class Item extends GameObject{ //Superior class for everything apperaring on the gameboard //after a period of time, for a period of time //Settings settings: Settings.Item //General color: Serialized.Color time: TimeProcess fadeTime: number //Position and dimensions pos: Vector radius: number currentRadius: number constructor(settings: Settings.Item){ super(randomToken()) this.radius = settings.radius this.fadeTime = settings.fadeTime this.currentRadius = 1 this.color = { stroke: settings.color.stroke, fill: settings.color.fill } this.time = new TimeProcess(settings.duration) } get centerX(): number{return this.pos.x} get centerY(): number{return this.pos.y} get size(): number{return this.currentRadius * 2} static fromSerialized(item: Serialized.GameObject, settings: Settings.Item, Type: typeof Item): Item{ let i = new Type(settings) i.pos = new Vector(0, 0) i.applyValues(item) return i } static fromNew(players: Player[], settings: Settings.Item, Type: typeof Item): Item{ let i = new Type(settings) i.pos = i.getStartPosition(players) return i } getStartPosition(players: Player[]): Vector{ let left: number, right: number, top = this.radius, bottom = p.height - this.radius for (let p of players){ if (p.isLeft) left = p.rightSide + this.radius if (p.isRight) right = p.leftSide - this.radius if (p.isTop) top = p.downSide + this.radius if (p.isBottom) bottom = p.upSide - this.radius } let x = p.random(left, right), y = p.random(top, bottom) return new Vector(x, y) } update(): void{ this.time.update() if (this.time.finished) this.destroy() if (this.time.timeLeft() < this.fadeTime){ this.currentRadius = p.pow(this.time.timeLeft() / this.fadeTime, 2) * this.radius } else if ( < this.fadeTime){ this.currentRadius = p.pow( / this.fadeTime, 2) * this.radius } } destroy(): void{} serialized(): Serialized.Item{ return { id:, radius: this.radius, pos: this.pos.serialized(), color: this.color, time: this.time, currentRadius: this.currentRadius } } } class TimeProcess{ //Numbers in Milliseconds max: number now: number finished: boolean constructor(max){ this.max = max = 0 this.finished = false } update(): void{ += 1000 / p.frameRate() if ( >= this.max) this.finished = true } progress(): number{ return / this.max } timeLeft(): number{ return this.max - } serialized(): Serialized.TimeProcess{ return { max: this.max, now:, finished: this.finished } } } class Boost extends Item{ //Class for the boost objects appearing on the game board //Inherits following properties from Item: /* id: string pos: Vector radius: number color: Serialized.Color settings: Settings.Item time: TimeProcess */ type: string positive: boolean bool: string effect: Settings.Effect constructor(settings: Settings.Boost){ super(settings) this.type = p.random(settings.types) this.positive = ranBool(2) this.bool = this.positive ? "positive" : "negative" this.effect = settings.effect[this.type] this.color = { stroke: settings.color[this.bool].stroke, fill: settings.color[this.bool].fill } } destroy(): void{ let index = game.boosts.indexOf(this) game.boosts.splice(index, 1) } serialized(): Serialized.Boost{ let item = super.serialized() as Serialized.Boost item.type = this.type item.bool = this.bool return item } show(): void{ let angle = p.TWO_PI * (1 - / this.time.max), size = this.size p.push() p.translate(this.centerX, this.centerY) p.image(icons[this.type][this.bool], -size / 2, -size / 2, size, size) p.pop() } } class ActiveBoost{ time: TimeProcess type: string positive: boolean bool: string player: Player color: Settings.Color effect: {[key: string]: number} reset: {[key: string]: number} id: string constructor(player: Player, boost: Boost){ = randomToken() this.time = new TimeProcess(boost.effect.duration) this.type = boost.type this.color = { stroke: boost.color.stroke, fill: boost.color.fill } this.positive = boost.positive this.bool = boost.bool this.player = player if (boost.positive) this.effect = boost.effect.positive if (!boost.positive) this.effect = boost.effect.negative this.reset = boost.effect.standard } serialized(): Serialized.ActiveBoost{ return { time: this.time.serialized(), type: this.type, bool: this.bool, positive: this.positive, color: this.color, id: } } update(): void{ this.player.applyValues(this.effect) this.time.update() if (this.time.finished){ this.player.applyValues(this.reset) for (let b of this.player.boosts){ if ( ==={ let index = this.player.boosts.indexOf(b) this.player.boosts.splice(index, 1) break } } } } }