Solving Inverse-Kinematic Problem for PUMA via Position Based Dynamics
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#include "Link.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Eigen/Dense"
Eigen::Matrix3d ULink::GetMomentOfInertia() const {
const FVector FI = this->GetInertiaTensor();
// Inertial tensor of rotation
const Eigen::Vector3d I(FI.X, FI.Y, FI.Z);
// Moment of inertia
const Eigen::Matrix3d I0;// = R.transpose() * I * R;
return I0;
Eigen::Matrix3d ULink::GetRotationMatrix() const{
const FQuat fq = this->GetRelativeRotation().Quaternion();
const Eigen::Vector3d q(fq.X, fq.Y, fq.Z);
const double w = fq.W;
Eigen::Matrix3d q_hat;
q_hat << 0, -q.z(), q.y(),
q.z(), 0, -q.x(),
-q.y(), q.x(), 0;
const Eigen::Matrix3d R = (w * w - * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() + 2 * q * q.transpose() + 2 * w * q_hat;
return R;
void ULink::BeginPlay(){
const FVector t = this->GetInertiaTensor();
inertia_tensor = Eigen::Vector3d(t.X, t.Y, t.Z);
const double M = this->CalculateMass();
Eigen::Vector3d v;
v << 3, 5, 7;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("%f"), M);