class Card{ constructor(id, src){ = id; this.src = src; this.revealed = true; this.createDomElement(); } static SortDomElements(){ function byIndex(a, b){ return $(a).data("index") - $(b).data("index"); } for (let c of cards){ $(c.dom).data("index", cards.indexOf(c)); } let list = $("#table img").get(); list.sort(byIndex); $("#table").append(list); } static getById(id){ for (let c of cards){ if ( === id) return c; } } static hideTime(){ return 300; } reveal(){ if (this.revealed) return; let card = this; this.dom.delay(Card.hideTime() / 2).queue(function(next){ $(this).attr("src", card.src); next(); }); this.dom.css("transform", "rotateY(0deg)"); this.revealed = true; } hide(){ if (!this.revealed) return; this.dom.delay(Card.hideTime() / 2).queue(function(next){ $(this).attr("src", hidden); next(); }); this.dom.css("transform", "rotateY(180deg)"); this.revealed = false; } savePosition(){ let x = this.dom.position().left; let y = this.dom.position().top; this.dom.css({ "left": x, "top": y }); this.pos = {left: x, top: y}; } moveToPosition(type, staple){ let card = this; this.dom.css("position", "absolute"); this.moving = true; this.dom.animate({ left: this.pos.left, top: }, 750, function(){ card.moving = false; if (type === "collect") { card.appendToStaple(staple); } for (let c of cards) if (c.moving) return; if (type === "collect"){ } else { for (let c of cards) c.dom.css("position", "static"); Card.SortDomElements(); game.shuffled = true; } }); } appendToStaple(staple){ this.dom.remove(); this.dom.css({ "position": "", "top": "", "left": "" }); this.dom.attr("class", "card card_on_staple"); staple.append(this.dom); } createDomElement(){ this.dom = $("");"card", this); this.dom.attr({ "class": "card_on_table card", "id":, "src": this.revealed ? this.src : hidden }); => cardClicked(this)); let card = this; this.dom.hover(() => card.debugShow(), () => card.debugHide()); $("#table").append(this.dom); } equals(other){ return this.src === other.src; } debugShow(){ if (this.revealed || !debug) return; this.dom.attr("src", this.src); } debugHide(){ if (this.revealed || !debug) return; this.dom.attr("src", hidden); } }