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require_once "../util/mysql_connect.php";
require_once "RiotRequest.php";
class Tracker {
private MySQLConnection $conn;
* @var Account[]
public array $accounts;
* @var Elo[][]
public array $entries;
public function __construct() {
$this->conn = new MySQLConnection();
private function readAccounts(): void {
$accounts = [];
$sql = $this->conn->query("SELECT * FROM `accounts`");
while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
$account = new Account();
$account->puuid = $row["puuid"];
$account->gameName = $row["gameName"];
$account->tagLine = $row["tagLine"];
$accounts[$account->puuid] = $account;
$this->accounts = $accounts;
private function readEntries(): void {
$sql = $this->conn->query("
SELECT accounts.puuid AS puuid, date, tier, `rank`, points
FROM accounts LEFT JOIN elo_entries ON id = accountId
ORDER BY accounts.puuid, date
$result = [];
while ($row = $sql->fetch_assoc()) {
$puuid = $row["puuid"];
$date = $row["date"];
if (!isset($result[$puuid]))
$result[$puuid] = [];
if (!$date)
$elo = new Elo();
$elo->tier = $row["tier"];
$elo->rank = $row["rank"];
$elo->points = $row["points"];
$result[$puuid][$date] = $elo;
$this->entries = $result;
public function update(): void {
foreach ($this->accounts as $puuid => $account) {
8 months ago
public function add($gameName, $tagLine, &$message): bool {
$request = new RiotRequest("riot/account/v1/accounts/by-riot-id/$gameName/$tagLine");
$result = $request->run();
if ($request->responseCode === 200){
if (!key_exists($result->puuid, $this->accounts)){
$account = new Account();
$account->puuid = $result->puuid;
$account->gameName = $result->gameName;
$account->tagLine = $result->tagLine;
$this->accounts[$account->puuid] = $account;
INSERT INTO `accounts`
(`puuid`, `gameName`, `tagLine`)
VALUES (?, ?, ?)
")->execute([$account->puuid, $account->gameName, $account->tagLine]);
$message = "Success.";
return true;
} else {
$message = "Riot ID already added.";
} else {
$message = "Riot ID not found.";
return false;
public function remove($gameName, $tagLine, &$message): bool {
$request = new RiotRequest("riot/account/v1/accounts/by-riot-id/$gameName/$tagLine");
$result = $request->run();
if ($request->responseCode === 200){
if (key_exists($result->puuid, $this->accounts)){
DELETE FROM `accounts`
WHERE puuid = '$result->puuid';
$message = "Success.";
return true;
} else {
$message = "Riot ID was not added.";
} else {
$message = "Riot ID not found.";
return false;
class Account {
public string $puuid;
public string $gameName;
public string $tagLine;
* @param Elo[] $eloEntries
public function addNewEloEntry(array &$eloEntries): void {
8 months ago
$summonerId = (new RiotRequest("lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-puuid/$this->puuid"))->run($isEUNE)->id;
$fetchedLeagues = (new RiotRequest("lol/league/v4/entries/by-summoner/$summonerId", $isEUNE))->run();
$currentElo = end($eloEntries);
foreach ($fetchedLeagues as $fetchedElo) {
if ($fetchedElo->queueType === "RANKED_SOLO_5x5" && ($fetchedElo->wins + $fetchedElo->losses >= 5)) {
if (!$currentElo ||
$currentElo->tier !== $fetchedElo->tier ||
$currentElo->rank !== $fetchedElo->rank ||
$currentElo->points !== $fetchedElo->leaguePoints){
$currentElo = new Elo();
$currentElo->tier = $fetchedElo->tier;
$currentElo->rank = $fetchedElo->rank;
$currentElo->points = $fetchedElo->leaguePoints;
$date = (new DateTime("now"))->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$eloEntries[$date] = $currentElo;
$conn = new MySQLConnection();
$sqlAccountId = $conn->query("
FROM `accounts`
WHERE puuid = '$this->puuid'
INSERT INTO `elo_entries`
(accountId, date, tier, `rank`, points)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
$sqlAccountId, $date, $currentElo->tier, $currentElo->rank, $currentElo->points
public function updateRiotID(): void {
$request = new RiotRequest("riot/account/v1/accounts/by-puuid/$this->puuid");
$result = $request->run();
if ($request->responseCode == 200) {
$this->gameName = $result->gameName;
$this->tagLine = $result->tagLine;
$conn = new MySQLConnection();
UPDATE `accounts`
SET `gameName` = '$this->gameName', `tagLine` = '$this->tagLine'
WHERE `puuid` = '$this->puuid'
class Elo {
public string $tier;
public string $rank;
public int $points;
public function value() : int {
$tiers = [
"CHALLENGER" => 2800,
"GRANDMASTER" => 2800,
"MASTER" => 2800,
"DIAMOND" => 2400,
"EMERALD" => 2000,
"PLATINUM" => 1600,
"GOLD" => 1200,
"SILVER" => 800,
"BRONZE" => 400,
"IRON" => 0,
$ranks = [
"I" => 300,
"II" => 200,
"III" => 100,
"IV" => 0,
$tier = $this->tier;
if ($tier === "MASTER" || $tier === "GRANDMASTER" || $tier === "CHALLENGER")
return $tiers[$tier] + $this->points;
return $tiers[$tier] + $ranks[$this->rank] + $this->points;