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//Only change if added more cases in LevelSwitcher
var levelCount = 5;
//Global: Amount of reached levels
var levelReached = null;
//Global: Erases every Cookie and starts Level 1 with 0 levelReached
function deleteMemory(){
currentGame.totalBricksDestroyed = getTotalBricksDestroyed(currentGame.levelNum);
currentGame.recordTime = getRecordTime(currentGame.levelNum);
currentGame = new Level(1);
//Level: Returns the shortest time ever played on that level
function getRecordTime(level){
var time = getItem("rekordTime" + level);
time = time == null ? Infinity : parseInt(time);
return time;
//Global: Returns the total time played from every level
function getTotalTimePlayed(){
var time = getItem("totalTimePlayed");
time = time == null ? 0 : parseInt(time);
return time;
//Level: Returns the total amount of destroyed bricks of that level
function getTotalBricksDestroyed(level){
var bricks = getItem("totalBricksDestroyed" + level);
bricks = bricks == null ? 0 : parseInt(bricks);
return bricks;
//Global: Returns the total global amount of destroyed bricks
function getTotalBricksDestroyedGlobal(){
var totalBricks = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= levelCount; i++){
var bricks = getItem("totalBricksDestroyed" + i);
bricks = bricks == null ? 0 : parseInt(bricks);
totalBricks += bricks;
return totalBricks;
//Level: Sets a new record time for a specific level
function setRecordTime(level, time){
//storeItem("rekordTime" + level, String(time), 10);
time = toTimeString(time);
$("#rekordInfo table:eq(1) tr:eq(" + level + ") td:eq(2)").text(time);
//Global: Sets the total time played from every level
function setTotalTimePlayed(time){
//storeItem("totalTimePlayed", String(time), 10);
time = toTimeString(time, true);
//Level: Sets the total amount of destroyed bricks for a specific level
function setTotalBricksDestroyed(level, bricks){
//storeItem("totalBricksDestroyed" + level, String(bricks), 10);
$("#rekordInfo table:eq(1) tr:eq(" + level + ") td:eq(0)").text(bricks);