// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "Robot.h" ARobot::ARobot(){ PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; } void ARobot::BeginPlay(){ Super::BeginPlay(); GetComponents(Parts); for (auto* Link : Parts){ Link->Setup(); if (Link->PrevJoint) Joints.Add(Link->PrevJoint); } // Example: 3 Parts are connected with 2 Joints assert(Parts.Num() == Joints.Num() + 1); } void ARobot::Tick(const float DeltaTime){ Super::Tick(DeltaTime); constexpr int SubSteps = 30; const double h = DeltaTime / SubSteps; for (int i = 0; i < SubSteps; i++){ for (auto* Link : Parts) Link->Update(h); for (const auto* Joint : Joints) Joint->SolvePosition(h); for (auto* Link : Parts) Link->Integrate(h); for (const auto* Joint : Joints) Joint->SolveVelocity(h); } for (auto* Link : Parts) Link->UpdateInternalTransform(); }