|number): void
* Trims leading and trailing whitespace, such as
* spaces and tabs, from String table values. If no
* column is specified, then the values in all
* columns and rows are trimmed. A specific column
* may be referenced by either its ID or title.
* @param [column] Column ID (number) or name
* (string)
trim(column?: string|number): void
* Use removeColumn() to remove an existing column
* from a Table object. The column to be removed may
* be identified by either its title (a String) or
* its index value (an int). removeColumn(0) would
* remove the first column, removeColumn(1) would
* remove the second column, and so on.
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
removeColumn(column: string|number): void
* Stores a value in the Table's specified row and
* column. The row is specified by its ID, while the
* column may be specified by either its ID or title.
* @param column column ID (Number) or title (String)
* @param value value to assign
set(column: string|number, value: string|number): void
* Stores a Float value in the Table's specified row
* and column. The row is specified by its ID, while
* the column may be specified by either its ID or
* title.
* @param row row ID
* @param column column ID (Number) or title (String)
* @param value value to assign
setNum(row: number, column: string|number, value: number): void
* Stores a String value in the Table's specified row
* and column. The row is specified by its ID, while
* the column may be specified by either its ID or
* title.
* @param row row ID
* @param column column ID (Number) or title (String)
* @param value value to assign
setString(row: number, column: string|number, value: string): void
* Retrieves a value from the Table's specified row
* and column. The row is specified by its ID, while
* the column may be specified by either its ID or
* title.
* @param row row ID
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
get(row: number, column: string|number): string|number
* Retrieves a Float value from the Table's specified
* row and column. The row is specified by its ID,
* while the column may be specified by either its ID
* or title.
* @param row row ID
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
getNum(row: number, column: string|number): number
* Retrieves a String value from the Table's
* specified row and column. The row is specified by
* its ID, while the column may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param row row ID
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
getString(row: number, column: string|number): string
* Retrieves all table data and returns as an object.
* If a column name is passed in, each row object
* will be stored with that attribute as its title.
* @param [headerColumn] Name of the column which
* should be used to title each row object (optional)
getObject(headerColumn?: string): object
* Retrieves all table data and returns it as a
* multidimensional array.
getArray(): any[]
// src/io/p5.TableRow.js
class TableRow {
* A TableRow object represents a single row of data
* values, stored in columns, from a table. A Table
* Row contains both an ordered array, and an
* unordered JSON object.
* @param [str] optional: populate the row with a
* string of values, separated by the separator
* @param [separator] comma separated values (csv) by
* default
constructor(str?: string, separator?: string)
* Stores a value in the TableRow's specified column.
* The column may be specified by either its ID or
* title.
* @param column Column ID (Number) or Title (String)
* @param value The value to be stored
set(column: string|number, value: string|number): void
* Stores a Float value in the TableRow's specified
* column. The column may be specified by either its
* ID or title.
* @param column Column ID (Number) or Title (String)
* @param value The value to be stored as a Float
setNum(column: string|number, value: number): void
* Stores a String value in the TableRow's specified
* column. The column may be specified by either its
* ID or title.
* @param column Column ID (Number) or Title (String)
* @param value The value to be stored as a String
setString(column: string|number, value: string): void
* Retrieves a value from the TableRow's specified
* column. The column may be specified by either its
* ID or title.
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
get(column: string|number): string|number
* Retrieves a Float value from the TableRow's
* specified column. The column may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
* @return Float Floating point number
getNum(column: string|number): number
* Retrieves an String value from the TableRow's
* specified column. The column may be specified by
* either its ID or title.
* @param column columnName (string) or ID (number)
* @return String
getString(column: string|number): string
// src/io/p5.XML.js
class XML {
* XML is a representation of an XML object, able to
* parse XML code. Use loadXML() to load external XML
* files and create XML objects.
* Gets a copy of the element's parent. Returns the
* parent as another p5.XML object.
* @return element parent
getParent(): p5.XML
* Gets the element's full name, which is returned as
* a String.
* @return the name of the node
getName(): string
* Sets the element's name, which is specified as a
* String.
* @param the new name of the node
setName(the: string): void
* Checks whether or not the element has any
* children, and returns the result as a boolean.
hasChildren(): boolean
* Get the names of all of the element's children,
* and returns the names as an array of Strings. This
* is the same as looping through and calling
* getName() on each child element individually.
* @return names of the children of the element
listChildren(): string[]
* Returns all of the element's children as an array
* of p5.XML objects. When the name parameter is
* specified, then it will return all children that
* match that name.
* @param [name] element name
* @return children of the element
getChildren(name?: string): p5.XML[]
* Returns the first of the element's children that
* matches the name parameter or the child of the
* given index.It returns undefined if no matching
* child is found.
* @param name element name or index
getChild(name: string|number): p5.XML
* Appends a new child to the element. The child can
* be specified with either a String, which will be
* used as the new tag's name, or as a reference to
* an existing p5.XML object. A reference to the
* newly created child is returned as an p5.XML
* object.
* @param a p5.XML Object which will be the child to
* be added
addChild(a: p5.XML): void
* Removes the element specified by name or index.
* @param name element name or index
removeChild(name: string|number): void
* Counts the specified element's number of
* attributes, returned as an Number.
getAttributeCount(): number
* Gets all of the specified element's attributes,
* and returns them as an array of Strings.
* @return an array of strings containing the names
* of attributes
listAttributes(): string[]
* Checks whether or not an element has the specified
* attribute.
* @param the attribute to be checked
* @return true if attribute found else false
hasAttribute(the: string): boolean
* Returns an attribute value of the element as an
* Number. If the defaultValue parameter is specified
* and the attribute doesn't exist, then defaultValue
* is returned. If no defaultValue is specified and
* the attribute doesn't exist, the value 0 is
* returned.
* @param name the non-null full name of the
* attribute
* @param [defaultValue] the default value of the
* attribute
getNum(name: string, defaultValue?: number): number
* Returns an attribute value of the element as an
* String. If the defaultValue parameter is specified
* and the attribute doesn't exist, then defaultValue
* is returned. If no defaultValue is specified and
* the attribute doesn't exist, null is returned.
* @param name the non-null full name of the
* attribute
* @param [defaultValue] the default value of the
* attribute
getString(name: string, defaultValue?: number): number
* Sets the content of an element's attribute. The
* first parameter specifies the attribute name,
* while the second specifies the new content.
* @param name the full name of the attribute
* @param value the value of the attribute
setAttribute(name: string, value: number): void
* Returns the content of an element. If there is no
* such content, defaultValue is returned if
* specified, otherwise null is returned.
* @param [defaultValue] value returned if no content
* is found
getContent(defaultValue?: string): string
* Sets the element's content.
* @param text the new content
setContent(text: string): void
// src/math/p5.Vector.js
class Vector {
* The x component of the vector
x: number
* The y component of the vector
y: number
* The z component of the vector
z: number
* Make a new 2D unit vector from a random angle
* @return the new p5.Vector object
tor wh
static random2D(): p5.Vector
* Make a new random 3D unit vector.
* @return the new p5.Vector object
* Returns a string representation of a vector v by
* calling String(v) or v.toString(). This me
t vectors
* together. The version of the method that adds two
* vectors together is a static method and returns a
* p5.Vector, the others acts directly on the vector.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param v1 a p5.Vector to add
* @param v2 a p5.Vector to add
* @param target the vector to receive the result
static add(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector, target: p5.Vector): void
* Adds x, y, and z components to a vector, adds one
* vector to another, or adds two indehe dat
t vectors
* together. The version of the method that adds two
* vectors together is a static method and returns a
* p5.Vector, the others acts directly on the vector.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param v1 a p5.Vector to add
* @param v2 a p5.Vector to add
* @return the resulting p5.Vector
static add(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector): p5.Vector
* Subtracts x, y, and z components from a vector,
* subtracts one vector from another, orhe dat
* two independent vectors. The version of the method
* that subtracts two vectors is a static method and
* returns a p5.Vector, the other acts directly on
* the vector. See the examples for more context.
* @param v1 a p5.Vector to subtract from
* @param v2 a p5.Vector to subtract
* @param target if undefined a new vector will be
* created
static sub(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector, target: p5.Vector): void
* Subtracts x, y, and z components from a vector,
* subtracts one vector from another, orpy of
* two independent vectors. The version of the method
* that subtracts two vectors is a static method and
* returns a p5.Vector, the other acts directly on
* the vector. See the examples for more context.
* @param v1 a p5.Vector to subtract from
* @param v2 a p5.Vector to subtract
* @return the resulting p5.Vector
static sub(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector): p5.Vector
* Multiply the vector by a scalar. The static
* version of this method creates a new p5.Vpenden
* while the non static version acts on the vector
* directly. See the examples for more context.
* @param v the vector to multiply
* @param n the number to multiply with the vector
* @param target if undefined a new vector will be
* created
static mult(v: p5.Vector, n: number, target: p5.Vector): void
* Multiply the vector by a scalar. The static
* version of this method creates a new p5.Vpenden
* while the non static version acts on the vector
* directly. See the examples for more context.
* @param v the vector to multiply
* @param n the number to multiply with the vector
* @return the resulting new p5.Vector
static mult(v: p5.Vector, n: number): p5.Vector
* Divide the vector by a scalar. The static version
* of this method creates a new p5.Vecpenden
ile the
* non static version acts on the vector directly.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param v the vector to divide
* @param n the number to divide the vector by
* @param target if undefined a new vector will be
* created
static div(v: p5.Vector, n: number, target: p5.Vector): void
* Divide the vector by a scalar. The static version
* of this method creates a new p5.Vecpenden
ile the
* non static version acts on the vector directly.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param v the vector to divide
* @param n the number to divide the vector by
* @return the resulting new p5.Vector
static div(v: p5.Vector, n: number): p5.Vector
* Calculates the magnitude (length) of the vector
* and returns the result as a float (th subtr
* the equation sqrt(xx + yy + z*z).)
* @param vecT the vector to return the magnitude of
* @return the magnitude of vecT
static mag(vecT: p5.Vector): number
* Calculates the squared magnitude of the vector and
* returns the result as a float (thi subtr
* product of two independent vectors is a static
* method. See the examples for more context.
* @param v1 the first p5.Vector
* @param v2 the second p5.Vector
* @return the dot product
static dot(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector): number
* Calculates and returns a vector composed of the
* cross product between two vectors. Bo subtr
* and non static methods return a new p5.Vector. See
* the examples for more context.
* @param v1 the first p5.Vector
* @param v2 the second p5.Vector
* @return the cross product
static cross(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector): number
* Calculates the Euclidean distance between two
* points (considering a point as a vector subtr
* @param v1 the first p5.Vector
* @param v2 the second p5.Vector
* @return the distance
static dist(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector): number
* Normalize the vector to length 1 (make it a unit
* vector).
* @return norector
n; some value
* between 0.0 (old vector) and 1.0 (new vector). 0.9
* is very near the new vector. 0.5 is halfway in
* between.
* @param target if undefined a new vector will be
* created
static lerp(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector, amt: number, target: p5.Vector): void
* Linear interpolate the vector to another vector
* @param amt the amount of interpector
n; some value
* between 0.0 (old vector) and 1.0 (new vector). 0.9
* is very near the new vector. 0.5 is halfway in
* between.
* @return the lerped value
static lerp(v1: p5.Vector, v2: p5.Vector, amt: number): p5.Vector
* Return a representation of this vector as a float
* array. This is only for temporary uector
@param [length] the length of the new vector
* (defaults to 1)
* @return the new p5.Vector object
static fromAngle(angle: number, length?: number): p5.Vector
* Make a new 3D vector from a pair of ISO spherical
* angles
* @param thetator wh
olar angle, in radians (zero is
* up)
* @param phi the azimuthal angle, in radians (zero
* is out of the screen)
* @param [length] the length of the new vector
* (defaults to 1)
* @return the new p5.Vector object
static fromAngles(theta: number, phi: number, length?: number): p5.Vector
random3D(): p5.Vector
// src/typography/p5.Font.js
* Make a/**
* Equality check against a p5.Vector
* @param value the vector to compare
als new 2D vector from an angle
* @param angle the desired angle, in radians
font: any
* Underlying opentype font implementation
is is
thod is
* useful for logging vectors in the console.
toString(): string
* Sets the x, y, and z component of the vector using
* two or three separate variables, tis is
a from a
* p5.Vector, or the values from a float array.
* @param [x] the x component of the vector
* @param [y] the y component of the vector
* @param [z] the z component of the vector
* @chainable
set(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): p5.Vector
* Sets the x, y, and z component of the vector using
* two or three separate variables, ts is s
a from a
* p5.Vector, or the values from a float array.
* @param value the vector to set
* @chainable
set(value: p5.Vector|number[]): p5.Vector
* Gets a copy of the vector, returns a p5.Vector
* object.
* @return the coe dot
the p5.Vector object
copy(): p5.Vector
* Adds x, y, and z components to a vector, adds one
* vector to another, or adds two indee dot
t vectors
* together. The version of the method that adds two
* vectors together is a static method and returns a
* p5.Vector, the others acts directly on the vector.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param x the x component of the vector to be added
* @param [y] the y component of the vector to be
* added
* @param [z] the z component of the vector to be
* added
* @chainable
add(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): p5.Vector
* Adds x, y, and z components to a vector, adds one
* vector to another, or adds two indee dot
t vectors
* together. The version of the method that adds two
* vectors together is a static method and returns a
* p5.Vector, the others acts directly on the vector.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param value the vector to add
* @chainable
add(value: p5.Vector|number[]): p5.Vector
* Adds x, y, and z components to a vector, adds one
* vector to another, or adds two indeth the
* two independent vectors. The version of the method
* that subtracts two vectors is a static method and
* returns a p5.Vector, the other acts directly on
* the vector. See the examples for more context.
* @param x the x component of the vector to subtract
* @param [y] the y component of the vector to
* subtract
* @param [z] the z component of the vector to
* subtract
* @chainable
sub(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): p5.Vector
* Subtracts x, y, and z components from a vector,
* subtracts one vector from another, orth the
* two independent vectors. The version of the method
* that subtracts two vectors is a static method and
* returns a p5.Vector, the other acts directly on
* the vector. See the examples for more context.
* @param value the vector to subtract
* @chainable
sub(value: p5.Vector|number[]): p5.Vector
* Subtracts x, y, and z components from a vector,
* subtracts one vector from another, or objec
* while the non static version acts on the vector
* directly. See the examples for more context.
* @param n the number to multiply with the vector
* @chainable
mult(n: number): p5.Vector
* Multiply the vector by a scalar. The static
* version of this method creates a new p5.V objec
ile the
* non static version acts on the vector directly.
* See the examples for more context.
* @param n the number to divide the vector by
* @chainable
div(n: number): p5.Vector
* Divide the vector by a scalar. The static version
* of this method creates a new p5.Vecmalize
* the equation sqrt(xx + yy + z*z).)
* @return magnitude of the vector
mag(): number
* Calculates the magnitude (length) of the vector
* and returns the result as a float (th *
imply the
* equation (xx + yy + z*z).) Faster if the real
* length is not required in the case of comparing
* vectors, etc.
* @return squared magnitude of the vector
magSq(): number
* Calculates the dot product of two vectors. The
* version of the method that computes th * @
* product of two independent vectors is a static
* method. See the examples for more context.
* @param x x component of the vector
* @param [y] y component of the vector
* @param [z] z component of the vector
* @return the dot product
dot(x: number, y?: number, z?: number): number
* Calculates the dot product of two vectors. The
* version of the method that computes thturn t
* product of two independent vectors is a static
* method. See the examples for more context.
* @param value value component of the vector or a
* p5.Vector
dot(value: p5.Vector): number
* Calculates the dot product of two vectors. The
* version of the method that computes th *
* and non static methods return a new p5.Vector. See
* the examples for more context.
* @param v p5.Vector to be crossed
* @return p5.Vector composed of cross product
cross(v: p5.Vector): p5.Vector
* Calculates and returns a vector composed of the
* cross product between two vectors. Boaram t
* @param v the x, y, and z coordinates of a
* p5.Vector
* @return the distance
dist(v: p5.Vector): number
* Calculates the Euclidean distance between two
* points (considering a point as a vector @pa
d p5.Vector
normalize(): p5.Vector
* Limit the magnitude of this vector to the value
* used for the max parameter.
@param max the maximum magnitude for the vector
* @chainable
limit(max: number): p5.Vector
* Set the magnitude of this vector to the value used
* for the len parameter.
param len the new length for this vector
* @chainable
setMag(len: number): p5.Vector
* Calculate the angle of rotation for this vector
* (only 2D vectors)
* @reolatio
he angle of rotation
heading(): number
* Rotate the vector by an angle (only 2D vectors),
* magnitude remains the same
se. If
@param angle the angle of rotation
* @chainable
rotate(angle: number): p5.Vector
* Calculates and returns the angle (in radians)
* between two vectors.
* @p *
he x, y, and z components of a p5.Vector
* @return the angle between (in radians)
angleBetween(the: p5.Vector): number
* Linear interpolate the vector to another vector
* @param x the x component
* equ
ram y the y component
* @param z the z component
* @param amt the amount of interpolation; some value
* between 0.0 (old vector) and 1.0 (new vector). 0.9
* is very near the new vector. 0.5 is halfway in
* between.
* @chainable
lerp(x: number, y: number, z: number, amt: number): p5.Vector
* Linear interpolate the vector to another vector
* @param v the p5.Vector to lerp *
* @param amt the amount of interpolation; some value
* between 0.0 (old vector) and 1.0 (new vector). 0.9
* is very near the new vector. 0.5 is halfway in
* between.
* @chainable
lerp(v: p5.Vector, amt: number): p5.Vector
* Linear interpolate the vector to another vector
* @param amt the amount of interp the p
used in
* any other fashion, the contents should be copied
* by using the p5.Vector.copy() method to copy into
* your own array.
* @return an Array with the 3 values
array(): number[]
* Equality check against a p5.Vector
* @param [x] the x component of the vector
@param [y] the y component of the vector
* @param [z] the z component of the vector
* @return whether the vectors are equals
equals(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number): boolean
value: p5.Vector|any[]
* Returns a tight bounding box for the given text
* string using this font (currently only supports
* single lines)
* @param line a line of text
* @param x x-position
* @param y y-position
* @param [fontSize] font size to use (optional)
* @param [options] opentype options (optional)
* @return a rectangle object with properties: x, y,
* w, h
textBounds(line: string, x: number, y: number, fontSize?: number, options?: object): object
* Computes an array of points following the path for
* specified text
* @param txt a line of text
* @param x x-position
* @param y y-position
* @param fontSize font size to use (optional)
* @param [options] an (optional) object that can
* contain:
* sampleFactor - the ratio of path-length to number
* of samples (default=.25); higher values yield more
* points and are therefore more precise
* simplifyThreshold - if set to a non-zero value,
* collinear points will be be removed from the
* polygon; the value represents the threshold angle
* to use when determining whether two edges are
* collinear
* @return an array of points, each with x, y, alpha
* (the path angle)
textToPoints(txt: string, x: number, y: number, fontSize: number, options?: object): any[]
// src/webgl/p5.Geometry.js
class Geometry {
* p5 Geometry class
* @param vertData callback function or Object
* containing routine(s) for vertex data generation
* @param [detailX] number of vertices on horizontal
* surface
* @param [detailY] number of vertices on horizontal
* surface
* @param [callback] function to call upon object
* instantiation.
constructor(vertData: Function|object, detailX?: number, detailY?: number, callback?: Function)
computeFaces(): p5.Geometry
* computes smooth normals per vertex as an average
* of each face.
* @chainable
computeNormals(): p5.Geometry
* Averages the vertex normals. Used in curved
* surfaces
* @chainable
averageNormals(): p5.Geometry
* Averages pole normals. Used in spherical
* primitives
* @chainable
averagePoleNormals(): p5.Geometry
* Modifies all vertices to be centered within the
* range -100 to 100.
* @chainable
normalize(): p5.Geometry
// src/webgl/p5.Shader.js
class Shader {
* Wrapper around gl.uniform functions. As we store
* uniform info in the shader we can use that to do
* type checking on the supplied data and call the
* appropriate function.
* @param uniformName the name of the uniform in the
* shader program
* @param data the data to be associated with that
* uniform; type varies (could be a single numerical
* value, array, matrix, or texture / sampler
* reference)
* @chainable
setUniform(uniformName: string, data: object|number|boolean|number[]): p5.Shader
// lib/addons/p5.dom.js
class MediaElement {
* Extends the media element source.
src: any
* Play
* contains methods for controlling media. It is not
* called directly, but p5.MediaElements are created
* by calling createVideo, createAudio, and
* createCapture.
* @param elt DOM node that is wrapped
constructor(elt: string)
* Path to
p5.Element to handle audio and video. In
* addition to the methods of p5.Element, it ia element.
play(): object|p5.Element
* L5 medan
HTM Stops
an HTML5 media element (sets current time to
* zero).
stop(): object|p5.Element
* Pauses an HTML5 media element.
pause(): object|p5.Element
* Set 'loop' to true for an HTML5 media element, and
* starts playing.
loop(): object|p5.Element
* Set 'loop' to false for an HTML5 media element.
* Element will stop when it reaches the end.
noLoop(): object|p5.Element
* Set HTML5 media element to autoplay or not.
* @param autoplay whether the element should
* autoplay
autoplay(autoplay: boolean): object|p5.Element
* Sets volume for this HTML5 media element. If no
* argument is given, returns the current volume.
* @param [val] volume between 0.0 and 1.0
* @return current volume or p5.MediaElement
volume(val?: number): number|p5.MediaElement
* If no arguments are given, returns the current
* playback speed of the element. The speed parameter
* sets the speed where 2.0 will play the element
* twice as fast, 0.5 will play at half the speed,
* and -1 will play the element in normal speed in
* reverse.(Note that not all browsers support
* backward playback and even if they do, playback
* might not be smooth.)
* @param [speed] speed multiplier for element
* playback
* @return current playback speed or p5.MediaElement
speed(speed?: number): number|object|p5.MediaElement
* If no arguments are given, returns the current
* time of the element. If an argument is given the
* current time of the element is set to it.
* @param [time] time to jump to (in seconds)
* @return current time (in seconds) or
* p5.MediaElement
time(time?: number): number|object|p5.MediaElement
* Returns the duration of the HTML5 media element.
* @return duration
duration(): number
* Schedule an event to be called when the audio or
* video element reaches the end. If the element is
* looping, this will not be called. The element is
* passed in as the argument to the onended callback.
* @param callback function to call when the
* soundfile has ended. The media element will be
* passed in as the argument to the callback.
onended(callback: Function): object|p5.MediaElement
* Send the audio output of this element to a
* specified audioNode or p5.sound object. If no
* element is provided, connects to p5's master
* output. That connection is established when this
* method is first called. All connections are
* removed by the .disconnect() method. This method
* is meant to be used with the p5.sound.js addon
* library.
* @param audioNode AudioNode from the Web Audio API,
* or an object from the p5.sound library
connect(audioNode: AudioNode|object): void
* Disconnect all Web Audio routing, including to
* master output. This is useful if you want to
* re-route the output through audio effects, for
* example.
disconnect(): void
* Show the default MediaElement controls, as
* determined by the web browser.
showControls(): void
* Hide the default mediaElement controls.
hideControls(): void
* Schedule events to trigger every time a
* MediaElement (audio/video) reaches a playback cue
* point. Accepts a callback function, a time (in
* seconds) at which to trigger the callback, and an
* optional parameter for the callback.
* Time will be passed as the first parameter to the
* callback function, and param will be the second
* parameter.
* @param time Time in seconds, relative to this
* media element's playback. For example, to trigger
* an event every time playback reaches two seconds,
* pass in the number 2. This will be passed as the
* first parameter to the callback function.
* @param callback Name of a function that will be
* called at the given time. The callback will
* receive time and (optionally) param as its two
* parameters.
* @param [value] An object to be passed as the
* second parameter to the callback function.
* @return id ID of this cue, useful for
* removeCue(id)
addCue(time: number, callback: Function, value?: object): number
* Remove a callback based on its ID. The ID is
* returned by the addCue method.
* @param id ID of the cue, as returned by addCue
removeCue(id: number): void
* Remove all of the callbacks that had originally
* been scheduled via the addCue method.
* @param id ID of the cue, as returned by addCue
clearCues(id: number): void
class File {
* Base class for a file Using this for
* createFileInput
* @param file File that ile: any
* File type (image, text, etc.)
type: any
* File subtype (
fy the file extension jpg, png,
* xml, etc.)
* File name
name: any
* File size
* URL string containing image data.
data: any
// lib/addons/p5.sound. * class SoundFile {
* SoundFile object with a path to a file. Thjs
is wrapped
constructor(file: File)
* Underlying File object. All normal File methods
* can be called on this.
* p5.SoundFile may not be available immediately
* because it loads the file information
* asynchronously.
* To do something with the sound as soon as it loads
* pass the name of a function as the second
* parameter.
* Only one file path is required. However, audio
* file formats (i.e. mp3, ogg, wav and m4a/aac) are
* not supported by all web browsers. If you want to
* ensure compatability, instead of a single file
* path, you may include an Array of filepaths, and
* the browser will choose a format that works.
* @param path path to a sound file (String).
* Optionally, you may include multiple file formats
* in an array. Alternately, accepts an object from
* the HTML5 File API, or a p5.File.
* @param [successCallback] Name of a function to
* call once file loads
* @param [errorCallback] Name of a function to call
* if file fails to load. This function will receive
* an error or XMLHttpRequest object with information
* about what went wrong.
* @param [whileLoadingCallback] Name of a function
* to call while file is loading. That function will
* receive progress of the request to load the sound
* file (between 0 and 1) as its first parameter.
* This progress does not account for the additional
* time needed to decode the audio data.
constructor(path: string|any[], successCallback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function, whileLoadingCallback?: Function)
* loadSound() returns a new p5.SoundFile from a
* specified path. If called during preload(), the
* p5.SoundFile will be ready to play in time for
* setup() and draw(). If called outside of preload,
* the p5.SoundFile will not be ready immediately, so
* loadSound accepts a callback as the second
* parameter. Using a local server is recommended
* when loading external files.
* @param path Path to the sound file, or an array
* with paths to soundfiles in multiple formats i.e.
* ['sound.ogg', 'sound.mp3']. Alternately, accepts
* an object: either from the HTML5 File API, or a
* p5.File.
* @param [successCallback] Name of a function to
* call once file loads
* @param [errorCallback] Name of a function to call
* if there is an error loading the file.
* @param [whileLoading] Name of a function to call
* while file is loading. This function will receive
* the percentage loaded so far, from 0.0 to 1.0.
* @return Returns a p5.SoundFile
loadSound(path: string|any[], successCallback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function, whileLoading?: Function)
* Returns true if the sound file finished loading
* successfully.
isLoaded(): boolean
* Play the p5.SoundFile
* @param [startTime] (optional) schedule playback to
* start (in seconds from now).
* @param [rate] (optional) playback rate
* @param [amp] (optional) amplitude (volume) of
* playback
* @param [cueStart] (optional) cue start time in
* seconds
* @param [duration] (optional) duration of playback
* in seconds
play(startTime?: number, rate?: number, amp?: number, cueStart?: number, duration?: number): void
* p5.SoundFile has two play modes: restart and
* sustain. Play Mode determines what happens to a
* p5.SoundFile if it is triggered while in the
* middle of playback. In sustain mode, playback will
* continue simultaneous to the new playback. In
* restart mode, play() will stop playback and start
* over. With untilDone, a sound will play only if
* it's not already playing. Sustain is the default
* mode.
* @param str 'restart' or 'sustain' or 'untilDone'
playMode(str: string): void
* Pauses a file that is currently playing. If the
* file is not playing, then nothing will happen.
* After pausing, .play() will resume from the paused
* position. If p5.SoundFile had been set to loop
* before it was paused, it will continue to loop
* after it is unpaused with .play().
* @param [startTime] (optional) schedule event to
* occur seconds from now
pause(startTime?: number): void
* Loop the p5.SoundFile. Accepts optional parameters
* to set the playback rate, playback volume,
* loopStart, loopEnd.
* @param [startTime] (optional) schedule event to
* occur seconds from now
* @param [rate] (optional) playback rate
* @param [amp] (optional) playback volume
* @param [cueLoopStart] (optional) startTime in
* seconds
* @param [duration] (optional) loop duration in
* seconds
loop(startTime?: number, rate?: number, amp?: number, cueLoopStart?: number, duration?: number): void
* Set a p5.SoundFile's looping flag to true or
* false. If the sound is currently playing, this
* change will take effect when it reaches the end of
* the current playback.
* @param Boolean set looping to true or false
setLoop(Boolean: boolean): void
* Returns 'true' if a p5.SoundFile is currently
* looping and playing, 'false' if not.
isLooping(): boolean
* Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is playing, false
* if not (i.e. paused or stopped).
isPlaying(): boolean
* Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is paused, false if
* not (i.e. playing or stopped).
isPaused(): boolean
* Stop soundfile playback.
* @param [startTime] (optional) schedule event to
* occur in seconds from now
stop(startTime?: number): void
* Multiply the output volume (amplitude) of a sound
* file between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (full volume).
* 1.0 is the maximum amplitude of a digital sound,
* so multiplying by greater than 1.0 may cause
* digital distortion. To fade, provide a rampTime
* parameter. For more complex fades, see the Env
* class. Alternately, you can pass in a signal
* source such as an oscillator to modulate the
* amplitude with an audio signal.
* @param volume Volume (amplitude) between 0.0 and
* 1.0 or modulating signal/oscillator
* @param [rampTime] Fade for t seconds
* @param [timeFromNow] Schedule this event to happen
* at t seconds in the future
setVolume(volume: number|object, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Set the stereo panning of a p5.sound object to a
* floating point number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0
* (right). Default is 0.0 (center).
* @param [panValue] Set the stereo panner
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
pan(panValue?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Returns the current stereo pan position (-1.0 to
* 1.0)
* @return Returns the stereo pan setting of the
* Oscillator as a number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0
* (right). 0.0 is center and default.
getPan(): number
* Set the playback rate of a sound file. Will change
* the speed and the pitch. Values less than zero
* will reverse the audio buffer.
* @param [playbackRate] Set the playback rate. 1.0
* is normal, .5 is half-speed, 2.0 is twice as fast.
* Values less than zero play backwards.
rate(playbackRate?: number): void
* Returns the duration of a sound file in seconds.
* @return The duration of the soundFile in seconds.
duration(): number
* Return the current position of the p5.SoundFile
* playhead, in seconds. Time is relative to the
* normal buffer direction, so if reverseBuffer has
* been called, currentTime will count backwards.
* @return currentTime of the soundFile in seconds.
currentTime(): number
* Move the playhead of the song to a position, in
* seconds. Start timing and playback duration. If
* none are given, will reset the file to play entire
* duration from start to finish.
* @param cueTime cueTime of the soundFile in
* seconds.
* @param duration duration in seconds.
jump(cueTime: number, duration: number): void
* Return the number of channels in a sound file. For
* example, Mono = 1, Stereo = 2.
* @return [channels]
channels(): number
* Return the sample rate of the sound file.
* @return [sampleRate]
sampleRate(): number
* Return the number of samples in a sound file.
* Equal to sampleRate * duration.
* @return [sampleCount]
frames(): number
* Returns an array of amplitude peaks in a
* p5.SoundFile that can be used to draw a static
* waveform. Scans through the p5.SoundFile's audio
* buffer to find the greatest amplitudes. Accepts
* one parameter, 'length', which determines size of
* the array. Larger arrays result in more precise
* waveform visualizations. Inspired by
* Wavesurfer.js.
* @param [length] length is the size of the returned
* array. Larger length results in more precision.
* Defaults to 5*width of the browser window.
* @return Array of peaks.
getPeaks(length?: number): Float32Array
* Reverses the p5.SoundFile's buffer source.
* Playback must be handled separately (see example).
reverseBuffer(): void
* Schedule an event to be called when the soundfile
* reaches the end of a buffer. If the soundfile is
* playing through once, this will be called when it
* ends. If it is looping, it will be called when
* stop is called.
* @param callback function to call when the
* soundfile has ended.
onended(callback: Function): void
* Connects the output of a p5sound object to input
* of another p5.sound object. For example, you may
* connect a p5.SoundFile to an FFT or an Effect. If
* no parameter is given, it will connect to the
* master output. Most p5sound objects connect to the
* master output when they are created.
* @param [object] Audio object that accepts an input
connect(object?: object): void
* Disconnects the output of this p5sound object.
disconnect(): void
* Reset the source for this SoundFile to a new path
* (URL).
* @param path path to audio file
* @param callback Callback
setPath(path: string, callback: Function): void
* Replace the current Audio Buffer with a new
* Buffer.
* @param buf Array of Float32 Array(s). 2 Float32
* Arrays will create a stereo source. 1 will create
* a mono source.
setBuffer(buf: any[]): void
* processPeaks returns an array of timestamps where
* it thinks there is a beat. This is an asynchronous
* function that processes the soundfile in an
* offline audio context, and sends the results to
* your callback function.
* The process involves running the soundfile through
* a lowpass filter, and finding all of the peaks
* above the initial threshold. If the total number
* of peaks are below the minimum number of peaks, it
* decreases the threshold and re-runs the analysis
* until either minPeaks or minThreshold are reached.
* @param callback a function to call once this data
* is returned
* @param [initThreshold] initial threshold defaults
* to 0.9
* @param [minThreshold] minimum threshold defaults
* to 0.22
* @param [minPeaks] minimum number of peaks defaults
* to 200
* @return Array of timestamped peaks
processPeaks(callback: Function, initThreshold?: number, minThreshold?: number, minPeaks?: number): any[]
* Schedule events to trigger every time a
* MediaElement (audio/video) reaches a playback cue
* point. Accepts a callback function, a time (in
* seconds) at which to trigger the callback, and an
* optional parameter for the callback.
* Time will be passed as the first parameter to the
* callback function, and param will be the second
* parameter.
* @param time Time in seconds, relative to this
* media element's playback. For example, to trigger
* an event every time playback reaches two seconds,
* pass in the number 2. This will be passed as the
* first parameter to the callback function.
* @param callback Name of a function that will be
* called at the given time. The callback will
* receive time and (optionally) param as its two
* parameters.
* @param [value] An object to be passed as the
* second parameter to the callback function.
* @return id ID of this cue, useful for
* removeCue(id)
addCue(time: number, callback: Function, value?: object): number
* Remove a callback based on its ID. The ID is
* returned by the addCue method.
* @param id ID of the cue, as returned by addCue
removeCue(id: number): void
* Remove all of the callbacks that had originally
* been scheduled via the addCue method.
clearCues(): void
class Amplitude {
* Amplitude measures volume between 0.0 and 1.0.
* Listens to all p5sound by default, or use
* setInput() to listen to a specific sound source.
* Accepts an optional smoothing value, which
* defaults to 0.
* @param [smoothing] between 0.0 and .999 to smooth
* amplitude readings (defaults to 0)
constructor(smoothing?: number)
* Connects to the p5sound instance (master output)
* by default. Optionally, you can pass in a specific
* source (i.e. a soundfile).
* @param [snd] set the sound source (optional,
* defaults to master output)
* @param [smoothing] a range between 0.0 and 1.0 to
* smooth amplitude readings
setInput(snd?: any|undefined, smoothing?: number|undefined): void
* Returns a single Amplitude reading at the moment
* it is called. For continuous readings, run in the
* draw loop.
* @param [channel] Optionally return only channel 0
* (left) or 1 (right)
* @return Amplitude as a number between 0.0 and 1.0
getLevel(channel?: number): number
* Determines whether the results of
* Amplitude.process() will be Normalized. To
* normalize, Amplitude finds the difference the
* loudest reading it has processed and the maximum
* amplitude of 1.0. Amplitude adds this difference
* to all values to produce results that will
* reliably map between 0.0 and 1.0. However, if a
* louder moment occurs, the amount that Normalize
* adds to all the values will change. Accepts an
* optional boolean parameter (true or false).
* Normalizing is off by default.
* @param [boolean] set normalize to true (1) or
* false (0)
toggleNormalize(boolean?: boolean): void
* Smooth Amplitude analysis by averaging with the
* last analysis frame. Off by default.
* @param set smoothing from 0.0 <= 1
smooth(set: number): void
class FFT {
* FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is an analysis
* algorithm that isolates individual audio
* frequencies within a waveform. Once instantiated,
* a p5.FFT object can return an array based on two
* types of analyses:
* • FFT.waveform() computes amplitude values along
* the time domain. The array indices correspond to
* samples across a brief moment in time. Each value
* represents amplitude of the waveform at that
* sample of time.
* • FFT.analyze() computes amplitude values along
* the frequency domain. The array indices correspond
* to frequencies (i.e. pitches), from the lowest to
* the highest that humans can hear. Each value
* represents amplitude at that slice of the
* frequency spectrum. Use with getEnergy() to
* measure amplitude at specific frequencies, or
* within a range of frequencies.
* FFT analyzes a very short snapshot of sound called
* a sample buffer. It returns an array of amplitude
* measurements, referred to as bins. The array is
* 1024 bins long by default. You can change the bin
* array length, but it must be a power of 2 between
* 16 and 1024 in order for the FFT algorithm to
* function correctly. The actual size of the FFT
* buffer is twice the number of bins, so given a
* standard sample rate, the buffer is 2048/44100
* seconds long.
* @param [smoothing] Smooth results of Freq
* Spectrum. 0.0 < smoothing < 1.0. Defaults to 0.8.
* @param [bins] Length of resulting array. Must be a
* power of two between 16 and 1024. Defaults to
* 1024.
constructor(smoothing?: number, bins?: number)
* Set the input source for the FFT analysis. If no
* source is provided, FFT will analyze all sound in
* the sketch.
* @param [source] p5.sound object (or web audio API
* source node)
setInput(source?: object): void
* Returns an array of amplitude values (between -1.0
* and +1.0) that represent a snapshot of amplitude
* readings in a single buffer. Length will be equal
* to bins (defaults to 1024). Can be used to draw
* the waveform of a sound.
* @param [bins] Must be a power of two between 16
* and 1024. Defaults to 1024.
* @param [precision] If any value is provided, will
* return results in a Float32 Array which is more
* precise than a regular array.
* @return Array Array of amplitude values (-1 to 1)
* over time. Array length = bins.
waveform(bins?: number, precision?: string): any[]
* Returns an array of amplitude values (between 0
* and 255) across the frequency spectrum. Length is
* equal to FFT bins (1024 by default). The array
* indices correspond to frequencies (i.e. pitches),
* from the lowest to the highest that humans can
* hear. Each value represents amplitude at that
* slice of the frequency spectrum. Must be called
* prior to using getEnergy().
* @param [bins] Must be a power of two between 16
* and 1024. Defaults to 1024.
* @param [scale] If "dB," returns decibel float
* measurements between -140 and 0 (max). Otherwise
* returns integers from 0-255.
* @return spectrum Array of energy
* (amplitude/volume) values across the frequency
* spectrum. Lowest energy (silence) = 0, highest
* possible is 255.
analyze(bins?: number, scale?: number): any[]
* Returns the amount of energy (volume) at a
* specific frequency, or the average amount of
* energy between two frequencies. Accepts Number(s)
* corresponding to frequency (in Hz), or a String
* corresponding to predefined frequency ranges
* ("bass", "lowMid", "mid", "highMid", "treble").
* Returns a range between 0 (no energy/volume at
* that frequency) and 255 (maximum energy). NOTE:
* analyze() must be called prior to getEnergy().
* Analyze() tells the FFT to analyze frequency data,
* and getEnergy() uses the results determine the
* value at a specific frequency or range of
* frequencies.
* @param frequency1 Will return a value representing
* energy at this frequency. Alternately, the strings
* "bass", "lowMid" "mid", "highMid", and "treble"
* will return predefined frequency ranges.
* @param [frequency2] If a second frequency is
* given, will return average amount of energy that
* exists between the two frequencies.
* @return Energy Energy (volume/amplitude) from 0
* and 255.
getEnergy(frequency1: number|string, frequency2?: number): number
* Returns the spectral centroid of the input
* signal. NOTE: analyze() must be called prior to
* getCentroid(). Analyze() tells the FFT to analyze
* frequency data, and getCentroid() uses the results
* determine the spectral centroid.
* @return Spectral Centroid Frequency Frequency of
* the spectral centroid in Hz.
getCentroid(): number
* Smooth FFT analysis by averaging with the last
* analysis frame.
* @param smoothing 0.0 < smoothing < 1.0. Defaults
* to 0.8.
smooth(smoothing: number): void
* Returns an array of average amplitude values for a
* given number of frequency bands split equally. N
* defaults to 16. NOTE: analyze() must be called
* prior to linAverages(). Analyze() tells the FFT to
* analyze frequency data, and linAverages() uses the
* results to group them into a smaller set of
* averages.
* @param N Number of returned frequency groups
* @return linearAverages Array of average amplitude
* values for each group
linAverages(N: number): any[]
* Returns an array of average amplitude values of
* the spectrum, for a given set of Octave Bands
* NOTE: analyze() must be called prior to
* logAverages(). Analyze() tells the FFT to analyze
* frequency data, and logAverages() uses the results
* to group them into a smaller set of averages.
* @param octaveBands Array of Octave Bands objects
* for grouping
* @return logAverages Array of average amplitude
* values for each group
logAverages(octaveBands: any[]): any[]
* Calculates and Returns the 1/N Octave Bands N
* defaults to 3 and minimum central frequency to
* 15.625Hz. (1/3 Octave Bands ~= 31 Frequency Bands)
* Setting fCtr0 to a central value of a higher
* octave will ignore the lower bands and produce
* less frequency groups.
* @param N Specifies the 1/N type of generated
* octave bands
* @param fCtr0 Minimum central frequency for the
* lowest band
* @return octaveBands Array of octave band objects
* with their bounds
getOctaveBands(N: number, fCtr0: number): any[]
class Signal {
* p5.Signal is a constant audio-rate signal used by
* p5.Oscillator and p5.Envelope for modulation math.
* This is necessary because Web Audio is processed
* on a seprate clock. For example, the p5 draw loop
* runs about 60 times per second. But the audio
* clock must process samples 44100 times per second.
* If we want to add a value to each of those
* samples, we can't do it in the draw loop, but we
* can do it by adding a constant-rate audio
* signal.This class mostly functions behind the
* scenes in p5.sound, and returns a Tone.Signal from
* the Tone.js library by Yotam Mann. If you want to
* work directly with audio signals for modular
* synthesis, check out tone.js.
* @return A Signal object from the Tone.js library
* Fade to value, for smooth transitions
* @param value Value to set this signal
* @param [secondsFromNow] Length of fade, in seconds
* from now
fade(value: number, secondsFromNow?: number): void
* Connect a p5.sound object or Web Audio node to
* this p5.Signal so that its amplitude values can be
* scaled.
setInput(input: object): void
* Add a constant value to this audio signal, and
* return the resulting audio signal. Does not change
* the value of the original signal, instead it
* returns a new p5.SignalAdd.
* @return object
add(number: number): p5.Signal
* Multiply this signal by a constant value, and
* return the resulting audio signal. Does not change
* the value of the original signal, instead it
* returns a new p5.SignalMult.
* @param number to multiply
* @return object
mult(number: number): p5.Signal
* Scale this signal value to a given range, and
* return the result as an audio signal. Does not
* change the value of the original signal, instead
* it returns a new p5.SignalScale.
* @param number to multiply
* @param inMin input range minumum
* @param inMax input range maximum
* @param outMin input range minumum
* @param outMax input range maximum
* @return object
scale(number: number, inMin: number, inMax: number, outMin: number, outMax: number): p5.Signal
class Oscillator {
* Creates a signal that oscillates between -1.0 and
* 1.0. By default, the oscillation takes the form of
* a sinusoidal shape ('sine'). Additional types
* include 'triangle', 'sawtooth' and 'square'. The
* frequency defaults to 440 oscillations per second
* (440Hz, equal to the pitch of an 'A' note). Set
* the type of oscillation with setType(), or by
* instantiating a specific oscillator: p5.SinOsc,
* p5.TriOsc, p5.SqrOsc, or p5.SawOsc.
* @param [freq] frequency defaults to 440Hz
* @param [type] type of oscillator. Options: 'sine'
* (default), 'triangle', 'sawtooth', 'square'
constructor(freq?: number, type?: string)
* Start an oscillator. Accepts an optional parameter
* to determine how long (in seconds from now) until
* the oscillator starts.
* @param [time] startTime in seconds from now.
* @param [frequency] frequency in Hz.
start(time?: number, frequency?: number): void
* Stop an oscillator. Accepts an optional parameter
* to determine how long (in seconds from now) until
* the oscillator stops.
* @param secondsFromNow Time, in seconds from now.
stop(secondsFromNow: number): void
* Set the amplitude between 0 and 1.0. Or, pass in
* an object such as an oscillator to modulate
* amplitude with an audio signal.
* @param vol between 0 and 1.0 or a modulating
* signal/oscillator
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts
* rampTime
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
* @return gain If no value is provided, returns the
* Web Audio API AudioParam that controls this
* oscillator's gain/amplitude/volume)
amp(vol: number|object, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): AudioParam
* Set frequency of an oscillator to a value. Or,
* pass in an object such as an oscillator to
* modulate the frequency with an audio signal.
* @param Frequency Frequency in Hz or modulating
* signal/oscillator
* @param [rampTime] Ramp time (in seconds)
* @param [timeFromNow] Schedule this event to happen
* at x seconds from now
* @return Frequency If no value is provided, returns
* the Web Audio API AudioParam that controls this
* oscillator's frequency
freq(Frequency: number|object, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): AudioParam
* Set type to 'sine', 'triangle', 'sawtooth' or
* 'square'.
* @param type 'sine', 'triangle', 'sawtooth' or
* 'square'.
setType(type: string): void
* Connect to a p5.sound / Web Audio object.
* @param unit A p5.sound or Web Audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all outputs
disconnect(): void
* Pan between Left (-1) and Right (1)
* @param panning Number between -1 and 1
* @param timeFromNow schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
pan(panning: number, timeFromNow: number): void
* Set the phase of an oscillator between 0.0 and
* 1.0. In this implementation, phase is a delay time
* based on the oscillator's current frequency.
* @param phase float between 0.0 and 1.0
phase(phase: number): void
* Add a value to the p5.Oscillator's output
* amplitude, and return the oscillator. Calling this
* method again will override the initial add() with
* a new value.
* @param number Constant number to add
* @return Oscillator Returns this oscillator with
* scaled output
add(number: number): p5.Oscillator
* Multiply the p5.Oscillator's output amplitude by a
* fixed value (i.e. turn it up!). Calling this
* method again will override the initial mult() with
* a new value.
* @param number Constant number to multiply
* @return Oscillator Returns this oscillator with
* multiplied output
mult(number: number): p5.Oscillator
* Scale this oscillator's amplitude values to a
* given range, and return the oscillator. Calling
* this method again will override the initial
* scale() with new values.
* @param inMin input range minumum
* @param inMax input range maximum
* @param outMin input range minumum
* @param outMax input range maximum
* @return Oscillator Returns this oscillator with
* scaled output
scale(inMin: number, inMax: number, outMin: number, outMax: number): p5.Oscillator
class SinOsc extends p5.Oscillator {
* Constructor: new p5.SinOsc(). This creates a Sine
* Wave Oscillator and is equivalent to new
* p5.Oscillator('sine') or creating a p5.Oscillator
* and then calling its method setType('sine'). See
* p5.Oscillator for methods.
* @param [freq] Set the frequency
constructor(freq?: number)
class TriOsc extends p5.Oscillator {
* Constructor: new p5.TriOsc(). This creates a
* Triangle Wave Oscillator and is equivalent to new
* p5.Oscillator('triangle') or creating a
* p5.Oscillator and then calling its method
* setType('triangle'). See p5.Oscillator for
* methods.
* @param [freq] Set the frequency
constructor(freq?: number)
class SawOsc extends p5.Oscillator {
* Constructor: new p5.SawOsc(). This creates a
* SawTooth Wave Oscillator and is equivalent to new
* p5.Oscillator('sawtooth') or creating a
* p5.Oscillator and then calling its method
* setType('sawtooth'). See p5.Oscillator for
* methods.
* @param [freq] Set the frequency
constructor(freq?: number)
class SqrOsc extends p5.Oscillator {
* Constructor: new p5.SqrOsc(). This creates a
* Square Wave Oscillator and is equivalent to new
* p5.Oscillator('square') or creating a
* p5.Oscillator and then calling its method
* setType('square'). See p5.Oscillator for methods.
* @param [freq] Set the frequency
constructor(freq?: number)
class Env {
* Envelopes are pre-defined amplitude distribution
* over time. Typically, envelopes are used tl once attack is complete.
attackLevel: any
* Time u Levenvelope reaches decayLevel.
decayTime: any
* ntil e after decay. The envelope will sustain here
* until it is released.
* LeveldecayLevel: any
* Duration of the release portion of the envelope.
releaseTime: any
/** Level at the.
* rel
* Res**easeLevel: any
til envelope reaches attackLevel
attackTime: any
* me Tim
envelope with a series of time/value
* pairs.
* @param attackTiet the
* control the output volume of an object, a series
* of fades referred to as Attack, Decay, Sustain and
* Release ( ADSR ). Envelopes can also control other
* Web Audio Parameters—for example, a p5.Env can
* control an Oscillator's frequency like this:
* osc.freq(env). Use setRange to change the
* attack/release level. Use setADSR to change
* attackTime, decayTime, sustainPercent and
* releaseTime.
* Use the play method to play the entire envelope,
* the ramp method for a pingable trigger, or
* triggerAttack/ triggerRelease to trigger
* noteOn/noteOff.
* Time un
e end of the release
(in seconds) before level
* reaches attackLevel
* @param attackLevel Typically an amplitude between
* 0.0 and 1.0
* @param decayTime Time
* @param decayLevel Amplitude (In a standard ADSR
* envelope, decayLevel = sustainLevel)
* @param releaseTime Release Time (in seconds)
* @param releaseLevel Amplitude
set(attackTime: number, attackLevel: number, decayTime: number, decayLevel: number, releaseTime: number, releaseLevel: number): void
* Set values like a traditional ADSR envelope .
* @param attackTime Time (in seconds before envelope
* reaches Attack Level
* @param [decayTime] Time (in seconds) before
* envelope reaches Decay/Sustain Level
* @param [susRatio] Ratio between attackLevel and
* releaseLevel, on a scale from 0 to 1, where 1.0 =
* attackLevel, 0.0 = releaseLevel. The susRatio
* determines the decayLevel and the level at which
* the sustain portion of the envelope will sustain.
* For example, if attackLevel is 0.4, releaseLevel
* is 0, and susAmt is 0.5, the decayLevel would be
* 0.2. If attackLevel is increased to 1.0 (using
* setRange), then decayLevel would increase
* proportionally, to become 0.5.
* @param [releaseTime] Time in seconds from now
* (defaults to 0)
setADSR(attackTime: number, decayTime?: number, susRatio?: number, releaseTime?: number): void
* Set max (attackLevel) and min (releaseLevel) of
* envelope.
* @param aLevel attack level (defaults to 1)
* @param rLevel release level (defaults to 0)
setRange(aLevel: number, rLevel: number): void
* Assign a parameter to be controlled by this
* envelope. If a p5.Sound object is given, then the
* p5.Env will control its output gain. If multiple
* inputs are provided, the env will control all of
* them.
* @param [inputs] A p5.sound object or Web Audio
* Param.
setInput(inputs?: object): void
* Set whether the envelope ramp is linear (default)
* or exponential. Exponential ramps can be useful
* because we perceive amplitude and frequency
* logarithmically.
* @param isExp true is exponential, false is linear
setExp(isExp: boolean): void
* Play tells the envelope to start acting on a given
* input. If the input is a p5.sound object (i.e.
* AudioIn, Oscillator, SoundFile), then Env will
* control its output volume. Envelopes can also be
* used to control any Web Audio Audio Param.
* @param unit A p5.sound object or Web Audio Param.
* @param [startTime] time from now (in seconds) at
* which to play
* @param [sustainTime] time to sustain before
* releasing the envelope
play(unit: object, startTime?: number, sustainTime?: number): void
* Trigger the Attack, and Decay portion of the
* Envelope. Similar to holding down a key on a
* piano, but it will hold the sustain level until
* you let go. Input can be any p5.sound object, or a
* Web Audio Param.
* @param unit p5.sound Object or Web Audio Param
* @param secondsFromNow time from now (in seconds)
triggerAttack(unit: object, secondsFromNow: number): void
* Trigger the Release of the Envelope. This is
* similar to releasing the key on a piano and
* letting the sound fade according to the release
* level and release time.
* @param unit p5.sound Object or Web Audio Param
* @param secondsFromNow time to trigger the release
triggerRelease(unit: object, secondsFromNow: number): void
* Exponentially ramp to a value using the first two
* values from setADSR(attackTime, decayTime) as
* time constants for simple exponential ramps. If
* the value is higher than current value, it uses
* attackTime, while a decrease uses decayTime.
* @param unit p5.sound Object or Web Audio Param
* @param secondsFromNow When to trigger the ramp
* @param v Target value
* @param [v2] Second target value (optional)
ramp(unit: object, secondsFromNow: number, v: number, v2?: number): void
* Add a value to the p5.Oscillator's output
* amplitude, and return the oscillator. Calling this
* method again will override the initial add() with
* new values.
* @param number Constant number to add
* @return Envelope Returns this envelope with scaled
* output
add(number: number): p5.Env
* Multiply the p5.Env's output amplitude by a fixed
* value. Calling this method again will override the
* initial mult() with new values.
* @param number Constant number to multiply
* @return Envelope Returns this envelope with scaled
* output
mult(number: number): p5.Env
* Scale this envelope's amplitude values to a given
* range, and return the envelope. Calling this
* method again will override the initial scale()
* with new values.
* @param inMin input range minumum
* @param inMax input range maximum
* @param outMin input range minumum
* @param outMax input range maximum
* @return Envelope Returns this envelope with scaled
* output
scale(inMin: number, inMax: number, outMin: number, outMax: number): p5.Env
class Pulse extends p5.Oscillator {
* Creates a Pulse object, an oscillator that
* implements Pulse Width Modulation. The pulse is
* created with two oscillators. Accepts a parameter
* for frequency, and to set the width between the
* pulses. See p5.Oscillator for a full list of
* methods.
* @param [freq] Frequency in oscillations per second
* (Hz)
* @param [w] Width between the pulses (0 to 1.0,
* defaults to 0)
constructor(freq?: number, w?: number)
* Set the width of a Pulse object (an oscillator
* that implements Pulse Width Modulation).
* @param [width] Width between the pulses (0 to 1.0,
* defaults to 0)
width(width?: number): void
class Noise extends p5.Oscillator {
* Noise is a type of oscillator that generates a
* buffer with random values.
* @param type Type of noise can be 'white'
* (default), 'brown' or 'pink'.
constructor(type: string)
* Set type of noise to 'white', 'pink' or 'brown'.
* White is the default.
* @param [type] 'white', 'pink' or 'brown'
setType(type?: string): void
* Start the noise
start(): void
* Stop the noise.
stop(): void
* Pan the noise.
* @param panning Number between -1 (left) and 1
* (right)
* @param timeFromNow schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
pan(panning: number, timeFromNow: number): void
* Set the amplitude of the noise between 0 and 1.0.
* Or, modulate amplitude with an audio signal such
* as an oscillator.
* @param volume amplitude between 0 and 1.0 or
* modulating signal/oscillator
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts
* rampTime
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
ampp(volume: number|object, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Send output to a p5.sound or web audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all output.
disconnect(): void
class AudioIn {
* Get audio from an input, i.e. your computer's
* microphone. Turn the mic on/off with the star
* become true when the client enables acces.
enabled: boolean
* Start processing audio input. This enables the use
* of other AudioIn methods like getL. Will
* and stop() methods. When the mic is on, its volume
* can be measured with getLevel or by connecting an
* FFT object.
* If you want to hear the AudioIn, use the
* .connect() method. AudioIn does not connect to
* p5.sound output by default to prevent feedback.
* Note: This uses the getUserMedia/ Stream API,
* which is not supported by certain browsers. Access
* in Chrome browser is limited to localhost and
* https, but access over http may be limited.
* @param [errorCallback] A function to call if there
* is an error accessing the AudioIn. For example,
* Safari and iOS devices do not currently allow
* microphone access.
constructor(errorCallback?: Function)
* Client must allow browser to access their
* microphone / audioin source. Default: falseevel()
. Note
* that by default, AudioIn is not connected to
* p5.sound's output. So you won't hear anything
* unless you use the connect() method.
* Certain browsers limit access to the user's
* microphone. For example, Chrome only allows access
* from localhost and over https. For this reason,
* you may want to include an errorCallback—a
* function that is called in case the browser won't
* provide mic access.
* @param [successCallback] Name of a function to
* call on success.
* @param [errorCallback] Name of a function to call
* if there was an error. For example, some browsers
* do not support getUserMedia.
start(successCallback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): void
* Turn the AudioIn off. If the AudioIn is stopped,
* it cannot getLevel(). If re-starting, the user may
* be prompted for permission access.
stop(): void
* Connect to an audio unit. If no parameter is
* provided, will connect to the master output (i.e.
* your speakers).
* @param [unit] An object that accepts audio input,
* such as an FFT
connect(unit?: object): void
* Disconnect the AudioIn from all audio units. For
* example, if connect() had been called,
* disconnect() will stop sending signal to your
* speakers.
disconnect(): void
* Read the Amplitude (volume level) of an AudioIn.
* The AudioIn class contains its own instance of the
* Amplitude class to help make it easy to get a
* microphone's volume level. Accepts an optional
* smoothing value (0.0 < 1.0). NOTE: AudioIn must
* .start() before using .getLevel().
* @param [smoothing] Smoothing is 0.0 by default.
* Smooths values based on previous values.
* @return Volume level (between 0.0 and 1.0)
getLevel(smoothing?: number): number
* Set amplitude (volume) of a mic input between 0
* and 1.0.
* @param vol between 0 and 1.0
* @param [time] ramp time (optional)
amp(vol: number, time?: number): void
* Returns a list of available input sources. This is
* a wrapper for <a
* title="MediaDevices.enumerateDevices() - Web APIs
* | MDN" target="_blank" href=
* ""
* and it returns a Promise.
* @param [successCallback] This callback function
* handles the sources when they have been
* enumerated. The callback function receives the
* deviceList array as its only argument
* @param [errorCallback] This optional callback
* receives the error message as its argument.
* @return Returns a Promise that can be used in
* place of the callbacks, similar to the
* enumerateDevices() method
getSources(successCallback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): object
* Set the input source. Accepts a number
* representing a position in the array returned by
* getSources(). This is only available in browsers
* that support <a
* title="MediaDevices.enumerateDevices() - Web APIs
* | MDN" target="_blank" href=
* ""
* navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().
* @param num position of input source in the array
setSource(num: number): void
class Effect {
* Effect is a base class for audio effects in p5.
* This module handles the nodes and methods that are
* common and useful for current and future effects.
* This class is extended by p5.Distortion,
* p5.Compressor, p5.Delay, p5.Filter, p5.Reverb.
* @param [ac] Reference to the audio context of the
* p5 object
* @param [input] Gain Node effect wrapper
* @param [output] Gain Node effect wrapper
* @param [_drywet] Tone.JS CrossFade node (defaults
* to value: 1)
* @param [wet] Effects that extend this class should
* connect to the wet signal to this gain node, so
* that dry and wet signals are mixed properly.
constructor(ac?: object, input?: AudioNode, output?: AudioNode, _drywet?: object, wet?: AudioNode)
* Set the output volume of the filter.
* @param [vol] amplitude between 0 and 1.0
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts until
* rampTime
* @param [tFromNow] schedule this event to happen in
* tFromNow seconds
amp(vol?: number, rampTime?: number, tFromNow?: number): void
* Link effects together in a chain Example usage:
* filter.chain(reverb, delay, panner); May be used
* with an open-ended number of arguments
* @param [arguments] Chain together multiple sound
* objects
chain(arguments?: object): void
* Adjust the dry/wet value.
* @param [fade] The desired drywet value (0 - 1.0)
drywet(fade?: number): void
* Send output to a p5.js-sound, Web Audio Node, or
* use signal to control an AudioParam
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all output.
disconnect(): void
class Filter extends p5.Effect {
* A p5.Filr is built with a Web Audio
* BiquadFilter Node.
biquadm Sign
al An object that o.Filtetputu asdiu
o @*aram [fpeq] Frn Hz, from 10requency ito 22050
* @pa amr[r s] Reedth of the fsonance/Wilter
i * refuenqy fromc/
0.001 procss Signe
ter uses a Web Audio Biquad Filter to
* filter the frequency response of an input sou: DelayNode
* Filter an audio signal according to a set of
* filter parameters.
* @paraFilter
* Subclasses include:
* - p5.LowPass: Allows frequencies below the cutoff
* frequency to pass through, and attenuates
* frequencies above the cutoff.
* - p5.HighPass: The opposite of a lowpass filter.
* - p5.BandPass: Allows a range of frequencies to
* pass through and attenuates the frequencies below
* and above this frequency range.
* The .res() method controls either width of the
* bandpass, or resonance of the low/highpass cutoff
* frequency.
* This class extends p5.Effect. Methods amp(),
* chain(), drywet(), connect(), and disconnect() are
* available.
* @param [type] 'lowpass' (default), 'highpass',
* 'bandpass'
constructor(type?: string)
* The p5(
to 1000
*al: objec
t, freq?: number, res?: number): void
* Set the frequency and the resonance of the filter.
* @param [freq] Frequency in Hz, from 10 to 22050
* @param [res] Resonance (Q) from 0.001 to 1000
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
set(freq?: number, res?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Set the filter frequency, in Hz, from 10 to 22050
* (the range of human hearing, although in reality
* most people hear in a narrower range).
* @param freq Filter Frequency
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
* @return value Returns the current frequency value
freq(freq: number, timeFromNow?: number): number
* Controls either width of a bandpass frequency, or
* the resonance of a low/highpass cutoff frequency.
* @param res Resonance/Width of filter freq from
* 0.001 to 1000
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
* @return value Returns the current res value
res(res: number, timeFromNow?: number): number
* Controls the gain attribute of a Biquad Filter.
* This is distinctly different from .amp() which is
* inherited from p5.Effect .amp() controls the
* volume via the output gain node p5.Filter.gain()
* controls the gain parameter of a Biquad Filter
* node.
* @return Returns the current or updated gain value
gain(gain: number): number
* Toggle function. Switches between the specified
* type and allpass
* @return [Toggle value]
toggle(): boolean
* Set the type of a p5.Filter. Possible types
* include: "lowpass" (default), "highpass",
* "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking",
* "notch", "allpass".
setType(t: string): void
class LowPass extends p5.Filter {
* Constructor: new p5.LowPass() Filter. This is the
* same as creating a p5.Filter and then calling its
* method setType('lowpass'). See p5.Filter for
* methods.
class HighPass extends p5.Filter {
* Constructor: new p5.HighPass() Filter. This is the
* same as creating a p5.Filter and then calling its
* method setType('highpass'). See p5.Filter for
* methods.
class BandPass extends p5.Filter {
* Constructor: new p5.BandPass() Filter. This is the
* same as creating a p5.Filter and then calling its
* method setType('bandpass'). See p5.Filter for
* methods.
class EQ extends p5.Effect {
* p5.EQ is an audio effect that performs the
* function of a multiband audio equalizer.
* p5.Filter API, especially gain and freq. Bands are
* stored in an array, with indices 0 - 3, or 0 - 7
bands: any[]
* Process an input by connecting it to the EQ
* @param src Audio source
s of t
Equalization is used to adjust the balance of
* frequency compoenentsignal. This
pr*cess iocomms ponly uoductionand
r * ecording t chrfooe it range tachs
*r a soendeoutput an aluo be u ed as device
s asdian eff ct*touing diotoetions y
* creatiltering ou ps. pr.EQ ib
f t builtarts osig 5 cso Biq a* Filt ur
n a* Nhain odes an can buithd3 oe 8 bands.
Bonds e insta be a romrth EQ b*
a * direccly noddded orfye array t ate ys fil ers)dnds p5.tect.m i Mething p5dsamp(),h ar
* @param etor will accept t or 8,
. This* efaultEff
o *
oEQ o chain( */
constructor(src: object)
class Panner3D {
* Panner3D is based on the Web Audio Spatial Panner
* Node. This panner is a spatial processindel"
* href=""
* panningModel: "equal power" or "HRTF"
* - <a title="w3 spec for Distance Model"
* href=""
* distanceModel: "linear", "inverse", or
* "exponential"
panner: AudioNode
* Connec()at e availl 5 ws aud[_eqsize] Construconed a3d ori ntdd sn
* t3D 3pace. Th * pr lativbject
to n Audion r * Co_eqsize?:te.Et t an astenecessed ba o .io to oundOut.udntener
e *
* The p5
* Web Aus
of an audio se
sed in soundositio
he waveform be. EQ ce
e intereste
f the spectruma
f Web Audi
antiated w
removed fn
.EQ.bands (thx
* storLi
class exter, whi
), drywet(), conny
t(), an*
* p
@return p5.iocont
udio sorce
* @param src Input source
process(src: object)ing Mo
g node
* ths
be positi
n is
ch can be acructor()
o Spatial Panner Node Properties include
* - <a title="w3 spec for Pann: void
* Set the X,Y,Z position of the Panner
* @return Updated x, y, z values as an array
set(xVal: number, yVal: number, zVal: number, time: number): any[]
* Getter and setter methods for position coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
positionX(): number
* Getter and setter methods for position coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
positionY(): number
* Getter and setter methods for position coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
positionZ(): number
* Set the X,Y,Z position of the Panner
* @return Updated x, y, z values as an array
orient(xVal: number, yVal: number, zVal: number, time: number): any[]
* Getter and setter methods for orient coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
orientX(): number
* Getter and setter methods for orient coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
orientY(): number
* Getter and setter methods for orient coordinates
* @return updated coordinate value
orientZ(): number
* Set the rolloff factor and max distance
setFalloff(maxDistance?: number, rolloffFactor?: number): void
* Maxium distance between the source and the
* listener
* @return updated value
maxDist(maxDistance: number): number
* How quickly the volume is reduced as the source
* moves away from the listener
* @return updated value
rollof(rolloffFactor: number): number
class Delay extends p5.Effect {
* Delay is an echo effect. It processes an existing
* sound source, and outputs a delayed versi */
leftDelay: DelayNode
* The p5.Delay is built with two Web Audio Delay
* Nodes, one for each stereo channel.
rightDelay: DelayNode
* Add delay to an audio signal according to a set of
* delay parameters.
* *
on of
* that sound. The p5.Delay can produce different
* effects depending on the delayTime, feedback,
* filter, and type. In the example below, a feedback
* of 0.5 (the defaul value) will produce a looping
* delay that decreases in volume by 50% each repeat.
* A filter will cut out the high frequencies so that
* the delay does not sound as piercing as the
* original source.
* This class extends p5.Effect. Methods amp(),
* chain(), drywet(), connect(), and disconnect() are
* available.
* The p5.Delay is built with two Web Audio Delay
* Nodes, one for each stereo channel.
Signal An object that outputs audio
* @param [delayTime] Time (in seconds) of the
* delay/echo. Some browsers limit delayTime to 1
* second.
* @param [feedback] sends the delay back through
* itself in a loop that decreases in volume each
* time.
* @param [lowPass] Cutoff frequency. Only
* frequencies below the lowPass will be part of the
* delay.
process(Signal: object, delayTime?: number, feedback?: number, lowPass?: number): void
* Set the delay (echo) time, in seconds. Usually
* this value will be a floating point number between
* 0.0 and 1.0.
* @param delayTime Time (in seconds) of the delay
delayTime(delayTime: number): void
* Feedback occurs when Delay sends its signal back
* through its input in a loop. The feedback amount
* determines how much signal to send each time
* through the loop. A feedback greater than 1.0 is
* not desirable because it will increase the overall
* output each time through the loop, creating an
* infinite feedback loop. The default value is 0.5
* @param feedback 0.0 to 1.0, or an object such as
* an Oscillator that can be used to modulate this
* param
* @return Feedback value
feedback(feedback: number|object): number
* Set a lowpass filter frequency for the delay. A
* lowpass filter will cut off any frequencies higher
* than the filter frequency.
* @param cutoffFreq A lowpass filter will cut off
* any frequencies higher than the filter frequency.
* @param res Resonance of the filter frequency
* cutoff, or an object (i.e. a p5.Oscillator) that
* can be used to modulate this parameter. High
* numbers (i.e. 15) will produce a resonance, low
* numbers (i.e. .2) will produce a slope.
filter(cutoffFreq: number|object, res: number|object): void
* Choose a preset type of delay. 'pingPong' bounces
* the signal from the left to the right channel to
* produce a stereo effect. Any other parameter will
* revert to the default delay setting.
* @param type 'pingPong' (1) or 'default' (0)
setType(type: string|number): void
* Set the output level of the delay effect.
* @param volume amplitude between 0 and 1.0
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts
* rampTime
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
amp(volume: number, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Send output to a p5.sound or web audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all output.
disconnect(): void
class Reverb extends p5.Effect {
* Reverb adds depth to a sound through a large
* number of decaying echoes. It creates the
* perception that sound is occurring in a physical
* space. The p5.Reverb has paramters for Time (how
* long does the reverb last) and decayRate (how much
* the sound decays with each echo) that can be set
* with the .set() or .process() methods. The
* p5.Convolver extends p5.Reverb allowing you to
* recreate the sound of actual physical spaces
* through convolution. This class extends p5.Effect.
* Methods amp(), chain(), drywet(), connect(), and
* disconnect() are available.
* Connect a source to the reverb, and assign reverb
* parameters.
* @param src p5.sound / Web Audio object with a
* sound output.
* @param [seconds] Duration of the reverb, in
* seconds. Min: 0, Max: 10. Defaults to 3.
* @param [decayRate] Percentage of decay with each
* echo. Min: 0, Max: 100. Defaults to 2.
* @param [reverse] Play the reverb backwards or
* forwards.
process(src: object, seconds?: number, decayRate?: number, reverse?: boolean): void
* Set the reverb settings. Similar to .process(),
* but without assigning a new input.
* @param [seconds] Duration of the reverb, in
* seconds. Min: 0, Max: 10. Defaults to 3.
* @param [decayRate] Percentage of decay with each
* echo. Min: 0, Max: 100. Defaults to 2.
* @param [reverse] Play the reverb backwards or
* forwards.
set(seconds?: number, decayRate?: number, reverse?: boolean): void
* Set the output level of the reverb effect.
* @param volume amplitude between 0 and 1.0
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts
* rampTime
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
amp(volume: number, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Send output to a p5.sound or web audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all output.
disconnect(): void
class Convolver extends p5.Effect {
* p5.Convolver extends p5.Reverb. It can emulate the
* sound of real physical spaces through a lverNod: ConvolverNode
* Create a p5.Convolver. Accepts a path to a
* soundfile that will be used to generate an convoects
* in this Array. Toggle between them with the
* toggleImpulse(id) method.
impulses: any[]
* Load andthe p5.Convolver uses the a Web Audio
* Convolver Node.
src p5
nd file
* path path to a sou@p r m [caalbacan to call if loadlng is
k] functio i s cc*ssful. uhee inTas the objec ed* argum
nt to thee
@para callb [errorCnction to call if load ng
* mis nallback] fut iuccessf*err r will be ossed
ul. A * n asothpa argumsll ackifunction
e ent to/
assign a new Impulse Response to the
* p5.Convolver. The impulse is added to t impul
* called convolution. Convolution multiplies any
* audio input by an "impulse response" to simulate
* the dispersion of sound over time. The impulse
* response is generated from an audio file that you
* provide. One way to generate an impulse response
* is to pop a balloon in a reverberant space and
* record the echo. Convolution can also be used to
* experiment with sound.
* Use the method createConvolution(path) to
* instantiate a p5.Convolver with a path to your
* impulse response audio file.
* @param path path to a sound file
* @param [callback] function to call when loading
* succeeds
* @param [errorCallback] function to call if loading
* fails. This function will receive an error or
* XMLHttpRequest object with information about what
* went wrong.
constructor(path: string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function)
* Intern
* @param .
t will be pass
ack function.*
custom e
the calver(path:
string, callback?: Function, errorCallback?: Function): p5.Convolver
* Connect a source to the reverb, and assign reverb
* parameters.
* @param as Obj
.sound / Web Audio object with a
* sound output.
process(src: object): void
* If you load multiple impulse files using the
* .addImpulse method, they will be stored he
* .impulses array. Previous impulses can be accessed
* with the .toggleImpulse(id) method.
* @param path path to a sound file
* @param callback function (optional)
* @param errorCallback function (optional)
addImpulse(path: string, callback: Function, errorCallback: Function): void
* Similar to .addImpulse, except that the .impulses
* Array is reset to save memory. A new .impulses
* array is created with this impulse as the only
* item.
* @param path path to a sound file
* @param callback function (optional)
* @param errorCallback function (optional)
resetImpulse(path: string, callback: Function, errorCallback: Function): void
* If you have used .addImpulse() to add multiple
* impulses to a p5.Convolver, then you can use this
* method to toggle between the items in the
* .impulses Array. Accepts a parameter to identify
* which impulse you wish to use, identified either
* by its original filename (String) or by its
* position in the .impulses Array (Number). You can
* access the objects in the .impulses Array
* directly. Each Object has two attributes: an
* .audioBuffer (type: Web Audio AudioBuffer) and a
* .name, a String that corresponds with the original
* filename.
* @param id Identify the impulse by its original
* filename (String), or by its position in the
* .impulses Array (Number).
toggleImpulse(id: string|number): void
* Set the global tempo, in beats per minute, for all
* p5.Parts. This method will impact all active
* p5.Parts.
* @param BPM Beats Per Minute
* @param rampTime Seconds from now
setBPM(BPM: number, rampTime: number): void
class Phrase {
* A phrase is a pattern of musical events over time,
* i.e. a series of notes and rests. Phraseback
* function's requirements, these values may be
* numbers, strings, or an object with multiple
* parameters. Zero (0) indicates a rest.
sequence: any[]
class Part {
* A p5.Part plays back one or more p5.Phrases.
* Instantiate a part with ste call
s must be
* added to a p5.Part for playback, and each part can
* play multiple phrases at the same time. For
* example, one Phrase might be a kick drum, another
* could be a snare, and another could be the
* bassline.
* The first parameter is a name so that the phrase
* can be modified or deleted later. The callback is
* a a function that this phrase will call at every
* step—for example it might be called
* playNote(value){}. The array determines which
* value is passed into the callback at each step of
* the phrase. It can be numbers, an object with
* multiple numbers, or a zero (0) indicates a rest
* so the callback won't be called).
* @param name Name so that you can access the
* Phrase.
* @param callback The name of a function that this
* phrase will call. Typically it will play a sound,
* and accept two parameters: a time at which to play
* the sound (in seconds from now), and a value from
* the sequence array. The time should be passed into
* the play() or start() method to ensure precision.
* @param sequence Array of values to pass into the
* callback at each step of the phrase.
constructor(name: string, callback: Function, sequence: any[])
* Array of values to pass into the callback at each
* step of the phrase. Depending on theps and tatums. By
* default, each step represents 1/16th note. See
* p5.Phrase for more about musical timing.
* @param [steps] Steps in the part
* @param [tatums] Divisions of a beat (default is
* 1/16, a quarter note)
constructor(steps?: number, tatums?: number)
* Set the tempo of this part, in Beats Per Minute.
* @param BPM Beats Per Minute
* @param [rampTime] Seconds from now
setBPM(BPM: number, rampTime?: number): void
* Returns the Beats Per Minute of this currently
* part.
getBPM(): number
* Start playback of this part. It will play through
* all of its phrases at a speed determined by
* setBPM.
* @param [time] seconds from now
start(time?: number): void
* Loop playback of this part. It will begin looping
* through all of its phrases at a speed determined
* by setBPM.
* @param [time] seconds from now
loop(time?: number): void
* Tell the part to stop looping.
noLoop(): void
* Stop the part and cue it to step 0.
* @param [time] seconds from now
stop(time?: number): void
* Pause the part. Playback will resume from the
* current step.
* @param time seconds from now
pause(time: number): void
* Add a p5.Phrase to this Part.
* @param phrase reference to a p5.Phrase
addPhrase(phrase: p5.Phrase): void
* Remove a phrase from this part, based on the name
* it was given when it was created.
removePhrase(phraseName: string): void
* Get a phrase from this part, based on the name it
* was given when it was created. Now you can modify
* its array.
getPhrase(phraseName: string): void
* Get a phrase from this part, based on the name it
* was given when it was created. Now you can modify
* its array.
* @param sequence Array of values to pass into the
* callback at each step of the phrase.
replaceSequence(phraseName: string, sequence: any[]): void
* Fire a callback function at every step.
* @param callback The name of the callback you want
* to fire on every beat/tatum.
onStep(callback: Function): void
class Score {
* A Score consists of a series of Parts. The parts
* will be played back in order. For example, you
* could have an A part, a B part, and a C part, and
* play them back in this order new p5.Score(a, a, b,
* a, c)
* @param [parts] One or multiple parts, to be played
* in sequence.
constructor(parts?: p5.Part)
* Start playback of the score.
start(): void
* Stop playback of the score.
stop(): void
* Pause playback of the score.
pause(): void
* Loop playback of the score.
loop(): void
* Stop looping playback of the score. If it is
* currently playing, this will go into effect after
* the current round of playback completes.
noLoop(): void
* Set the tempo for all parts in the score
* @param BPM Beats Per Minute
* @param rampTime Seconds from now
setBPM(BPM: number, rampTime: number): void
class SoundLoop {
* SoundLoop
* @param callback this function will be called on
* each iteration of musicalTimeMode: boolean
* Set a limit to the number of loops to play.
* defaults to Infinity
ations: number
* Start the lolectfxted aftcallback eats
b* er minut (defp bem:aults * numberf quarter notes in a measure (defaults to
* 4)
* length f the loops interval
interval: number|string
* hmeFrop times the callback has been called so far
iterations: number
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule a starting time
* Compressor is an audio effect class that performs
* to st
* @param [interval] amount of time or beats for each
* iteration of the loop defaults to 1
* musicalTimeMode uses Tone.Time convention true if
* string, false if number
omNow?: number): void
* Stop the loop
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule a stopping time
stop(ti: numb
Now?: number): void
* Pause the loop
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule a pausing time
pause(tow man
mNow?: number): void
* Synchronize loops. Use this method to start two
* more more loops in synchronization orclass
art a
* loop in synchronization with a loop that is
* already playing This method will schedule the
* implicit loop in sync with the explicit master
* loop i.e. loopToStart.syncedStart(loopToSyncWith)
* @param otherLoop a p5.SoundLoop to sync with
* @param [timeFromNow] Start the loops in sync after
* timeFromNow seconds
syncedStart(otherLoop: object, timeFromNow?: number): void
* Getters and Setters, setting any paramter will
* result in a change in the clock's freq dynamics compression on an audio input sopressor: AudioNode
* Performs the same function as .connect, but also
* accepts optional parameters to set c com
* This is a very commonly used technique in music
* and sound production. Compression creates an
* overall louder, richer, and fuller sound by
* lowering the volume of louds and raising that of
* softs. Compression can be used to avoid clipping
* (sound distortion due to peaks in volume) and is
* especially useful when many sounds are played at
* once. Compression can be used on indivudal sound
* sources in addition to the master output. This
* class extends p5.Effect. Methods amp(), chain(),
* drywet(), connect(), and disconnect() are
* available.
* The p5.Compressor is built with a Web Audio
* Dynamics Compressor Node
* audioParams
* @param src Sound source to be connected
* @param [attack] The amount of time (in seconds) to
* reduce the gain by 10dB, default = .003, range 0 -
* 1
* @param [knee] A decibel value representing the
* range above the threshold where the curve smoothly
* transitions to the "ratio" portion. default = 30,
* range 0 - 40
* @param [ratio] The amount of dB change in input
* for a 1 dB change in output default = 12, range 1
* - 20
* @param [threshold] The decibel value above which
* the compression will start taking effect default =
* -24, range -100 - 0
* @param [release] The amount of time (in seconds)
* to increase the gain by 10dB default = .25, range
* 0 - 1
process(src: object, attack?: number, knee?: number, ratio?: number, threshold?: number, release?: number): void
* Set the paramters of a compressor.
* @param attack The amount of time (in seconds) to
* reduce the gain by 10dB, default = .003, range 0 -
* 1
* @param knee A decibel value representing the range
* above the threshold where the curve smoothly
* transitions to the "ratio" portion. default = 30,
* range 0 - 40
* @param ratio The amount of dB change in input for
* a 1 dB change in output default = 12, range 1 - 20
* @param threshold The decibel value above which the
* compression will start taking effect default =
* -24, range -100 - 0
* @param release The amount of time (in seconds) to
* increase the gain by 10dB default = .25, range 0 -
* 1
set(attack: number, knee: number, ratio: number, threshold: number, release: number): void
* Get current attack or set value w/ time ramp
* @param [attack] Attack is the amount of time (in
* seconds) to reduce the gain by 10dB, default =
* .003, range 0 - 1
* @param [time] Assign time value to schedule the
* change in value
attack(attack?: number, time?: number): void
* Get current knee or set value w/ time ramp
* @param [knee] A decibel value representing the
* range above the threshold where the curve smoothly
* transitions to the "ratio" portion. default = 30,
* range 0 - 40
* @param [time] Assign time value to schedule the
* change in value
knee(knee?: number, time?: number): void
* Get current ratio or set value w/ time ramp
* @param [ratio] The amount of dB change in input
* for a 1 dB change in output default = 12, range 1
* - 20
* @param [time] Assign time value to schedule the
* change in value
ratio(ratio?: number, time?: number): void
* Get current threshold or set value w/ time ramp
* @param threshold The decibel value above which the
* compression will start taking effect default =
* -24, range -100 - 0
* @param [time] Assign time value to schedule the
* change in value
threshold(threshold: number, time?: number): void
* Get current release or set value w/ time ramp
* @param release The amount of time (in seconds) to
* increase the gain by 10dB default = .25, range 0 -
* 1
* @param [time] Assign time value to schedule the
* change in value
release(release: number, time?: number): void
* Return the current reduction value
* @return Value of the amount of gain reduction that
* is applied to the signal
class SoundRecorder {
* Record sounds for playback and/or to save as a
* .wav file. The p5.SoundRecorder records all sound
* output from your sketch, or can be assigned a
* specific source with setInput(). The record()
* method accepts a p5.SoundFile as a parameter. When
* playback is stopped (either after the given amount
* of time, or with the stop() method), the
* p5.SoundRecorder will send its recording to that
* p5.SoundFile for playback.
* Connect a specific device to the p5.SoundRecorder.
* If no parameter is given, p5.SoundRecorer will
* record all audible p5.sound from your sketch.
* @param [unit] p5.sound object or a web audio unit
* that outputs sound
setInput(unit?: object): void
* Start recording. To access the recording, provide
* a p5.SoundFile as the first parameter. The
* p5.SoundRecorder will send its recording to that
* p5.SoundFile for playback once recording is
* complete. Optional parameters include duration (in
* seconds) of the recording, and a callback function
* that will be called once the complete recording
* has been transfered to the p5.SoundFile.
* @param soundFile p5.SoundFile
* @param [duration] Time (in seconds)
* @param [callback] The name of a function that will
* be called once the recording completes
record(soundFile, duration?: number, callback?: Function): void
* Stop the recording. Once the recording is stopped,
* the results will be sent to the p5.SoundFile that
* was given on .record(), and if a callback function
* was provided on record, that function will be
* called.
stop(): void
* Save a p5.SoundFile as a .wav audio file.
* @param soundFile p5.SoundFile that you wish to
* save
* @param name name of the resulting .wav file.
saveSound(soundFile: p5, name: string): void
class PeakDetect {
* PeakDetect works in conjunction with p5.FFT to
* look for onsets in some or all of the frequency
* spectrum. To use p5.PeakDetect, call update in
* the draw loop and pass in a p5.FFT object.
* You can listen for a specific part of the
* frequency spectrum by setting the range between
* freq1 and freq2.
* threshold is the threshold for detecting a peak,
* scaled between 0 and 1. It is logarithmic, so 0.1
* is half as loud as 1.0.
* The update method is meant to be run in the draw
* loop, and frames determines how many loops must
* pass before another peak can be detected. For
* example, if the frameRate() = 60, you could detect
* the beat of a 120 beat-per-minute song with this
* equation: framesPerPeak = 60 / (estimatedBPM / 60
* );
* Based on example contribtued by @b2renger, and a
* simple beat detection explanation by a
* href=""
* target="_blank"Felix Turner.
* @param [freq1] lowFrequency - defaults to 20Hz
* @param [freq2] highFrequency - defaults to 20000
* Hz
* @param [threshold] Threshold for detecting a beat
* between 0 and 1 scaled logarithmically where 0.1
* is 1/2 the loudness of 1.0. Defaults to 0.35.
* @param [framesPerPeak] Defaults to 20.
constructor(freq1?: number, freq2?: number, threshold?: number, framesPerPeak?: number)
// TODO: Annotate attribute "isDetected", defined in lib/addons/p5.sound.js, line 11388
* The update method is run in the draw loop. Accepts
* an FFT object. You must call .analyze() on the FFT
* object prior to updating the peakDetect because it
* relies on a completed FFT analysis.
* @param fftObject A p5.FFT object
update(fftObject: p5.FFT): void
* onPeak accepts two arguments: a function to call
* when a peak is detected. The value of the peak,
* between 0.0 and 1.0, is passed to the callback.
* @param callback Name of a function that will be
* called when a peak is detected.
* @param [val] Optional value to pass into the
* function when a peak is detected.
onPeak(callback: Function, val?: object): void
class Gain {
* A gain node is usefull to set the relative volume
* of sound. It's typically used to build mixers.
* Connect a source to the gain node.
* @param src p5.sound / Web Audio object with a
* sound output.
setInput(src: object): void
* Send output to a p5.sound or web audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all output.
disconnect(): void
* Set the output level of the gain node.
* @param volume amplitude between 0 and 1.0
* @param [rampTime] create a fade that lasts
* rampTime
* @param [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
* seconds from now
amp(volume: number, rampTime?: number, timeFromNow?: number): void
class AudioVoice {
* Base class for monophonic synthesizers. Any
* extensions of this class should follow the API and
* implement the methods below in order to remain
* compatible with p5.PolySynth();
* Connect to p5 objects or Web Audio Nodes
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect from soundOut
disconnect(): void
class MonoSynth {
* An MonoSand Setters
attack: number
decay: number
sueltain: number
hr new
* r tlurn s ew vols * @reamp(vou: numn
ynth is used as a single voice for sound
* synthesis. This is a class to be used in
se: number
* MonoSynth amp
* @param f
ol desired volumeon a
* @param [raand
pTime] Time to reacds bef
* conjonction with the PolySynth class. Custom
* synthetisers should be built inheriting from this
* class.
* Play tume value
ls the MonoSynth to start playing a note.
* This method schedules the calling o relea
* .triggerAttack and .triggerRelease.
* @param note the note you want to play, specified
* as a frequency in Hertz (Number) or as a midi
* value in Note/Octave format ("C4", "Eb3"...etc")
* See Tone. Defaults to 440 hz.
* @param [velocity] velocity of the note to play
* (ranging from 0 to 1)
* @param [secondsFromNow] time from now (in seconds)
* at which to play
* @param [sustainTime] time to sustain before
* releasing the envelope
play(note: string|number, velocity?: number, secondsFromNow?: number, sustainTime?: number): void
* Trigge
the Attack, and Decay portion of the
* Envelope. Similar to holding down a key v
* piano, but it will hold the sustain level until
* you let go.
* @param note the note you want to play, specified
* as a frequency in Hertz (Number) or as a midi
* value in Note/Octave format ("C4", "Eb3"...etc")
* See Tone. Defaults to 440 hz
* @param [velocity] velocity of the note to play
* (ranging from 0 to 1)
* @param [secondsFromNow] time from now (in seconds)
* at which to play
triggerAttack(note: string|number, velocity?: number, secondsFromNow?: number): void
* Trigge
the release of the Envelope. This is
* similar to releasing the key on a piano
* letting the sound fade according to the release
* level and release time.
* @param secondsFromNow time to trigger the release
triggerRelease(secondsFromNow: number): void
* Set val
es like a traditional ADSR envelope .
* @param attackTime Time (in seconm
ore envelope
* reaches Attack Level
* @param [decayTime] Time (in seconds) before
* envelope reaches Decay/Sustain Level
* @param [susRatio] Ratio between attackLevel and
* releaseLevel, on a scale from 0 to 1, where 1.0 =
* attackLevel, 0.0 = releaseLevel. The susRatio
* determines the decayLevel and the level at which
* the sustain portion of the envelope will sustain.
* For example, if attackLevel is 0.4, releaseLevel
* is 0, and susAmt is 0.5, the decayLevel would be
* 0.2. If attackLevel is increased to 1.0 (using
* setRange), then decayLevel would increase
* proportionally, to become 0.5.
* @param [releaseTime] Time in seconds from now
* (defaults to 0)
setADSR(attackTime: number, decayTime?: number, susRatio?: number, releaseTime?: number): void
* Getterber, ramp
Time?: number): number
* Connect to a p5.sound / Web Audio object.
* @param unit A p5.sound or Web Audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all outputs
disconnect(): void
* Get rid of the MonoSynth and free up its resources
* / memory.
dispose(): void
class PolySynth {
* An AudioVoice is used as a single voice for sound
* synthesis. The PolySynth class holds an arently
* being played. New notes are added as keys on the
* fly. While a note has been attacked, but not
* released, the value of the key is the audiovoice
* which is generating that note. When notes are
* released, the value of the key becomes undefined.
notes: any
* A PolySynth must have at least 1 voice, defaults
* to 8
* Monosynth that generates the sound for each note
* that is triggered. The p5.PolySynth ny
ts to
* using the p5.MonoSynth as its voice.
AudioVoice: any
* Play a note by triggering noteAttack and
* noteRelease with sustain time
* defaul
rray of
* AudioVoice, and deals with voices allocations,
* with setting notes to be played, and parameters to
* be set.
* @param [synthVoice] A monophonic synth voice
* inheriting the AudioVoice class. Defaults to
* p5.MonoSynth
* @param [polyValue] Number of voices, defaults to
* 8;
constructor(synthVoice?: number, polyValue?: number)
* An object that holds information about which notes
* have been played and which notes a @par
am [note] midi note to play (ranging from 0 to
* 127 - 60 being a middle C)
* @param [velocity] velocity of the note to play
* (ranging from 0 to 1)
* @param [secondsFromNow] time from now (in seconds)
* at which to play
* @param [sustainTime] time to sustain before
* releasing the envelope
play(note?: number, velocity?: number, secondsFromNow?: number, sustainTime?: number): void
* noteADSR sets the envelope for a specific note
* that has just been triggered. Using this method
* modifies the envelope of whichever audiovoice is
* being used to play the desired note. The envelope
* should be reset before noteRelease is called in
* order to prevent the modified envelope from being
* used on other notes.
* @param [note] Midi note on which ADSR should be
* set.
* @param [attackTime] Time (in seconds before
* envelope reaches Attack Level
* @param [decayTime] Time (in seconds) before
* envelope reaches Decay/Sustain Level
* @param [susRatio] Ratio between attackLevel and
* releaseLevel, on a scale from 0 to 1, where 1.0 =
* attackLevel, 0.0 = releaseLevel. The susRatio
* determines the decayLevel and the level at which
* the sustain portion of the envelope will sustain.
* For example, if attackLevel is 0.4, releaseLevel
* is 0, and susAmt is 0.5, the decayLevel would be
* 0.2. If attackLevel is increased to 1.0 (using
* setRange), then decayLevel would increase
* proportionally, to become 0.5.
* @param [releaseTime] Time in seconds from now
* (defaults to 0)
noteADSR(note?: number, attackTime?: number, decayTime?: number, susRatio?: number, releaseTime?: number): void
* Set the PolySynths global envelope. This method
* modifies the envelopes of each monosynth so that
* all notes are played with this envelope.
* @param [note] Midi note on which ADSR should be
* set.
* @param [attackTime] Time (in seconds before
* envelope reaches Attack Level
* @param [decayTime] Time (in seconds) before
* envelope reaches Decay/Sustain Level
* @param [susRatio] Ratio between attackLevel and
* releaseLevel, on a scale from 0 to 1, where 1.0 =
* attackLevel, 0.0 = releaseLevel. The susRatio
* determines the decayLevel and the level at which
* the sustain portion of the envelope will sustain.
* For example, if attackLevel is 0.4, releaseLevel
* is 0, and susAmt is 0.5, the decayLevel would be
* 0.2. If attackLevel is increased to 1.0 (using
* setRange), then decayLevel would increase
* proportionally, to become 0.5.
* @param [releaseTime] Time in seconds from now
* (defaults to 0)
setADSR(note?: number, attackTime?: number, decayTime?: number, susRatio?: number, releaseTime?: number): void
* Trigger the Attack, and Decay portion of a
* MonoSynth. Similar to holding down a key on a
* piano, but it will hold the sustain level until
* you let go.
* @param [note] midi note on which attack should be
* triggered.
* @param [velocity] velocity of the note to play
* (ranging from 0 to 1)/
* @param [secondsFromNow] time from now (in seconds)
noteAttack(note?: number, velocity?: number, secondsFromNow?: number): void
* Trigger the Release of an AudioVoice note. This is
* similar to releasing the key on a piano and
* letting the sound fade according to the release
* level and release time.
* @param [note] midi note on which attack should be
* triggered.
* @param [secondsFromNow] time to trigger the
* release
noteRelease(note?: number, secondsFromNow?: number): void
* Connect to a p5.sound / Web Audio object.
* @param unit A p5.sound or Web Audio object
connect(unit: object): void
* Disconnect all outputs
disconnect(): void
* Get rid of the MonoSynth and free up its resources
* / memory.
dispose(): void
class Distortion extends p5.Effect {
* A Distorrtion is built with a Web Audio
* WaveShaper Node.
Wave* @p
aram [amount] Unbo.Distod distoundetion amornt.
u Normal *alues v * range f@para [ov rmame', '2x', or '4x'.
s *
ple] 'none pr es (amooc
tion effect created with a Waveshaper
* Node, with an approach adapted from Kevin EnnNode: AudioNode
* Process a sound source, optionally specify amount
* and oversample values.
* This class extends p5.Effect. Methods amp(),
* chain(), drywet(), connect(), and disconnect() are
* available.
* @param [amount] Unbounded distortion amount.
* Normal values range from 0-1.
* @param [oversample] 'none', '2x', or '4x'.
constructor(amount?: number, oversample?: string)
* The p5s
rom 0-1.
unt?: numb
er, oversample?: string): void
* Set the amount and oversample of the waveshaper
* distortion.
* @param [amount] Unbounded distortion amount.
* Normal values range from 0-1.
* @param [oversample] 'none', '2x', or '4x'.
set(amount?: number, oversample?: string): void
* Return the distortion amount, typically between
* 0-1.
* @return Unbounded distortion amount. Normal values
* range from 0-1.
getAmount(): number
* Return the oversampling.
* @return Oversample can either be 'none', '2x', or
* '4x'.
getOversample(): string
// Constants
typeof RGB
| typeof HSB
| typeof HSL;
type ARC_MODE =
typeof CHORD
| typeof PIE
| typeof OPEN;
typeof CENTER
| typeof RADIUS
| typeof CORNER
| typeof CORNERS;
type RECT_MODE =
typeof CORNER
| typeof CORNERS
| typeof CENTER
| typeof RADIUS;
typeof SQUARE
| typeof PROJECT
| typeof ROUND;
typeof MITER
| typeof BEVEL
| typeof ROUND;
typeof P2D
| typeof WEBGL;
typeof BLEND
| typeof DARKEST
| typeof LIGHTEST
| typeof MULTIPLY
| typeof EXCLUSION
| typeof SCREEN
| typeof REPLACE
| typeof OVERLAY
| typeof HARD_LIGHT
| typeof SOFT_LIGHT
| typeof DODGE
| typeof BURN
| typeof ADD
| typeof NORMAL;
typeof POINTS
| typeof LINES
| typeof TRIANGLES
| typeof QUADS
| typeof QUAD_STRIP;
type END_MODE =
typeof CLOSE;
typeof CORNER
| typeof CORNERS
| typeof CENTER;
| typeof GRAY
| typeof OPAQUE
| typeof INVERT
| typeof POSTERIZE
| typeof BLUR
| typeof ERODE
| typeof DILATE
| typeof BLUR;
typeof RADIANS
| typeof DEGREES;
typeof LEFT
| typeof CENTER
| typeof RIGHT;
typeof TOP
| typeof BOTTOM
| typeof CENTER
| typeof BASELINE;
type THE_STYLE =
typeof NORMAL
| typeof ITALIC
| typeof BOLD;