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using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Game {
public class AIPlayer : Player {
* Possible optimizations:
* - Ignore impossible balls
* - Try to hit ball with edge
public Difficulty Difficulty { get; set; }
// True if ball y velocity points towards player
private bool BallApproaches(Ball ball) {
var ballVy = ball.Rb.velocity.y;
return Side switch {
ESide.Bottom => ballVy < 0,
ESide.Top => ballVy > 0,
_ => throw new Exception("Side not set on player!")
// Not manhattan, only Y direction
private float YDistanceToBall(Ball ball) {
return Mathf.Abs(ball.Rb.position.y - Y());
// o: Origin, e: End
public static bool Intersect(Vector2 o1, Vector2 e1, Vector2 o2, Vector2 e2, out Vector2 point) {
point =;
Vector2 m1 = e1 - o1;
Vector2 m2 = e2 - o2;
* o1x + r * m1x = o2x + s * m2x
* o1y + r * m1y = o2y + s * m2y
* Solve for r and s:
* Formulas below achieved by reordering
* Order is irrelevant, but if m1x == 0 then first approach results in division by zero ->
* Invert order then, and if division by zero is still a problem, both lines are parallel anyway
float r, s;
if (m1.x != 0) {
s = (o1.y + o2.x * m1.y / m1.x - o1.x * m1.y / m1.x - o2.y) / (m2.y - m2.x * m1.y / m1.x);
r = (o2.x + s * m2.x - o1.x) / m1.x;
} else if (m2.x != 0) {
r = (o2.y + o1.x * m2.y / m2.x - o2.x * m2.y / m2.x - o1.y) / (m1.y - m1.x * m2.y / m2.x);
s = (o1.x + r * m1.x - o2.x) / m2.x;
} else {
return false;
if (s is > 0 and < 1 && r is > 0 and < 1) {
point = o1 + r * m1;
return true;
return false;
private Vector2 Simulate(Vector2 origin, Vector2 velocity, float radius, float secondsLeft) {
Vector2 validAreaOrigin = new Vector2(BorderSize.Singleton.x1, BorderSize.Singleton.y1) + new Vector2(radius, radius);
Vector2 validAreaSize = BorderSize.Singleton.Size - new Vector2(radius, radius) * 2;
Rect area = new Rect(validAreaOrigin, validAreaSize);
Vector2 end = origin + velocity * secondsLeft;
if (area.Contains(end))
return end;
float playerY = Side == ESide.Bottom ? area.yMin : area.yMax;
Vector2 playerLeft = new Vector2(area.xMin, playerY);
Vector2 playerRight = new Vector2(area.xMax, playerY);
// Horizontal line (player line) -> stop simulating
if (Intersect(origin, end, playerLeft, playerRight, out Vector2 point))
return point;
bool borderHit = false;
Vector2 borderHitPoint =;
// Left vertical border
if (Intersect(origin, end, new Vector2(area.xMin, area.yMin), new Vector2(area.xMin, area.yMax), out point)) {
borderHit = true;
borderHitPoint = point;
// Right vertical border
if (Intersect(origin, end, new Vector2(area.xMax, area.yMin), new Vector2(area.xMax, area.yMax), out point)) {
borderHit = true;
borderHitPoint = point;
// Any border -> invert x velocity and simulate all seconds left
if (borderHit) {
secondsLeft -= (borderHitPoint - origin).magnitude / Speed;
velocity = new Vector2(-velocity.x, velocity.y);
origin = borderHitPoint;
return Simulate(origin, velocity, radius, secondsLeft);
// No intersection -> Ball outside of field -> dont simulate further
return origin;
private float FutureSeconds => (float) Difficulty * 0.5f;
private float GetTargetPosition() {
var balls = GameManager.Singleton.Balls.Where(b => b.IsAlive);
var approaching = balls.Where(BallApproaches).ToList();
if (approaching.Count == 0)
return Difficulty >= Difficulty.Medium ? 0 : X();
// Nearest by Y-Distance
Ball ball = approaching.Aggregate(approaching[0], (prev, current) => YDistanceToBall(current) < YDistanceToBall(prev) ? current : prev);
Vector2 origin = ball.Rb.position;
Vector2 velocity = ball.Rb.velocity;
float radius = ball.Radius;
Vector2 simulatedPosition = Simulate(origin, velocity, radius, FutureSeconds);
return simulatedPosition.x;
private void FixedUpdate() {
float target = GetTargetPosition();
const float h = 0.5f;
goingLeft = target < X() - h;
goingRight = target > X() + h;