import {ServerGame} from "./game_standard" import {Room} from "../room" import {Client} from "../client" import {log} from "../logger"; import fs = require("fs"); export class GlobalDraw extends ServerGame { lines: any[]; pixels: any[][]; linesPath = "json_data/global_draw/lines.json"; pixelsPath = "json_data/global_draw/pixels.json"; pixelCount = 1000; constructor(lobby: Room, settings: Settings.Global) { super(lobby, settings); this.lines = []; this.pixels = []; for (let x = 0; x < this.pixelCount; x++) { let column = []; for (let y = 0; y < this.pixelCount; y++) { column.push({x: x, y: y, c: "#ffffff"}); } this.pixels.push(column); } let linesLoaded = false; let pixelsLoaded = false; this.loadDrawingsFromFile(this.linesPath, (data: any[]) => { this.lines = data; }, () => { linesLoaded = true; if (pixelsLoaded) { this.startSaveInterval(); } }); this.loadDrawingsFromFile(this.pixelsPath, (data: any[]) => { for (let x = 0; x < this.pixelCount; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < this.pixelCount; y++) { if (data[x]) if (data[x][y]) this.pixels[x][y].c = data[x][y].c } } }, () => { pixelsLoaded = true; if (linesLoaded) { this.startSaveInterval(); } }); } startSaveInterval() { this.saveAllDrawingsToFile(); //Saves once every day setInterval(() => this.saveAllDrawingsToFile(), 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); } addLine(line: any) { this.lines.push(line);'add-line', line) } fillPixel(pixel: any) { this.pixels[pixel.x][pixel.y].c = pixel.c;'fill-pixel', pixel) } loadDrawingsFromFile(drawingsPath: string, successs: (data: any[]) => void, done: () => void) { fs.readFile(drawingsPath, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) log('load-error', null,, err.message); else { try { let parsed = JSON.parse(data); log('load-success', null,; successs(parsed); } catch (e) { log('parse-error', null,, e.message); } } done(); }); } saveDrawingsToFile(drawings: any[], drawingsPath: string, callback: (err: any) => void) { let splits = drawingsPath.split('/'); let path = splits.slice(0, splits.length - 1).reduce((prev, curr) => prev + '/' + curr); let name = splits[splits.length - 1]; if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { fs.mkdirSync(path, {recursive: true}); } fs.writeFile(drawingsPath, JSON.stringify(drawings), callback); } saveAllDrawingsToFile() { let linesSaved = false; let pixelsSaved = false; this.saveDrawingsToFile(this.lines, this.linesPath, (err) => { if (err) log('save-error', null,, err.message); else { linesSaved = true; if (pixelsSaved) {'all-saved'); linesSaved = false; pixelsSaved = false } log('save-success', null,, 'Successfully saved lines to file') } }); this.saveDrawingsToFile(this.pixels, this.pixelsPath, (err) => { if (err) log('save-error', null,, err.message); else { pixelsSaved = true; if (linesSaved) {'all-saved'); pixelsSaved = false; linesSaved = false } log('save-success', null,, 'Successfully saved pixels to file') } }); } addClient(client: Client): void { this.setEvents(client); } setEvents(client: Client): void { super.setEvents(client); let socket = client.socket; socket.on('add-line', (line) => this.addLine(line)); socket.on('fill-pixel', (pixel) => this.fillPixel(pixel)); socket.on('request-all-lines', () => socket.emit('add-all', this.lines)); socket.on('request-all-pixels', () => socket.emit('fill-all', this.pixels)); socket.on('save-all', () => this.saveAllDrawingsToFile()); } }