@ -1,141 +1,58 @@ |
window.onload = async function(){ |
let all_dates = []; // Alle Daten für die für min. einen Spieler ein Rang gespeichert ist
let all_yDatasets = []; // Datasets, also die einzelnen Linien im Graphen, beinhaltet player_points
let player_points = {}; // puuid zeigt auf eine Liste von Punkten, welche die y-Koordinaten im Graphen darstellen
let player_entries = {}; // puuid zeigt auf player entries
let player_entries_byName = {}; // playername zeigt auf entries (damit im kombinierten Graphen die Tooltips korrekt gerendert werden können)
let player_accounts = {}; // puuid zeigt auf player account
await fetch(`get.php`, { |
method: "GET", |
}) |
.then(res => res.json()) |
.then(result => { |
player_entries = result["entries"]; |
player_accounts = result["accounts"]; |
for (const puuid in player_entries) { |
// Alle Daten für die Spieler Einträge haben sollen in all_dates
for (const entry_date in player_entries[puuid]) { |
all_dates.push(entry_date) |
} |
// Hier schonmal puuids/namen auf leere Arrays setzen, damit später einfach .push verwendet werden kann
player_points[puuid] = []; |
player_entries_byName[`${player_accounts[puuid]["gameName"]}#${player_accounts[puuid]["tagLine"]}`] = []; |
} |
// Daten sortieren und Duplicates entfernen
all_dates.sort(); |
all_dates = [...new Set(all_dates)]; |
let color_counter = 0; |
for (const puuid in player_entries) { |
for (const date_string of all_dates) { |
// Für alle Player Entries Punktzahl berechnen und in player_points eintragen
// Bei der Gelegenheit auch Entries in player_entries_byName eintragen
if (date_string in player_entries[puuid]) { |
player_points[puuid].push(rank_to_points(player_entries[puuid][date_string]["tier"],player_entries[puuid][date_string]["rank"],player_entries[puuid][date_string]["points"])); |
player_entries_byName[`${player_accounts[puuid]["gameName"]}#${player_accounts[puuid]["tagLine"]}`][date_string] = player_entries[puuid][date_string]; |
} else { |
player_points[puuid].push(null); |
} |
} |
// Linie für den Spieler zu Datasets des Graphen hinzufügen
all_yDatasets.push({ |
label: `${player_accounts[puuid]["gameName"]}#${player_accounts[puuid]["tagLine"]}`, |
fill: false, |
borderColor: getColor(color_counter), |
backgroundColor: getColor(color_counter), |
data: player_points[puuid], |
spanGaps: true, |
}) |
color_counter++; |
} |
// Graphen erstellen
new Chart(`progress-chart-combined`, { |
type: "line", |
data: { |
labels: all_dates, |
datasets: all_yDatasets, |
}, |
options: { |
plugins: { |
tooltip: { |
callbacks: { |
label: function(context) { |
return format_rank(player_entries_byName[context.dataset.label][context.label]["tier"],player_entries_byName[context.dataset.label][context.label]["rank"],player_entries_byName[context.dataset.label][context.label]["points"]) |
}, |
beforeTitle: function (context) { |
return context[0].dataset.label; |
}, |
} |
} |
}, |
scales: { |
y: { |
display: true, |
stepSize: 100, |
ticks: { |
callback: (value) => { |
return points_to_rankstring(value,false); |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
} |
}); |
}) |
.catch(e => console.error(e)) |
const charts = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-chart"); |
for (const chart of charts) { |
let puuid = chart.id.split("-"); |
puuid.splice(0,2); |
puuid = puuid.join("-"); |
let xValues = []; |
let yValues = []; |
for (const entriesKey in player_entries[puuid]) { |
let points = rank_to_points(player_entries[puuid][entriesKey]["tier"], player_entries[puuid][entriesKey]["rank"], player_entries[puuid][entriesKey]["points"]); |
xValues.push(entriesKey); |
yValues.push(points); |
} |
new Chart(`progress-chart-${puuid}`, { |
type: "line", |
data: { |
labels: xValues, |
datasets: [{ |
label: `${player_accounts[puuid]["gameName"]}#${player_accounts[puuid]["tagLine"]}`, |
fill: false, |
borderColor: "rgba(150,150,175)", |
backgroundColor: "rgba(150,150,175)", |
data: yValues |
}] |
}, |
options: { |
plugins: { |
legend: {display: false}, |
tooltip: { |
callbacks: { |
label: function(context) { |
return format_rank(player_entries[puuid][context.label]["tier"],player_entries[puuid][context.label]["rank"],player_entries[puuid][context.label]["points"]) |
}, |
beforeTitle: function (context) { |
return context[0].dataset.label; |
fetch(`get.php?puuid=${puuid}`, { |
method: "GET", |
}) |
.then(res => res.json()) |
.then(entries => { |
let xValues = []; |
let yValues = []; |
for (const entriesKey in entries) { |
let points = rank_to_points(entries[entriesKey]["tier"], entries[entriesKey]["rank"], entries[entriesKey]["points"]); |
xValues.push(entriesKey); |
yValues.push(points); |
} |
new Chart(`progress-chart-${puuid}`, { |
type: "line", |
data: { |
labels: xValues, |
datasets: [{ |
fill: false, |
borderColor: "rgba(150,150,175)", |
backgroundColor: "rgba(150,150,175)", |
data: yValues |
}] |
}, |
options: { |
plugins: { |
legend: {display: false}, |
tooltip: { |
callbacks: { |
label: function(context) { |
return format_rank(entries[context.label]["tier"],entries[context.label]["rank"],entries[context.label]["points"]) |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
scales: { |
y: { |
display: true, |
stepSize: 100, |
ticks: { |
callback: (value) => { |
return points_to_rankstring(value,false); |
} |
} |
}, |
} |
}, |
} |
}, |
scales: { |
y: { |
display: true, |
stepSize: 100, |
ticks: { |
callback: (value) => { |
return points_to_rankstring(value,false); |
} |
} |
}, |
}, |
} |
}); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(e => console.error(e)) |
} |
}; |
@ -197,9 +114,4 @@ function format_rank(tier,rank,lp) { |
if (!apex_tiers) rank_string += ` ${rank}`; |
rank_string += ` ${lp} LP`; |
return rank_string; |
} |
function getColor(num) { |
const colors = ["#ea5545", "#f46a9b", "#ef9b20", "#edbf33", "#ede15b", "#bdcf32", "#87bc45", "#27aeef", "#b33dc6"] |
return colors[num%9]; |
} |